Of Angels and Demons and Hot Cocoa
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angels-demons-and-cocoa · 2 months ago
I remember when I dropped on to the window ledge, and M was standing there. I was hoping so much that he didn't see me. I didn't even look at him.
But I saw your happy, stupid face. "See, I told you there was a girl there."
Oh, the look I must have given you. I told you not to tell him.
I thought, "Here it is, M is gone, and I'm going to get my first and only lecture from beyond the grave." He yelled at you to send for my father. M, you're going to tell my father? I was only 6 or 7 in your guys' time. Dad is going to lecture little me? Maybe that's why they wouldn't take me there?
And then the door shut, and M laughed so hard. I got praised for refusing to give you my name. We had talked nearly every weekend for three months. I didn't come back because that's when Andy's mom died. It wasn't because M told me not to. Sorry, M lol. Me not listening was partially your fault. You helped raise me and had never told me no before. And, you technically didn't tell me not to just that I shouldn't. I knew not to say anything that could alter the time flow.
I don't think I told you why I was even there. I was told to grow up! I had been begging them to take me there for so long that I pretty much said "Fuck 'em both, tell me to grow up, I'll show you grown up." Zombies and werewolves be damned, I was going to try to get in. I was more scared of the spiders on the ledge than I was of the monsters in that forest.
I did find Rocks in that forest. It was like the weirdest piece of my soul had found its way back to me. Doesn't matter what lifetime, he's always extra special. My brother from another mother, sister from another mister. The mangy catbeardog. Watching him transform was a hilarious shit show every fight. "I said I could do it, I didn't say I was good at it."
I had missed you both so much. That was my home more than the castle ever was. And the fact they wouldn't even take me there to see it, was the worst part. I understood why, but it was the last place I saw my father alive. It was the last place both of us had seen our fathers. I hated that he pretended that he wasn't hurting as much as I was. The three of you spoiled him, and I so bad. Aunty was just as bad. I had the prettiest dresses that I hated so much, but I loved that she doted on me and told me about mom. Father took me everywhere, but he wouldn't talk about her. Sometimes, he wouldn't even talk to me.
I was mad about the movie. I won't lie. I'm still upset about it. One, too old. Two, killed. Three, a boy? I most certainly was not. I understood, though. When we were on the run, I did have to pretend I was. And, it wasn't that I didn't like dresses or my vestments; it was that I am not graceful, and I was always covered in mud. I would get caught in them or they'd get caught on something, and down I'd go or rip. Aunty would get so upset, but she always said that as long as I was giving the boys trouble, it was worth every torn dress. Teach your cousin a thing or two. He could stand to be covered in mud from time to time.
Then, I was all alone. So, I followed Benny everywhere. He was all I had. His second shadow. "Shhh, you don't know everything." I'd find the book, and he'd say,"OK, fine. You know this." I remember that day. I could feel it. I could hear the whispers. I cried so hard but I didn't tell anyone. The next time I saw him was that day with GJ. I cried even harder that night. I wanted to save Benny. But he had turned, and I couldn't even clear his mind long enough to find him. GJ pleaded with me to give up because he was starting to break it. I hit him with everything I had. It knocked me out. They gave me his cloak and gave me back my staff. I didn't want either. I wanted Benny back. My Benny. My Benny, who called me an insufferable, know-it-all with the biggest smile on his face.
We had to be the strangest cloister of priests. Bri was over a foot taller than me. How did you get so small she'd ask. How did you get so tall? I always retorted. I was so short compared to everyone, but they never made me feel small.
They all joked and called me a holey hobbit. Holey because everything I had was always covered in holes. That was why I took up sewing. Benny always told me not to waste coin on frivolity. A hole and rip can be repaired with the right love, care, and effort. That's why all our clothes had such beautiful embroidery. Whenever I would come back, Benny would always tell me that he couldn't wait to see what beauty came from the rips and holes that time.
I remember when the plague started to spread. The priests were doing everything they could. I remember the hug Lons gave me before he told Benny to take the rest of us and ran. "Be strong. Be brave. You can't save us all." That's where you were wrong, Lons. I didn't realize it at the time, but it was me that RAISED them all. They don't deserve to die. Please, don't let them go, give them a chance to live still. That's not what I meant, but that's what happened.
I remember when we came back up there. As we traveled, we left a literal green path. Our merry band of misfits didn't realize that it was us at the time. Sylvie never gave us trouble, either. We walked right through that kingdom, over and over. She knew what I was doing. She told me as such later. I think it was after she took the Valkyries. I remember they looked at me as if they were asking permission. I handed her the lantern, and they nodded. - I was also annoyed when they used Sylvie's name. Her name should have been used for something better than when I screwed Peter over, but I still think that's funny. You threw rocks at me, AND you bit me! Bad brother! Bad! lol
So, I love that we have a couple of Peters, but the idiot we call Peter isn't actually named Peter. We call the Peters, Big Pete and Little Pete.
I love that my turtle is wearing glasses like mine and has his headphones around his neck. I love that he's also deaf in some lines, too. Most importantly, I love that Barton is canonically deaf, too. My favorite bounty hunter and archer is. I kept trying to find ways for us to communicate well for them to communicate with him. We just kind of know each other, the spy and the bounty hunter.
I don't know why you say you hated it, then. I thought we had a lot of fun. It was scary at times, and a lot of bad things happened. But a lot of goofy things happened, too. Lots of really goofy things, by accident and on purpose.We made a lot of strange friends.
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angels-demons-and-cocoa · 2 months ago
Azi fell down
Azi fell up
Azi dropped her tea cup
That's why there's a chip in him. All my cups tend to have them, but I'd rather repair and continue to use. I get weirdly sentimental to my cups.
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Today, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale came across some pens and a ‘mindfulness’ colouring book that seemed to have appeared on his desk out of nowhere. He spent several hours that he should have spent working, colouring in instead - it wasn’t an exact likeness, but the shining black and red scales and burning yellow eyes of the winding serpent he’d coloured were close enough to make his heart ache.
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angels-demons-and-cocoa · 2 months ago
I could live in an art supply store.
I love these new books you can color in! However, I get overly concerned with making sure I color in between the lines. I am not opposed to adding my own designs, but I wish that they wouldn't put other pictures on the back. How am I supposed to enjoy both sides if I have to flip it back and forth?
And how can I gift this one in a nice frame, knowing that there was something pretty on the other side? The backs of pictures are for treasure maps, not other pictures.
I need to invest in a proper photo copier. I can copy the pictures and still do all my colorings. Then, I wouldn't have that horrible feeling when I ripped a page out of a book. Good heavens, I really don't like doing that.
Today, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale came across some pens and a ‘mindfulness’ colouring book that seemed to have appeared on his desk out of nowhere. He spent several hours that he should have spent working, colouring in instead - it wasn’t an exact likeness, but the shining black and red scales and burning yellow eyes of the winding serpent he’d coloured were close enough to make his heart ache.
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angels-demons-and-cocoa · 2 months ago
Oho! They have an army!?!
Well, we *checks the log* we've got.. something. They are definitely.. something. Definitely. Something.
Bards. Angels. Demons. Pirates. Witches. Wizards. Vampires. Aliens. Werewolves. Zombies. Dragons. Bards. Writers. Elves. Dwarves. Hobbits. Some old gods. Some new gods. Some old gods pretending to be new gods. Bards. Some boys playing loopty loop. A couple of doctors. Some other doctors. Bards. A boy with a gambling problem that owes me money (BET!!) J and K. A Bunny that can't work technology. Yeti and his BFF. Talking horses. Ham? Spiders. Cats. Dogs. Programmers. Bards. Lions. Tigers. Bears. A Panda. A cat that has a bag of tricks. Some professors. Fae folk. Giants. Orcs. Trolls. Snakes. Some directors. Bards. Mice. Rats. Squirrels. Trees. Demon hunters. A couple of Witchers. The Van Helsings. Bards. Dinosaurs? A couple of mad scientists. I might even have a billionaire or two.
I got demon hunters to hang out with demons and vampire slayers to befriend vampires.
I see bards listed 7 times? That's a lot bards.
Can any of them pass as... normal?
No? I didn't think so.
Why are the dragons more normal than the bards? You know what, I don't want to know.
"To match your army, I've brought these singing and dancing weirdos!"
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angels-demons-and-cocoa · 2 months ago
The Plague
Today, I noticed the strangest thing. All the cats seem to be missing, right down to my dear sweet boy and the lovely neighbor girl. I even heard some people down by the pub. It's the most peculiar thing! All the mousers just upped and vanished. So very strange. This seems like a job for DETECTIVE FELL. I do love a good mystery!
It was Crowley. He seemed rather proud of himself. Apparently, we got into an argument about cheese and the needs of the mice and rats. So, he helped them start a rebellion? The cats and rats are waging war. Something about the Spanish Inquisition was in there. I really wasn't listening. I was drinking the best tea that I have ever had. It was quite delicious, and the spoon was very pretty.
Oh, no. Oh. No. OH, NO NO NO NO! Everyone is getting very sick. This is bad. This is very bad. Unforseen consequences. We both forgot the whole reason we have the cats around. It's ok! He says he has a plan to deal with the mice and rats if I can manage to deal with the disease.
Well, to keep people out of the fields, we'll dress up and look really scary as we reap the fields. I've talked to the local healers about the appropriate herbs and remedies. We're working on teaching people better hygienic practices. WE WILL PREVAIL!
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