angorsuggestions · 4 months
hey, bossman? are you doin okay?
Still dead
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angorsuggestions · 8 months
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angorsuggestions · 1 year
could be tied to memories?
It might. That could explain why those who tend to stick around the longest have unfinished business.
Though I am not a scholar or a scientist, just a skeleton.
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angorsuggestions · 1 year
maybe souls are kinda like starfish, you cut a bit off, put it into a new body that can learn and grow and change and then that soul starts to change and grow to reflect that
Perhaps. It's as good any of mine.
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angorsuggestions · 1 year
these mortals really just full of hubis
Tell me about it...
They wouldn't be the first, and they're certainly not going to be the last.
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angorsuggestions · 1 year
xephos killed the clone of lalna that rythian went on a ‘date’ and hung out with for conspiratorial reasons, bossman. he’s.. well we’re lucky lomadia’s back. [their voice murmurs from the hood.]
Ah. I see.
I'm sorry, but cloning and its effect on my job is still something I haven't quite gotten my head around.
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angorsuggestions · 1 year
you’re the god of death, right? is there anything you can do for clones?
Clones? I have no clue how those things work. I don't think they have souls? At least souls that I've seen?
Maybe they share a similarity to the arcane mechanic that makes a lich? The soul is split across multiple living bodies, perhaps?
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angorsuggestions · 1 year
i mean the doppelgangers are uh. rythian and zoey. man shit keeps happening to your guy specifically
Honestly I shouldn't be surprised. It's something of this calibre that's always happening to Rythian. Yet it always does.
You think you've seen it all, and then there is always something else.
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angorsuggestions · 1 year
its fine only two of the people escaped! im sure itll be fiiine
Parroting back that saying from Yoglabs to me certainly isn't the way to convince me.
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angorsuggestions · 1 year
oh hey they got a tom. and a ben! maybe theyre a different tom and ben
Well, that's worrying. In multiple ways.
What was that thing that people believed about seeing your doppegänger? Bad luck? Death? Something like that...
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angorsuggestions · 1 year
Sometimes, you wake up, assess the situation, decide that perhaps it's too early in this century (or any century) to deal with whatever is going on, and go back to sleep
Hopefully, it'll blow over in a week.
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angorsuggestions · 2 years
he’s Wonderful
Yep, that sounds like Ben alright
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angorsuggestions · 2 years
[Bossman anon hides in his hood gratefully.] Thanks Bossman I didn’t know Ben was so- so- this!
Well he's always full of surprises, he is Life after all.
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angorsuggestions · 2 years
you must mean a lot to him for him to trust you, so you must be doing something pogchamp!
Well that's good then.
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angorsuggestions · 2 years
[Bossman anon is holding onto Tom for dear life.] O.O
Oh boy, let me just pull up my hood. Maybe you can hide in there.
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angorsuggestions · 2 years
great news rythian seems fine because you’re dealing with it, he’s trusting you
That's good at least, I mean we don't need him getting anymore injured after the last incident.
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angorsuggestions · 2 years
Well, I trust you to know what to do.
Well... we've got a problem don't we...
- @angorsuggestions
*dragon-y snort huff*
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