ange516 Ā· 9 months
Poem 9/29
I smile with my eyes towards strangers on the street
Only if they seem like theyā€™d know how to pleat
A little girls hair into braids with gentle movement
It will never cost a dime to assume someoneā€™s sweet
To think that they care when I offer
The light camel packs and a rusty lighter
A conversation that couldnā€™t ever falter
Streets meant to be walked and exaltedĀ 
The days melt and boil the people who stay
Glued to the concrete in a unique dismay
Nowhere to go and all day to playĀ 
The drugged girls and red vomit all over display
I remember a time when I needed a smoke
A couple of dollars or to be left alone
A smile from a man when I gave correct change
Cause he knew what it was to be terribly broke
Now there is a wonder which consumes
Realized the silent killer of old gas fumesĀ 
From rigmaroles and sinners alike
They once felt the bricks where I put out my light
Itā€™s a world brand new Iā€™ve just received
Gaining sentience among whores and thieves
Rapers and takers clog the streets
With blood from onlookers unable to speak
It scares the sunlight out of my mind
Rays into corners suppressed and dying
Another breath of smog and perhaps
I wonā€™t notice fluorescents filling the gaps
There is no honest recollection
Of another place that held my smile
The warmth I found from the communal sweatĀ 
Is worth the couple wandered miles
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ange516 Ā· 1 year
I live with my dad, he feels like Foucault
A watch dog on the other side of the door
He clears his throat to remind me
That my own will always suffer in silence
And I left my dishes, I just remembered
Heā€™ll probably pop another vein
I wonder what heā€™s making while I
Stay away from the flame
Heā€™s blue and red and my policeman
And Iā€™ve been thinking it works
But behind my door I let the blue handle
And red blade release my core
Is that why, is that why? I canā€™t understand
How my face will flinch when they lift a hand
When tears wonā€™t form in front of men
Why I need to be born again
I canā€™t be a burden much more
22 will start knocking down the doors
Catch a breath and swim to shore
He knows I drag myself down
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ange516 Ā· 1 year
As the smell of cumin fills the breeze
Of inhalation that floods my need
To heal from this and to somehow see
The blueprint of what she left for me
I wear the faded purple apron she gave
Back when I was her little slave
When I rolled so good I should be paid
For the inflictions of the bed she made
But Iā€™m bitter now as I feel the ache
Of my back and how long it takes
For the rice to soak and the spices wake
With the spirit they know and break
Made to serve and do it well
So no one around us can tell
The screen of imperfection always fell
As you try to ignore the smell
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ange516 Ā· 1 year
Human after all.
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ange516 Ā· 1 year
wonder if you sailed the nile
would you still be in denile
of the currents that keep you senile
and forced to stay in bed
wonder if you fled to southern
lands full of incandescence
could you go some further distance
ride until you start to listen
to the skies as they turn red
maybe then Iā€™d get an answer
of why heā€™d refused to dance
and let me know when to save the trance for another day
because my words will flee to your spirit
ricochet off your millions
of eyes and ears begging for your games
Iā€™m just a girl who likes the trains
Who took the wrong fork and but stays in lanes
Whoā€™ll talk to you like a ghost with chains
And I need go to bed
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ange516 Ā· 2 years
I canā€™t seem to find the passion for living. Where did it go? Itā€™s not like itā€™s easily replaceable. Anyway. I canā€™t remember the last time I was healthy. Isnā€™t it funny how time flies fast when you rot; I think Iā€™m finding the memoirs of a corpse.
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ange516 Ā· 2 years
Saving for later :)
Writing Challenges
// 12 writing prompts designed to help you practice difficult types of writing
āž¼Ā Write a short story with an unreliable narrator
āž¼Ā Write either a short story or a chapter of a story in a genre youā€™ve never written in before
āž¼Ā Re-write a chapter of a story youā€™ve already written from the perspective of the antagonist
āž¼Ā Is there a particular type of scene you always struggle with? Write that!
āž¼Ā Set a timer for 20 minutes and write a complete scene. Try not to get bogged down with the editing and perfecting, just start writing and see where it goes :)
āž¼ Write a short story with aĀ major plot twist (thatā€™s still believable)
āž¼Ā Write a character the reader is meant to hate passionately
āž¼Ā Write a character the reader is meant to love
āž¼Ā Write story arcs for the above 2 characters that makes the reader feel the oppositeĀ to how they started (love the character they hated, hate the character they loved)
āž¼ Switch character perspectives at least 3 times in a short story
āž¼ Write a story in 1000 words or less. And I mean 1000 words or less. Seriously. No overwriting. Iā€™m watching you.
āž¼ Write a character whoā€™s very different from you
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ange516 Ā· 2 years
Peace of Mind
Iā€™ve lived inside the barrel, dove head first into rabbit holes, stapled my tongue out of boredom in sixth grade; never knowing when the innate curiosity would wear off, when patience wore too thin and all the telephone wires collapsed in the tornadoes. Back when I could walk outside and know where I was with my eyes tight shut, and I could fall asleep in seconds if I felt safe.Ā 
Are there still a million bottles on the shoreline, waiting to be read, eventually slipping back into the tide? By the time mine reaches, my ink will have turned to dust. Corks will give and the bottle will become a fish playground, with colorful moss eating whatever's left. What will be left? Are my lows not enough to keep a glimpse of remorse, an act of attrition I was once forced to learn?Ā 
Itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve listened to myself, I think. Told my mind to shut up and never looked back, with all the psychedelics scarring my legs and making me laugh. Still, Iā€™ve felt peace. Peace with the state of now and then, of ignorance and want, of opening and closing whatever doors because they all look the same. And now my breathing is labored, my throat tight in dismay of morrow, my crown blessed by my mothers devotion to Mary.Ā 
Rest is my only wish.
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