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episodes that i think every tv show should have:
beach trip
random genre change (especially if it's to a noir detective thing)
one where they get randomly meta and fourth wall breaky but then never acknowledge it again
one where something happened but we as the audience don't actually get to see how it happened and only see it through the unreliable narrated flashbacks as recollected by the characters
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So I just saw a post by a random personal blog that said “don’t follow me if we never even had a conversation before” and?????? Not to be rude but literally what the fuck??????????
I’ve had people (non-pornbots) try to strike conversation out of nowhere in my DMs recently, and now I’m wondering if they were doing that because they wanted to follow me and thought they needed to interact first. I feel compelled to say, just in case, that it’s totally okay to follow this blog (or my side blog, for that matter) even if we’ve never talked before.
Also, I’m legit confused. Is this how follow culture works right now? It was worded like it’s common sense but is that really a thing?
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Thinking about... Grieving the undead.
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"sorry that probably doesn't make much sense" <- for perfectly intelligible & logical statements relevant to the present conversation
"you get what I mean." <- for unparsable non sequiturs
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I felt so awful reading Yoongi’s apology (I believe that’s his third over something so insignificant!) and I’m not sure what else to even say or how to proceed.
Army has spent the last two (three? whatever it’s been) weeks trying to convey how much we love and support him. I worry that the message isn’t getting through. I just hope he knows that this whole thing changes nothing for so many of us. We still respect him as a human and as an artist. We don’t view him or the group any differently. We are still eagerly awaiting 2025.
I’m sad, and I’m sure many of you are sad too. But I’m not sure if it does us any good to dwell in that emotion. So, I’m going to continue to post as normal. I hope it’ll bring someone some joy. But before I do that, I wanted to be clear about how I feel and acknowledge that this is really a sad time. We’ll get through it. I have hope!
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Thank you Paris Match for being serious.
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genuinely one of the saddest parts of this new era of the internet is how hard it is to rick roll someone now. with people's attention spans shortening so much, they wouldn't even get through the first few bait seconds before clicking off the video. like i saw a comment that ended with "btw i made all of this up" and the replies kept treating it so seriously because none of them finished the entire 4 sentence comment. and We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I (do I) A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
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What are some chronic illnesses that can only occur in a fantasy setting?
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anotherfrenchwarrior · 2 months
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Prepare yourself.
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anotherfrenchwarrior · 2 months
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We just knew.
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anotherfrenchwarrior · 3 months
Armand thinks he's in a rom-com, Lestat thinks he's in a romantic tragedy, Claudia thinks she's in a coming-of-age story, and Daniel thinks he's in a sitcom. Meanwhile Louis knows he's in all four. He just doesn't know who the main character is.
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anotherfrenchwarrior · 3 months
My favourite underrated thing about Louis de Point du Lac is that he truly is the least curious vampire to ever be made and he does not give fuck about vampires despite being one.
Its Claudia who goes to libraries, reads the folklore, tries to learn as much as she can and pushes Lestat for answers about who made him and where the others are. Claudia says Vampire Pride and Louis says hmmm Vampire Tolerance.
And Louis...truly does not care about vampire history,law, culture. He's never even thought to ask. There are vampire laws?...ok...Lestat never cared about them and he's not going to either, lol. He's broken a few and he will continue to do so. Oh you have a coven? he's not gonna join it, he's gonna do his own thing. but good for you good for you.
the 500+ year old Coven Leader, he's gonna call Louis, Maitre, actually.
He has fire powers? thats kinda cool. he'll learn that but only cause it lets him vent his feelings about Lestat.
Lestat and Armand say the name of the vampire queen in front of him and Lestat straight up says, "Louis has no idea who that is" and do you think Louis cares, outside of the fact that for some reason it means he can't kill Lestat? No! Do you think in the 77 years he's been with Armand he ever took 5 minutes to ask a follow up question? No!
Do you think he will care about Akasha in season 3? Doubt it! Outside of her obsession with Lestat, who is the only person left on the planet he seems to be able to filter Caring About This Shit through
He blatantly breaks the 3rd law and publishes a book about being a vampire and when the other vampires get pissed not only does he not apologise he literally sends them his location and says 'you wanna fight? lmao don't miss'
I love him. Daniel Molloy is gonna need to bring his A game because Louis will not be solving a single mystery next season, nor would it even occur to him to try.
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anotherfrenchwarrior · 3 months
my most shameful confession is that i have not read the shepherd's crown and i am never going to. i took one look at the cover and i saw the bees and i saw You and i was like "oh, granny weatherwax dies in this one" and i decided i was never going to touch it. if i never read it i never have to acknowledge that death is real. i never have to accept that this is the end. as long as i never read it then there will always, always be more discworld left to read. i can live forever in a world where the story isn't over yet.
it's been almost a decade and i'm still not ready to say goodbye. you can't make me.
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anotherfrenchwarrior · 3 months
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we won
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anotherfrenchwarrior · 3 months
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I just realized that apparently I never shared this series here on Tumblr??  
I call it Living Paintings, as they are recreations of extinct animals that some artists actually saw and painted from memory, a long time ago.
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anotherfrenchwarrior · 3 months
Oh, I like this post! Let's talk more about it ^^
I think we can also talk about how their attitude changed while growing up. Seeing them when they were young is what made me ship them in the first place. They were glued to each other, always touching, always teasing... they had that dynamic (that we all at least saw if we didn't experience it) of young people crushing hard on each other.
Learning that Yg was the reason why Jm pushed himself to be in the group didn't surprise me one bit. Through the teasing, they became close quite fast and since then, it's like they made it a point to prove to everyone around them that "they are close". For example, during chapter 2, Jimin said that Yg doesn't eat when he's nervous... like he wants the world to know HE knows that little intimate fact about Yg, proving how close they are. In the same way, it was Yg who explained how shy Jimin can be with strangers while being extremely "funny" with the persons he knows. Like he was some sort of specialist of the Jimin species.
But proving they know eo is not enough. During chapter 2, we learned that they were in contact. A LOT. Why? Because they peppered all of their stories with Yoonmin's facts. "Oh, yesterday I talked with Jimin", "Nowadays I'm the closest to Hobi and Suga...", "oh we went to drink..." etc.
Tbh, I think they do that just because they do spend a lot of time together SO they do think of eo a lot too. Which we always learn with a delay, like it is an everyday fact. 'Oh they went to a BBQ together', 'they also had a dinner with one of Yg's friend', 'oh they train together', 'at some point Jimin was my drinking buddy'... They see eo on a daily basis and entangled themselves in eo's private life.
The fact that SO MANY people think of them as a unit, while they are members of a 7 members group is still quite sus. Why Taeyang would think to invite them both at the same time? Why would they group them for a show? Why is Jimin mentionned so often in relation to Yg and Yg in relation to Jm?
Now, as for their attitude tw eo now that the "initial crush phase" is gone... it's equally between comfort and restrain. Comfort when they hug, and they do hug a lot (my, my, those Grammys... they couldn't stop), or when Jimin literally falls onto Yg's side. Always done in a way that could be "excusable", like that time Jm just HAD to hug Yg to talk to someone else on the couch... and then stay in that position...
And that's when the restrain shows its face. At some point, there is no more excuses... So Jimin stop touching. Jimin (try to) be careful. Except Jimin IS someone who kisses and hugs people a lot, so why wouldn't he kiss Yg on the neck like he does with every other member ? WHY would he sometimes be SHY with Yg whom he knows so well?? Why is his behavior with Yg so peculiar?
All of this while Yg made it a POINT to explain lenghtly how he'll "always choose Jm" like a calming balm for someone who struggles with self-esteem... It's like Yg chose to show his side through unfaltering loyalty.
Of course, I have no doubt other ships have their reasons too. I don't think any shipper can be "convinced" by another ship. Let's just say this is how we (I) perceive our (my) ship. In the end, it doesn't matter as long as we love all of the boys and wish for their happiness.
so i am very much a yoonmin shipper and although i appreciate jimin's dynamic with all the tannies (especially tae), i was wondering if you could explain why yoonmin hits™️ for you and jikook (which i think is the other big jimin ship besides vmin and yoonmin) doesn't? (No offense to jikook). I know for me it's definitely partly that i feel jk is very much that loving to all the tannies while in yoongi's case he's a lot more reserved in general so i feel like his gestures speak a lot about his feelings. I was trying to explain this to my jikook irl friend but she didn't share my opinion hahaha (which is fine as long as nobody sends any hate).
Just wanted to get your two cents on it! 💜
P.s.: thanks for all your yoonmin posts, love them all
Hi anon! This is a great question. I could talk forever about why I think ym is special, but I’ll try to keep it short(ish).
To me, yoonmin stands out for a couple reasons:
1. the amount of time they spend together outside of work and the ways in which they spend time together. Yes, yoonmin go to dinner together and work out together, and these could just be friendly things. But then there are other times that seem to go beyond typical friendship: Jimin going to Yoongi’s parents’ house in Daegu, Jimin seeing Yoongi doing his shoulder rehab, Yoongi making a point of seeing Jimin at the music show (even saying that “of course” he would be there because he “should” be there), Jimin knowing what Yoongi’s temperature was on the night of the JITB party, Jimin sending flowers to Yoongi’s parents in addition to the flowers sent by the group. All of those things are significant to me. (You can go to my pinned post for more “free time” examples and for a post about health-related matters.)
2. Their own words: Yoongi likes Jimin’s voice best, Yoongi would bring Jimin to a deserted island, Jimin told Jimmy Fallon that Hobi and Yoongi are the members he sees most often, Jimin said he talked a lot with Yoongi about friendships/relationships while working on Face Off, etc, etc.
3. Their interactions: this is subjective, but both Yoongi and Jimin seem to want to be near each other and yet they are very careful. So often their interactions feel a bit hesitant or awkward. Why would that be? I think it’s because they can’t interact freely, given their situation. Add to that Yoongi often reaching out for Jimin, seemingly out of habit, and their dynamic just feels unique to me.
As for the other ship…I’m always hesitant to compare ships because I think all of the members are close. If someone ships j/kk or v/min or nam/gi, I think that’s great! I hope their pair brings them joy! I’m not here to argue with anyone or change anyone’s mind. That said: to me, the bottom line is that Jimin’s interactions with Jk remind me very much of his interactions with both Tae and Hobi. We need to look for the outlier, not the norm. Remember: Jimin kissed Hobi on the neck twice during Hobi’s birthday live! He’s an affectionate guy when there aren’t any reasons to be careful. I think with Yoongi, there is a reason to be careful.
Just my opinion!
And please don’t worry about trying to convince your friend about yoonmin. 😉 Aren’t we lucky that we get to see and appreciate their bond?!
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