mandarinxworld-blog · 6 years
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【World News Learning from English to Chinese 📰 🌏 – No.2】 十八日中美贸易战升级,特朗普再加百分之十的关税并威胁中国说如果中国继续反击将更进一步增加关税。 June 18th, the trade war(贸易战) between China and US has escalated. Trump added 10% tariff(关税) on some Chinese products, and used that as a warning)警告) to China for its lately reactions. 贸易战 / màoyì zhàn / trade war 关税 / guānshuì / tariff 警告 / jǐnggào / warning Photo : fibre2fashion.com
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.71 Chūnjié 春节 Chinese New Year】 chūnlián 春联 Chinese New Year couplets 春联 is the couplets or short poems which is written on the red paper. People paste up 春联 near the door frame to wish for the good fortune, wealth, longevity in the coming year. Have you ever written a Calligraphy? Or have you ever seen 春联? Share a 春联 which you love with us!
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.70 Chúxī 除夕 Chinese New Year’s Eve】 niányèfàn 年夜饭(or tuányuánfàn 团圆饭) reunion dinner Chinese New Year is the most important festival in a year and Chinese people will go home to gather with their family. On 除夕(Chinese New Year’s Eve), people have 年夜饭 (reunion dinner) with family and celebrate the new year together. When is the last time you have dinner with your family? Now tag your family and tell them you want to eat tuányuánfàn 团圆饭 with them!
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.69 Chūnjié 春节 Chinese New Year】 bàn niánhuò 办年货: shop for Chinese New Year 年货(niánhuò) refers to good food and groceries for Chinese New Year such as snacks, dry ingredients, firecrackers, chinese new year couplets and so on. In order to prepare the reunion feast, people will go to 年货大街( Chinese new year fair) 办年货 (shop for Chinese New Year). Would you do the New Year shopping in your country? What would you buy?
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.68 Chūnjié 春节 Chinese New Year】 hóngbāo 红包 red envelope 红包 with money inside are given to children by the elderly in Chinese New Year, which means to bless the children a happy and peaceful year. It also called 压岁钱(yāsuìqián). Is there the similar custom of red envelope in your country? What do you call that in your language?
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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Lesson 03– 【No.3 Want to Know about Greetings in Mandarin?】
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.67 Qíngrénjiē 情人节 Valentine’s Day🌹🌹🌹】 🤵🏻🤵🏽🤵🏿 Yīngjùn-xiāosă 英俊潇洒 to describe a man who is handsome 他长得英俊潇洒🤴🏽,迷倒了班上的女孩子❤️。 Tā zhǎng de yīngjùn-xiāosǎ ,mídǎole bānshàng de nǚháizi 。 He is so handsome that girls in the class are enchanted with him. Who do you think is the most handsome(英俊潇洒) male celebrity in the world? Share your favorite male celebrities with us below! 👇🏻👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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Lesson 02–
【No.2 Look! The policeman(警察) is catching the guy(坏人)! 】 【Dialogue】 A: 看!那个人正在攻击行人! [Kàn! Nà gè rén zhèng zài gōng jí xíng rén !] Look! The guy is attacking(攻击) the pedestrian(行人)! B: 警察用枪抓住他 [Jǐng chá yòng qiāng zhuā zhù tā.] The policemen are to catch(逮补) him with the gun(枪).
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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We’re going to regularly update “Xcards” for students to learn useful Chinese vocabulary that really helps your daily conversation.
Lesson 01–
【No.1 How’s the Weather Today? 】 【Dialogue】 A: How’s (如何) the weather(天气) today(今天) in Taipei, Taiwan? B: It’s sunny(晴天)/windy(阴天)/rainy(雨天) day.
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.66 Chinese Pickup Lines】 A:你长得很像一个我认识的人。 B:谁? A:我的下一个男朋友/女朋友!👫 A: Nǐ zhǎngde hěn xiàng yí ge wǒ rènshi de rén。 B: Shé? A: Wǒ de xià yí ge nánpéngyǒu/nǚpéngyǒu!👫 A:You look kinda like a person I know. B:Who? A:My next boyfriend/ girlfriend!👫 What would you say if someone said you were his/her next boyfriend/ girlfriend like the conversation above?
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.65 Chinese Pickup Lines】 我必须跟你说”我喜欢你”,因为我玩“真心话大冒险”输了,我选的是真心话。 Wǒ bìxū gēn nǐ shuō “wǒ xǐhuān nǐ”, yīnwèi wǒ wán “Zhēnxīnhuà dà màoxiǎn” shū le, wǒ xuǎn de shì zhēnxīnhuà. I have to tell you that I like you, because I am playing the game “truth or dare”. I choose truth. If someone confess his/her feelings with the sentence above, how did you feel?
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.64 Chinese Pickup Lines】 A:可以帮我找一本书吗? B:什么书? A:你的脸书!😉 A: Kěyǐ bāng wǒ zhǎo yì běn shū ma? B: Shénme shū? A: Nǐ de Liǎnshū. 😉 A:Could you help me to find a book? B:What book? A:Your Facebook. 😉
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.63 Chinese Buzzword】 给力 gěilì to describe someone or something is awesome, incredible, amazing or extraordinary. 造句:今年百货公司的优惠太给力了! Ex: Jīnnián bǎihuògōngsī de yōuhuì tài gěilì le! Ex: The discounts the department store offered this year is too great! Make your own sentence with __something/ someone___ 太給力了!
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.62 Chinese Buzzword】 打酱油 dǎ jiàngyóu 打酱油 literally means to get some soy sauce. It means the one who is just passing by and not involved in something. When somebody asks you what's your opinion about something, you say that you know little about it and you are not interested in this thing, you could say I was just passing by. 造句:这不关我的事,我只是来打酱油的。 Ex: Zhè bù guān wǒ de shì ,wǒ zhǐ shì lái dǎ jiàngyóu de. Ex: It’s none of my business, I’m just a bystander. Is there anything or conversation that you don’t want to be involved in in daily life? Share with us and then say 我只是来打酱油的。wǒ zhǐ shì lái dǎ jiàngyóu de.
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.61 Chinese Buzzword】 立马 lìmǎ The original meaning in ancient prose is to draw horse to a stop or a horse trick. But now people use it as the meaning immediately / right away. It combines the words 立 and 马 from 立刻(lìkè) and 马上 (mǎshàng), which also mean immediately / right away. 造句:我想立马报名 MandarinX 的课程和活动! Ex: Wǒ xiǎng lìmǎ bàomíng MandarinX de kèchéng hé huódòng! Ex: I want to register the courses and events on MandarinX right now! What things are you going to do right away? 我想立马+do something Wǒ xiǎng lìmǎ + _______
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.60 Chinese Pickup Lines】 Tom:我们以前见过吗? Tom:Wǒmen yǐqián jiànguò ma? Tom:Have we met before? Jerry:__________. If your were Jerry, would you keep the conversation going? What would you say to Tom?
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mandarinxworld-blog · 7 years
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【No.59 Chinese Pickup Lines】 💺💺💺我可以坐这裡吗? Wǒ kěyǐ zuò zhèlǐ ma ? May I take this seat? If you don’t want someone to take the seat beside you, what would you say to reject him/her ?
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