7 posts
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angryangstylyra · 1 year ago
i lied
lol i moved on very fast (it was never that serious)
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angryangstylyra · 1 year ago
its like
i don't know anymore lul it's a bit more than intrigue for sure
but i'm not telling her that
shit i think he thinks i'm gay
permission to judge
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angryangstylyra · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
why does he feel the need?
"you said it was easy? so you made a lot of dumb mistakes that'll show later?"
"what does that mean?"
"don't you feel ashamed?"
"you used to be so much better."
"why can't you be like her?"
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angryangstylyra · 1 year ago
family animal
according to my sister:
mom -> deer or crow
dad -> bobcat
brother -> bunny
herself -> coyote
me -> dove
according to me:
mom -> deer or crow
dad -> hippopotamus
brother -> skunk or hawk
sister -> elephant
me -> starling
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angryangstylyra · 1 year ago
what the fuck is james galway on
what is this and how
i need to harness the spirit of myself from first grade to learn this again
how did i do it the first time?? idk??
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angryangstylyra · 1 year ago
sartre existentialism
“Those who appeal to the wisdom of the people - which is a sad wisdom - find ours sadder still. Indeed their excessive protests make me suspect that what is annoying them is not so much our pessimism, but, much more likely, our optimism. For at bottom, what is alarming in the doctrine that I am about to try to explain to you - is it not?”
Why do we change ourselves to align with the expectations of people we don't care about?
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angryangstylyra · 1 year ago
1. so done
I feel like I'm going to die each day I do the same thing over again. I feel, I do anyway. I trust, I burn; I wish it could all be defined by a single word everyone understands without a possibility of misinterpretation. I want to escape the monotony of this every day. I wake up, go to school, go home, do homework, and go to sleep. There is no part of me that wants to keep doing this but I really don't know what would happen if I didn't. Every Monday I wish I could live my life like it was yesterday, but the day continues to progress like my spiraling health doesn't exist.
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