Kimberly Ayala
28 posts
UTEP Student, Biology Major,
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
Before doing the advanced visual argument, I knew how to work with iMovie and I knew how to use Logos and Pathos for convincing purposes, to grab a reader’s or viewer’s attention. I know these skills are used for PSA’s and related videos, so the skills I learned and used while planning out the video my group and I made will also be applied in other courses. Also, if I do pursue a career in veterinary medicine I might be working to convince animal owners of specific diseases, vaccines, or treatments necessary for their babies. Making a video is always fun to me, it’s not difficult to understand how to cut clips and add music, I would definitely be involved in something like “producing” a video again. We didn’t really have revisions to our video, we put some clips together and it all seemed to flow well. The voice over was probably the one that took more time but that’s just because it’s funny trying to record something serious. The readings for this assignment helped me in understanding the structure the video was supposed to have.
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
The literature review was to me the most difficult one. But maybe that had to do with how long it had to be and the fact that I needed primary research. I knew how to network, I learned in my Sci 1301 class, but I never really did it. I believe the purpose of this assignment was to gain some credibility in my field and research on a specific topic within my field. I knew how to research for a topic and where to look for my resources. I knew that there were real problems in the destruction of coral habitats but I did not know the specifics. I feel like I accomplished the purpose of the assignment, except for the part where I had to interview a specific someone. I was never good at approaching someone to interview, I should work on that. I learned that in order for a research paper to be credible I should look for diverse sources such as books, news articles, scholarly journals, etc. If a paper has just one type of source it will not be as effective as one with multiple types of sources. I will definitely be using this strategy when continuing with research in the biology field.  I think my writing process for this assignment was also effective. I had enough information to write about when I read and researched and when I got feedback I was told I was doing good, I was just missing my primary research of course. Reading, researching, and planning out my essay helped very much with my progress while writing the paper. My revisions for this paper were not as effective as my last assignment because I didn’t revise much, I left it all the same as my draft and just added the information I was already missing. the readings were helpful in this assignment because it gave tips as well on how to look for the right source and how to incorporate evidence into my writing.
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This was me during my whole writing process...
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
For the Genre Analysis, did not have any prior knowledge about doing it. I knew there were different perspectives on everything depending on the person talking about a specific topic, but I didn’t know that there were different methods in explaining their perspectives. Analyzing genres was weird because I never look deep into detail in a video or a website I simply just glance at it in a sense. I feel like for my genre analysis I understood the concept and analyzed both my article and video effectively. I may have needed a little more detail about my artifacts, but for the most part, I think I accomplished the purpose of the assignment. In the future, I will know how to analyze an article or a video I may need for research purposes and know if a source is credible in what it says or not. I will be able to incorporate my own pathos ethos and logos in my own research paper or any paper I write when I need to write about a specific topic. My writing process helped my progress because I had to write a draft of my genre analysis and submit it for feedback. I was told I did a good job but needed to add a little more detail in some sections. When I revised my draft, I made sure to add more detail but I think I still missed some critical points, which is one thing I would change about my revision; go over it once more to see if I miss anything necessary to change.  The readings for this assignment were helpful because it showed me how a genre analysis should look like. It let me know what to look for when analyzing different artifacts and I did so. I enjoyed analyzing my artifacts and wouldn’t mind doing it again.
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I was obviously satisfied with my Genre Analysis. Is that bad?
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
Course Reading Reflection
At the beginning of the semester, I imagined reading about writing. I expected to read about learning how to write effectively and as it turns out, I was right. I’m not complaining, I enjoyed learning new things about writing and incorporating them into my own writings for the course. 
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Some of the main ideas we wrote about were about reading, summarizing, and arguing effectively in order to get your point across and knowing what to read about to get the right kind of information you need to be successful in your writing purpose. As I continue writing, I will most likely be developing my reading, researching, and arguing skills. Throughout my college career, I will be writing a lot of papers for many more classes and will most likely write academic journals and what have you. I will be researching a lot on specific topics and read other academic journals and books in order to attain any information I need to write my own paper.
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 Readings in this class were simple to understand and helped a lot on the major assignments I completed throughout the course. Each reading gave tips on how to complete certain criteria necessary for each major assignment, which helped boost my approach to each assignment. My approach to the readings, however, was not boosted. I’ve mentioned before how academic reading is completely dreadful to me... that still has not changed. Maybe I have to change my reading style but I was never looking forward to reading those dang chapters. Until I did read them and learned from them. But it never changed my first response to knowing I had to read, it was always negative in the beginning and positive in the end no matter how hard I tried to look forward to them. I think it had more to do with the lengths of the chapters and readings on Blackboard than the content itself. Or because it was mandatory rather than simply because I wanted. I didn’t have any readings that stood out to me, they were all interesting in their own way. I definitely learned from each one so I can take that approach to the readings about how they positively stood out to me. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend any reading revisions to the course, I think the way the readings were incorporated into the class and the topics for major assignments were effective enough. 
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
Jesus Christ, I’m so glad this is done with! Not this class specifically but the semester lol. Almost done with my first year! How exciting....
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I’m about to use as many GIFs as possible because they’re awesome. 
Multimodal experience I think what I learned the most by using multimodal context to reflect on my reading responses is how to express myself not only with words but with images. To give a better picture of what goes on in my mind when words just won’t cut it. Using both words and pictures/GIFs made my reflections more believable and interesting, in my opinion, because my readers were able to better understand and relate to what I was saying, as well as keep them intrigued. 
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Multimodality definitely influenced the way I viewed rhetoric. Now not only do I know how to persuade using words but also triggering reader’s emotions and such with the use of multimedia. I used to think rhetoric was uninteresting/irrelevant if I’m being completely honest, but the course taught me my lesson. I’m sure now every time I have to apply rhetoric to some aspect of my life I will look for multimodal opportunities to do so. Using GIF after GIF after GIF after GIF....
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Top 3 posts Honestly, this is one of my favorite ones because I feel like I took the time and effort to make it a good one. Especially since I cropped a video which unfortunately cannot be viewed anymore. I almost got blocked on YouTube for it and everything (lol oops). It’s weird, though, because I made it a point that the original video did not belong to me... Anyway, I feel like this post is one of the ones where I made a lot of sense in, so it’s part of my top three. I hope I don’t get points deducted for saying this but this post I especially like because of the first GIF I used, I think it was a smart move lol. Not just that but looking back at it I like how I used an example from the book to explain my thoughts. I related to it the most because of the reading and writing part of it. This reading I think was the ones that most stuck to me when I finished reading it because I seemed to have put more detail into my response. I love giving detail and when I understand something I give a bunch load, so of course I would consider tgis one of my top posts! Once again my GIF was my favorite part of my response, that sloth is so cute
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If I’m being completely honest I think my responses *bloomed* throughout the semester.
My tumblr experience: The point of the class was to express yourself using multimodality. I think if blackboard were used to complete the responses it would totally defeat the purpose. Tumblr was fun to use and it was great having a peek into the minds of my classmates. I’m sure they feel the same way. Personally, I wouldn’t mind completing another Tumblr post for any class, it really got my mind working. And I think that’s what I like the most. When I wrote something and looked for GIFs or images to correlate to what I typed was a challenge and I found it interesting when I saw what my classmates thought was more beneficial for their posts. Everyone thinks differently and sometimes what they chose as a GIF wasn’t something I would choose and vice versa. I enjoyed interacting with students outside of class, outside of blackboard. I wouldn’t change anything about my Tumblr experience, I think the way that  I chose to answer reading responses and interact with my classmates was effective. I tried doing it so I would respond to every classmate, choosing two different classmates to respond to every post, but I was limited to only a few. 
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
Good point my friend, a doctor does indeed need to use visuals to better explain the patients issue if any so they understand better rather than just speak it or write it because lets be honest, who really understands a doctor’s vocabulary? Let alone their handwriting! The balance of texts and images is rather important, isn’t it? You don’t want something to be too text heavy if you want your audience to pay ore attention to what you’re saying with your images. But you never know how much is too much or how little is too little. It hurts my brain to be honest. You seem to have the right idea to the reading so god job :) lol
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Reading Response Week 12
The main ideas of Writing in Transcript chapter 10 are the formats and modalities of arguments. Throughout, the chapter the author goes over the written modalities of arguments, he also describe visual arguments, the author also explained the forms of visual arguments in different disciplines. In addition he describe what verbal arguments are. This chapter connects to my career because as explained in the chapter visual arguments sometimes is a combination of visual and verbal explanations, combining images and text to support and prove your argument. When explaining something a doctor sometimes shows images of the body, digestive system, bones, a many more things and combine it with text in order to explain something. This chapter gave me a more robust understanding of the structure of arguments and how different types can be combine to back up your argument. This chapter will help with the AVA project because it explains how academic posters are done and also presented. In addition, it will help me with the structure, it gave me a better understanding. This chapter prompt me to question the balance between images and text in our AVA project. I choose this gif because when explaining your argument you got to do more than just wanting to prove others wrong, you need the opinions of experts and do research to prove your point.
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o #rws17 #ReadingResponse #AVA
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
I agree with you where you stated that the way you format your argument is how effective it’ll be in the long run. You’re not gonna want to have a weak argument on something you feel strongly about and not get your point across, because then there would be no point (lol). I think the way you summarised Yancy’s work in your own words is perfect and you can tell you understood what you read, props!
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Pretend the “in hating someone you love” isn’t there lol
Week 12- reading response
There is no doubt that formats and modalities are a crucial part when shaping arguments. As writers develop their arguments and structure them, they must also attend to maters of design. It help determine how they will present their information whether it be through an exam paper, letter, articles or an email.  There are ample modalities which primarily fuse writting, visuals, and verbal modes of communication, which offer a large array of possible formats for arguments. It may also depend on your discipline and or context your working with. Take for example, when writing an argument in the form of a letter , one must often distill their ideas in to a brief format. The way you use your format and modalities will determine how effective your presentation will be.
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Yancy’s article supplements the content from the chapter greatly by expressing the models of composition. She breaks each key expression to allow us to thoroughly comprehend how she is  tying her previous and future information. For, example she talks about circulation of composition, canon of rhetoric and deicity of technology.  Much like chapter 10, Yancy outlines and exemplifies the different types each section has and how it impacts our argument.
According to Yancy, literacy and rhetoric are often treated like discrete entities when in fact they are interrelated.  The rhetoric can intersect and through that interaction they contribute to new exigencies for inventions, arrangements, representation, and identity. “ or they change what is possible.” They compose and delivery which a critical role.
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I definitely find changes in my perception of literacy. It’s not just you basic ability to just read and write, its far much more than that. There are ample ways that literacy is tied through everything. There a lot that goes into writing. We have to choose what best medium and delivery is effective for communication , then we have to  create and share those different communication pieces into a media and audience. Both these reading show to prove that literacy is broad in every aspect.
Yancy and chapter 10 impacted my knowledge of multiliteracies/literacy by providing several examples and going into depth about each. We are all used to understanding the simple meaning with literacy but these readings gave us a full picture that is much more than that. Yancy talked about the transformation of literacy because technology changes and the circulation of composition which I was completely oblivious about. Chapter 10 gave me a full insight about modalities and formats.
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all the gifs pertain to each section. for example the 2nd gif is illustrating a connection like rhetoric  and literacy have. 
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
Argument types
Chapter ten of Writing in Transit goes over the many different types of argument and the many more types of ways each argument can be carried out. Basically the way people argue is by reaching their audiences senses, even smell and taste because chefs persuade their customers to continue going to their restaurant. Written, visual, and verbal arguments all have same goal: to persuade their audience to take action of something or create awareness to an issue. However, each modality has its specific method of doing so. Written arguments must have more evidence to convey their message and obviously text heavy. Visual arguments need more graphical images and media than text because the media itself is what is doing the persuading. Verbal arguments are a tad more difficult than the previous two, however they depend most on defending the person’s position. These forms of arguments each have different structures depending on the discipline using it. 
The reading connects to my major because I will be working with all of these modalities. Visual arguments for me is a huge thing because as a biologist I Will be completing many academic posters to show research or to give my position about some issue with the biodiversity of earth or something along those lines. I am actually currently working on a poster for a “poster session,” it is called the COURI symposium. I will attend this along with three classmates and present the information we have acquired in our research lab over the last couple of weeks. 
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I would also be writing a lot of arguments based on research, and more likely than not will eventually verbally argue for some issue withing the biology field. “yay”
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The reading helps with the major assignment because it allows for me to get a more general idea on what to include on the documentary. Since this is a visual argument, I believe there should be more media than text. Of course it has to be multi-modal per usual, however more videos and images will be used and a couple of descriptive sentences or something related. It will not exactly mimic any documentary you would see on television but it will be a combination of it and a PSA most likely. 
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The following GIF is from an animal planet documentary (or so the tags indicate)
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
This week’s reading response pertains to chapters 8 and 9 of Writing in Transit. Chapter 8 mostly talked about the different types of arguments a scholar will write about and how the three main types will sometimes overlap with each other. The chapter includes the author clearing up misinterpretations of arguments and teaches the reader how to effectively argue a position by using the three argumentative appeals and avoiding logical fallacies. Chapter 9 guides readers to effectively constructing arguments through reason. There are many different structures for argumentative writings,the reading states that each of these argument structures there should be a position, evidence, connections between these, and counterarguments. However each structure has their own special difference to distinguish from the others. 
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The reading may pertain to my career because when I become a veterinarian I KNOW there will be many pet owners who will not want to treat their child (animals are children to me oops) because they are ignorant. Knowing how to argue effectively without losing my patience will help me persuade them to help their child feel batter no matter what the cost or however they feel about the treatment. I may not be doing so in written form but there are also ways to use the topics mentioned in the reading in verbal arguments. 
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The reading will help my group and I with the assignment because we are trying to argue about the dangers that coral reefs are susceptible to. We will be able to go back to the reading if we need help structuring our arguments within the documentary and use ethos, pathos, and logos to support our argument.  
The GIF and the picture are there because they’re the first thing tha popped into my head when I wrote about these topics. 
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
AVA Topic Proposal
For this week’s module we’ve been asked to have a topic proposal and figure out which project option we prefer. My top two preferences for this topic are the documentary or the advocacy website, I’m not very creative for a poster 
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So for my Argument my Issue will be the same as my Lit review. Coral reef populations are minimizing each year. There are many factors to this, one of the main ones is coral bleaching. Coral bleaching is mainly caused by cyanide diffused through water when used to catch fish. When cyanide reaches coral polyps, the symbiotic algae living on the corals fall of, and those algae are responsible for “coloring” corals, as well as the photosynthetic process needed for these coral to survive. This is an issue because with corals dying, the biodiversity of oceans reduces and many marine animals lose their homes.
Audience: Fishermen, tourists, marine biologist, marine traders. 
Purpose: To inform/ persuade fishermen, tourists, aquatic traders to stop using cyanide and create awareness for the animals living in corals and the reduction of coral reefs themselves. There was a major coral bleaching endemic in the Great Barrier Reef just this year, and it happened before (last year) yet it isn’t addressed as any other issue would. Fishermen should stop using cyanide to catch fish to reduce coral bleaching. 
Solution: It is their job to catch fish, but there are many other safer methods not only for corals but for the whole biodiversity of the marine ecosystem. There can be other “toxins” that can be used to stun fish, to catch them, that do not harm corals. Keep coral reefs beautiful pls. 
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
Chapter 11 from Writing in Transit goes over what evidence is, what purpose it serves, and what types of evidence there is. The chapter incorporates previous chapters (like Ch. 2) to further explain how evidence can be used in an academic paper. It’s interesting how the author uses food as a metaphor for evidence, it actually let me understand what I’m supposed to do.... it also made me hungry but that’s besides the point. I’ve always used the sandwich method when writing research paper, it makes a lot more sense when trying to prove you know what you’re doing; that way you won’t end up like this lady.
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The reading connects to my major because as a biologist I will be needing piles of evidence when researching, say, for a paper or for my personal findings; collecting data to prove I did something with the bacteria I’m studying, and have background knowledge of it when citing other scientist’s papers. It allowed me to understand that I don’t always have to use only researched evidence but also personal evidence when writing a research paper, and it in fact enhances my credibility (yay me). 
Of course the reading is essential for understanding the Lit Review because it’s all about evidence. We’ve gotta have our own research and have a thousand resources to back up what we know about our topic. It’s hectic! It also helps know how to organize a paragraph with your evidence. Once again, food comes to mind when integrating the MEAL plan.. I think it will be easier for us (way to speak for myself) now that we’ve read the chapter and hopefully understood how to organize evidence so it can flow throughout the paper. 
I’ve only got two questions: would the annotated bibliography be summarizing or paraphrasing text? Or none of the above? Honestly even after reading, I’m still a bit hazy on that. Also, what time is lunch? (LOL)
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
Summarizing & Synthesizing
Summarizing and synthesizing texts are essential in academic writing. These concepts were discussed in chapters 5 & 6 of Writing in Transit, and were described as “vital” in academic writing. Summarizing and Synthesis connect to my career choice because as a veterinarian I’ll have a lot of information to discuss to a “patient” owner and to briefly explain to them what goes on I will have to summarize. Also, in my major I will be writing a lot of papers(sadly) therefore I need to know how to summarize and synthesize my texts, especially research papers. This reading is very helpful to the lit review seeing as I will be writing an abstract summarizing my research. Also I will be connecting many Ideas such as the intro, methods, etc. I think it'll be very simple thanks to this reading
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
En tain de lire...
I’ll be honest. I absolutely love reading on my free time, you know, pretending I’m a part of the plot and everything. But when it comes to reading for academic purposes I can’t find a way to concentrate or give any interest. It’s as if the word “academic” makes reading boring... Unfortunately, it’s mandatory I read for assignments, so when I do, depending on how “good-quality” I want my assignment to be I either skim read or do that “in-depth reading” the book talks about. 
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For the most part, when I want to understand what a reading is about I read well enough and concentrate as well as I can with whatever method I find, and usually get good results from it. I understand the main points of the reading, and am able to summarize and or interpret it my own way. When I skim-read it’s mostly to find a quote or other type of evidence for the specific assignment. When I had to write short essays on a reading I would look for a specific section that talked about the subject and read that section and voila I would write something really good haha. I don’t recall encountering any obstacles, at least not major ones. Whenever I can’t remember what I read if I skim-read then I just go back and read it a little slower so I can get a clearer understanding. 
For RWS 1302 when I read these chapters, i read every single word because my brain is weird and very distracting so I have to really concentrate on what this book says. Since these chapters have words I don’t usually see and talk about things I’ve never read about before, I obviously have to understand what is being said. Especially since I have to give a brief summary about what I read. Rhetorically, I read these chapters and when I find any logical appeals such as previous studies or dates or statistics I have a tendency to look them up to see if they’re accurate. Not because I don’t trust the author but because I like making sure things are right... As for pathos and ethos... I don’t really look for credibility from the writer because it’s her book. And it was revised and published... I don’t know, I don’t really doubt if a person is credible for what they speak of when they publish something. These chapters don’t exactly cause any emotion to bubble in me, but there are times when I read something and I’ll be like “same” because I do the same thing as other readers. For example in page 73 where it says “Since many people are accustomed to using internet search engines for day-to-day queries in their personal lives,...”
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Chapter 4 and the CRAAP video will help me in the Lit Review because the book gave me good advice on how to find a reliable sources and many of them, too by using the breadcrumbs method. I’ll definitely be using that. The CRAAP test is an essential way of knowing whether or not the source is reliable for your specific topic, therefore I’ll have good sources if I use this when looking for them. 
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
I think your understanding of the reading is absolutely great! Had I not read this chapter, I could just read your post and BAM I know what it was about, so great job on the explanation of it! Your topic proposal seems interesting, it is important to know the proper safety precautions to take while taking on, for example, the viruses you mentioned. It’s always a good idea to be safe, no matter the situation. 
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Week 5 Reading Response
This weeks reading was about how and why is it important to have an effective research question when writing a research paper. You should ask a meaningful question that has to do with what you are writing. This not only makes your paper much easier to comprehend what it is going to be about, but it helps you understand a lot more about your topic than because you have a clear, strong research question.
“Good questions do not necessarily produce good research, but poorly conceived or constructed questions will likely create problems that affect all subsequent stages of a study.” -Jane Agee
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The way this ties into my nursing major is the fact that there is new research going on everyday in the medical field to find cures for viruses and diseases and researching new medical problems. When they are doing research they definitely need to have a well thought out research question to know exactly what they are trying to solve and find out. 
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The reading gave me a clear understanding what is a meaning full question to be asked when researching. The characteristics of an effective question are to originate from disciplinary context, maintain significance, keep a pointed scope, and to find more research. These steps will help me with our LIT review assignment coming up soon. 
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Topic Proposal: My genre analysis was on the importance of safety in the nursing field. For the lit review i want to focus on mostly the same topic however go more deep into the dangers of not having proper safety in the medical field and what the consequences can be.
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
You’re absolutely right! Asking questions does bring about new research! I think as an accountant there are many questions you could ask yourself as well as your clients, as you said, which is a great connection to the reading! I think you’ve got a good understanding of the reading and you seemed to have gotten some general idea about what you will be writing about, so good luck! 
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week 5 Reading Response
This weeks reading was on “Posing meaningful Questions” which was about the importance of asking good questions. It stated all the reasons why good questions are needed like creating a better foundation for success in your research. it said how a good questions would help with the research at hand by helping spur new research. The book also explained some ways that you can use to pose new questions.
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this relates to my major a lot. in when gathering information from the clients you must be asking well made questions that may be unique to each and every client based on what kind of business they own.  accountants must also ask the right questions in order to figure out an business standing financially.
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This chapter is going to be a big help on this next upcoming assignment it will help with my ability to generate will written questions in the lit in order for the reader to effectively know what ill be talking about. this will also help me with the foundations of the paper as in order to create a goo paper you need a good question
For my lit review topic i will be writing about will be corporate accountability with regards to the environment .
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
Des questions significatives
Chapter 3 of Writing in Transit discusses how questions are posed within disciplines. The chapter goes over the type of questions may be asked such as interpretive, quantitative, or fundamental questions about your discipline. These questions are useful in helping you better understand your topic, and become a credible source within your field (e.g. Physicists pose, research, and answer questions about the universe, making them credible individuals in the information they provide.)
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This reading connects to my discipline because although I have strong feelings about habitat destruction, I do not know everything about it.  For this reason it is important for me to ask questions on the topic, in order to understand and expand my knowledge of it. 
Since our major assignment is the Lit Review, reading about posing research questions is significant considering we will have to do so ourselves. It was helpful to learn that there are many different types of questions one can ask about their topic. I don’t know about you guys but I find it a bit difficult to come up with questions about something, let alone doing so in order to gain a more vigorous understanding of something I barely understand. But, the reading helped me think and gave me a bit more confidence about coming up with questions. 
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Finally, my topic proposal for the Lit Review is Coral Reef Destruction. I previously wrote about deforestation, and in a sense, coral reefs are the sea’s forests. 
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animalenthusiast11 · 8 years ago
Hey there Danielle! The way you linked your career to the reading was great, the way you explained how analysis will be used for marketing helps me understand that, I wouldn’t have understood how that worked if you hadn’t explained. I feel like your GIFs and explanations for them are also great, especially the first one, trippy! What stood out the most was where you gave a range of analytic topics, 'from and to,’ for anyone who didn’t read the chapter it is a perfect way of explaining how analysis is always there.
Analyzing Week 3 Response
This weeks reading was over chapter 7 from our book Writing in Transit. Not only did it give us an explanation of what “analyzing” is but it gave us deep details on the many ways it can be done, and how not everyone will have the same analysis as you nor the same way it was done. Just like we all have different ways of learning the same goes for analyzing some of us might be visuals (pictures, images, observations), while others might be textual (songs, notes, criticism) or aural (spoken language). At the end when it comes to analyzing you’re not just doing it on what you see, but on what you noticing any patters, understanding the text, making conclusions, and being able to explain the data to others who don’t have the background knowledge that you do over the topic. 
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This reading connects to my major in all aspects! Only because there so much analyzing done in marketing from analyzing a product to the demographics of a certain area. I mean marking is not only selling a product is about research and analyzing that research to find out if a product will be successful or not and the same process is done for the reasons of it success or failure. No matter what we do in life we will always be analyzing no matter if it’s as effortless as picking a shirt, or as complex as a the molecules of life. 
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The reading helped me understand with more clarity of why we interpret ideas differently. Not only that but that there’s a lot of analyzing our way with the upcoming assignments. But this reading will definitely help with with the future assignments because the chapter provides examples of the different ways to analyze it mainly works as a guide to answer any questions or any doubts I may have when writing the General Analysis or the Lit Review. 
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I think my first GIF was a good visual explanation of what analyzing is because the more you look into something the more you find. As well as for the others my second GIF only because there is so much to analyse you don’t where to start, and for the last one because we as we’ve already seen we will be doing a significant amount of writing in this class. 
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