ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀁 𐀩 𐀞 (e-re-pa) : 'ivory'
- Greek : ἐλέφας, αντος (ὁ) : 'elephant; ivory'
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(📷 PY Va 482)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀁 𐀩 𐀗 (e-re-mo) : 'desert'
- Greek : ἔρημος, ος, ον : 'desert, lonely, devoid of'
- PIE : *h₁r(e)h₁- : 'separate, rare'
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(📷 PY Er 312)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀁 𐀠 𐀅 𐀵 (e-pi-da-to) : 'distributed'
- Greek : ἐπί : 'in addition, and also' + δαίω : 'distribute'
- PIE : *h₁epi : 'on' + *deh₂(i)- : 'cut, divide'
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(📷 PY Jn 389)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀁 𐀠 (e-pi) : 'above, on'
- Greek : ἐπί : 'above, on'
- PIE : *h₁epi : 'on'
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(📷 PY Un 2)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀁 𐀚 𐀏 (e-ne-ka) : 'because of'
- Greek : ἕνεκα : 'because of'
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(📷 PY Ea 805)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀁 𐀚 𐀁 𐀯 (e-ne-e-si) : 'they are in'
- Greek : ἔνειμι : 'to be in' < ἐν : 'in' + εἰμί : 'to be' < PIE : *h₁en(i) : 'in, inside' + *h₁es- : 'to be'
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(📷 PY En 609)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀁 𐀐 (e-ke) : 'has, holds'
- Greek : ἔχει < ἔχω : have, hold < PIE *seǵʰ- : have, hold
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(📷 PY Ea 808)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀁 𐀏 𐀨 (e-ka-ra) : 'portable hearth brazier'
- Greek : ἐσχάρα, ας (ἡ) : 'altar hearth, hearth, brazier'
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(📷 PY Ta 709)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀁 𐀁 𐀯 (e-e-si) : 'they are'
- Greek : cf. εἰσί < εἰμί : 'to be'
- PIE : *h₁es- : 'to be'
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(📷 KN Ai(1) 63)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀀 𐀵 𐀡 𐀦 (a-to-po-qo) : 'bakers'
- Greek : ἀρτοκόπος, ου (ὁ, ἡ) : 'baker' < ἄρτος, ου (ὁ) : 'bread' + πέσσω / πέττω : 'cook' (< PIE : *pekʷ- : 'cook')
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(📷 PY An 427)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀀 𐀳 𐀖 𐀵 (a-te-mi-to) : 'Artemis' (in genitive)
- Greek : Ἄρτεμις, ιδος (ἡ) : 'Artemis', daughter of Zeus and Lètô, sister of Apollo
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(📷 PY Es 650)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀀 𐀲 𐀙 𐀡 𐀴 𐀛 𐀊 (a-ta-na-po-ti-ni-ja) : 'for the Mistress Athena'
- Greek : Ἀθηνᾶ, ᾶς (ἡ) : 'goddess Athena' + πότνια, ας : 'mistress, sovereign; holy, sacred' (< PIE : *pot-n-ih₂ : 'lady')
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(📷 KN V 52)
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(facsimile KN V 52)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀀 𐀯 𐀹 𐀊 (a-si-wi-ja) : 'asian' (epithet of po-ti-ni-ja)
- Greek : Ἀσία, ας (ἡ) : 'Asia', especially 'Asia Minor'
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(📷 PY Fr 1206)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀀 𐀭 𐀖 𐀵 (a-sa-mi-to) : 'bath'
- Greek : ἀσάμινθος, ου (ἡ) : 'bath'
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀀 𐀫 𐀄 𐀨 (a-ro-u-ra) : 'ploughland'
- Greek : ἄρουρα, ας (ἡ) : 'plowed or tillable land, field'
- PIE : *h₂erh₃- : 'plow'
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(📷 PY Eq 213)
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀀 𐀩 𐀞 (a-re-pa) : 'ointment, unguent'
- Greek : ἄλειφαρ, ατος (τὸ) : 'unguent, oil'
- PIE : *h₂leibʰ- : 'unguent'
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ancient-scripts · 11 months
Linear B
𐀀 𐀩 𐀏 𐀭 𐀅 𐀨 𐀏 (a-re-ka-sa-da-ra-ka) : 'Alexandra' (last 'ka' = connective enclitic 'qe' ?)
- Greek : Ἀλεξάνδρα, ας (ἡ) 'Alexandra' fem. < Ἀλέξανδρος, ου (ὁ) : 'Alexander' < ἀλέξω : 'to protect, to defend' + ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός (ὁ) : 'man'
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(facsimile MY V 659)
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