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angeliquexoxo · 2 months ago
"What are they like?" - General Resident Headcanons
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last part on how I think the residents would act in the mansion ←⁠(⁠*⁠꒪⁠ヮ⁠꒪⁠*⁠)
As always, this is creepypasta content - expect MATURE CONTENT (swearing, talks of trauma, murder, etc!)
THIS GIRL. If you read the other parts of this series carefully, you would know that Clockwork has been compared a lot with other residents like Jeff. To put it simply, Clockwork is pretty much like the Joker rip-off of the mansion except she's way bolder.
Clockwork is not afraid to say what's in her mind, and doesn't care if she's committing insubordination towards the proxies. She also doesn't stand down easily- she'll continue to put up a fight literally and figuratively.
She's the only woman in the mansion who's constantly brawling with the other residents. Clockwork gets riled up easily- this causes her to in some cases act brashly. She's always ready to swing first to be honest.
Very loud and vulgar. Clockwork swears a lot to the point every sentence she says has to at least have one curse word. Is also the type to not hold back when it comes to insulting people. If Clockwork likes you, she'll be merciful, but if it's someone she despises- she'll use their insecurities or something sensitive about them and use that to insult them.
She's surprisingly not in bad terms with anyone in the mansion. Clockwork doesn't hold grudges, she may seem immature but she has a brain and knows how to use it well. Because of this, she knows that it's smart to make her housemates as long-term enemies.
She considers Jane as a close ally. She doesn't like using the term friend a lot mainly because she's worried about regretting her words. Do not expect her to be all buddy-buddy with any of the male residents. She doesn't care if any of them went through the same shit as her, she will never give her trust to any man.
Clockwork doesn't hang out with Kate or Nina. Kate is too much of a stuck-up, while she just hates Nina's vibe. Clockwork likes hanging out with Jane since she's the only one who can talk some sense into her. Jane is the only resident in the mansion for whom, I guess, Clockwork has a soft spot. If you look at it in a specific way, Clockwork is a bit like a dog for Jane. Not in a bad way, but for some reason, that's how I view their dynamic.
She's a strong woman. Clockwork is the strongest of all female residents, followed by Jane. She has more upper-body strength than strength in her lower body. She's still a fast runner though.
She's not as feminine as Nina or Jane but also isn't as masculine as Masky or Hoodie. Clockwork is right in the middle. Her hair is messily chopped and is about shoulder length maybe even longer by a bit. She doesn't care about the type of clothes she wears. Just give her a shirt and pants that fit her, and she'll be alright.
Homicidal Liu (and Sully)
Out of all of Liu's alters/alternate identities, Sully is the one who fronts the most. Sully only comes out when the host (Liu) is experiencing a strong emotion or when his trauma about his family mainly his brother is being brought up. Sully fronts during these situations because he thinks Liu will get soft thus making him very vulnerable. On some occasions, Sully will front when his host is on some missions, specifically when the targets are families who knows too much about the mansion.
When Liu is the one doing the killing, he will always stop by at an abandoned church that's not too far away from the mansion. He won't say a prayer, he will just sit on one of the pews, staring endlessly into space while holding a broken rosary.
He still has some humanity in him probably the most out of all of the residents tbh. Liu will only present himself as friendly to people who are obviously not threats. However, he can be intimidating when he's with people who are obviously annoying.
He's fairly close with Nina and Kage, maybe Jane too. After seeing both the impact and damage his brother left on Nina, he was the one who picked her up and made her stronger. Liu sees Nina as a younger sister, the little sis he didn't have growing up no offense to Jeff. Liu bonds with Kage like he's with a kid, like a fun student and teacher bond except Liu isn't teaching shit to Kage. Basically Liu tried to guide the demon to the right path? However he just accepts that Kage enjoys hanging out with Sully more. Liu tries to be on friendly terms with Jane but Sully tries to break it off between the two of them. Sully knows that there's something off with Jane and to protect his host, Sully will make it obvious to Jane that he does not like her.
Although he knows that everything won't be the same as they used to, Liu is still trying to connect with his brother Jeff. Whether it's passing by him, or when he's partnered with him on missions- he will try to make some kind of small talk with his younger brother, to which Jeff shuts down by either ignoring him or by being rudely aggressive.
He's one of the few members of the mansion that actually has some respect for the proxies. Ever since he was a kid, he has always followed the rules and tried to maintain his title of being the "good kid". That phase didn't wear out by the time he became a man and now a slave for doing a faceless creature's dirty work.
Liu is not someone to be messed with. He's not stupid when someone is obviously using him, when he does pick up the signs- he will not hesitate to snap and cut that person off. Sully will sometimes come out during situations like these but he knows that Liu has it covered to an extent.
He spends most of his time either chatting with the residents he's close with or reading a book. Sometimes he'll get tired of socializing and would usually take the time being by himself and indulging in things he likes.
Jane the Killer
I'm gonna give it to you straight, she only cares about herself. Don't get me wrong- she is not a cold-shouldered bitch but if the mansion is about to explode and the Slenderman finally has his back turned on the residents, Jane won't hesitate to run away first.
Jane is the one who has the most secrets and knows the most about the stuff happening in the mansion besides BEN and Kagekao. She actually does a good job in hiding them but pretty much every resident knows that she hides the most.
Jane is probably the most mentally-healthy person in the mansion, and it has something to do with the fact she's a realist. She is aware of the choices she has made and fully regrets going to the mansion in the first place. Jane also fully accepts that she can no longer become a part of society and be normal.
She still hates Jeff. In Jane's eyes, Jeff is still the monster responsible for her transformation and has no plans in forgiving him. She has plans on getting her revenge on him but she's just waiting for the right moment to do so.
Most residents see her as a good friend since she's the type to give good words of wisdom when needed, while others see her as someone who can't be trusted. Like I said, Jane has her secrets and she knows some of the stuff about the other residents, and it's not just basic information like hospital files.
Jane is well-respected. She doesn't disobey orders given by the proxies tho she finds loopholes to some of them, she's not a "punch first, ask later" kind of person either, and she contributes the most to the table even as a resident- always giving her input on serious matters and stuff.
One of the smarter residents too. Not in terms of book smart but street smart. She's very crafty and knows a trick or two about the new world she now lives in.
She doesn't have any enemies besides Jeff. As much as possible, Jane tries to be in neutral terms with everyone in the mansion mainly because she thinks her allies will be useful in the future.
Jane only has close bonds with Clockwork. Ever since they met, they kinda just matched each other's vibe, and no Jane does not spill on the info when she's with Clockwork. Every time Clockwork tries to ask Jane something about the residents and/or the mansion, Jane will always brush it off.
The Bloody Painter
Helen has no interest in anything happening around the mansion. He mostly keeps to himself for two reasons: one, he prefers spending his time on himself doing art, and two, he really has no interest in any of the events happening in the mansion. Fights happening in the hallway? He'll ignore the things being thrown and the yelling. A resident getting scolded by a proxy for not doing their part in the household chores? He will simply walk past them.
He likes doing things in a specific way. Helen has his own definition of what's organized and whats disorganized, you'll see his overwhelming amounts of art supplies all cluttered up on one side of his room and somehow, he will always know where certain materials are. Helen doesn't like seeing his place too clean, mainly because he starts to panic when he doesn't see his things in their usual areas.
He keeps to himself almost all of the time. Helen simply prefers being by himself most of the time, and pretty much all of the residents acknowledge this and respect his space. Some residents will be assholes though and will start shit with Helen. Keep it mind that this artist won't go down without a fight.
Even though he's mostly alone, he does have some bonds with the other members of the mansion. Particularly Jane. She enjoys Helen's talent in art and would often talk about it whenever they have the time to do so. Sometimes they'll about things over tea or when the two have free time, taking strolls around the mansion. Both Jane and Helen enjoy listening to each other's rants about certain topics, but it's mostly about art. If anything, they try to avoid dark topics like death and murder.
Although he's known to be the quiet art dude, Helen is still a killer. Pretty much everyone knows to never mess around with the quiet residents like EJ and Hoodie and Helen is no exception. Jeff learned it the hard way after starting shit with him, he got some stitches after Helen did a number on him.
Helen is considered to be one of the physically weaker residents of the mansion with BEN taking first place. Sure he can kill a family of 4, but he's no match for residents like Hoodie, Liu or even Cody- if he does end up fighting them, he's most likely gonna surrender mid-fight.
If he's not rotting in his room, making art, or having tea time with Jane- then he's out finding a specific material for one of his peculiar artworks. Blood. Mind you that Helen doesn't just get blood from random people like those from missions he was assigned to do. He only gets the blood and maybe the corpse of his muses from people he deemed beautiful by his standards.
He has a lengthy process of killing his victims for his art. First it starts with finding his muse, maybe places like the library or cafes that are located in the less populated areas of the city- then he stalks them. After stalking them for about a week or two, that's when he strikes. He'll first take about 2 large jars of blood and maybe some pictures of his Muse's corpse as a reference for his next work.
Nina the Killer
Almost every member of the mansion would put her under the nickname of "Jeff's fangirl" which WAS true, but after getting herself into the hellhole mansion, she wishes she never had an obsession over the joker rip-off of the mansion. She learned it the hard way through rejection and realizing how terrible her situation is of now being a puppet for doing a faceless being's bidding. Although her Jeff obsession is now gone, she's still, in a way, delusional- thinking she can go back to being normal and you know, be accepted.
Once you get to know her, she's a very nice person despite the killing. Nina is not the type to judge people at all since she knows what it's like to be overlooked or to be written off.
She doesn't express a lot of positive emotions when she's around most of the residents. She'll only show how excited or how happy she is when she's with people she can comfortably express her true feelings mainly because she's scared of people calling her annoying for doing so, which happened before.
Nina would spend most of her time in her room, mostly just doing things to entertain herself like watching movies, listening to music, trying out different fashion styles, etc. She'll only leave her room to get food, when there's a meeting, or when she's assigned to do a mission by the proxies.
Unfortunately, she's not very close with any of the female residents in the mansion. Clockwork finds her annoying with her presence alone while Kate has no plans in socializing with her. Jane is a bit difficult to decipher. She doesn't have it out for Nina not anymore but she still hates her for her stupidity of dragging herself into the mansion.
Nina doesn't trust most of the men in the mansion. Kagekao bullies her and calls her Jeff's bitch, both Masky and Hoodie scare her, She avoids Toby, while Helen doesn't care for her. Pretty much Ej and Liu are the safest in her book. Although he doesn't view Nina as a close friend, he appreciates her for her kindness and polite nature he respects her bc of that. Cody likes Nina because whenever he needs someone to talk to about his experiments, she's there to listen to him. Liu on the other hand, he feels like it's his responsibility to clean up the damage his brother caused. Although Nina's Jeff obsession was all on her, Liu still feels responsible because it's his brother.
Jeff is an interesting case. Before He met Nina, he knew her as a fangirl who stood out because she was on the loose for killing people like him. After she came to the mansion as a newbie, Jeff was... Scared to meet her? Idk how to say it but he avoided meeting Nina during her first few days in the mansion but he was still very curious about her. Was she crazy? Was she a bitch? Did she do it because she was bored? Was she like Harley Quinn? Nonetheless, by the time he ran into her through one of the mansion's hallways, he only felt her stare at him while passing by but looked back at her when she was walking away. He stood back staring at her figure until she turned a corner, disappearing from his eyes.
After getting over her obsession with Jeff, she really hates him now. I would imagine her being angry at him very much- totally blaming him for being a slave for the Slenderman and killing all of those victims even before she became a resident.
When she's with people she likes, she'll start acting like one of those weird kids? The type of kids who would geek out on cartoons or any kind of interest? Imagine Maya and Anna from Pen15. She enjoys talking about her likes and dislikes to anyone who's willing to listen, like Cody and Liu.
Believe it or not, Nina likes to help around the infirmary. She wanted to be a nurse growing up and when Liu taught her the ropes for basic First aid, she basically volunteered to help Ej as an unofficial nurse. She'll only do it in desperate times though, Nina's confidence in giving medical help will go down once she sees residents like Clockwork, Kagekao, any of the proxies. Helping Jeff is out of the question.
I'm really trying to do my best to have a consistent posting schedule, but school is really eating me alive rn 😭😭😭
But it's fine now that I'm on Christmas break! 🎉‼️ Thank you all so much for the hearts and reposts, it really means a lot to someone like me who's lowkey insecure about their writing 🥹💕
I struggled a lot writing this last part bc I'm constantly getting blanks for the Bloody Painter hcs, and almost every time I write about 3-4 bullet points about Helen, they're not being saved 💔💔💔 I'm trying my best to rewrite them but everytime it happens I just give up (I feel so bad for one particular moot bc they really enjoy Helen and was looking forward to the stuff I write about him :'<)
This is the reason why Helen has like 6-7 bullets tbh....
BUT ANYWAYS- this series is done! I'm trying to think of a different series I wanna do next? Maybe more stuff about the residents, maybe their bonds with the different residents? Who knowwwsss, I might write something eventually BUT BE PREPARED FOR LONG UPDATES
Again very sorry for making y'all wait! I'm really doing my best and thank you all so much for the love and support💕💕💕 Consider this as a Christmas present LMAOO 🤩
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angeliquexoxo · 4 months ago
Dw guys, the last part is in progress!! I'm just having some writers block (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) but I am wondering on what hc series I wanna do next?
Tbh I'm not sure if I'll be able to publish a new series by the time y'all come up with some :'>>>
ALTHOUGHHH- if you guys have any questions about my creepypasta au, anything about my interests, or about this blog, I'm always happy to answer them!!
Feel free to ask away!!!!
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angeliquexoxo · 4 months ago
I lowkey love ur work though, like, UR RENDITION OF THE CRP FELLOWS SLAYYYYYY like in a good way.
I love how you write... lowkey wanna eat ur writing skills.
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How I write the residents are all based on different fanfics I read online (mostly on Quotev!) as well as some other hcs from different blogs here :>>>>
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angeliquexoxo · 4 months ago
"What are they like?" - General Resident Headcanons
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More hcs of how the residents would act around the mansion!💕
All characters are written according to my au, I don't own any of the characters written here and they all belong to their rightful owners (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪
This post may contain mature content such as swearing, talks about trauma, and other stuff you may not too read!
I imagine him having the body of a 15 year old, and the mind of a 21 college drop out who's actually really good in technology and social media. Basically someone who's a genius but decided to drop out because it's just not working out for him.
BEN is really annoying to deal with in the mansion. Not because of his ability to manipulate technology (can manifest in tvs and such), but him as a being. Like you would see on the internet, the boy is a troll. He enjoys witnessing the angry reactions he would get from others- which is why he likes to use Jeff as his go to target.
Since he's a spirit, he could phase through walls and such but since he's a techno-poltergeist, he prefers using electronics and gadgets.
BEN would spend his free time in his room or at the recreation room, either playing video games or watching some kind of anime. But if he's working, he would be stationed at the security office- BEN is the only one in the mansion who can keep track of what's happening in most of the cameras placed all around the mansion.
One of the messiest residents in the mansion. The security office is filled with tangled wires and a bunch of junk food wrappers (chips, sodas, candy, etc) His room is also very unkept. For some reason, he has a bunch of used tissues all along his desk which I won't be elaborating any further.
BEN is really easy-going, really playful too- but again, he's a smart spirit. He doesn't trust too many people in the mansion except for jeff because he knows what kind of fucked up shit they all did. He likes to perceive himself as a friendly guy but also shows to others that you shouldn't fuck with him.
Since he's at cyber security, a lot of people look at him when they need something ordered off online (whether it's on Amazon or on the Dark web) of course he'll do it, but in return you'll have to do something for him in return. It can be as harmless as pulling pranks but sometimes his favors are fucked up like killing of a victim he trolled because he told them to pull up to an address he gave them.
BEN is quite expressive, he's the one who reacts to things the most besides Nina I envision him to show off lot of emotions too. He doesn't know how to hide them well, you can easily tell just by looking at him (I think it's also because BEN is always seen so carefree and positive so it's a no brainer if you notice the shift in his emotions easily)
He acts like a moody teenager. Like I said, BEN is pretty laid back, uses vulgar and extensive vocabulary (would use slang words the most) when something upsets him, he will make it known. Honestly, he'll start to act like a petty and salty bitch when there's a minor inconvenience.
Eyeless Jack
Ej is the mansion's official doctor. He got the position and the proper title after the number of times he would give his housemates medical help after or even between missions. He's also the one apart of cleaning up after fights between residents.
He's knowledgeable to almost all things about medicine, especially info on anatomy and things relating to surgery. I could say he's one of the smarter residents when it comes to academics (he liked science, particularly the biology)
He keeps mostly to himself. He doesn't involve himself in any drama happening in the mansion, not because he's not into socializing with the other members of the mansion but rather because he's worried about harming those around him. Because Ej is a half-demon from a failed cult sacrifice, he now has to live with his craving of human organs and it's said for him to deal with because all he wanted to do is help those in need.
With his cannibalistic tendencies, he prefers having meal time ny himself. The only time he'll eat is when he's out hunting or alone and somewhere private in the mansion- like his room or a closed area in the infirmary.
He doesn't get stressed easily. He knows how to act when there's a crisis. He's used to working under pressure, with him being the most medical knowledge in the mansion and stuff. The only time he'll start acting out is when he's hungry. He can control his anger well when things start to piss him off, but if he's starving- that's a whole 'nother level of danger.
Ej likes to be clean and tidy. The practice of keeping things sterile grew on him and because of that he prefers keeping things neat and organised. However, with him needing to consume human insides- it's difficult for him to keep his stuff clean. You'll need to find a victim, get the good stuff, dispose of the body, etc. yeah it's not a fun process for him.
A really respectful resident. He doesn't use vulgar language except the occasional swear words he thinks there's no need to swear so there's that He gives respect to anyone as long as they're respectful to him in return.
Ej is on good terms with residents in the mansion, not because he's the one healing but because he's not as fucked as they are. Has good bonds with Jane and Hoodie, thinks Nina is a sweet for helping him out in the infirmary while the other residents are just okay for him.
Would spend his free time reading books don't ask me how it just fits him if not then he'll organize the infirmary.
Jeff the Killer
Surprising enough, not as foul mouth as you think he'd be Clockwork took number 1 Jeff still swears and such, but he's not bold enough to say what's on his mind- it really depends if he drank enough beer or not.
Also really gross, his room reeks of alcohol and rot. He has a bunch of dirty laundry and empty beer cans that he has yet to throw away. Jeff doesn't have the best hygiene either. He has a hard time brushing his teeth due to the cut on his cheeks. He would also wear the same white hoodie- never washes it unless he feels like a decent human being and decided to do his laundry.
Honestly, he's a bit of a pussy. It really depends on who he's dealing with. If he's with Cody or some resident who is really introverted, then he'll start acting like he's a tough guy a bully basically. But if Jeff is with people like Jane or even with Liu- he'll start shutting his mouth more. Though that doesn't mean he'll start throw some nasty comment at them.
He's pretty awkward around certain residents cough cough Nina cough cough only because he's not good in emotions, especially if it's something really touchy. He hates the proxies, mainly because he doesn't like being bossed around still follows their orders though. He's on good terms with BEN- sure you'll hear Jeff cursing BEN off but rest assured, all of them are said with love. Thinks Jane and Clockwork are bitches, but really Jeff is just a pussy when they're near him.
His relationship with Liu is interesting. They weren't really close when they were kids- Liu was more favored by their parents while Jeff was the problem child growing up. When they reunited, Jeff avoided Liu a lot, him seeing the stitches he had on his face struck a chord on his heart. He almost felt sorry for him that his until he cut his smile up again.
You might think he's an idiot, I mean, he is, but he has a brain, and he uses it for the most part. Since he's a senior resident, he knows the ropes of going on missions and the kind of stuff happening in the mansion. He may not be the smartest, but he's a pretty good fighter. Has an okay amount of strength and can fun pretty fast. He's trying to learn how to use firearms, a shotgun preferably, so there's that.
Has the strongest gut out of all of the residents. He can watch the most vile thing to ever exist and still have his lunch in his stomach. Jeff also doesn't hold a lot of sympathy, just because he's running this killer game since he was 13. He's often stationed for torturing victims when they need info because of this.
He is also an intelligent resident. Very gifted to all things related to science, specially biochemistry and microbiology- since he's centered around diseases and different types of viruses. Cody has some good knowledge in medicine too. Because of this, he's known to be the 2nd unofficial doctor of the mansion.
Unfortunately, Cody gets very distracted easily. Has a hard time staying still, which is why he often fidgets with his goggles. Would end up getting carried away with whatever he's talking about, especially when it's about things he's really interested in.
A lot of people in the mansion found him annoying. Many residents see Cody as a very clumsy kid who's constantly trapped in his own little world.
Cody is in fact the newest resident in the mansion. He came in after Nina after about 5 years? Some members of the mansion still see him as fresh meat though.
Could be one of the most sadistic residents in the mansion. He's known to use whatever deadly sickness he made on his victims. He enjoys seeing how his test subjects victims react to his viruses. Sometimes, he will even snap photos of said victims and name the photo after the virus he used on them. Has at least 1 binder container said photos.
He doesn't have the best living(?) schedule. The boy just wakes up from his desk, conduct experiments on his viruses, studies the results and passes out. He would often forget to eat too, because of this he has a skinny build.
He gets really excited when he's involved in certain missions especially the ones where they go in groups mainly because he wants to show off his creations.
He's only close with members like Toby and Nina, the only reason why is because they are the only ones who can tolerate him and his interest in viruses. Jane, Helen, and Liu have neutral feelings towards him while Clockwork, Jeff, and Ben simply find him irritating.
Kage is an asshole. Because he's the only supernatural being who's not a big wuss, he simply thinks he's better than everyone. He likes to make the other residents stupid a lot. He doesn't think he's better than everyone though, he's very much aware of the flaws he has but in certain if not most situations- Kage has the upper hand.
Knows some secrets about the other residents. He's a very sneaky demon- he knows how to hide himself very well. Because of this, there are times where he would come across residents doing something they shouldn't or overheard private conversations.
Surprisingly a very easy guy to talk too. He doesn't go against most of the rules in the mansion and listens to the proxies. However, every time someone asks him to do something- whether it's a small favor or not, he wants something in return.
Very chill but because of his attitude a lot of people don't like hanging out with him. If you do hang out with him though, most of the time you guys are just gonna end up drunk.
Not a light weight, he's able to consume a lot of red wine in one sitting. He doesn't enjoy other drinks, wine is the only drink he'll only enjoy. If there's no wine then he'll simply leave.
He likes hanging out with Sully a lot. For him, Sully can match his energy very well. Kage enjoys hanging with Liu too. He doesn't interact with his other housemates but he enjoys making Jeff feel like an idiot.
He has the ability to shape shift and climb on walls and ceilings. He enjoys staying in high places like roof tops or beams of high ceilings. He doesn't shape shift too much mainly because he hates the feelings of turning himself into something that's not his usual body.
He prefers killing his victims off quickly than taking his time. He will slow his pace when his victim is attractive. Many times he would hold conversations with many women, sometimes having wine with them before offing them.
I'd think Kage would have good charisma levels. He knows how to make women blush and stutter which is why he chooses them as his go to victims. Despite making girls fall into their knees with simple words, he doesn't have the interest in dating anyone and no there hasn't been a time where he hooked up with any of the girls he had killed
Took some time to finish this post. Many things are happening in school, I have exams next week and we also have a school event where we need to make a costume for our representative :'>>>
But we'll have an academic break after this week so I'll probs post more?
Thank you all for the hearts and reposts on my last post 😭 hopefully y'all enjoyed this one too! 💕😘✨
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angeliquexoxo · 5 months ago
Twirling my feet rn, i love how you write the proxies!!!
OMG STOP (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) THANK YOU!!💕
I was conflicted on how to write them, especially with Masky and Hoodie, since i have very little knowledge on Marble Hornets :'>
same case with Kate. I don't know too much about her character- I haven't played nor seen a gameplay of Kate's game so I had to rely on stories about her and other headcanons (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠)
Again- your words are so special to me since this is my first time writing💕💕💕
Mwamwa thanks so muchhhhh😘🌷💕✨
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angeliquexoxo · 5 months ago
"What are they like?" - General Resident Headcanons
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You read the title, it's just hc from my au on what I think the residents' are like in the mansion (⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪
All of these characters are not mine to claim and all belong to their respectful owners
Also this post may contain mature content (swearing, mentions of trauma, and other stuff)
The Slenderman
Unfortunately I did not write him as the loving father type. He's a powerful entity, an operator- he doesn't see humans or other monsters as sorry souls for him to help that's Splendor's stuff.
Once he sees a single being capable of doing whatever he wants, he will get that being, and make them a part of his mansion.
Very expectant of his minions, doesn't expect them to fail in any way. Though if they do end up failing, obviously they won't walk away with a punishment.
He doesn't step in when there are fights between the residents in the mansion.
The only time he does step in is when another entity is interfering with the minds of his minions or if he knows when a fight will leave permanent damage in the minds of the residents like emotional damage, mentions of very personal trauma, etc.
He doesn't show himself a lot in the mansion. The residents are aware of the Slenderman, he made himself known to them before dragging them to their new home. All of them are aware of how terrifying he is so they make sure to do their missions or anything to not make him upset he's really terrifying when angry.
He has an office in the mansion, it's located high up. It's on the second highest floor, the floor before the attic. the reason why his office is there is due to the harsh static frequency he gives off.
He's not at the mansion at all times. The only time he'll be at his office is when he wishes to have a meeting with his proxies/other residents. However, he is always watching.
Besides Kate, he's one of the first residents of the mansion Brian came shortly after he fell from the building in MH
Once the Operator took hold of his mind, pretty much Masky and Tim merged together and became a whole different person. He still has Tim's level-headed and cautious person but also gets stressed and anxious he has his pills and cigarettes to help him out
Tim can be blunt and brutal thanks to Masky. Because of this, Tim is a lot less sympathetic. He's also the Head Proxy- he's good at giving orders and telling most residents on what to do but not all residents like him.
Some think he's an okay leader, some think he's more of an asshole because he's the head proxy. Either way, the residents look at him when they want to know things about major missions.
Definitely not the nicest person at the mansion but it really depends. If he gets at least 6 hours of sleep then he'll be neutral but if he doesn't get any sleep at all then he'll either act like a tired dad who got a divorce or a short-tempered dick.
Most of the time he's stuck looking at paperwork and doing missions for the Boss, because of this he turns to smoking to cope. He'll only use his pills when he gets really anxious and stressed.
His friendship with Hoodie started off awkward but got close. When they met again at the mansion the two were really distant with one another. Both of them are aware they had a bond back in Marble Hornets but because they're now almost completely new people, they can't have the friendship they had before.
He's not the one breaking up fights in the mansion, he's either the one dealing with the aftermath or the one starting some of them. On times where he does start a fight, it usually starts with an argument. You know he's winning when the residents start to throw hands and he just blankly stares with tired eyes. When things start to get aggressive he leaves quickly because he knows he has better shit to do HAHAHHA
One of the more intimidating proxies. He has a big figure, I'm not just talking about height. He's one of the better fighters when it comes to getting physically aggressive. He's also the one constantly breaking up fights in the mansion.
Very quiet, doesn't talk too much to most of the residents unless it's about missions and such. He also hates loud disturbances, which is why he breaks up fights in the mansion.
In the same situation with Masky, Brian and Hoodie merged together and became one person. He's not as easy going as before, sure- if he's in the mood he'll be laid back but since he's a 2nd ranked proxy and is partnered with Masky, he has to be on guard at all times.
Not really into things or people that are high in energy. He prefers things to be lowkey.
He's way more brutal than Masky, if he's dealing with a target whose constantly kicking, screaming, and crying- he will not give two fucks about them. He will not hold back on disposing of them- does not care if it's a man or woman though he has his boundaries when it comes to kids.
He came in after Masky not too long ago, when the two met again in the mansion he was very conflicted. They're now in the same hellhole they were at before except they're both almost completely different people. They aren't as friendly as before- because the both of them are aware of what happened in Marble Hornets, they decided to be on neutral terms with one another. They'll still be friendly with one another but the friendship they have now compared to the one they had in Marble Hornets is definitely not the same.
Doesn't really socialize in the mansion, the only person he pretty much talks the most would be Masky, but he tries not to get reminiscent with him.
Like stated before, he's an intimidating member of the mansion. Him standing alone in some dark room or hallway is enough to get people running away from him.
Very physically fit in a way too, not as fast as some of the residents but he has crazy strength.
Kate the Chaser
Was there before the mansion was a thing. She used to live in abandoned buildings and empty sewer tunnels before the mansion came to be. Kate didn't even live in the mansion when the Slenderman told her to reside there, she was used to living alone- surviving. So the thought of her living in the soon to be resident filled mansion was weird for her.
She wasn't salty when she learned she wasn't the head proxy, like I said before- she was used to doing things by herself. Which is why she got the title of Lone Proxy and became the Slenderman's personal lapdog.
Kate is also not the nicest resident in the mansion. She doesn't socialize with the other members and prefers to go out in the forest or be in her room.
She doesn't get along well with the other residents either. She makes it known to the others that she's not here to make friends and shit. The only residents she's okay with are Jane and maybe the other Proxies.
She finds Masky and Hoodie alright, although she has her own ideals on how to lead a group, she keeps her mouth shut since they're doing an okay job. Not a big fan of Toby though.
Besides Jane, she sees the other women in the mansion annoying. Clockwork is too loud and has no filter to the things she says, while Nina is just a person she knows she won't get along with. As for the other men in the mansion- it's just a no for her.
The Slenderman is in her mind the most simply because he can easily infiltrate her mind the easiest.
I imagine her to be strict, like someone in the military? Is also very serious especially when it comes to work- not because she worships her Boss but because she knows that one wrong move and it's pretty much immediate death for her.
A very strong member of the mansion, consider her a veteran when it comes to doing the Slenderman's bidding.
Ticci Toby
As much as I miss the waffle loving "hey Masky" dude, I wanna keep things real. He kills people, has a bunch of trauma, and is an adult. He's not an innocent uwu child boi cringed so hard omg
He knows when to act dumb and is incredibly good at it if he's with a person that's not from the mansion. He doesn't like to be viewed as a weakling and instead uses it to his advantage to fool people.
Although he's a Proxy- a lone one at that, a lot of people tend to not take him seriously because of his tics. His tics are mostly tame but gets aggressive when he loses his cool.
Gets easily ticked off not pun intended by members like Jeff and Masky a lot. They tend to bully him because he's easy to push around and also because Toby loses his cool easily.
Is a very cautious person and pays attention to his surroundings a lot.
One of the more "optimistic" residents, he can be laid back and crack some jokes but when it comes to doing missions- like a flip of a switch, the boy is laser focused on the task on hand.
Very athletic, although he may seem weak and scrawny- he's a fast runner and can jump really high. Because of his CIPA, he is able to go through the day without feeling the pain of his injuries- although it doesn't mean he's constantly losing blood and passing out on the beds in the infirmary.
Still has some trauma from the car crash, he can be inside of an abandoned car but if he's in a car and it's making a lot of loud noises- it's a big no for him. Same goes to listening to a bunch of vehicles going fast on a road yk when they go nyooooom! He doesn't like that either. Don't get him started on truck horns.
His immune system is pretty bad, doesn't have a good sleeping schedule is also insomniac. Has a problem with keeping his food down, he always ends up throwing all of it up.
He's kinda good at manipulating people, will definitely say stuff about his trauma or something about his conditions. If he says the right sappy stuff to the right people then it's an easy win for him. Sorry Toby fans.
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angeliquexoxo · 7 months ago
Update!! ←⁠(⁠>⁠▽⁠<⁠)⁠ノ
Hi! I'm not dead ┌⁠|⁠o⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠o⁠|⁠┘⁠♪
For the past few weeks, I have been really busy. School just started and the schedule we have is.... Just not fun.
It's not like I hate it but it's just so draining and all of my brain power in creating headcanons about my creepypasta au is all being used for school.
I don't have any plans on abandoning this account, I want to make more stuff to post on here but I don't think I have the time and energy to do so.
As of now, I have some things I wanna post- I just don't know when it will be out 😭
That's all, I wanted to make an update on what's going on 💕
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angeliquexoxo · 8 months ago
General Information - Slenderman Mansion Residents
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All of the information written for each character are merely headcanons from my Creepypasta AU! Characters are not mine to claim and belong to their rightful owners!
Some of these characters may be written differently than how most people write them. But again, all of the characters written here are based on my creepypasta AU. Though I will leave a 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗢𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴!!
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞
"The Slenderman | The Operator" (Master of the Mansion) [age unknown] | 8'5" | Male-presenting | Supernatural Entity
creator: Victor Surge
𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞��𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧
"Masky" [Timothy Joshua Wright] (Head Proxy | Partnered Proxy with Hoodie) 28 | 5'9" | Male | Enhanced Human
creator: Marble Hornets
𝐃𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞
"Hoodie" [Brian Alan Thomas] (2nd Ranked Proxy | Partnered Proxy with Masky) 29 | 5'11 | Male | Enhanced Human
creator: Marble Hornets
𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐣𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐞
"Kate the Chaser" [Kate Milens] (The Slenderman's Personal "Lapdog" | Lone Proxy) 25 | 5'6" | Female | Enhanced Human
creator: Blue Isle Studios
𝐎𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐠
"Ticci Toby" [Tobias Erin Rogers] (Lone Proxy) 24 | 6'0" | Male | Enhanced Human
creator: Kastoway
𝐕𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭
"BEN_Drowned" [Benjamin Lawman] (Slenderman Mansion's Cyber Security Expert | Senior Resident) Physically 15, mentally 21 | 5'5" | Male | Techno-Poltergeist
creator: Jadusable
𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐜
"Eyeless Jack" [Jackson Nyras] (Slenderman Mansion's Resident Doctor | Senior Resident) 27 | 6'3" | Male | Cannibalistic Half-Demon
creator: Azelf5000
𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡
"Jeff the Killer" [Jeffrey Calvin Woods] (Senior Resident) 25 | 5'10" | Male | Human
creator: Sessuer
𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐭
"X-Virus" [Cody Rowan Wolfe**] (Slenderman Mansion's unofficial 2nd Doctor | Recent Resident) 21 | 5'8" | Male | Human
creator: MamaPorcupine
𝐓𝐰𝐨-𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
"Kagekao" (Resident) 24 | 5'9" | Male | Japanese Demon
creator: Jinbeizamezama
𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫
"Clockwork" [Natalie James Ouellette] (Resident) 25 | 5'7" | Female | Human
creator: Soffbois
𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡
"Homicidal Liu" [Luis Caden Woods] (Resident) 27 | 6'1" | Male | Human
creator: Vampirenote13
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬
"Jane the Killer" [Jane Todd Richardson] (Resident) 24 | 5'7" | Female | Human
creator: FearOfTheBackWolf
𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐞
"The Bloody Painter" [Helen Otis] (Resident) 26 | 5'8" | Male | Human
creator: DeluCat
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥
"Nina the Killer" [Nina Charlotte Hopkins] (Resident) 23 | 5'6" | Female | Human
creator: Alegotic-twevel
------------------`🍓୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆-----------------
Took me some time to create their titles (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) I'll probably start posting resident headcanons- basically how they act around the mansion and stuff ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠���⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌
For the credits for each of the character's creators, I'm not entirely sure that these are the actual creators (especially for Jeff's character) I only based it on Google results and other sources like reddit and Tumblr (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
Anyways, I'll probably be more busy in the next few days- school is coming up soon so there is a chance I might accidentally abandon this acc for some time (⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠) hope y'all enjoy this post!
✨🌷⊂⁠(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)⁠*⁠.⁠✧
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angeliquexoxo · 8 months ago
𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞!! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞!
Hellooo!! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ My name is 𝐋𝐲𝐪𝐢𝐢 (𝐥𝐢𝐞-𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞!) a 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿 and a baby writer who has no idea on how to run a blog (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) I use 𝘀𝗵𝗲/𝗵𝗲𝗿 pronouns and identify as 𝗳𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲! ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠!
This blog will contain me yapping about whatever I'm interested in ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ so expect some 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 and 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 about them! (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
I'll be focusing on posting 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 so stuff about my AU will be found here! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
I only use my phone to write, sorry if the format is weird for some of y'all •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
I also have a few things in the making so 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐝!!
(⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ💕
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