angelic-cosm · 10 hours
system + bpd culture is your (main) fp is like your only friend who knows youre a system and actually treats you like it and certain alters get attached bc they get like a. high ig off of being treated like themselves and called by dif names/prns and suddenly they int with your fp more than you do /lh
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angelic-cosm · 10 hours
Sorry for anyone that was concerned for our wellbeing. I'm fronting now. We're safe and sound and I got the girls situated.
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angelic-cosm · 11 hours
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angelic-cosm · 12 hours
Hi, could you explain what 'flat affect' means?
Also, if you could explain why the plural because of schizophrenia
These are genuine questions, I hope they're not offensive
Hello! No don't worry they're not offensive questions!
Flat affect is basically when you don't show emotions. Like a emotionless face or what people like to call a resting bitch face. But it's not just for facial expressions but in general showing "no" emotions. Like speaking in a monotone voice and expressionless face when excited. It's common in Schizophrenia but also Autism.
And I consider myself plural as I have beings living inside my head that converse with me and have their own opinions etc but they're caused by my schizophrenia and not something like DID
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angelic-cosm · 12 hours
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angelic-cosm · 12 hours
Coming out of a psychotic break with a proper support system is like crawling out of hell and seeing your friends and family all waiting for you, still loving you
I hope everyone within the means to do so is checking in on friends that are suddenly withdrawing or quick to upset when they were unbothered before
Sometimes just checking in, even if they don’t respond like they normally do, can help
Just remind them that they are so loved because sometimes you need a reminder when you can’t remember who you are
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angelic-cosm · 13 hours
I’m very tired of having to beg everyone to stay
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angelic-cosm · 13 hours
It's not safe here we're alone we're scared we're not alone too close too close please please stop it hurts you hurt us you hurt us why why we did something wrong we're sick we're unlovable we need to die we're not gonna do that it hurts I'm scare d we don't wanna be abandoned anymore
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angelic-cosm · 15 hours
I don't think I wanna be here anymore
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angelic-cosm · 1 day
Hello! Unfortunately, we are not in that stable of a home, and it's become apparent that my situation is a big ol "unsure wtf will happen". We are desperate to get some stability within our lives while we are not allowed to work.
Please consider commissioning us. Our other host, Striker, will be working on putting up writing commissions later today if that's more your style!
Here's our ko-fi
If you want other places to pay or other places are easier, please let us know and we'll look into it.
Here are prices!
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If one is too expensive for you, I am willing to lower the price! I can also draw anything except robots or muscular body types, other than that, there's no boundaries!
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angelic-cosm · 1 day
Plural Ask Game!!
📢 1. How did you get your sys/collective name? 🔔 2. Who is the current host/frequent fronters? 📎 3. Who is your first known alter(s)? 🏳️‍🌈 4. What is your collective/most prominent identity? 🏳️ 5. What's your systems origin? ❗6. Do you have DID/OSDD?
🛂 7. What's your headcount? 👥 8. What's your brainmade to introject ratio? 🤫 9. Who's your most mischievous headmate? (/silly) ⚪ 10. What's your headspace like? 🤔 11. How did you find out you were plural? 🗨️ 12. Random quote from a headmate, go! 🗣️ 13. "Plural culture is..." ❤️ 14. What gives you euphoria about being plural? 💔 15. What give you dysphoria about being plural? 👤 16. Is there something that makes you different from other plurals? ❓17. Make up a random question to ask!
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angelic-cosm · 1 day
If I showed you a picture of my face, people would get mad and say it's gore so that's all you need to know about me. -Ashlynn 💜
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angelic-cosm · 2 days
Rhea fronted for a split second this weekend, bit my phone, and shattered it before slipping back into the shadows. I just now got it replaced.
This is life as a little-heavy system.
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angelic-cosm · 2 days
"Your alters are all a part of you."
We're all parts of a person that could be. Hell, maybe even a person that should have been.
But they are not a part of me.
I'm as much of an alter as they are.
I have parts in me, as in, I have moods and tastes and goals. Those part are not alters.
Alters are their own separate entity, although we are all parts of a dissociated potential whole.
I am an alter. They can't be parts of me if im also a piece of the puzzle.
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angelic-cosm · 2 days
A Reminder that Commissions are Open!
We have settled nicely in Florida and finally have time to do some of the things we enjoy again. A lot has happened in the interim but I wont go into a lot of details right now.
Recently we have realized we need to get a wheelchair to help improve our quality of life. We found a cheap one for less than $200 that we can use until we can afford a customized one so consider this a call for emergency commissions?
If you can't donate or buy a commission please spread this around :)
~Kiah and Kakashi
Kofi Link
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angelic-cosm · 2 days
A Reminder that Commissions are Open!
We have settled nicely in Florida and finally have time to do some of the things we enjoy again. A lot has happened in the interim but I wont go into a lot of details right now.
Recently we have realized we need to get a wheelchair to help improve our quality of life. We found a cheap one for less than $200 that we can use until we can afford a customized one so consider this a call for emergency commissions?
If you can't donate or buy a commission please spread this around :)
~Kiah and Kakashi
Kofi Link
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angelic-cosm · 2 days
This Just In!
The characters in my head are no longer living there rent free!
They have gained sentience and are now expected to contribute.
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