andromedaxcabello · 11 months
Nothing– and I don’t see that as a bad thing.
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I know a little about that, at least when it comes to the faction I came from. Last names and factions are all some people care about – but at least I know if Pan ever breaks up with me, then I got you as a coach.
We could all use more friends on the other side. I’m like Dr. Facilier.
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Lest we forget, you and I once shared the same faction with its stuffiness and superior god complexes. Oh, sweetheart, I’ll teach you all the game you require while you two are still dating. I know what she likes, dislikes, enough for you to keep Panny on her toes.
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
Well, then, I won’t be leaving your side so that you don’t have to go without.
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I’m sure you’ll find something ‘powerful’ soon, you have way more game in your little toe than I do in my entire body.
What are friends for more than sticking by your side almost annoyingly in a good way?
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Yet, I attract the screw it and boot it types, but that has all to do with my last name. Doesn’t mean I can’t teach you a thing or two, sweetie.
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
If it were any other circumstances, Peter would have laughed away the actions of his cousin– saying he didn’t needed to be treated with kid’s gloves, but in that moment when his past gripped him so tight, he did need it. He was just glad it was Andi– any other cousin and he would have died of mortification. Gingerly, Peter picked the crumpled makeshift earplugs, at that point not even caring if they were clean or not and stuffed them into his ears with jerking motions; as if his joints were rusted over in his panic. He let out a shaky breath as he let the muffled quietness washing over him, turning more into Andromeda so she had easier access to be a human ear-muff. Most of the time, the quiet and his inner thoughts were not a place that Peter wanted to take up residence, but it was the only thing he could focus on in that moment. He tried to remember all of the grounding techniques that he was taught through differing therapy appointments, but what his therapists never told him was how hard in the moment it’d be to remember them. He allowed Andi to be his anchor, forcing himself to take deep shuddering breaths even though each one was pained– thinking he must’ve hit the ground harder than he thought– until finally his pulse wasn’t racing and the sweat was cooling on his skin. His limbs still trembled lightly, but his movements were no longer jerky, and he was left exhausted. “I think I’m okay now,” Peter managed to say, his mouth dry like he’d munched on sawdust.
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Andromeda could not help being reminded of the time she once resented the notion of her family, the dynamics and tension she fought desperately against. Every one of her brothers and sister maintained a role they played. The Cabello patriarch took Eleanor underneath his wing to continue the power hold, Damien followed suit with a side of jealousy, Nic excelled as a lawyer, even Carter pursued a degree even though he was the closest to truly understanding what it means to be a black sheep. Perhaps, that was another reason why she experienced a kindred spirit with Peter, not knowing where his place was. He behaved in a difficult fashion that was a complete opposite to Andi’s extroverted personality, but she believed they were still alike as much as they differed. Andromeda reach out her hands as soon as her cousin permitted, cupping the palms against either side of the younger man’s head and pressing very gently in an effort to drown out the sound. She noticed a couple curious glances cast in their direction, some wondering the purpose of what they were even doing. Nothing to pay mind about. Instead, Andi focused on his features, just now realizing how similar to her uncle Peter looked. “As long as you’re sure.” She finally dropped her hands and placed them in her lap instead with a gentle sigh, “Do you need anything? I think they’re handing out water bottles and snack bars at that table over there.”
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
“It could be but it’s hard to tell without access to proper medical equipment, which is why I want you to keep it as easy as possible,” Sid said with a sigh, resigning herself to the fact that Andromeda would be one of the patients that would do the opposite of doctor’s orders. She reached into her bag and retrieved a wet wipe, gently dabbing the area around the girl’s wound to clean the edges up. “It’s not too deep, just be careful. Find who you’re looking for and then sit down and stay with them– the moment you start feeling any intense head pain or extreme nausea, you need to sit down. Concussions are no laughing matter,” the doctor stated matter-of-factly as she rifled through her bag more. The good thing about living in Vincent territory, or bad thing depending on how you looked at it, there were no shortage of injuries and that meant she always had supplies handy; however limited. Retrieving butterfly strips, Sid placed them on Andi’s forehead, sealing the wound closed as much as she could. “There’s a lot of unknowns, and we’d run ourself ragged trying to think about them all– the only thing we can control is what we do, not worry about things outside of our control. Though hospitals are meant to withstand earthquakes if it makes you feel any better.”
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“Oh, Doctor, I hope you don’t think taking it easy means I’m an easy woman. We like challenges.” Andromeda mustered a playful flirtatious comment, instantly biting her lip in anticipation for the sting she was about to endure at the first sight of the wet wipe, although, it didn’t quite lessen it as the cloth made contact with her forehead. She silently created a mental list of everyone in her family, from her parents to her siblings right down to her cousin. “Trust me, when I find them all, I’m squeezing each of them and never letting the fuck go even if they beg for release. I just find the irony we’ve all acted as if we’re indestructible and now basically have proven we can bleed.” Andi tilted her chin upwards, permitting Sid easier access to begin the process of healing the wound before a bandage strip was applied. “Heal now, worry later. Endure and survive.” She leaned back and gingerly brushed a finger over her injury, becoming all too familiar with requiring medical attention more than she would have preferred. It hadn’t been long ago since she was shot, but between taking a bullet and a knock to the head, Andi chose the latter. “True, as unbreakable as they are. You’ll have to admit, however, that I’m going to possess a sick ass scar.” 
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
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Do you want me to patch that up?
I don’t have the heart to keep a girl from her craft. Go crazy.
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
Well if handing someone something to stop bleeding classifies me as a knight in shining armor, then that’s a really low bar, but I’ll take the compliment.
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Thank, Andi. I… really love her in any way she wants to be.
A hero isn’t simply defined by the grand opulent gestures, Benji, it’s about the little kindnesses and even if you see it as a low bar, it’s the greatest kindness I need in the moment.
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I’ve seen that girl at her best and worst, sweetie. To experience a love like that...is powerful. I’m almost envious.
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
A voice spoke out to him, muffled through the fog and haze; the images of his family mansion bleeding away until the chaos around Peter came in and out of focus. The lights and sounds assaulted his senses, his eyes finally moving away from the red that stained his palms to a familiar face; dark eyes looking at him like he were some skittish animal. Peter knew that was exactly what he looked like in that moment. His light eyes took in the face staring back at him, a trembling hand pointing at the gash that lined her forehead before his eyes flicked back to hers. Focus on my eyes only, God knows Peter tried. He pulled the sleeves of his shirt to cover his hands so he didn’t have to look at the crimson staining them any longer. “I’m here,” Peter managed to squeeze out though it didn’t convince even him, a sleeve-covered hand moving to an ear in an attempt to block out all the noise, “it’s too loud, Andi.”
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She’s been a witness to these episodes more than once, learning patience and kindness was the key to digging Peter from what terrified him the most. Her cousin held his sarcastic moments and oftentimes, that led a deep worrying with the woman when the situation involved Peter’s nonchalance of a death wish, but nothing shook that soft spot she carried for him. Yes, her aunt and uncle desired stealing the power from her parents, yet, she would never dare hold that against the cousin who lived with them long enough to practically become her younger brother. Andi’s gaze followed the path of Peter’s finger, a hand lifting to dab at the small gash before releasing a wince. “Don’t stress over me.” She paused to think, debating what she could use to help him ease the noise. Reaching into her back pocket, Andromeda produced a tissue and tore it in half, crumpling each into small balls. “They’re clean, I promise. It’ll help you muffle the noise.” She held the makeshift earplugs to him, “I can hold my hands over your ears for extra measure until you tell me it’s not loud anymore.”
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
That’s usually not good under any circumstance.
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You’re answering questions quickly enough, you remember who you are. As long as you take it easy and don’t move too much to agitate yourself, you should be fine. Once we’re out of this mess, then I suggest you coming by the hospital right away to get checked out fully.
It, um, it could be just the shock to my system from the tremors, right?
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I’m not the kind of girl who sits on her ass and takes it easy when I put my mind to something, right now, that’s on finding the rest of my siblings and baby cousin. Hate to make a trip to the hospital if it turns out that it’s not even there anymore, who is to say we will not run into that scenario.
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
I, uh… wouldn’t go that far. I just don’t like to see people hurting when I can help, at least a little.
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Maybe I’m the lucky one.
You’re being modest and humble, Benji. Give yourself more credit.
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You’ve changed something in her, believe that. I’m happy for you both.
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
Peter remembered the evacuation– his cousins pulling him along to the safe zones. Then the sounds, screams, and flickering lights– it was too much for him. Too much stimulation and the flickering lights made him sick to his stomach, and when he finally was able to open his eyes when it stopped? People were covered with blood, his own hands soaked in crimson from trying to catch himself after the first initial waves hit and forced him to the ground. His eyes couldn’t look away from his palms, even as they shook and his breathing started to quicken. All Peter could smell was the tangy iron, he no longer could see the safe zone around him. He was a child again, staring at the lifeless bodies of his parents, the words “they’re dead” falling from his lips over and over as he sat in the corner.
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After the tremors hit and the rest of her siblings separated, Andromeda briefly lost sight of Peter. Her cousin was at her side one moment and then gone the next in a flash. With a mass confusion crossing along in waves over the crowd, most people were on the verge of complete chaos that seemed to envelope the woman just as anyone else. Something struck the side of her head, trickling the blood down the side of her face, and her ears wouldn’t stop ringing. Thankfully, she rose to her feet slowly and cast her gaze around until it hyper focused on a familiar face she recognized. A face she could see had been contorted and manipulated by his fears. “Peter.” She croaked out, making her way over to the young man seated near a corner, approaching with a gentleness in a fear she would startle him. “Peter,” Andi crouched to her knees in front of him, ensuring no physical contact unless he permitted, “I need you to focus on my eyes only. I’m right here. Stay with me.”
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
Put this up against it– it’s the cleanest thing I could find.
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You really are a genuine knight in shining armor, Evans.
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Pan’s a lucky girl.
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
Cuts on the head are usually superficial but it’s how hard you were hit that could be worrisome.
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Do you remember your name? Where you are?
I feel like I’m seconds away from puking my guts out. That’s not good, right?
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My name...Andromeda Cabello. Zone 2, St. Cascadia.
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
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We’re on our own in here for the time being. Are you okay?
Do I look okay? Jury’s still out.
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
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Shit, I’m bleeding.
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
You do tend to have that sort of effect on some people, Andi.
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Why surprised, not like this is new. Much to my dismay, I’m still kicking– I think she didn’t want to shoot a fish in a barrel.
Which I do one hundred percent of the time, I’m not somebody to deny their faults.
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I don’t pass judgement, Petey, the need to express oneself is essential, but please don’t tell me you were actually begging for her to shoot you. Legit straight up.
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
I wouldn’t say there was nothing there, you were just busy getting shot to see.
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Not for lack of trying– she just didn’t feel like shooting me, I guess.
Or any emotion she possessed left her body after dealing with my obnoxious ass.
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Okay, boo bear, I’m sorry, but what the fuck?
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andromedaxcabello · 1 year
Blondie? I think we ran into the same person.
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With literally nothing in her eyes and a trigger finger? Yeah, that’s the one.
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So, you met her and she doesn’t shoot you. Guess I’m the exception.
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