anima-zione-blog · 5 years
Beginner Meditation Techniques
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Learning about how to practice meditation is possible with the help of a well-tailored online meditation video course. Learning how to meditate is not very challenging when you compare it with many of your other activities in life. Practicing meditation requires some patience and perseverance. It needs to come naturally and without lots of effort. There are quite a lot of well guided online meditation videos available on the web to help you practice meditation. Meditation can initially be practiced by sitting in solitude or in a calm and quite place, or listening to meditation music. The best places are usually a calm place, such as a river bank, woods, or beaches are some good examples. A minimum requirement to start meditating is a silent place. 
You can start in one of two ways – by gazing at a picture of nature, or any object that can subside your thoughts. Some people use pictures of Gods and Goddesses. The most recommended way to practice meditation is to observe your breathing process with your eyes closed. The reason is that breathing is the only process that happens in our body with or without our conscious effort. Yogic philosophy advises us to focus on breathing to become concentrated without too much stress and effort. Just experience the inhalation and exhalation of each breath.
In the case of learning how to meditate, it is known that thoughts will increase initially, and subside gradually. You will eventually reach a point where there is only calmness in the mind after the thoughts subside. You might observe in some situations that your mind tends to wander across various memories and experiences from the past. In the case of learning how to meditate, this is common.
After some time, you will become aware that your mind has already left somewhere from the focal point, and you can try to bring it back and start observing your breath again. This may be repeated for quite some time in the initial stages. Your mind can be trained to focus on anything you wish with regular meditation practice. A good online meditation video course elaborates on all of these aspects. If your practice is continuous, punctual, and regular, then you will certainly start experiencing higher realms of mind. This can naturally help you in your personal and professional life. 
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anima-zione-blog · 5 years
Meditation for Beginners
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Meditation can be made interesting if you understand it from various points of view. Meditation is the art of understanding the mind and its qualities. It is an exercise for the brain to channel your positive energy and emotions towards productive activities. It can be beneficial for both professional, and personal lives. It is the regulator of our mind, and fine tunes our each and every action. When we say “regulating”, this could indicate that it is controlling or suppressing our mind, but it is the other way round.
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