animationpractivetri2 · 2 months
Weeks 7-9: Puppet design and making
I expected myself to fail miserably at this because I've always been quite bad at DIY and handy works, but I think I've exceeded my own expectation a bit during this project.
I was super happy about how the lions head came out, I made sure it had plenty of details on the face as well as the mane. Unfortunately I was not able to color the eye more precisely because I didn't have any white paint.
For the clothes, other than the absolutely necessary part that needed a bit of sewing, I actually glued all the fabrics together on the body, and hid the ugly opening on the back with a cape. I always sucked at sewing, so I found an easier way.
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animationpractivetri2 · 2 months
Weeks 4-6: 9Trees live project
This project was alright in my opinion. Although I'm not very familiar with working with clients, I think I still somewhat delivered. I do have to say what I was not satisfied with was the client's request. I originally sat out to have the illustration be based on the Rat day, and I spent quite a while exploring how to make a coherent image incorporating the rat itself and nature. When the critique day came however, they asked me to change the rat into a squirrel, which was not listed as an option before, and I was not happy about it, not at all.
It was quite unreasonable, because it was up to us to choose the holidays, but I was suddenly forced into something else when I was already 60% there. Their reasoning was that because the rat is holding an acorn, it would be more appropriate for it to be a squirrel, but when another student's work that also featured a rat and acorn, they were not told to change anything. I personally would consider this a learning experiencing in a school setting, but realistically if a client suddenly ask for drastic changes at such a late stage, it's completely unreasonable.
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animationpractivetri2 · 2 months
Week 3: Experimental Animation - Pixillation
It was probably the most fun I had compared to the previous projects. The 4 of us as a team figured out different ideas and skits to make a really fun and well crafted animation. We all took turns handling the cameras and acting and I'd say it all turned out pretty satisfying.
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animationpractivetri2 · 2 months
Week 2: Animation in the real world
I had been following a few artists that animate on videos of the real world and was excited to hear we were gonna do the same. I choose to do something simple, like an angered marshmallow throwing itself toward a bottle. At first I tried doing it on Adobe Animate, but the program was having troubles that I didn't know how to fix. Like brush strokes showing up only after I switch the frame, which was impossible to work with. I scoured reddit and other websites yet I was unable to find a solution so I settled with TVPaint.
It didn't really come out how I wanted but it was fun.
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animationpractivetri2 · 2 months
Week 1: Experimental animation - Collage
This project was fun yet challenging, we had to pick images from magazines and cut them out to create a collage.
At first me and my partner were extremely frustrated because of the school's poor equipment choice for production being old macs. Dragonframe was not working well on the computer and we were experiencing terrible lags despite following all the necessary settings. I think we had switched 3 computers which were all facing the same problem, and it miraculously fixed itself at some point which means we could then finally continue on with our project.
My partner Nic were in charge of making the 2d puppet and editing and I was in charge of the background. We both worked on the animation.
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