anna--rose · 3 years
it’s funny in my head, i had made everything out to be everything and anything I ever wanted
I thought that this would free me God was I foolish I thought “here, i can flourish” without anything to cage me and i forgot i was my own worst nightmare and my very own persecutor
when, oh, when will i be free of this poison coursing though my veins relentlessly whispering in my flesh that i’d be nothing but regrets
i thought i was happy, and then he broke me after i cried all my tears and bled all those years i found someone who understands it is me i cannot stand
i found him and he found me but god it could never save me and i lie there in my own misery
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anna--rose · 3 years
how did i not see it before?
how did we end up here?
it amazes me how fast we went from kinda friends
to this
and thank god we did
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anna--rose · 3 years
lune ronde et douce lumière je pense à toi j’aimerais te serrer dans mes bras retrouver ton étreinte magique et le bonheur de tes lèvres
lune scintillante c’est dans l’obscurité que je te revois quand je ferme les yeux je nous retrouve tantôt allongés, tantôt main dans la main je me souviens de la manière dont tu m’enveloppais de toute ton âme et je me réfugiais au creux de mon destin
lune de cristal dis moi pourquoi ces amours sont-elles si fragiles si mes sentiments sont si puissants et me bouleversent et me jettent à la renverse
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anna--rose · 3 years
dans ma fenêtre ouverte se reflètent le ciel et ses nuages délicats c’est si joli, et pourtant je ne le remarque que maintenant les immeubles parsemés de verdure composent un si joli tableau
pourquoi aimai-je tant les nuages et l’apaisement qu’ils m’apportent discrets, il s’en vont lentement vers de meilleurs horizons et quand tout devient trop pesant fondent en larmes
je voudrais être un nuage, moi aussi pour voguer libre de toute préoccupation et me dissoudre lorsque le poids de mes pensées devient trop dur à supporter
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anna--rose · 3 years
why am i crying? my hair looks so nice, i can’t be crying looking like this why are tears streaming down my face? why do i not feel like myself?
down the rabbit hole again and again and every time i can’t seem to find the exit
why am i like this? why am i brittle bones broken spirit and numb nerves?
i can’t be crying i look so pretty today i just can’t be crying
and i thought i missed you but i really missed myself
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anna--rose · 3 years
it’s time to say goodbye
“i feel good with him. i just do. i love kissing him. his lips feel like home”
i stumbled onto this forgotten note january, you were everything to me i’d bury myself into work and you’d always be on my mind
it’s just so hard to see these pale reminders of past devotion and innocent bliss
god did i love you and you were my everything back then
pure fucking happiness radiating through every pore of my skin and everyone would see me and instantly think: that girl’s in love and i was, boy was i in love sending corny texts giggling each time i’d look at my phone and see your virtual love notes
that all seems like a hallucination now did i dream all of that? was i so high on love that i made everything up?
all i know is you’re gone now and i miss being in your arms i miss the slow dance of your hands tracing the curves of my hips i miss making you smile and all that’s left is a girl crying in the corner trying to numb the pain by painting you in her dreams
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anna--rose · 3 years
au détour d'un parc virevolte ton souvenir
qui de nous deux aurait pu prévoir une telle fin,
ce vide cruel et étrange
dans un brouillard sans nom nous nous sommes perdus
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anna--rose · 3 years
i write because i miss you
trying to fill the void you left
when you decided to cut all ties
i write to see you
in my shy lines
sparkling with a love
i can only make up
you’re so far from me now
but you’re stuck in my head
and when i write
i can feel what it was like to be in your arms again
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anna--rose · 3 years
i never needed you
or your blue eyes and your gentle hands
i was doing ok on my own
till i met you
i never needed you
to sweep me off my feet
and introduce me to your wonderful mind
i was fine on my own
but i wanted you
it was the purest desire
to be in your arms
and i never needed you more
than i do now
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anna--rose · 3 years
i miss you more than words could say
i miss you every day
how can i miss something so brief
in the blink of an eye you completely changed my life
put it upside down
made me the happiest and the saddest
and i spend hours wondering
is he thinking of me?
does he miss me, even a little bit?
it’s so cruel and mean
not to read my last words of love
heart ripped and rugged knees
i just wait for you to get ouf of my heart
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anna--rose · 3 years
tell me, did you ever feel it?
that capricious sea of love
that tied me to you
you sank the boat
and left me drowning
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anna--rose · 3 years
is it my spicy noodles
or is it you i cry for
i hate how every memory is slowly escaping my mind
i hate that i can’t call you
i just want to be in your arms again
god, here we go again
i sit there, all alone
endless tears of grief
slowly rolling on my cheeks
and i bet you’re carefree
happy with your friends
how could you not be
it’s not like you’d miss me
and in a moment of bliss
i remember how your lips felt
how it felt to be wrapped in your arms
to give you hundreds of kisses
is a distant memory
was you
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anna--rose · 3 years
je me fais belle
et je pense à toi
est-ce que ça lui plairait ?
les lumières de la soirée ondulent
et se multiplient en un arc-en-ciel de couleurs
chaque nuance met en valeur d’autres reliefs de ton visage
je t’aime
et je ne pense qu’à toi
tu es beau
je ris et je souris
il faut bien dissimuler mes vrais sentiments
pour ne pas affoler, ne pas faire de vagues
je ris et je souris
mais au fond de moi
je te pleure
toi et tout ce que je n’ai pas eu le droit de vivre
toi que j’aurais aimé comme jamais on ne t’aura aimé
tu ne sais pas ce que tu as raté
mais peut etre que tu le sais et que tu t’en fiches
que suis-je apres tout ?
je ne suis rien
je suis si minuscule
tout est lointain
tout s’éloigne et m’échappe
que suis-je ?
je suis loin et tu me manques
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anna--rose · 3 years
isn’t it ironic that the last things i should think about are your blue eyes and your shy smile the way you used to laugh with me and how happy i was in your embrace
but all i can think about are those very same things
and all i can do is bleed these words to try and get you out of my system
please, let me be rid of you please, let me come back to you and i know i fooled myself and i know i’m also to blame
honey, oh, come back to me, i need you i crave your warm embrace and your lips and your hands
we could never be the same again but i can’t let go of this i can’t fathom how bad it got and all i do is dream of what we could have been and forget how hurt i already was
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anna--rose · 3 years
again and again you bash my head against the wall whispering: « it’s because i love you » and again and again i sob this is my fate after all, you do it all for me, don’t you?
pouring words of affection, excessive parades of niceties but behind that mask is a nightmare of broken dreams and frustrated bones
i’m not responsible for your failures i’m not responsible for how bad you feel you were supposed to raise me but you did none of that
i had to learn all by myself to mend what you broke suffering long nights lost in agony trying to convince me it wasn’t my fault
so you’ll have to suffer my rage shut up, and listen see my ribs that you’ve broken my dreams shattered on the wooden floor
shut up, and plead for my forgiveness I may grant it if you bleed enough oh, how ignorant and naive i was to feel bad for you, to make excuses for you when all you did was break me without even a second thought
did you hear me whimper all those nights of loneliness did you hear my screams of pain and delusion, crawled up on the floor waking up my neighbor
do you realize how fucked up you are how you’ve fucked up every good thing that ever happened to you and then whined when it disappeared? you’re a coward and to be fully honest I hope you die
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anna--rose · 3 years
and then you timidly said:
“it was all a lie”
and i think i see it now
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anna--rose · 3 years
j’aurais pu t’aimer
j’aurais voulu être auprès de toi
toujours là
pour éponger tes plaies
pour te cajoler
j’aurais pu t’aimer de tout mon être
et vivre dans le creux de tes bras
nos doigts entrelacés
nos cœurs embrassés
la flamme embrasée
mais je t’aime déjà
je le sens naître en moi
et je me sens folle
mais je t’aime déjà
et tu n’es même plus là
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