Animorphs Roleplay
99 posts
I can't tell you my last name... None of us can, because we don't know who might already be infested by the Yeerks. They're already here, and they can be anyone. Anyone. It's too dangerous for us to trust people when there's no way to know who is secretly...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
animorphs-rp · 5 years ago
Is this still active?
Hello anon(s), it’s your friendly neighborhood failsauce admin here, logging in for the first time in actual years to say belatedly that no, alas, this game is NOT active any longer. I wish! But I just don’t have the time/mental energy to run a roleplay right now. That said...
I love the idea of there being an Animrophs Roleplay out there (as far as I could tell, this was the first one on tumblr!) and if any of what I have built here helps facilitate someone else in creating and running one, then you absolutely have my blessing to scavenge from it freely!
Good luck, and don’t tell anybody your last names or where you live. The Yeerks could be anyone...even ME!
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
I'm so intrigued by the thread you guys have started, this one at the party. Really wanna know where you're taking it! Xx
Well, you’ll either just have to keep following along…or apply for a character and join us! (But thank you, the players here are all amazing, I’m glad you’re enjoying watching their brilliant ideas!)
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
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I can't fight in the war for Earth because I’m not actually a human…
She is not what she appears to be, underneath the portable holographic generator that creates the face she wears over her metal body. She is one of the Chee, a group of super-advanced, strong, intelligent robots created centuries ago by the Pemalites. They were wiped-out by another alien race, childlike murderers called the Howlers, while their android companions could do nothing but watch and pass their peaceful, happy essence on to wolves, creating dogs. The last surviving Pemalites had fled to Earth, but too late to save themselves. The Chee have secretly lived among humans ever since, honoring their creators’ as best they can through their reverence of the dogs who are their last link to the peaceful Pemalites. Now that link is threatened, as all species on earth are by the invasion of the Yeerks.
Unlike most of her fellows, she is not willing to cling to their pacifistic Pemalite ideals while their new plant--and the last trace of their creators--is conquered and ultimately destroyed by the Yeerk Empire. She watched one bloodthirsty alien race kill those she loved; she isn't prepared to do it again. Unfortunately her programming is hard-wired for non-violence, and the Chee she once believed was the heart of their hopes for fighting-back gave up their best chance to break that programming. She's old enough to know that almost anything can be forgiven in time, but it's going to take a long time for her to forgive Erek King for that betrayal. He had no right to decide that for all of them, and she's determined to find some way to help defend Earth--even if none of her fellow Chee, including Erek, are willing to join her obsessive quest.
Erek King -- fellow Chee, former ally
Faceclaim: Meaghan Rath [x]
OPEN | taken
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
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I'm a police detective. And I can tell when someone's acting funny…
CHARACTER STUB: Policeman || CIVILIAN || Human || 32 yrs old
He's certainly no longer a rookie, but he's still one of the newer cops on the force -- new only in comparison to the veterans, but that's new enough that while people no longer call him a rookie, the old guys still treat him that way sometimes. Treat him like he's fresh-faced and wide-eyed, and doesn't have the gut instincts that a good cop eventually develops...but he does. He's keen-eyed and can spot trouble in all sorts of different forms, even if maybe he doesn't always understand why his instincts are triggered. Usually it doesn't bother him to have the more grizzled members of the force dismiss his insights; if it's something important they figure out the same thing themselves sooner or later, and then he gets to preen about having seen it first.
But this time, it's something to do with his partner. They've worked together for years, and there's no one a person is closer to than the man who watches your back in a tight corner. They know each other well, better than most married couples, and now he knows that something isn't right. He doesn't know what, precisely, is going on with his partner -- just that something is. He can't be on the take, and it doesn't seem like it's just the job getting to him; he's certainly not depressed and he's proved himself incorruptible several times over -- but if he's not corrupt or suicidal, then what is it? What makes this policeman's instincts scream that something is not right with the man next to him? He has no idea, but he's going to find out. Even if it kills him. Because that's what you do for your partner...
partner -- friend, acting funny
journalism student -- helpful, but she knows more than she's telling
Lance Tidwell -- former teacher, mentor
Faceclaim: Anthony Mackie [x]
OPEN | taken
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
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I’ve always wanted to expose secrets. But this is bigger than I ever expected...
CHARACTER STUB: College Student || CIVILIAN || Human || 19 yrs old
Growing up, her heroes were characters like April O'Neil or Lois Lane -- women who uncovered hidden facts and helped save the day. She wanted to be an outlaw journalist, a documentary filmaker whose hard-hitting movies would expose corruption in big-businesses and religious institutions, inspire people to save the planet and the creatures on it, and maybe even stop a few wars or free a few slaves. She wanted to do things that mattered, things that would change the world for the better. Attending film-school at the local college was supposed to be the start of a stellar and shocking career full of awards and accolades. She was going to make her mark on the world and uncover some real dirt...but in her wildest dreams she hadn't imagined discovering aliens.
But she had, and she'd even captured them on film! The problem was, she'd also learned enough about those aliens to know that she didn't dare show that footage to anyone -- not if she wanted to live long enough to graduate. She couldn't just walk away and turn her back on the story of a lifetime of course, and she certainly wasn't about to destroy such ground-breaking footage...but she wasn't going to hand in that reel for a class project, either. This was something special, something dangerous; something that she had to do right. Only problem being, she didn't know what was right -- or even which group of aliens were the good guys. She needs to find out more...without getting in over her head. No big deal, right? Her childhood heroes did that sort of stuff all the time. Of course, she doesn't have mutant turtles or Kryptonians to save her if she miscalculates...
policeman -- helping her look for the truth
Erek King -- source/"source" of disinformation
Faceclaim: Mary Elizabeth Winstead [x]
OPEN | taken
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
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I used to be just another sad, lonely kid. But now I'm never, ever alone...
Everybody says that Voluntary Hosts are the best -- well, unless they're Taxxons. There's really nothing good about being in a Taxxon, except for the fact that you at least get to get out of the pool and look around (and eat). But voluntary humans, those were definitely the way to go; nothing like crawling inside a plump little meat-suit and being welcomed by the dim-witted creature whose body has just become your personal playground. The Yeerk had been very excited to learn that he had been assigned to infest a voluntary human — but this human turned out to be pretty powerless, a perfect example of those downtrodden-masses that The Sharing was so good at preying on. There wasn't a lot of use to this human, but he had volunteered, so he'd been given his Yeerk -- and this Yeerk, his first human Host. Of course, any Host is better than none, and at least this one was voluntary.
Miserable teenagers might not be exciting, but this planet seemed to produce them in bulk, so it wasn't any wonder that a low-level Yeerk like him had ended up with one. This one at least seemed interesting underneath the dull, drab self-pity; there was still a spark there, something alive and creative. The Yeerk teased it out because it got boring sitting in classes pretending to learn things he already knew or didn't care about, and interacting with the Host was better than listening to the teacher. And much better than the Taxxon he had been in before. Of course, he never expected to become friends with his Host...well, something like friends, anyway. He was still in charge, and if the human ever objected to anything the Yeerk Empire demanded, he'd find that out the hard way. But for now, they were getting along swimmingly...
His life used to really, really suck. His parents were always too busy, his friends didn't seem to actually like him all that much, and his teachers were absolutely heartless -- who has time for that much homework? It's not like getting good grades really matters in the long-run, so why were they always on his case about the fact that he'd been slacking-off all year? None of it mattered. In fact, nothing did, and he'd been seriously thinking of ending it all, of escaping the dull and endless misery of his hum-drum life -- and then he found The Sharing. Actually it was Vice-Principle Chapman who found him when he'd been sent down to the office for yet another pointless lecture meant to "motivate" him.
Chapman had seen the futility of that though, and instead of berating him about his schoolwork, had suggested that he relax a little -- go make some new friends. The whole idea had seemed pretty lame, but anything was better than another detention for missed-homework, so he'd gone to the meeting. And that had been pretty okay, so he'd gone to another, and then another...and eventually, he'd been invited to join the Inner Members, to become a real part of something that did matter. Maybe not everything the Yeerks did was nice, but humans weren't any better, so who cared? Really, the two species deserved each other, and at least now he had some proper friends.
Erek King -- friend, fellow member
Kathryn Wills -- friend, fellow member
Faceclaim: Kanata Hongo [x]
OPEN | taken
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
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I've always wanted somewhere to belong. And now I think I've found it...
CHARACTER STUB: Sharing Member || CIVILIAN || Human || 27 yrs old
She's always been a friendly, outgoing person -- a little too much so, sometimes. People say that she's too eager, too friendly, too quick to latch-on to new people or new ideas and make them a part of her life. But she doesn't see what's wrong with that; life is supposed to be shared after all, and friends are the most precious gift this life offers, so how can anyone be too eager to make new ones? Perhaps that slightly desperate openness makes her a little too easily-influenced; she's always picking-up the newest fad, craze, or religion. She's always looking for somewhere to belong and she's spent most of her life trying to find it. Almost thirty, she was starting to give up hope that she would -- but then The Sharing came along.
Now it seems she might finally have found that home. She's never met a group of people who are so genuine, so wholly welcoming before. They accept anyone and everyone, and she loves that about them; loves that all of their togetherness is built on an honest desire to forge bonds of friendship, not to tear others down for the sake of building themselves up by contrast. She joined the club after only one meeting and now, after weeks of bonding and recruiting, she's been informed that she's finally going to make the transition to Inner Member -- any day now! She's so excited that she could just about burst!
Tom/Tidwell/Chapman -- Sharing mentor
Naomi -- friend (book club, yoga classes, etc)
Faceclaim: Ruth Negga [x]
OPEN | taken
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
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I'm a police detective. And no one can hear me screaming…
Formerly a Taxxon-Controller, the Yeerk inside this policeman's head is delighted with his new placement. After enduring the Taxxon's uncontrollable, excruciating hunger, the calm control of a human Host is pure bliss. If he acts a little too controlled sometimes, a little too calm...well, that's just because he's so happy that he can enforce control that he can't help himself. He tries to act natural, loose, casual -- like his Host always was before. But it's hard to ignore old habits, and harder still when the contrast between Hosts is so sharp. Maybe he takes everything a little too seriously...but no one seems to have noticed, so does it really matter if he indulges in his love of control more than is proper?
Always a responsible, collected individual, even when he was in a Taxxon, this Yeerk is the perfect choice for a highly-placed detective within the local police force. He can keep an eye on things, help sweep inconvenient messes under the rug, and at times even arrange for inconvenient people to disappear with little fuss. The fact that most of them tend to turn up a few hours later, suddenly well-behaved, certainly makes that part of his job easier...but the ones who don't come back, whether from the Visser's temper or battle with the Andalite Bandits, add a layer of difficulty that keeps him on his toes...metaphorically speaking anyway. But there are so many Missing Persons cases anyway that it's not that hard to file the awkward ones away where nobody will ever look...even his Host's eagle-eyed partner.
He only went to that meeting of The Sharing to make the new recruit happy. The kid kept going on and on about what a great place it was, how the police force should hook-up with the organization to work together to try and keep wayward kids off the streets, out of the system, and out of trouble. He'd seen too much, spent too many years on the job, to believe some stupid club would be able to do that -- but he went to the meeting to shut the kid up. And in all his years as a cop, he's never made a worse mistake...
He'd spent enough time on the police force to be relaxed on the job, confident and calm, capable of managing his stress easily even on the most difficult days. His fellow cops thought he was a little bit stiff, a little bit too by-the-book when he was working, but they liked his casual attitude and bad jokes, and he had friends on the force. Now he has to watch, helpless for the first time in his life, as the Yeerk in his head undermines the authority of the police and tries to put slugs in the heads of his friends and comrades. He's never been weak before, and he hates it; a policeman turned prisoner. If he was his old self he'd probably make a quip about the irony, but he's not himself anymore. Not even close.
partner -- friend
Hedrick Chapman -- forced-recruitment assistant
Tom Berenson -- youth-recruitment partner
Faceclaim: Tim DeKay [x]
OPEN | taken
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
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I’m just a little girl. And no one can hear me screaming…
Many Yeerks said that humans were the best hosts. Not as durable as the Hork-Bajir, but also less likely to be used as general canon fodder or sliced-up by the Andalite Bandits. And it was an easier life, infesting a human, because you had to maintain your cover which meant, in most cases, a lot of downtime just passing yourself off as the human whose head you were squatting in. Yes, humans were definitely the way to go, and this Yeerk had been very excited to get assigned one at last -- but sadly for this Yeerk's ambitions, the human in question turned out to be a useless little girl.
She was just a means of getting to the real target: the on-the-rise political activist with a Senate career practically waiting for her on a silver platter in the next election. But it wouldn't be this Yeerk's job to infest the politician; this Yeerk would be stuck playing dutiful daughter and watching a comrade soar to great heights instead. And would have to smile the whole time. Well, that prospect was far from enticing. Perhaps it was a lack of motivation that resulted in the less-than-speedy efforts of the Yeerk to infest the mother, or perhaps it really was that hard to get her to squeeze something new into her schedule, even for her daughter. All that mattered was that the Yeerk in the little girl's head had been cheated, and was miserable.
Her mother is a very important person. She does good work and helps a lot of people, and her daughter is very proud of her. That's what she says any time she talks to the nice people from the press, and for the most part, she means it. She does wish her mom wasn't quite so busy all the time, though. But of course, she has to spend a lot of time lobbying and campaigning and going to meetings and rocking votes -- whatever all that means. Maybe if she spent a little less time running around saving other people, mom would have been around to keep the babysitter from taking her to The Sharing so she could make some new friends.
Because the friend she ended up coming home with was not somebody she wanted to spend time with. But nobody's listening to her now, because the only one who can hear her screams is the Yeerk. Now she's growing up fast, but mom doesn't know to be proud of her; mom just sees the Yeerk, and thinks it's her daughter. At least she doesn't have any more time for the Yeerk than she did for the girl, which has made it impossible for the nasty slug to convince mom to come to The Sharing and get an unwanted best friend of her own. Because while she might blame her mother a little for what happened to her, she isn't mad enough to wish this on anyone, least of all her mom.
Mother -- infestation target
Sarah Berenson -- possible classmate/friend
Jordan Berenson -- possible classmate/friend
Faceclaim: Yara Shahidi [x]
OPEN | taken
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
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Since we now have almost all of our canon bios taken and very few remaining available characters, I have decided that it's a good time to add a few more options. For those who aren't interested in playing a canon character, but don't quite feel comfortable building a completely original character from the ground-up, I have created some "character stub" bios who can be applied for just like a canon character, but whose identity will be largely up to the applying player to determine since they don't exist in the books.
If anyone has a particular type of character they would like to see in the roleplay, but whom they don't want to create themselves, I am also happy to help craft characters to suit. And suggestions are always welcome! Additionally if there are any characters from the books you'd like to play who haven't made it into the roleplay yet, I'm more than happy to add them, too.
Bios for the stub-characters will begin posting soon, and will be able to be found in the CHARACTER STUB tag. And of course, there are still some canon characters to apply for as well!
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
more characters?
We are always happy to accept original characters and if you’d rather, we can build the base for you if you tell us what kind of character you want. If you’re asking about other canon characters, just let us know who you’re interested in playing, and we’ll get their bio added!
ETA: right now we're only taking characters who can pass as human, so that no one's interactions are limited by their species! This may change as the war heats-up and the game expands, but right now, just those who can look like humans, please!
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
most wanted characters?
Definitely the Chapmans. Honestly right now our only open character bios are for them, Eva/Visser One, and Rachel’s little sisters. We are however always up for more original characters to add to our Animorphs world, and if you’re having trouble building one, I’m also happy to help craft somebody to your specifications. I really like making characters, so don’t be shy about asking for help with that or anything else you need!
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
Alright, I'll make one and resubmit tomorrow. :) (I won't keep it, though. I'll delete it after we're finished.)
That’s fine, we’ll look forward to hearing from you. You can find our application guidelines HERE.
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
Re Your Message (which I don't want to post b/c it has account names in it): I'm afraid I do not, but why not just make a tumblr account? It only takes a few seconds to set one up, and you can always delete it later if you decide you don't like having one.
Regarding the OC Application we just received:
I don’t need your e-mail address, but I do need some way to contact you. Communicating through tumblr is fine, that’s what is usually done in these situations, but since you sent your application via a temporary e-mail account, I can’t respond. If you could contact me through your tumblr account, that would be perfect. Thank you!
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
Regarding the OC Application we just received:
I don't need your e-mail address, but I do need some way to contact you. Communicating through tumblr is fine, that's what is usually done in these situations, but since you sent your application via a temporary e-mail account, I can't respond. If you could contact me through your tumblr account, that would be perfect. Thank you!
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
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OC: Resistance (Hayley Williams FC)
Play as one of the Animorphs, their enslaved enemies, or a hapless civilian caught in the cross-fire! Invent your own character or take on one of the beloved (or reviled) roles from the books. It’s time to choose a side. The Yeerks are here and it is up to you to stop them…or join them.
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animorphs-rp · 10 years ago
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