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antiageingblog · 2 years ago
Hair Filler Dr Cyj.
Grote prijs verschillen tussen de verschillende medische centra.
De laagste tarieven vinden we bij :
Sarasin Clinic - Sint Maartens Latem : 200€
Clinic3D - Hasselt : 150€
#hairfiller #drcyj
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antiageingblog · 2 years ago
Hair Filler of PRP. Een duidelijke duiding.
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antiageingblog · 2 years ago
Hairfiller in detail.
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antiageingblog · 2 years ago
#hairfiller Van alle behandelingen tegen haarverlies is Dr CYJ Hairfiller zeker de moeite waard om te te proberen.
Naast Minoxidil zijn er tal van medictaies op de markt om Allocepia tegen te gaan. Minoxidol ooit door Upjohn (heden Pfizer) op de markt gebracht als wondermiddel tegen haaruitval heeft inmiddels bewezen de beste topische behandeling te tegen haarverlies. Ook medicatie zoals Finasteride werkt effectief, helaas medicatie komt met bijwerkingen onbestaand, mild of ernstig kunnen zijn en voor iedereen verschillend kunnen zijn. Dus behandeling met medicatie steeds onder toezicht van een arts. Is Hairfiller het nieuwe wondermiddel ? Wij zoeken het uit en komen terug met inzichten.
#hairfiller #drcyj
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antiageingblog · 3 years ago
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Dr Daniel Dimovski. Beware, not only already 5 beauty clinics ended their coöperation with this Cosmetic Cowboy. Dr Dimoski advertises and markets Cosmetic Medicine as a perfectly normal experience for anyone who can afford it. This cosmetic doctor has become social media star focussing on getting as much as possible followers. But behind the glitz and glamour lies an ugly truth.
“Never, ever, ever, not slightly ever admit to a patient that something’s bad or wrong,”  “Complications are not our fault, but always the patiënt’s fault”.
Beware of this Cosmetic Doctor who’s ownlips are bigger than Kim Kardashian‘s.
#drdimovski #cometiccowby #danieldimovski #beautyclinic
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antiageingblog · 4 years ago
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All about the good life. Folllow on IG.
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antiageingblog · 4 years ago
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antiageingblog · 4 years ago
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antiageingblog · 4 years ago
Our FB and IG followers know we believe Cosmopolis Clinic is very professional. We have an appointment to discuss Cosmetic Dental Care, moreover Venere’s. We post next week our experience.
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antiageingblog · 4 years ago
Let’s investigate Veneers.
Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain adhered to the outer-surface of the tooth. Composite veneers are engineered resin affixed to the outer-surface. Both are made to match your teeth (or whiten) and improve your overall smile.
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antiageingblog · 4 years ago
Who’s this doctor who is all over social media. This doctor works in 5 different beauty clinics. He’s advertising with lip fillers and botox treatments on instagram and facebook. The number of IG stories and publications. Is uncountable. We actually stopped following him as the number of messages was to much… an overkill.. Also he exposes his private life on IG and really I do not see to wake up my cosmetic doctor in his pyjama’s or show  a dance in dress made of his pillow.
No for IG influencers is you some cosmetic treatment and prepared to publish the treatment on your page you can benefit for serious discounts. We did the test on 14/01 and called the clinic In Gent. If we shared your positive experience we get a discount upto 40% because we have over 50k followers on IG.
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antiageingblog · 4 years ago
PRP further exposed. No scientific proof. 
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antiageingblog · 4 years ago
PRP became famous years ago as Kim Kardashian popularized PRP Facials a couple of years ago. When we are talking about the Kardashians we always have to be careful, they are just a marketing machine. 4 years later PRP is becoming also popular in Belgium... as it currently is marked by the Instagram Dr Dimovski. We started our research in The Netherlands, as there the Hype is mainly over..... Yes it's a hype.... all doctors we spoke confirmed the results were below expectations. As it's quite pricey..patients became critical...and demand faded away. From a clinic's perspective, it easy money... it does not required large investment, the products (your own blood) is so this explains why prp was marketed.  Let see how this hype evolves in Belgium. Now all Dutch doctors confirmed PRP gives excellent results for hair treatments especially after a hair transplantation;
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antiageingblog · 4 years ago
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antiageingblog · 4 years ago
Let’s investigae PRP facial treatment ? First some articles from beauty clinics. That scientific facts.
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antiageingblog · 8 years ago
Huidverjonging. venus viva
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antiageingblog · 9 years ago
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#Conan talks #botox. 😐 #lol #TeamCoco
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