animeshowerthoughts · 4 years
He was a skater boy
He was a skater boy
Can I make it anymore obvious?
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He was a skater boy
He said see you later boy
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animeshowerthoughts · 4 years
I wish I knew lol.
Seussical the Musical is just another installment of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.
The Cat in the Hat is Jojo’s stand and Horton is the main Jobro.
No I will not take criticism
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animeshowerthoughts · 4 years
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This is getting out of hand even though I know damn well it’s not true or possible lol
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animeshowerthoughts · 4 years
Some random Fujoshi: “Uwu my Yaoi loving heart is so full! 😋”
Me just trying to watch one of the few shonen ais that isn’t over fetishized:
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animeshowerthoughts · 4 years
Thank you for the contribution
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Tensei and Adam have like the same exact eyebrows. Adam’s are just thicker...
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animeshowerthoughts · 4 years
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Tensei and Adam have like the same exact eyebrows. Adam’s are just thicker...
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animeshowerthoughts · 4 years
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Okay this one definitely probably has been done. Granted this is more looks than personality.
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animeshowerthoughts · 4 years
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I’ve been shitposting all day. It’s how I cope.
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animeshowerthoughts · 4 years
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Anyways. This is my very unlikely theory.
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animeshowerthoughts · 4 years
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I genuinely have no idea of someone else did this already
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animeshowerthoughts · 4 years
Seussical the Musical is just another installment of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.
The Cat in the Hat is Jojo’s stand and Horton is the main Jobro.
No I will not take criticism
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animeshowerthoughts · 7 years
So, Net Neutrality has officially been repealed. It was split 3-2.
Now you guys need to absolutely pummel your local congressional representatives with calls, letters, and protests until Congress steps its game up and fixes this so that the FCC can never do this again.
We watched as three men callously laughed about how silly they thought some of the calls were for not being eloquent enough for their taste. We watched as they lied about the internet, even when the truth was uttered minutes before.
Don’t let them have this win.
Make your representatives miserable until they fix this. The news will be worthless to you in the upcoming months, as every major news network is either owned by an ISP or has tangential business with ISPs. They all serve to profit on this. Fact check with extreme prejudice. Don’t stop until your internet is back to where it needs to be.
I don’t care if you’re far-left, far-right, or dead down the center. Do you want it to be where an ISP can choose to throttle access to Fox News or Breitbart on a whim? What about Vox? What if some bad reviews come out for a movie and Comcast throttles it to hide that? What if Netflix is throttled into oblivion so that Hulu becomes the only possible option for viewing? What if you go to start-up a new business and you’re told that you have to pay for the $500/mo “business package” in order to get higher the 0.3 Mbps traffic speeds to your site?
Nothing about this decision is going to benefit how you use the internet.You use it for paying bills, for doctors and hospitals, for school, for work, and for entertainment.
Don’t give up, guys!
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animeshowerthoughts · 7 years
This is very important!!!
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Okay, so earlier today, we surpassed the goal!!!!
Because of this, the goal has gone up to 3,000,000
We can get even more people, I know it
Net Neutrality is important guys, sign it if you haven’t!!!
So with all the freaking about it going up, don’t worry, all it is is the fact that we did so well, they raised it to get even more votes
It’s a good sign!!!
Keep it up!!!!
See you on the other side (hopefully)!!!!
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animeshowerthoughts · 7 years
yall here’s me taking a moment to say to sign this petition for net neutrality and shit bc its important as fuck and its hella close to the goal!
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animeshowerthoughts · 8 years
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I have no explanation
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animeshowerthoughts · 8 years
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Did someone call for more freckled Yurio?
Edits by me Other edits of freckle Yurio by me http://bunbun1027.tumblr.com/post/155963433044/current-aesthetic-yurio-with-freckles-edits-by
(Also if you see art of him or draw him with freckles and you tag me in it I would love u forever)
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animeshowerthoughts · 8 years
All I've ever needed
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Current aesthetic: Yurio with freckles
Edits by me
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