anon-diaryentry · 2 years
What you want exists.
Don’t settle until you get it. 💛🌻
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anon-diaryentry · 2 years
What you want exists.
Don’t settle until you get it. 💛🌻
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anon-diaryentry · 2 years
“You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering.”
— Ernest Hemingway
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anon-diaryentry · 2 years
     welcome in a new month ♡
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set goals for self development
plan brunch & dinner dates with friends
read 5-10 books
indulge yourself more in your hobbies. do what you love unapologetically.
have more rest days without guilt
reflect on last month. what can you do differently that’ll help your overall state of being? physically, mentally & spiritually
stay off social media
do the butterfly hug method for bilateral stimulation. tell yourself all the things you wish you were/are told. ♡
make slight adjustments to your morning and night routine. keep it interesting.
schedule routine appointments (health, pamper)
get on top of deadlines.
say affirmations every morning & night
be more kind to yourself
stay firm on your boundaries, make adjustments as needed.
stand up and show up for yourself.
walk with your head held up high and shoulders back. don’t cower.
prepare for any upcoming events
learn a new skill
try a new recipe
journal often
explore new places. meet new people and make friends.
keep your thoughts in check. what you focus on grows.
daily walks
meditate, stretch.
declutter your environment (digital, physical space, social circle)
be safe.
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anon-diaryentry · 4 years
Sharing to look at later
I thought I would find some perverse joy in watching Qanon people run up against the hard wall of reality, but it really just makes me sad. You get radicalized by a facebook algorithm just to take a warning shot to the chest while playing revolutionary. What a horrible shame.
Some woman took a bullet to the chest over a fucking fake conspiracy cult built to sell merch. What a horrible fucking shame. 
Do I even need to bring up all of the black americans who’ve taken police bullets for nothing? Or is it clear enough now? The arrogance of these larpers and their little fantasy world of imagined oppression is pathetic.
Its sick like how parking meter at a hospital is sick.
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anon-diaryentry · 4 years
Sharing to look at later
my thing is we’re having two different conversations. or at least the same conversation at two different points in time.
if we were talking about the confession on november 5, we would be (and did) gushing about it. it is beautiful and poetic and still makes me cry so hard i can’t see. at that point, we were all relishing the moment. cas finally had the chance to say i love you and it was the most gorgeous declaration of love. he weaponized his own happiness to save the world. yes, it was always bury your gays, but on nov 5, there was still a chance to subvert that. of course cas was coming back next week, or at least for the finale. of course dean would get a chance to respond and speak his own truth in response. narratively, nothing else made sense.
but now it’s november 26. we (kind of) know that cas was resurrected (offscreen, ambiguously onscreen by bobby, and by misha and meg fitz). we know that dean never spoke about it again, not even to tell sam and jack that it happened, let alone had a chance to reciprocate. (yes, he was grieving in 15x19, but again. it’s ambiguous.) narratively, it did not make sense. and there are no chances left to fix it. (or so we thought. enter the dub.)
it’s frustrating because clearly misha (at least originally) interpreted our outrage as not liking his work, work that is incredibly meaningful to him. and that simply isn’t the conversation we’re trying to have, especially because that work is incredibly meaningful to us too.
we’re trying to talk about silencing queer voices and stories and how that is harmful, especially when the message in the queer story we’re talking about is literally “happiness is in saying it out loud.” we’re trying to talk about how even a meaningful death like cas’s is still bury your gays. we’re trying to talk about how we were actively baited to boost viewing numbers (having the confession at all, no goodbye/thank you post(s) on the day by or about misha, literal actual promo from the day of the finale with cas in it, etc.).
we’re trying to understand what happened, because it doesn’t make sense.
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anon-diaryentry · 4 years
Epstein's "suicide"
My ass. He was killed. Or maybe someone helped him. I'm leaning towards some billionaire had him killed. He was on suicide watch. The guards "watching" him need to face severe repercussions.
But unfortunately, can anyone say they're surprised?
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anon-diaryentry · 4 years
Lin Wood
@LLinWood on Twitter
Jan 4, 2021
“I have shared with several individuals the TRUTH I will be speaking to you. Killing me will NOT prevent the TRUTH from being revealed - it will only trigger its release by many others.
I ask
to immediately appoint an honest special prosecutor to pursue justice.
I believe Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape.
I have the key to the files containing the videos. I have also shared this information.
This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of 10 of world’s most well-known & “elite” intelligence agencies.
One of those groups was hacked by a group known as Lizard Squad. The blackmail files of rape & murder were obtained by this group & copy was provided to Isaac Kappy.
The blackmail targets are approached with a gun, a child, & a camera. The target is ordered to rape the child on video. The target is then ordered to shoot the child on video. The target is then owned & controlled by the blackmailers until blackmail evidence loses its value.
Jeffrey Epstein used this same blackmail scheme of child rape & child murder to either further his own interests or those of any intelligence agency with whom he worked.
ALL who flew on his private jet or visited his island must be IMMEDIATELY interrogated & brought to justice.”
Now you have greater context for the message I tweeted below on January 1.
I had hoped that this revelation would trigger resignations & confessions. Unsure of that result, I had to reveal full extent of my knowledge. I am doing so now.
JAN 1, 2021 tweet by Lin Wood
On 5/13/19, Actor Isaac Kappy died after he “forced himself off” a bridge in Arizona. He was 42.
His last post on Instagram was “Beware the man that has nothing to lose, for he has nothing to protect.”
Isaac knew the lies. I know the key to his treasure trove of TRUTH.
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