// m o v i n g
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// m o v i n g
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// m o v i n g
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// m o v i n g
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// m o v i n g
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// m o v i n g
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//dumb question (its been Years since i've done a blog remake lmao), for transferring a url over, do you just change your old one, and then smack the same url on the new one? it says it holds onto the url for 24 hours? i have Confusion)
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// heavily. heavily considering remaking so i can get my notifs back--
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"So you're saying that's not a thing you would stoop to." A curious cock to his brow. "--Ever?" Not trying to entice onto a darker path, or goad, he did carry some genuine curiosity on the matter.
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"And that is why I despise those who do it."
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Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously!
(though off anon is fine too!)
“Is there someone you hold dear?”
“Don’t you feel any guilt?”
“You’re actually afraid to be alone, aren’t you?”
“There must be something you fear.”
“Do you have a home?”
“Is there someone you like?”
“Are you really expecting a positive outcome out of this?”
“Aren’t you ashamed?”
“Aren’t you happy?”
“Who do you despise?” 
“How do you sleep at night?”
“How do you manage to keep going despite everything?”
“What do you think of kindness?”
“What do you think of hatred?”
“Why do you fight?”
“Why do you live?”
“How much blood have you spilled?”
“How much death have you seen?”
“Don’t you think your actions are reckless?”
“Don’t you know how much good you’ve done for others?”
“Can’t you tell they love you?”
“Can’t you see he/she would die for you?”
“Can’t you see that they hate you?”
“Can’t you tell the truth for once?”
“You’re not tainted.”
“You’re not alone.”
“You’re awful.”
“You don’t think of anyone but yourself.”
“You’re an emotionless robot.”
“You’re just a lap dog.”
“It’s not over.”
“He/she needs you.”
“Stop lying.”
“Stop fighting.”
“Stop pushing others away.”
“You’re cruel.”
“You’re far too kind. Too kind for your own good.”
“You depend on him/her too often.”
“You’re overprotective, it’s stifling.”
“You’re too impulsive, it’s reckless.”
“You’re too careless, it’s a liability.”
“He/she is bringing you down.”
“You’re too timid, it’s easy to see you as a target.”
“You need to listen.”
“You need to speak up more often.”
“You’re weak.”
“You’re strong. Stronger than you’ll ever know.”
“You’re too proud.”
“Quit blaming others for your mistakes.”
“You won’t always be around to save him/her.”
“One day, he/she won’t need you anymore.”
“You can’t cheat death.”
“You can’t hide forever.”
“They’ll find out the truth eventually.”
“That person is only holding you back.”
“They’re too good for you.”
“You’ll be rewarded for your efforts if you keep trying.”
“It will get better.”
“You look lonely.”
“You look bitter.”
“You look tired.”
“You’re hiding a painful burden.”
“You’re perfect.”
“You’re beautiful.”
“You will always be worthless.”
“Your hands are too dirty, too tainted to be clean.”
“You’re lost in this world. Wandering without a purpose.”
“You’ll rise above them all.” 
“You’ll find your place in this world.”
“Eventually, someone will knock you off your pedestal.”
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A fleeting, chaste kiss from Godling-- somehow they were both never enough, and everything he ever wanted. He'd fight the urge to steal another-- save their energy for the actual heist, and bide his time, waiting for Godling to give him more.
....Probably in the celebratory aftermath, in the throes of passion-- more of a reason to make sure this went off without a hitch.
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"Kaiba has lots of shiny things, doesn't he?" His fingers knitted into Godlings. "And a top-notch security system. No match for the shadows, of course-- but plenty of chances to leave some calling cards." His heart pounded in his chest, excited, even more so as he watched she shadows shift around them-- knowing that just for a short moment, he'd become one with them. That sensation, the darkness engulfing him completely-- it never got old.
There it was. The flicker of energy, of passion in Golds eyes. Gold's hands in his hair. Godling couldn't help himself, he ducked in for a quick chaste kiss, a soft press of lips to revel in the anticipation.
"Let's go then." He pulled back, hands trailing down Golds arms to hold his hands. "We're together and the world will learn to fear us. It needs so be something shiny, and very valuable. An idol! And from someone who'll have an idea who would be involved, so they'll know and be powerless to stop us." He pulled lightly to get them walking, although they didn't yet have their destination. With a gesture of one hand shadows around them darkened as Godling prepared one of his shadow 'portals'.
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Ruined? Never. It was perhaps one of Bakura's favorite looks to see on Godling's face, a confident arch to his bow, the corners of his lips crinkling, just barely showing a hint of teeth... But don't ask him to up and make a list of all he liked to see on Godling's face. You'd be there all day.
Still, mischief flickered in his eyes at the prospect of doing something actually sly, causing a bit of unrest in the dark. "It's the perfect night for it, isn't it?" Godling's face so close, he couldn't help but twist a few tresses of his hair in his fingertips.
"We should make it something big. Something grand. A heist only a pair of infamous thieves like ourselves could carry out."
He tilted his head, soft smile growing, and lightly touched Gold's cheek.
"No, it's the same for me. It's hard to feel anything clearly with all that light around burning your senses to ashes. Now it's just the stars and the moon, and me and you. And nothing between your soul and mine."
"We have a lot of time, just for us. We could do anything~" He leaned in until his forehead bumped the side of Gold's head, the sly smile on his face ruined only by the fact that he didn't necessarily know what activities did and did not deserve sly expressions. "Let's go steal something."
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his God has returned~
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@shadowgodling asked: “The sun isn’t rising anytime soon, you know.”
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"Good. It can take it's sweet, sweet time, as far as I'm concerned. Maybe it could vanish over the horizon, take a dip in the ocean, and fizzle out."
"Nothing on your abilities, I'm sure it's my lack thereof-- but I swear, I can feel you so much more clearly when the moon and stars are the only light in the sky."
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this post includes dialogue spoilers for  DEADPOOL 2.  you’ve been warned.
           feel free to change pronouns / wording !
❝ what a dick ! ❞
❝ i took a catnap on twelve hundred gallons of high test fuel. ❞
❝ i’m gonna touch them all over. ❞
❝ i don’t speak cantonese. ❞
❝ i don’t bargain, pumpkin fucker. ❞
❝ do not go in there ! ❞
❝ oh god ! time out, time out ! ❞
❝ too exotic ? ❞
❝ i got blood right in my open eye ! ❞
❝ i’m so glad i left the kiddos at home. ❞
❝ that babysitter of yours is high as fuck right now. ❞
❝ every good family film starts with a vicious murder, bambi, the lion king, saw seven. ❞
❝ listen, confidence isn’t something you have it’s something you create. ❞
❝ start the fucking car ! ❞
❝ i shit my pants. ❞
❝ i want to belong to something. ❞
❝ i want to become a contract killer. ❞
❝ i can’t wait to never speak of this. ❞
❝ oh, well that’s - that’s just the most beautiful thing i’ve ever - i don’t know what this is. ❞
❝ can you hear me ? ❞
❝ kids, they give a chance to be better than we are, better than we used to be. ❞
❝ you are a lot smarter than i look. ❞
❝ thank god i didn’t have t’ use the cream cheese speader. ❞
❝ go home, you’ve been here for three days. ❞
❝ you know what FINE stands for ? fucked up, insecure, needy and emotional. ❞
❝ don’t you know how t’ knock ? ❞
❝ i thought you saw me with your ears. ❞
❝ can’t really live ‘til we’ve died a little. ❞ 
❝ what in the fuck knuckles is this ? ❞
❝ should’ve brought my rape whistle. ❞
❝ first off, i’m not even a virgin. ❞
❝ you always make it hard. ❞
❝ like beyoncé says, please, please stop cheating on me. ❞
❝ come quietly, or there will be trouble. ❞
❝ put your hands behind your knees and get down on your head, now ! ❞
❝ rules are meant to be broken. ❞ 
❝ those guys hurt you ? ❞
❝ i fight for what’s right. ❞
❝ you’re so dark ! are you sure you’re not from the dc universe ? ❞
❝ we need a secret code. ❞
❝ am i gettin’ catfished here or ? ❞
❝ isn’t that a little derivative ? ❞
❝ you’ve been chosen by a higher power. ❞
❝ never underestimate a man with a moustache. ❞
❝ he’s going in through the back ! oh god, he’s inside ! ❞
❝ i’d ask who you are but you’ll be dead in a second. ❞
❝ ooh. somebody knows … karate. ❞
❝ something is so terribly, terribly wrong. ❞
❝ i should’ve worn my white pants. ❞ 
❝ i’m gonna rip you in half now. ❞
❝ you’re not the revenge type. ❞
❝ wha’d’ you want me t’ say, huh ? ❞
❝ what’s ________ got that i don’t have ? ❞
❝ all i told him was everything he wanted to know. ❞
❝ is this apartment listed on tinder ? grindr ? ❞
❝ well, that’s just lazy writing. ❞ 
❝ you remind me of my wife. ❞
❝ so what’s it gonna be, handsome ? ❞
❝ and that, is why you never eat a raw starfish. it’s just common sense. ❞
❝ i will bathe in the blood of your enemies. ❞
❝ boom ! spoiler alert. ❞
❝ i’m a grower, not a shower. ❞
❝ you should never meet your heroes because honestly, he’s a bit of a dick. ❞
❝ i don’t deserve your friendship, or your help. ❞
❝ damn it feels good t’ be a gangster ! ❞
❝ it’s not a great analogy. ❞
❝ i told you i care about you. ❞
❝ i don’t wanna die without an audience. ❞
❝ is there a knife in my dick ? ❞
❝ what the fuck is dubstep ? ❞
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send one for my muse's reaction!
“I’ll kill the monster when it comes.” “It’s time to go to sleep now. It’s very late.” “I don’t want you making weapons anymore.” “This monster thing has got to stop, alright?” “Ah, just where a woman should be–In the kitchen.” “Oh my god. Did he hurt anyone?” “Don’t tell [Name] what happened. I’ll tell them later” “You look tired, little one.” “Nothing five years of sleep wouldn’t fix.” “See him in your room at night and you won’t sleep a wink.” “Once you see what’s underneath you’re going to wish you were dead.” “It’s just a book. It can’t hurt you.” “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, [Name].” “You don’t have to be fine, you know.” “He’s my father, you don’t own him!” “Do you want to die?!” “Don’t let it in!” “You’re not allowed in here.” “I’m not hurting anybody!” “Isn’t it time you moved on?” “You’re not even good enough to have a dad.” “I want to know how you are!” “I listen to your life day in and day out, and you never stop to ask me about mine!” “I can’t believe you just said that.” “Your dad died so he didn’t have to be with you.” “Your mom doesn’t want you.” “Why can’t you just be normal?!” “When we go home tonight, this whole nightmare will start up again.” “Why don’t people like me?” “I don’t want you to die.” “I’m not gonna die for a long time yet.” “I promise to protect you.” “Can you stay here with me?” “I don’t want you to go away.” “I don’t think we should stay here tonight.” “There’s someone in the house!” “You deliberately disobeyed me.” “I thought you were dead!” “I think it’s going to rain.” “You don’t want him to die, do you?” “Let me in, you little shit!” “You little pig…” “You don’t know how many times I wished it was you, not him, who died.” “I just want you to be happy.” “Sometimes, I just want to smash your head against a brick wall.” “Didn’t I tell you not to play with weapons?!” “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” “I want to make it up to you, [Name].” “We said we��d protect each other!” “I know you don’t love me.” “What do you want?!”
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Late Night Wanderings Sentence Starters
“What are you doing out this late?”
“This part of town isn’t a good place to be at this time of night.”
“Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?” 
“You do realize what time it is, right?” 
“Where are you going at this hour?” 
“The sun isn’t rising anytime soon, you know.” 
“Do you know where I am?” 
“The city looks different at night.” 
“This street is very dark…” 
“Why don’t you come stand in the light?” 
“Are you lost?” 
“I got turned around in the dark…” 
“This isn’t the time to go wandering around.”
“Only fools and trouble come out to these parts at this hour.” 
“Looking for trouble, are we?” 
“A little late to be shopping.” 
“Just coming back from the bar?” 
“Think any of the pubs are still going to be open?” 
“Trouble lurks around every shadowed corner.” 
“Woah! I didn’t see you there!”
“Where did you come from?” 
“What are you doing here?” 
“A bold move to show your face here in the shadows of night.” 
“Go home.” 
“It isn’t safe here at this time of night.” 
“You’re being watched.” 
“What are you doing still up?” 
“Looking for something?” 
“I like walking when the streets are empty.”
“It’s dangerous to walk at night alone.” 
“I know where I’m going.” 
“The trees are kind of spooky…”
“Did you hear that howl?” 
“Was…was that an owl…?” 
“This path is scary at night…” 
“The woods is no place a __ after dusk.” 
“Oh you poor soul, wandering lost in the forest under the new moon…” 
“You can’t see the stars from here…” 
“This is the witching hour.” 
“Dark beasts lurk here. Be cautious.” 
“Stay on the road!” 
“Talking a midnight stroll along the beach?” 
“The ocean is so mysterious at night…” 
“What brings you to the pier at this hour?” 
“What dangers lurk in these dark waters, I wonder.” 
“You’re going to get yourself lost one of these days.” 
🌙+ your own
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