anneanyway · 5 years
yall look at this shit ad*be is tryna pull now on ppl who have outdated software:
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(note for context: i’m all for piracy, but in this case my copy of CS6 was downloaded years ago when they were giving it away to students. i got it totally legally.)
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anneanyway · 5 years
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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anneanyway · 5 years
So instead, let’s kill the people MOST responsible for it.
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anneanyway · 5 years
The fact that we can't get a dime for healthcare, food stamps, refugees, clean water, and disaster repair, but $1 billion appears out of the aether to rebuild a Catholic church that already has $30 billion absolutely fucking disgusts me.
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anneanyway · 6 years
So yeah, we’re fucked again and shit just keeps going wrong one after another.  Please send us anything y’all can spare. 
Due to a trainwreck of “processing errors” regarding my health insurance and my paycheck, I’m now in serious trouble.
I have enough money to pay my rent, but I have maybe twenty dollars leftover for food and gas until the 8th.
If anyone I know can help out, or even just send a small signal boost, I would appreciate it so much.
My paypal is [email protected]
I’m hoping to get together maybe $100-$150 to make sure I can cover food, gas, and medication, but really even just one or two dollars would help massively.
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anneanyway · 6 years
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of Capitalism came upon them, and the glory of Money shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great profits, which shall be to all rich people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Cash Cow, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall buy the presents wrapped in pretty bows, lying under your Christmas tree. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of investors praising themselves, and saying, Glory to the Almighty Dollar, and on earth greed, and ill will toward everyone.
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anneanyway · 6 years
So for those of you who are unaware, many of the highways in the state of Texas are privatized.
This means they have a marketing budget and frequently lobby to intentionally ruin traffic flow around cities, just to force more people into their Tollways and Toll Lanes.
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anneanyway · 6 years
How many of y'all are old enough to remember the overnight total collapse of Digg?
Cause that's about to happen to Tumblr.
Like 67% of their ad revenue comes from people looking for porn. They are absolutely doomed. Tumblr just blew its own head off to treat an ear infection.
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anneanyway · 6 years
At some point, executing billionaires in the streets needs to be considered self-defense.
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anneanyway · 6 years
A prayer from a Black Friday retail worker
O Hermes, you who stands with the merchant,
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anneanyway · 6 years
Today in “Nintendo is a bunch of sweaty corporatist goons who want to be Disney so fucking badly but never will be”:
Nintendo creates artificial scarcity of its products, and the medium of digital games is especially susceptible to this. They make no effort to make any significant portion of their massive catalog of previous-generation games available and accessible to the public, at best only selecting piecemeal titles here and there restarting every console generation but now seems to have abandoned even that. And they release products like the NES and SNES Classic because they know this, they know their games are in such high demand because they don’t make them available on a wide scale. And when they do make these products, guess what? They’re sold in extraordinarily limited quantities and if you don’t act fast you can only buy them from scalpers. 
To think Nintendo is doing this any of this unintentionally is just closing your eyes to the facts. It’s obvious Nintendo tries to create a mystique around their products by holding them back, just like Disney used to do with its “Disney Vault” scheme of making old movies limited time purchases. 
Is it really strange people turn to ROMs and emulators for these games? If they’re not available, what else are people supposed to do if they want to play these games? Pay exorbitant multi-hundred dollar prices to get the original versions of the game used and scrape up money to try to find a functioning old console to play them? The money isn’t even going to Nintendo at that point. This holds especially pertinent for games on systems near the middle of Nintendo’s history like the N64 and Gamecube which have seen the least distribution since their original releases. Nintendo’s paltry system of remaking a handful of titles like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess and then selling them at or near current gen full price absolutely is not enough and is more abuse of the fact they hold such a tight control over the games in their catalog. 
And even putting aside games people want to play for fun, there’s the entirely separate issue of historical preservation! Taking down massive ROM sites and forcing the people running them to pay millions of dollars they can’t afford means less and less places old games are cataloged and preserved. Not just the big titles, but every little game that came out during that time period, disposable or high quality, popular or obscure–how will we ever study our own cultural history if we do not know it? There’s a much wider discussion to be had about digital preservation in general in the internet age but Nintendo is just obliterating huge swaths of their own history for short term financial gain. 
Twelve million dollars is just a tiny drop in the bucket for the multibillion dollar multinational corporation Nintendo but will almost certainly ruin the lives of this couple who engaged in defying shortsighted capitalist greed. Please stop thinking of this company as anything other than another than another soulless ball of wealth generation for a particular elite. Nintendo clearly employs many talented and creative artists who aren’t to blame for stuff like this but that shouldn’t distract from the complete lack of morality underpinning the institution as a whole. Fuck Nintendo.
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anneanyway · 6 years
Lesbian culture is going camping with your girlfriend for the first time and you wanna impress her and you're all like OH YES, OF COURSE I CAN BUILD A FIRE, WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR HA HA and then inside you're all like shit shit shit ok, I saw this on tv once, I just rub sticks together right
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anneanyway · 6 years
Hey, remember when we all said 2016 was the worst year ever because a bunch of celebrities died?
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anneanyway · 6 years
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anneanyway · 6 years
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anneanyway · 6 years
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anneanyway · 6 years
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