#benji convo
helyiios · 7 months
ilsa: i heated this tea in the microwave
benji (grinning): oh you filthy whore
ilsa (winking): i knew you’d love it
ethan: what the fuck is happening
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drcamsx · 6 months
closed for @mccntower
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"see i'm not saying you can't kiss anyone at midnight." he started coming to stand next to the serenity, "but if you do can you at least please promise me it won't be that guy?"
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waterfallswords · 10 months
location: cross cabin
starter for: isla alvarez and benji cross
Days stopped feeling real. Hours could interlock and never budge, or the Wednesday she kept muttering under her breath suddenly was a Saturday. Time became dizzying and uncertain. Despite the forefront of her mind struggling to keep up, her heart has known every passing second, minute, day. It's felt every moment. One thousand, two hundred and seventy seven days since March 12th, 2020. Even the few days that passed since her arrival in Hollow Cove, she's uncertain of the actual day and yet is certain of all the days leading up to it. One thousand, two hundred and seventy seven days. It's why she pauses in the doorway to the kitchen, a hesitant second as she watches Benji prepare supplies for his day. It's so close to looking like a morning in Atlanta. The edges of her vision blur as if she can blink and be taken back there. "Let me help." she makes herself known as his back is facing her and moves next to him, gently plucking the pack in his hands. "Did you eat? I can make something, let me-" she doesn't mean to rush the words but she hopes if she says them fast enough, she can stop her vision blurring into tears. "Let me make some eggs." she looks at him with a smile, eyes wide because she still can't believe she's here. They're here. Cece isn't. One thousand, two hundred and seventy seven days. "Please." @rviner
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benjixromano · 2 years
closed starter || @fckinkai​
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with amelia finally set up with a daycare he had more time to catch up with people that he meant to catch at the thanksgiving dinner but never got the chance so he was making his rounds the first being the kid he practically got to watch grow up. he knew the stressors that came with the careers they were in and wanted to check in on the younger male. knocking on the door once he got to male’s home and once the door opened he put on a smile, “besides you all still crushing on one another, hows my favorite racer?” he asked his tone very teasing.
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misspandy · 1 year
@fenwick-benj1, flashback.
Normalmente era Pandora que os colocava em encrenca; Por isso, ficou realmente chocada ao se ver enroscada como uma serpente numa vassoura escorregadia, a muitos -- e muitos -- metros do chão. Mas para quem tinha pavor de jogar quadribol, até que estava se divertindo. Talvez fosse o fato do piso encantado amortecer as quedas de um jeito seguro para os ossos (Por que não faziam isso no esporte original seria um questionamento eterno em seu cérebro dali em diante). Ou, talvez, fosse porque sua questionável habilidade com a vassoura, ali, parecia mais culpa do sabão do que dela mesma -- o que a conferia níveis de afoitice nunca antes vistos. E quando os times finalmente se completaram em número para uma partida de verdade, elevou a mão com um sorrisão, anunciando que queria ser apanhadora. Em seguida, cutucou Benjy. ── Vai jogar de quê?
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wntrflln · 2 years
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    if  there  was  one  thing  not  to  do  when  it  came  to  a  shelby  was  to  underestimate  them  when  it  came  to  drinking . really ,  underestimate  them  at  all  was  never  a  good  idea  but  it  seemed  as  if  people  forgot  that  luke  shelby  was  their  father .  benji  downed  the  contents  of  the  bottle  with  ease  before  setting  it  on  the  table . ‘  any  other  party  tricks  i  can  do  for  you ? ‘ 
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tewwor-aaa · 2 years
✧・゚ interaction call ( accepting ) | @natterghast​ ・゚✧  
There’s nothing humorous about the situation. There never really was. Yet the urge to laugh surfaced anyways. Half of a weak chuckle wormed it’s way out – just before a rough cough interjected.
“Hey.” He called out, unable to see clearly until his sight mended fully. “Hey, are you..”
A few more attempts to clear his throat, and he was left with a lump of something right behind his teeth.
Come to find out, it’s another bullet.. thing?
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A shaky hand rose to catch the misshapen metal as he spat it out. Criminy Christ on holiday with light up Heelys — what a welcome to behold! “ Y....alright?” Clarence wheezes heavily, almost winded through with the all the relieved hubbub. Whatever shrapnel spat into hand seemed to have traveled upwards from the midsection — no, the chest — up. A rasp creaks out at the slightest movement, much less a friendly grasp to the backside, and he nearly topples over face first. “ Me actin’..” An awful breath rattles wetly as he teeters on a fitful cough. Somehow, he forgoes the additional pain. “As meat shield worked, right? C’mon tell me I’m right.” He has to be.
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diamondseaside · 2 years
i had a dream last night that i met taylor again at a random basketball game and it felt so real i was texting ang about it and then woke up and realized it wasn’t 😭
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joyglass · 3 months
i grinned like a fool when i finally understood your tumblr profile desc was about benji. genuinely thank you for introducing me and other anons to beartown im not done yet but im so crushed and astonished like how did this random guy get me hooked on…. hockey….??? maybe not hockey itself but rather ohhhh man the complexity of everyone and everything and the omniscient view that you as the reader have over the story, predicting the shit that might go down and the actual feeling of dread washing over you when your fears do come true … holy. backman when i catch you.
the thing about backman's prose is that he details the human experience and vulnerability with such a frankness that genuinely just makes u sit there and reflect on your life and the every single thing you've done. his writing packs such a punch every single sentence I've never thought these books would make me so emotional like I'm so DISTRAUGHT over every single character even the ones you might hate at first bc in the end they're only human and they make the same mistakes as everyone does as you yourself probably did because of how well backman writes them these books r just a joy to read even with all the heartbreak and tragedy bc ppl despite everything r resilient!!! They will pull through no matter what spring will come there will come a girl and she will be the best player beartown has ever seen and it won't be Kevin and it won't even be Amat it'll be that little girl who grows up and makes it big I'm so emotional rn
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ghoul-haunted · 1 year
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blazethompscn · 2 years
closed for: @chillbenjie​ location: riverwalk 
After meeting Benjie at their crazy Birthday gathering in Restricted Access, Blaze was slowly learning all of the latest lingo and pop culture references. Willingly and unwillingly. “So this tiktak.” Blaze cleared his throat. “Just stupid dances or whatever?” that’s what he remembered Benjie saying as they walked beside one another. “Look, I’ve not had social media like ever. All of my stupidity was broadcast for everyone to see anyways, I didn’t need anything else.” he laughed and scratched his beard in thought. “So if I do this taktak thing, what would we do exactly? And how do we get the music to dance to? Do we have to pre-record it? We did that with the radio you know, with cassettes. Have to press play at the perfect time after all the ads, and stop it exactly right too. No mess ups allowed.” 
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sebbianas · 11 months
modern james peter and marlene would have a group chat that makes the others so curious because no one is allowed to read any of the convos inside it not reg, benjy or dorcas and the 3 of them are always giggling about the shit they talk about there
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drcamsx · 5 months
closed || @mccntower
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"i don't think either of us really want to be here without lia but i thought you'd like to help plan her birthday party while she's in school then this way you can see her when she gets home."
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waterfallswords · 10 months
location: supply depot
starter for: tyr cross and benji cross @rviner
"Dude, Benji. Wait up." Tyr snaps in a quick whisper as his cousin has taken the lead in the late hours of the night. Everyone is used to everyone waking up at different hours, coming and going from cabins as they please or need to. And, Tyr is no stranger to some mischievousness but he also has an easily guilty conscience. "I'm having second thoughts." he sighs they linger near the depot that's closed up now two am approaches. He glances around for anybody who could see them and it suddenly all feels very, very wrong to Tyr who became over excited about alcohol that couldn't go anywhere but sit there until the bar was rebuilt. "They're gonna know it was us, Xo's gonna-" but before he can finish his words, Benji is gone and spurring him to run into the depot behind his cousin. "Shit, shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit."
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smilesrobotlover · 4 months
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I have a talent for drawing out of context things UwU
Anyways some context: I wanted to explore humans vs Hylians, and in order to escape some people idk who, the men have to like, jump into a Niagara Falls type of thing. Of course, if Rusl were to do that, he’d probably die. I want to explore Kass getting his feathers cut so he can’t fly for a few weeks so he’s also stuck, cuz he will also die if he jumped into a Niagara Falls thing, and Rito don’t have water proof feathers so he would probably double die. Leon however rushes ahead and forces Linebeck into the thing cuz he’ll know he’ll hesitate, Benji pushes Talon cuz he knows he’ll also hesitate, and Rusl and Kass are left behind. They are able to escape and get down safely but Rusl blows up on Leon.
Rusl is a very, very patient and understanding man. He gets very annoyed, yes, but to get him to actually blow up is quite rare. But he’s understandably angry. He and Kass were left behind completely Helpless and almost got captured or killed or hurt. Leon feels guilty cuz he’s the sort of leader and recognizes that he messed up. He’s not used to being around non Hylians and he understands that they are his responsibility. They have a good convo about it and make up, with Rusl giving Leon a hug cuz he’s a hugger.
The rest are kinda chilling lol. I love drawing them vibing!
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helyiios · 8 months
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benjis british humour ft @liass-21 and i’s convo
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