anonny125 · 7 months
hello i am signing in for the first time in years to opt out of "third party sharing" or whatever bullshit. sure is bullshit to make this opt-out when given how long this website has been around there's probably a lot of similarly abandoned blogs out there, so people who might do so if they were aware Aren't (or, possibly, can't. there's probably accounts that belong to dead people on here huh). if you post something and you opt out but someone who hasn't reblogs it from you does that bypass your own opt out. it's not out of the question that they've thought of this in advance and put measures in place to prevent it, it's not like im keeping the closest eye on site news these days, but considering that even back in the day before all these actively terrible choices started getting made staff was not known for their technical prowess i am not keeping my hopes up
anyways, if anyone sees this and hasn't heard the news elsewhere i should probably let yall know that if you don't want your posts fed to ai and other "content and research partners" you gotta go to your blog settings. on each individual blog. and scroll down to the bottom and tick the "prevent third party sharing" box to on. which is a massive dark pattern probably but
ok i think that's all bye again. trans rights
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anonny125 · 6 years
Goddamn it. At the worst possible time, too; with Tumblr going to shit (... worse shit than it already was) I don’t even have a backup social media at this point.
Everything about this is Terrible! If you thought this content was too Objectionable for your site, you should’ve had it in the TOS from the beginning! If you didn’t, why the fuck are you changing your minds all of a sudden, and trying to reassure us that other Objectionable content won’t also get this treatment in the future? I also gather that the “incident” referred to in the first paragraph involved pfio staff banning someone, with no warning, before these changes actually went into effect? fuck
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anonny125 · 6 years
While I’m here. Delta Rune is a Thing that Happened (and will also be happening in the future). Screaming
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anonny125 · 6 years
Hey everyone! I just wanted to remind all my fellow US peeps that it’s important for you to get out and vote this Tuesday if you are able! Even if none of the candidates where you live are a perfect representation of your beliefs, with the current state of our nation and the Republican party, we need to be using every weapon in our arsenal to keep them out of power.
Also, voting combines two very important powers into one thing! It has the strength of using our voices, and it has the strength of Collective Action. If the Enemy wouldn’t benefit from your failure to use these powers, they wouldn’t fight so hard to take them from us.
If Tuesday doesn’t work for you, check out your state’s early voting policy! There might still be time at a more convenient date! If you can’t vote at all for whatever reason, that sucks, but you can still spread the word! Every bit helps.
Good luck, everyone!
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anonny125 · 6 years
now that im on pillowfort ive occasionally been seeing antis complaining about how they left tumblr to escape its toxic culture but ~*gross*~ people still exist and im like. hate to break it to you buddy but your side is the toxic one last i checked
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anonny125 · 6 years
my dad keeps trying to talk to me and i want to pay attention but i did a real big walk today and i do not have the energy required for Focus
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anonny125 · 6 years
i want to Sleep but i have adhd and also Pain and both of those things are not conducive to sleep times
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anonny125 · 6 years
hm. there are antis on pf. gotta remember to keep that in mind when joining communities.
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anonny125 · 6 years
People adding Nazi apologist shit onto my posts like “but nazis invented cell phones and space rockets so without them we’d be less technologically advanced VuV” like buddy, if you think for one second we wouldn’t have eventually made it to the moon or made instant communication devices without mass genocide then I dunno what to tell you except to get the fuck away from me.
Your kind aren’t welcome here.
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anonny125 · 6 years
my pillowfort invite came in~ woo!
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anonny125 · 6 years
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Can anyone else see this post or am I having a fever dream
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anonny125 · 6 years
i used to think green apple was a flavor invented by the candy industry like blue raspberry bc i had never seen a green apple before I just thought all apples were red and long story short when i realized i was red green colorblind it really fucked me up
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anonny125 · 6 years
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anonny125 · 6 years
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[image description: a digital flat color drawing of lucretia and johann from the adventure zone. lucretia is a tall and thin black woman with short curly white hair, wearing a blue vest. johann is a tall slightly muscular brown skinned man with shoulder length straight black hair wearing a teal bard outfit. lucretia, with a nonchalant expression, is gesturing to johann who is starting to play the violin. lucretia says: “this is so sad. johann, play despacito.”]
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anonny125 · 6 years
this is so sadstuck alexa play blue veins by regina spektor
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anonny125 · 6 years
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anonny125 · 6 years
Me: tumblr app bad
Me: hehehe hoo I can drag the circles like a little snake
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