I might write. I might not. Requests are open to anyone who wants one I write for SPN {Not doing Wincest}, I will write actorxreaders, I am in the middle of season 15 of SPN, I will write basically anything you request but I will inform you if I've never heard or watched something before. Thank you my doves <3
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cannot stop rewatching this bit 🥺😭🥰
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"Yeah, it- Shit, I haven't seen anything this bad in a long time." Victor said right before he retched and then the sound of him emptying his stomach echoed in the quiet forest. Together with Castiel, Dean ducked under a yellow tape that was tied loosely around trees and stopped right in front of Victor who was now wiping his mouth with a sleeve of his jacket. "What a sick fuck could do something like this?"
"Do we know who the victim is?" Castiel asked, putting a tip of a cigarette between his lips.
"No- Not yet." Victor paled even more, trying not to retch. "That bad?" Dean chimed in, a sympathetic expression on his face. At least he hoped so.
"To the point that I'm not sure we will be able to find out who she was. Well, maybe... Maybe we will have some luck with her fingerprints. If they're good enough. She- Fuck! She almost looks like she got pushed through a meat grinder." Before Dean could say anything, Victor was behind a tree, vomiting again.
"Go get some water, Vic. We will go have a look now." Castiel exhaled a puff of smoke and nudged Dean to follow him. It only took them a minute or so to get to the crime scene. Victor wasn't exaggerating when he described the victims state; she was basically ripped to shreds, one leg nestled in moss five meters away. Dean crouched next to the body, his hands in the pockets of his jacket, and titled his head, "Man, this is bad."
Castiel hummed in agreement, "That it is." He glanced back, but Victor and his partner still stood by their car, clearly staying away from the gory sight that was nightmare worthy. With the cigarette now between his fingers, he crouched next to Dean and dipped them in some squelchy part of the body. Dean's eyebrow furrowed, but he still wrapped his lips around Castiel's fingers when he pressed them to his mouth. The blood wasn't even entirely cold yet. Castiel gave him a small, pleased smile, "Next time... Let's try not to get so carried away, this is messy even for us."
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absolutely obsessed with tfw’s individual reactions to walking in on gabriel and rowena

it’s so good. sam is so betrayed. dean is so confused. cas wishes he were back in the empty
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Wayward's Daughter Pt. 1
No ship: Sister of the winchesters
Summary: When dad goes missing Dean goes out to find his sister and brother to go start up the family business again.
A/N: This is my own work I am using characters and lines from the show but please do not copy, change, or post as your own any of my work. Also if my grammar is bad don't mind it.
Word Count: 2351
Warnings: angst, swearing, slight arguing, slight fluff, older sister trauma.
The muffled sound of drums playing in the background as Dean Winchester, middle sibling, was sitting in the 1967 Chevy Impala in black looking into a woman's house, but not just any house, Y/nWinchester’s. This was and is his older sister, they had been running the family business until their youngest brother Sam decided to run off to Stanford and try to become a lawyer and get his life together. After a few bad hunts of monsters, demons, and other things of the supernatural Y/n decided to bail to try to have a few good years without her family being killed. Dean however kept hunting with their father, John, and tried to keep it going. But now it was getting bad, Dean hadn’t seen his father in weeks and thought he would be back at least a few days ago but still nothing, no phone calls, no connection, nothing. He had given up, he needed his sister and his brother on this one. Dean got the courage to go up to his sister's house and just stood at the door listening as the drums banged to the rhythm of Crazy Train by Ozzy Ozbourne and waited for the last beat to ring out through the house. He then banged on the door hoping for a reply to the knock as Y/n from inside the house had gotten up from her stool settling the drumsticks on one of the kick drums and getting up to answer the door.
“Hey buddy look I’m not here for your christian mojo or your girl scout cookies, you can just go ahead and..” She tilted her head up. “Holy crap.. Dean..?” Dean gave his sister a sly smile. “Hey sis.” “What the hell are you doing here?” She questioned happily while hugging her brother. “It’s dad, he went on a hunting trip, hasn’t been back in a few days.” His green eyes looked directly into Y/n’s brown ones. “Come in.” Dean walked past his sister moving into the house. She wasn’t stupid, she had her house completely demon proofed and ghost proofed, the houses walls were made out of rock salt and the windows all had protection spells invisibly put on them. She knew her brother was actually him when he walked straight into her home making it past her demon trap. “Dean I know it’s you but I gotta take extra precaution.” “Wha-” Holy water was then splashed in his face, salt was thrown at him and she grabbed his arm and took a silver blade making a gash in his arm. “What the hell!” “Like I said, extra precaution.” She then walked over to her kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing two beers and walking back into the living room where her drumset was still set up and Dean was sitting on the couch.
“Here,” “Thanks.” “So what did you mean you haven’t seen or heard from Dad in a few weeks?” “I mean he cut the connection completely, he won’t answer his phone or even send coords.” Y/n’s face crinkled into one of confusion. Sure their dad did this from time to time but this time it was different. She took a sip of her beer and sat down on the couch. “So what are we gonna do?” “We?” “Yeah Dean.” “But I thought you went away from the job.” “Dean no, I’ve just been alone on the job. They still come after me. Always.” “Winchester curse.” Dean chuckled, taking a sip of his beer. Now Dean was only about twenty-six now making Y/n almost thirty. Sam on the other hand was four years younger than Dean making him just about twenty-two. Y/nthen got up and went up to her closet opening the door and moving some jackets out of the way clicking a button that unlatched a door falling open to show her shotguns and knives. She grabbed a few stuffing them in a bag. “So what's the plan?” “Well I was thinking we could grab Sammy and then go on to find dad.” “Dean no.” “What do you mean, no?” “I mean the kid is settled with his girlfriend and he’s happy, we don’t need to drag him into this, yeah it would be great to see little brother Sam but you gotta understand Sam moved on completely. We need to let him be normal for once.” Dean’s head moved back slowly, his face wrinkling. “What?” “He talks to you?” “Yeah? What the hell? Why do you seem so confused? He called you, didn't he?” “No Y/n, I haven't seen or heard from him since he left.”
After some talking and planning the two decided that getting Sam and finding their dad was important as hell and needed to be taken care of quickly. “Alright we’ll leave at dawn.” She stated, as she had her back towards Dean who was sitting on the couch beer in hand as he watched her pack up. “You’re okay with just up and leaving your home?” “Yeah, it’s not like it’s the first time.” “Y/n..” “Dean, I'm not talking about mom.” She paused, taking a deep breath and turning to face her brother. “I’ve had to move and make a whole new life changing my name and everything twice already this year. I went from Jane Lendor to Lila Thomas to Jamie Lambert. This isn’t my home Dean. My home is on the road hunting, so yeah I’m fine getting up and leaving. I’ll just put my important shit in storage and sell the house.” Dean just decided not to pry knowing that his sister has probably been through a lot.
Morning had come around and Dean was already awake when Y/n came down the stairs, “Mornin’ sleepyhead.” “Shut up Dean.” He chuckled as she nudged him with her elbow. Dean was at least six feet tall, Y/n on the other hand was just about as tall, being five eleven and mostly muscular. She rubbed her hand over her face, yawning as she did so. “Are you ready to go?” “Yeah yeah just lemme get dressed.” Y/nran back upstairs and got dressed grabbing her bag. When she got to the end of the stairs “Hey catch.” Dean threw car keys at her to which she caught. “Oh ho ho.. Yeah.” She opened her door and saw the perfect 1967 Chevy Impala parallel parked on her curb and she threw her hands up. “Baby!” She hadn’t seen the car since she decided to leave the business and try to live a normal life to which it didn’t end well. She came down her driveway and went to the back of the car, opening the trunk and placing her bag next to Dean's circling and getting into the driver seat. “Oh yeah Baby’s back in business. Thanks for taking care of her.” She stated as Dean got in the passenger. “Well you would kick my ass if I didn’t.” “That’s true. Alright Sammy here comes your two favorite older siblings.
After a few days the two were right outside of San Jose and they stopped at a gas station, Dean went in for food as Y/npaid for gas and filled up Baby she leaned against the rear of the car opening her phone and dialing Sam’s number. His answering machine was what picked up.
Hey this is Sam Winchester’s Stanford phone, if you would like to leave a message I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. If not, my personal number is (406) - 866 - 1975, uh thanks.
“Sammy it’s Y/nI just wanted to let you know that I’m in the area and was gonna make a stop by your dorm. And just in advance, I’m sorry, it’s about Dad. I’ll let you know when I - We get there. See you soon Little Brother.” She hung up the phone just as Dean came out with the food.
“Pie?” “Pie. Who was that?” “Sammy.” “What’s he want?” “I called him. Give him a heads up so it’s not like we just barge into his life but I got redirected to his dorm phone so he probably won't get it.” She heard her brother huff out a laugh. “What?” Dean shook his head. “De.” “It’s nothing, just, why would he block me off from him but you he’s just calm and collected when you call, he picks up, he talks to you. I just don’t get it.” She then made a face and raised her eyebrows like she knew why. “You're not telling me something Y/n?” “Well it’s just I know why he’s not talking to you I mean it makes sense.” “What does?” Dean's voice got dreadingly low. “Well you were all for him getting out of the life but when the fight happened, and you took Dad’s side instead of his I think it really broke him up. Hell, it broke me up.” Dean just nodded. “So it’s a way to get over his jealousy is that it?” “Dean no. It’s not trust me if he were jealous he would have blocked me off too.” After that was settled it was about a two hour drive to Stanford’s campus. Quietly in the background was Forever Young by Alphaville. It was soft but Dean would catch glimpses of Y/nmouthing the words. He then reached over and turned it up singing along with it loudly and off key trying to lighten her mood. She then followed the same yelling out the words as they drove closer and closer to Stanford’s campus finally at the gate when the song ended she turned the radio off and grabbed her pass from her bag that was sitting in between her and Dean. Who started to get more pissed off at his younger brother than anything else he was feeling. Y/nhad a visitor pass? Really? The gatekeeper looked at her pass and opened the gates letting them in, giving her pass back to her.
They drove through the gates and she turned the corner and parked Baby swiftly in front of Sam’s dorm. Y/nsighed and got out of the car tucking what was a new piece of jewelry to Dean, a guitar pick on a chain into her shirt letting her moon necklace stick out above the shirt. She went up to Sam’s dorm door, Dean following close behind. She knocked and waited for a moment, after nothing she knocked again. Finally they heard the door unlocking and a beautiful girl with wavy blonde hair and a t-shirt with two smurfs kissing on it and sweatpants opened the door. “Y/n? What the hell are you doing here?!” She squealed and hugged Y/nwho hugged back. “Hey Jess. Oh yeah this is my little brother and Sam’s older brother, Dean.” Dean nodded, waving his hand. Jess let the two in, “Sammy is asleep right now.. I heard the door and I didn’t want to wake him. Wait Y/nweren’t you in Iowa? Don’t tell me you drove all the way down here from there.” “Looks like I did. I wouldn't if this wasn’t important, you think I could get Sammy up?” Jess nodded and Y/nleft her and Dean to sit in the dorm kitchen. Y/nwalked into Sam’s room. She knocked on the wall and Sam moved just slightly groaning something about how it was too early. “Sam.” She tried to not be too loud but to be just loud enough. Sam sat up in the bed thinking it was Jess and rubbed his eyes, his bangs mixing in with them. “Sam. It’s Y/n.” He squinted and leaned over to turn the lamp on. “Y/n? Holy crap..” He got up tiredly and hugged his older sister. “Sammy we gotta talk.” He looked confused then he complied and walked out into the kitchen to where he saw Dean. He then looked at Y/nwho gave him a ‘this is important so put your petty feelings aside for five minutes’ look. Sam decided to just give a silent bitch face and sit down at the kitchen table where Jess sat beside him with Y/nsitting directly across and Dean standing just to her left. “So what do you need besides coming to my house at nearly five in the morning?” Sam said clearly, directing it at Dean. Who scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Can you two not for like five minutes, Jesus what happened with you two?” Y/nasked rhetorically which Dean didn’t seem to get. “Well he left so.” “I left because I wanted out.” “Yeah, leave Y/nwith me and Dad.” “I didn’t leave to get away from you I left because I didn’t want to be stuck living off the road my whole life.” “Well you wouldn’t have had too if you just decided to help once in a while.” Y/nsqueezed the bridge of her nose closing her eyes knowing she's gonna have to be a big sister and butt in. “HEY! Jess, can you excuse me and my brothers for a minute? I'll get you when we’re done.” Jess just smiled and nodded going into her and Sam’s shared room.
“What the hell are you two?! Cavemen?” Sam and Dean always shut up when she got pissed. “Okay Sam left, and guess what Dean. I dealt with it like the good big sister I am even if I didn’t like his choice, it doesn't matter I’m supportive of him no matter what, you know why? Because he’s family. You realize when you wanted to try out for the football team and Dad told you not too because we would be moving? Didn’t I sneak around and sign you up anyway? I did because you're my family and I care about you. Now Sam you need to realize that Dean is never gonna sit comfy about your decision because it’s Dean so you just need to realize that and deal.” Sam then started with the backfire. “Y/nI can’t just do that..” “TOUGH. Because you’re gonna have to. Now back to the worse issue than your little bitch fight, Dad’s missing.”
#sam winchester#dean winchester#yn winchester#supernatural#family#John Winchester#spn#spnfamily#supernatural2005#siblings#carry on my wayward son#monsters#ghosts#dads on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days#sassy sam#Jessica moore
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Ya know realising that Sam and Dean were both super happy in the earlier seasons {1-2 and like 4-5} makes me even more sad now that I'm doing my 15 season rewatch because now I can realise what they were actually meaning
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sam. hm? Blabbering. oh. ☠️
why do I feel like with the sam being autistic (au) he would have a certain stem like messing with the corners of papers in a lore book, or cleaning the guns or something like that
and with dean having adhd is a obvious one but one I would want to point out is his abuse that he went through (most likely) he seems like, as we saw in that one episode where the boys went back to deans boy's home with Sunny, that he only went back because of sam I think after dean left the motel they were in and that thing got to sam after John told him not to leave gave him serious separation anxiety and also (probably from johns abuse) he is very stern but also scared when he messes up.
I also hate how when we see John at Missouris place in s1ep9 "home" he acts as though he is the most loving and caring father in the world but then once we get into the later seasons we begin to realise that he's a complete ass.
and don't even get me started on the amount of betrayal Sam feels from John because I mean DAMN. Sam probably will always feel the need to explain everything quickly and in short breaths because he needs the little boost of appreciation. I can imagine Dean would tell him that it was okay and thats what he's there for as a brother and I just find it really sweet.
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Comedy by bo burnjam lmao
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
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