Morning Star
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A morning star on the reigns of Crowleys creation. đŸ’«âœš
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angelcrows · 2 years ago
I still like the fact you can hear the clock ticking in the background even while the music plays. What? Don’t believe me? Well here go to 46:31 Episode 6. You can hear it more clearly. Even if this was a continuity error, you can still use up the theory that Crowley does indeed control time in some sort of way.
He was able to stop time when he went to the certain place with aziraphale. So what if the clocking ticking is just a reminder of the ticking of their ever so timely love and how in reality time won’t ever just slow down for the both of them but yet to continue on meaning they have to move on in order to move time (letting go) even though Crowley practically is begging, wishing, he can stop time, though he can’t. Not this time.
Hello Mr. Gaiman!
I am curious to know if the clock jumping forward a few minutes in the background of the kiss scene in the last episode of GO2 was foreshadowing or a continuity error?! The filming of the show seems so intentional and thought out, it’s hard for me to believe it was simply overlooked during filming.
It's a continuity error, I'm afraid.
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angelcrows · 2 years ago
I have a issue I’d like to speak with some good omens fans + people (like me) who are apart of the lgbtq community.
I have seen people mistakenly say the “MLM” flag is only a use for “males”. Which is completely wrong. The “MLM” flag is not the accurate name in such, it’s the gay flag. BUT since people always claim the LGBTQ flag which is inclusive of everyone’s sexuality and gender is the gay flag, some people have a feel as if they HAVE to call it the ‘MLM’ flag which is not the name for it + we should stop calling it the MLM flag. The flag is not for male loving males, it’s for people who identity is of that but a women’s. ïżŒTrans (Trans Men, Non-Binary’s within all terms of gender fluidity, agender, two-spirit, pangender, genderqueer, third gender) + Cis men. (Those of which who were born a male and still identify as a male.)
And here is the issue: I (a gay person), headcanon both Aziraphale + Crowley as gay. But since people have taken apart that when I use the such thing as the “MLM flag” they see it as such that I’m gendering them both as Cis males which is not the case.
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In my defense, I see Crow and Azi as people who like men and people off the spectrum BESIDES women. So those who identify as anything but a women. I say this because it was a little cute moment where Nina asks crowley if they have a “boyfriend or a husband or another such partner.” This is not the only reason, but I have seen people get upset when people use that certain flag on crowley especially since the name of it. Which is sad because it’s not what it means.
Though Neil did recently say if they were to make a effort our head-canons should not be hated on. So therefore say if I could say Crowley presents as a male, but there-forth isn’t a male. Such as trans men can be non binary people. Crowley presents male, and can make an effort to be a male. But he isn’t a construct of a human man made male even though gender is a construct. They aren’t humans, their angels and demons in which are gender less but have a small effort to appear a certain way without a gender.
I don’t understand why people hate on people if they only exclusively use he on crowley or just she or even they! What you see for them, is whatever you make an effort for it to be.
I want to actively say, could we PLEASE change the name of the “MLM” flag to something else. How about something more or so welcome to people who aren’t just men. Because it isn’t MLM, it’s NMLM and NMLNM. So come on. Let’s brainstorm, we’re a community.
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angelcrows · 2 years ago
Dear Mr. Gaiman.
first of all, thank you for your work. It has given many hours of comfort to me.
I’m a trans man and your writing, especially Good Omens, always meant a lot to me and it still does. Unfortunately, the fandom feels like a hostile place for me right now. Since you confirmed Aziraphale and Crowley as canon nonbinary, I’m being told that my headcanon of them a gay (trans) men is no longer allowed. They say I’m being transphobic. I’ve read the book as a teenager and it meant so much to me that Aziraphale could be a man even though he was not “born” one. I understand it’s not canon and that’s fine. But Aziraphale is my comfort character. Aziraphale and Crowley as gay men, men that came to be men because that’s what they felt like, are my comfort headcanon. And now I’m a bad person for that headcanon? I just don’t understand why every headcanon is okay, except for mine? You might say I could just ignore the people who attack me, but being called a terf is pretty hurtful for a trans person. Again, I’m not attacking you for making them canon nonbinary (or word of god nonbinary, I don’t understand the difference, to be honest). But I feel it’s not right that Good Omens fans attack me for my headcanon.
They are Angels. According to the book of Good Omens, angels and demons don't have a gender unless they really want to make an effort, which is one reason why you would be wrong to see Aziraphale as a gay human male even if that's how he presents himself.
That being said I'm happy for anyone in the fandom to Headcanon anything or to write fiction about anything. That's the fun of it. They could decide to start making an effort suddenly. Telling someone else their Headcanon is wrong or that they are wrong and bad for feeling a certain way about characters is a dick thing to do.
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angelcrows · 2 years ago
I think it’ll be cool if the book of life wasn’t exactly a book but rather a person who withhelds the power to erase anyone in existence. đŸȘ„
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angelcrows · 2 years ago
Petition for David Tennant & Michael Sheen to star in a really gay cowboy film where I want to say Michael plays the ‘bad boy’ who robs and kills and has his own little gang and David either be a town ship farmer or a sherif and somehow meets michaels character and falls in love with him like a totally gay version of the boring straight ones and just having it be drama filled with lots of love to tell.
Extra points that David’s character gets hurt, possibly shot by another gang that Michaels gang hates and has been trying to hunt down and he goes on a rampage and kills them all.
Also another point for Michael to be the one called David Angel.
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angelcrows · 2 years ago
Hello Mr. Gaiman-
I don’t know how tumblr works, so I apologize. But Crowleys belt: I just took it onto my self to notice that it looks like a snake? Dragon? Almost like it’s ‘eating it’s own tail’ like a Ouroboros symbol. (For those who don’t know; a circular/Ouroboros symbol is that of which depicts a snake or dragon devouring its own tail and is used to represent the eternal cycle of destruction and rebirth) was this on purpose? Or was it just a beautiful costume design? Either way, I need the belt. Much love, Star. @neil-gaiman
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