anonymousiee · 4 years
So I Just Played... Mobile Light Force
So I just played Mobile Light Force and I have somethings to say. I’m going to warn you now this is just me putting my thoughts on paper so forgive me if I ramble. I had this game way back when I was a tiny child with nothing but free time and a PS1 to help me through the day. My PS1 was my best friend when I was a growing up I spent hours getting sucked into so many different worlds and stories, I was a hero that saved dragons, a bandicoot on a quest to save his girlfriend, I got to see the world through the eyes of Buzz Lightyear, I explored the halls of a spooky zombie infested mansion even if it was only for five minuets before i got scared and ran away and I was even GOD DAMN HERCULES!! This doesnt mean every game I had was a winner for example Mobile Light Force. Dont get me wrong M.L.F isn’t a bad game i’m more confused if anything because it shouldn’t even exist. I’m going to start with the cover art it shows three Charlie’s Angles looking women running form a huge explosion, firing lazer guns and shooting some evil-looking robots that seem they want nothing more than to hunt them down and eat them for dinner. Sounds like a kick-ass action-adventure game right?? So you can understand my baby brain’s confusion when I was greeted with a random japanese shootem up with literally zero story and the women that got me so pumped up nowhere to be seen. It wasn’t until years later when I was twenty-one years old that I not only found someone else that knows about this game (shout out to austin eruption you should check him out) but thanks to them that M.L.F is actualy a game by ATLUS called Gunbird. from what I could find the reason things changed when it came over here was that some big company somewhere didn’t think that a game like Gunbird would sell over here because it was to anime which is just plain dumb if you ask me. I don’t even know what to call this game anymore now you know the truth so im just going to stick with M.L.F. I hardly played this game at all when i was a kid because I just couldn’t get to grips with it. I was certain that I either had the wrong disc or by selecting one of the characters I would get the game I saw on the cover but nope I was stuck with this random shoot em up which I SUCKED AND STILL DO SUCK AT!!! this game is hard man thats all there is to it. Honestly I like M.T.L even if everything that makes it Gunbird is pretty much gone it’s still a really fun game and if you get the chance I feel like you should pick it up and hey I hear the actual Gunbird has be ported to switch so now is as good a time as any to give it a go.
I just want to end this by saying thank you to the wonderful and amazingly talented artist mousieex over on Instagram to get me to wirte again i really would be lost without you. So please go show her some love she deserves it.
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I mean come on just look at this man its great!!
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anonymousiee · 4 years
So I'm Playing... Pokemon Sword
So I’m playing Pokemon Sword and I have somethings to say. I am by no means a huge Pokemon fan, in fact I’m the stereotype, gen one is by far my favourite, Squirtle is the best Pokemon ever created and not only do I still play Pokemon GO regularly I think the let’s go games are some of the best pokemon games around not only for fans of the franchise but newcomers alike. But that’s not why we’re here.
I really wasn’t all that excited for sword and shield before release for a few reasons. I was left really disappointed with the last Pokemon I played (Pokemon X) and only really being dragged into the let’s go games because it’s a pokemon game I already knew and I had the Pokeball plus. On top of that, the directs around the game really didn’t interest me all that much, don’t get me wrong I did watch them and thought some of the designs were cool but nothing really grabbed me and made me really want the game. It did, however, make everyone I knew want the game so of course, I succumbed to peer pressure and got the sword while my girlfriend got shield.
Going into it I really wasn’t expecting much, I thought I would play it for a few hours and then just stop when I couldn’t be bothered to grind anymore but I couldn’t have been more wrong. So far I am loving this game I will admit i have only beaten the first two gyms so I still have a long road ahead of me but man I am looking forward to almost every step of it.
First off the setting for sword makes me so damn happy being a British boy that was raised in the country myself makes seeing all the farmland, sheep pokemon, and really inconvenient train travel just feel like a breath of manure scented fresh air and boy oh boy do I love it. The wide-open fields of the wild area, small little market towns, and huge people filled cities (or let’s face it big towns) really do capture what it’s like living in the country in the UK or well to me at least. Plus the facts that the game looks great, runs smooth as butter (most of the time, the wild area can make it dip just a tad every now and then) and the soundtrack is so damn good I seriously love every track I have heard so far are all just bonuses. I know a few people that really don’t like the dialogue in these games but I love it, seeing English slang in a game like this is hilarious be it the overuse of the word “mate” or even one trainer greeting me with the classic “‘ello, 'ello what’s all this then?” I find all of this just so charming and honestly it works so well.
I have also enjoyed some of the changes sword brings I know they might not be new to the franchise but they are sure as hell new to me so go easy on me here. During battle, you can obviously see what attacks you can do pretty normal right?? WELL NOW YOU CAN SEE HOW THE ATTACK WILL AFFECT THE POKEMON YOU ARE FIGHTING!!!! and not only for the pokemon you have selected it shows up while you are swapping a pokemon from your party to. This one little feature has saved my little dudes from getting wiped out more times than I can count its such a good idea for kids just getting into the games or well people like me…Ahem. Being able to bond with the pokemon you have in your party while out adventuring is now possible to thanks to the hobby I never understood camping. While out on your quest to be the very best you can whip out your tent and camp out anywhere you so choose. while doing this you can play with you Pokemon, talk to them and even cook for them. Doing this will help you become closer to your team making them help you during battles and help earn a little bit of EXP too. While I think this is a great addition that you don’t have to do if you don’t want to I wish the EXP gained form this was a little higher and the cooking mini-game is just so boring, yeah sure it was fun the first few times I did it but I don’t want to do this every time I need to heal while I’m on the road.
Gyms have changed a little bit too there are now challenges before each individual gym leader called gym challeneges creative I know. these are basically little mini-games that range from herding sheep to solving puzzles all the while fighting trainers along the way. I adore these way more than I should, I get way more excited to do these than I do the gym leader and getting through them just feels great because your reward is a fight you aren’t going to forget. From what I have seen they are the perfect balance and would provide the perfect difficulty for new and old players alike.
I do have a small gripe with some of the characters too. Most of them are totally one hundred per cent fine but there are a few that really get on my nerves. No Team Yell isn’t one of them… I think they are funny. Leon and Hop are where most of my issues lie. Leon is too dumb I mean come on he is the god damn Pokemon champion and he is so “useless with directions” he would get lost in his home town when its a straight line to his house?? dude come on. Plus what’s going on with his design?? did he get that weird coat when he became champion?? does he ever take it off?? it’s weird. I have a love-hate relationship with Hop, sometimes I find him funny and fun to read but other times he is so god damn annoying. He is just all energy all the time and just reading it tires me out. His gestures are so strange and sometimes look downright inapropriate he just looks so out of place and weird all the time because of his constant over excitement. I don’t like his design either the denim jacket he wears that just stops at his wrists makes it seem as if its too small, his tousers are uncomfortably skin tight in my opinion (weird thing to notice I know) and I just don’t like his face it seems way too simple even for Pokemon. Some of the designs for the pokemon look kind of gross too I mean Sobble starts looking gross, becomes an emo kid then is just a skinny man that somehow has a beer belly. They ruined Zigzagoon and Meowth, one pokemon is just a pigeon and many many more that just don’t sit well with me.
Overall Pokemon Sword is a pretty great game and I’m looking forward to seeing what comes up next and even if I will actually finish the Pokedex this time… screw the Currydex though I’m not that committed. Now if you will excuse me I have a fire gym to beat.
Here have a cute little scorbunny by the amazing mousieex over on instagram https://www.instagram.com/mousieex/
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anonymousiee · 5 years
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anonymousiee · 5 years
Mr Mew Timelapse.
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Inktober Day 1: "Poisonous"
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anonymousiee · 7 years
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Own design based on @crowntheempire Retrograde album. Using PAC to draw yet again.
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anonymousiee · 7 years
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A rough piece of Yuffie done using Pokémon Art Academy on a tiny ds screen.
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August 2016 Tenerife
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anonymousiee · 7 years
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August 2016 Tenerife
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