an-hour-killed · 4 days
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an-hour-killed · 15 days
a really good book about when gentrification met lovecraft.
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please read the city we became by n.k. jemisin for genuinely diverse and refreshingly political urban fantasy and also this definitely-human antagonist
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an-hour-killed · 15 days
This group created a Schoolhouse Rock-style animation showing the horrors of Project 2025 and as I watched I couldn't believe how well the song lyrics flowed and how good the musical arrangement was. And it almost made me forget how awful the subject matter is.
Like, I'm worried they made it *too* good. If that's a thing.
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an-hour-killed · 20 days
in fucking tears rn
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an-hour-killed · 27 days
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an-hour-killed · 29 days
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an-hour-killed · 1 month
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my highlander didn't make it thru the dawntrail graphics update, but I fell in love with an npc and decided to try out elezen. So far so good.
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an-hour-killed · 1 month
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an-hour-killed · 1 month
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Tim Curry might be the epitome of "understands the assignment" and never gives less than 110% and damn I love him so much for that.
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an-hour-killed · 1 month
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Can't wait for the uniqueness of the holocaust to be a topic of importance in a political campaign in america in 2024. That's how it should be. That's normal
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an-hour-killed · 2 months
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an-hour-killed · 2 months
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an-hour-killed · 2 months
Sometimes when I'm watching a new anime and it gets outside my comfort zone because it's just gross, I will literally pause and scrunch up my face like I'm impersonating Elvis and Mr. Bean at the same time. I'll always give it a fair shake and watch a little more, but if it happens a couple more times... I'm out.
For example, this one isekai goes full throttle into threatening rape on characters right from the get-go. I don't generally watch isekai much because most have been icky. Sword Art Online? Soon as it started getting rapey, I peaced out. But that's not even the one I'm talking about. The one I'm trying to watch right now has one of those run-on sentence titles like I Got Transported to a Fantasy Land and I suck but I'll Become Powerful Anyway While Boobs Bounce in My Face as I Destroy the Goddess. Failure Frame is the secondary title, I think?
I don't know. As I get older, I have a lower and lower tolerance for fan service and unnecessary "sexualized in defeat" segments. Or child abuse. Just. Yuck.
There's a million other things to watch out there.
Don't commit to garbage just because you read or watched the first few of something. It's always okay to go, "Nah," and back away. You can do it at any point. Same thing goes for mediocre media. Maybe something you once loved just starts getting bad. It's okay to let it go. You don't owe it your time. Shit, I couldn't even finish Supernatural, and I watched over ten?? seasons of that. I couldn't even "hate watch" it to completion. Walking Dead, too. Started strong, but I stopped after season 4? 5? I don't even remember; it was that unimportant in the long run.
(Fucked up younger me would be aghast at the thought of this. I had to finish things. I had to collect things. I had to have the WHOLE thing. It's like my brain developed attachments brewed from the sunk cost fallacy and the physical value of things. Having half of something=it's worthless. Only when it's complete does it have any value. If you see even an inkling of this behavior in yourself, address it now while you have objectivity. Don't support shit that you don't actually thoroughly enjoy. You don't owe the creators anything.)
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an-hour-killed · 2 months
I’ve finally managed to make a vine compilation short enough that Tumblr will let me post it!
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an-hour-killed · 2 months
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Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail - Lower Yak T'el
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an-hour-killed · 3 months
transforming into yaoguai妖怪 in chinese stories by 化妆小天才肖遥xiao yao
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an-hour-killed · 3 months
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