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amwex · 2 years ago
"Night-time cuddles" - A dnf short story
"George," the blond hushed, and the other groaned quietly in his arms.
"Georgie," Dream tried again, this time squeezing his chest and shaking him gently, the other sighing and slowly opening his tired eyes.
"What's up?" He smiled softly as he gently turned around in the man's grasp, the other's features only ever so slightly visible in the moon's glimmer that snuck through the heavy curtains, their eyes meeting in the grey darkness.
"Hi," the blond whispered as his green orbs connected with the coffee brown ones just inches from his, hand rising from the boy's hip and wandering up into the silky locks, gently pushing them from the soft skin.
"Hi" the brunet replied, smile widening at the sensation he felt on his forehead.
"Can I ask you something?" Dream whispered and if it hadn't been so dark in the small but homey room, George could have seen the reddish tint appearing on the man's cheeks.
"Sure baby," the older said, hand slowly running up the blond's side and stopping at his chest, feeling his heart beating against his fingertips.
"Could- could I- be the little spoon tonight?" He whispered, thumb still gliding along the brunet's face, trying to watch his expression through the darkness to garner a reaction.
"Oh honey," the brunet laughed quietly, scooting in even closer and placing his head where his hand had just laid, eyes wandering upwards to see the other.
"Of course you can," he spoke in a soft tone, having heard a tint of nerves in the other's tone as he had asked the question, wanting to calm him and assure that it wasn't a silly thing to ask.
"You turn around and I'll hang onto you like a backpack, sound like a plan?" George suggested with light chuckles throughout, Dream just smiling up at the smaller, hearts dancing in his vibrant green eyes hidden away in the darkness.
"I love you," the younger simply whispered, before slowly leaning forwards and connecting his tired lips with George's, eyes fluttering closed as they met, an instinct at this point, a feeling he was so used to, but would never get tired of.
"I love you too," the brunet hushed as soon as their lips separated, his wide grin making his teeth glistening in the moon's glimmer.
Dream smiled, in fact, he hadn't stopped smiling since he's been with George, he wasn't capable of being sad anymore and he loved it.
"Backpack me," the blond called as he had found a comfortable position in the bed, back turned towards the smaller man, who laughed and rolled his eyes as he scooted against the taller's broad body.
"Idiot," George huffed under his breath with a huge grin, hips pressed tightly against the blond's behind, arms raking around his waist, just long enough to rest against Dream's stomach comfortably.
"You're the idiot," the younger rebutted, a slight nudge with his arm against George.
"At least I'm your idiot," the brunet whispered as he placed his tired head in the space between Dream's neck and shoulder, squirming and wriggling until he found a comfortable position.
"Well, you're my favourite idiot," the blond hushed so quiet it was barely above a breath, George hearing the gently whispered words loud and clear, a wide smile showing off his pearly whites before he pressed a soft kiss to the blond's warm neck.
Slowly tired eyes close and consciousness fades from the two of them slowly until satisfied sighs and calm breathing patterns filled the room that held so much love, it was sure to burst any second now.
Thank you for reading!!
Have a great rest of your day/night!
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amwex · 3 years ago
"Apple Juice and Goldfish" - 1436 Words - Age regressor Little Dream - Age Regression Caregiver GeorgeNotFound
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amwex · 3 years ago
"Studying can wait" - 1317 words - Dreamnotfound fluff one shot
"Hey sweetheart" the blond says as he enters the room, moving to stand behind the sitting man and wrapping his arms around his shoulders, pressing soft kisses to his ear.
The only response he gets is a slight "mmh", mumbled from the smaller in haste.
"I missed you" The blond breathes softly against George's neck, watching as the blue ink of the pen writes on the paper in front of the other man.
This time no response.
Only the slight noises of the pen flying across paper and the turning of a book's pages can be heard in the small dorm room.
Dream rolls his eyes, stepping back to rid himself of the warm coat and winter boots he was wearing.
"Really? You're not even gonna look at me?" He says as he throws himself down on the brunet's bed right behind the desk.
George sighs and turns around in his chair, eyeing the floor.
Quickly he mumbles "missed you too" his pen clicking in his hand, as he stifles a big yawn.
"Okay George listen, I know this exam is important to you but you have to take care of yourself" he sits up in the bed, leaning on his arms, tired from a long day.
"Clay, I'm fine. I swear. The test is in two days and I have to be prepared. It makes up like 40% of my grade" he mutters, having already turned around again, the pen clicking having stopped and instead the sliding of ink on paper picked up again.
Dream thought for a second and then got up. Walking over to the man's desk and grabbing the big, old looking book from it, closing it and sliding it under the bed, presumably covering it in even more dust.
"Wha- Dream! What are you doing? Give that back! I need to study!" The smaller calls out, trying to reach the book before it disappeared under the bed.
Dream grabs the man, who was now standing, by the hips, pulling him into his embrace, connecting their lips in a sweet kiss.
"What you need, is a shower. And some food. Maybe a little nap too" the blond whispers, petting a soft hand over George's face.
The brunet leans on the tallers shoulder, sighing deeply as he does so.
"Come on go grab a towel, I'll get you some clothes and you're taking a shower" the blond pets over the others arms, stepping back to look at his face once more.
He presses another gentle kiss to the man's lips before loosening his hands from his hips and moving to the boy's closet.
He opens the big heavy doors, pulling out a pair of underwear, a black shirt, some shorts and a hoodie, that he realised was his own and one that he had been looking for. He smirked and went over to George who was standing ready with a towel and his bathroom bag.
The two of them walk to the shared showers,
Dream sitting down on one of the wooden benches in the middle of the room, watching Georges every move as he undressed.
He watched the the day old shirt and underwear slide off the man in fluid motions falling to a little pile on the floor. He watches silky, presumably soft to the touch skin, that was underneath, his gaze almost frozen in place unable to move off the man's body.
"Stop staring at me. I'm gross" George speaks quietly to the man, while moving over to his boyfriend.
"Oh you're everything but gross, my Love" the blond answers, standing up and grabbing the boy by the hips once again, starting to pepper kisses down his neck.
George pushes him back down onto the bench, whispering "you wish" and walking towards the shower, leaving Dream to stand alone in the empty room.
Once he is done with his shower he steps out, expecting to see the other still on the bench but no.
The room is completely empty, except the dark towel and the clothes Dream had picked out for him, still laying on the abandoned benches.
He grabs the towel and pulls it around his waist, tying a knot into the ends to ensure it stays on and walks around in the room, looking around corners where the guy might be hiding.
After not being able to find him he decides to get dressed, rubbing his soft and now clean skin with the towel and shaking his head to rid the silk of the water, kind of like a dog.
Once fully dressed he grabs his belongings, and steps back into the hall, walking the three meters to his dorm, still trying to figure out where the other man could have gone.
He kicks the door to his room open and is about to throw his stuff on the bed when he sees the blond sitting there.
"There you are! I was looking for you" George yells, his eyes now wandering off of the man and down onto the soft white duvet, all over the bed where little plastic containers and plates, with all sorts of great looking foods in them.
One had an assortment of different cheeses, with soft white bread laying next to it. Another one, just by Dream's leg, had what looked like fruits in them, apples and grapes, maybe some bananas too?
"Dream what is-" he starts but gets interrupted by the one sitting on the bed behind all of the food.
"Shh. I haven't seen you eat in a while. So I thought, why not get a little fancy with it. It's like a picnic but I thought maybe it might be a little cold for that in the middle of January" he chuckles while scratching the back of his head, George jumping at him and falling around his neck, hugging him tightly.
"This is super sweet Dream. But you didn't need to do this, this probably cost you a lot of money, let me pay you back here-"
He was trying to stand up and get his wallet, but a firm hand grips his slender wrist tightly and pulls him back over.
"Sit down and have some food honey. You deserve to be treated like this okay? Don't worry about the money sweetheart."
George smiles and sits down opposite of his boyfriend, Clay's hand which is still tightly wrapped around his wrist, moves so they're holding hands, all the food between them.
He looks between all of the different food, the many choices making it difficult for him to pick.
"Here, try this. This is really good," Dream says, pushing a small piece of bread with the cheese George saw earlier, toward his mouth. He opens wide and can feel the flavours of the cheese explode in his mouth, coupled with the sweet taste of the crispy bread underneath it made for the perfect start to this whole experience.
Next he grabs a cookie, and is basically spoon fed fruit salad by the blond, while also nibbling on some of the other little delicacies that Dream had gotten.
He looks over at Dream, most of the containers significantly lighter than before, and he can't help but chuckle at the blond as he tries to fit yet another Grape into his mouth, this one being number 16.
George's small giggles spark something in Dream, who now starts laughing hysterically, some of the grapes falling from his mouth with a plopping sound, the blond doing his best to catch them in one of the empty containers.
Once the containers were cleaned away and the only residue of this beautiful moment between the two were some crumbs and memories in their brains, they cuddled up together. Close and soft George lay in the bigger arms behind him. "Studying can wait" he thinks, as he feels a gentle kiss being placed on the back of his head.
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amwex · 3 years ago
"Forbidden touches" - 4937 words - Chapter 6 of "Grow up, grow old but let's do it together" - Dream kidfic
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amwex · 3 years ago
//Dnf sleepy cuddles - 1027 Words - "Editing can wait"
With a quiet squeak the door to the room opens, the brunet slowly and on tippy toes sneaking up on Dream sat at his desk. The headphones pulled over the blond's ears blocking out any and all noise. 
Gently George places his hands on the plastic frame contouring Dream's face, lifting it slowly from the man's ears, the other wincing at the sudden movement behind him. 
He whips his head back, eyes meeting the brown pearls shining at him from George's smile, teeth whiter than any he'd ever seen. 
"Hey baby" the blond whispers, his face now changing from confusement to excitement. 
"I want cuddles" the man whispers. This side of him, the soft and sensitive one was something the Internet never got to see. Only Dream was a witness of George's clingy moments that of course since they had moved in together only became more frequent.
"I can tell honey" the blond laughs, lifting his hand and stroking George's soft cheek that hung close above him. 
"Then cuddle with me idiot" George quips in true Georgenotfound fashion. 
"I have to edit sweetheart, I'll be there in like 30 minutes" the blond explained, a huge pout appearing on the other's face, the smile faltering. 
"No" George simply says, waiting a few seconds and then moving over to the side of the man's chair, pushing a totally perplexed Dream further back and taking a seat on the man's lap, arms sneaking underneath the blond's and closing behind his back. 
"You may continue editing" he mumbles into the hood of his red sweater that was doing good in hiding his face.  
"With a pretty boy in my lap? No way" Dream huffs, a few clicks on his mouse closing the editing program on his monitor and putting his pc to sleep. 
"What are you doing, you said you need to edit" George asks confused as he turns to see his and Dream's reflection in the now blank monitors. 
"I have more important things to do now" the blond whispers, moving one arm to his lap holding George as he stands from the chair, the man clinging onto him tightly like a baby monkey. 
He moves them out through the squeaky door and down the hall, kicking open the door with one foot and slamming it shut with the other once they're inside. 
Quickly and without thinking Dream throws himself on the bed, light enough to not hurt them but surprising enough to make George slap his arm and call out a scared "Dream!" 
The younger chuckles, George's eyes poke out from under his hood, wide and slightly upset at the man for throwing him. 
"You look so cute" the blond murmurs under his breath and all hard feelings the older had were whisked away in a second, a blush tinting his face in a slight red, similar to the colour of his hoodie. 
"Shut up and cuddle me" George reciprocates the compliment in his own way, Dream scoffing but scooting closer anyways. 
He pulls the man into his chest as deep as possible, George placing his head where he could feel the other's heartbeat the strongest, his hood still hung over his head throwing shade over his features. 
"I can't even see your pretty face with this stupid hood on" Dream complains as he lets his fingers glide over the exposed patches of skin on George's back, the other loving the sensation. 
To not make the blond stop, the brunet moves his own hands up to his face, quickly throwing the fabric behind him where it lands on his back. 
"Better?" He smiles, and Dream nods, "much better"
Dream's free hand now moved up on George's body, trailing over his clothes and sometimes dipping underneath, until finally it made its way up to the brunet's head, where his hair splayed out on the other's chest. 
"Head scratches" the smaller whispers in a voice so light Dream nearly overhears it. 
"You want head scratches baby?" a firm nod against his rib cage shows him, yes, George wanted head scratches. 
Gentle and slow, like a feather falling to the floor, the man moved his hand up into the chaos that was the brunet's hair. The man on his chest letting go of comfortable sighs and hums, the noises telling Dream that whatever he was doing, he was doing it right. 
He moved his hand a little rougher, nails scraping over the skin and pressing down into the mass of hair. 
George loved this and Dream knew it. The smaller, arms wrapped around the other's shoulders, tightens his grip even more, head nuzzling against his body, the two basically morphing into one human at this point they were that close. 
He continued on and on with scratching and massaging and running fingers over silky skin that felt too soft to be real. When George got cuddly like this, there was no way of getting out of it until the man himself said it was alright to do so. 
Dream found that out the hard way, when for just a few seconds he let his hand rest, the constant movement being slightly exhausting after a while. "No stopping" the other guy mumbled half asleep, waiting for the beautiful sensation to return to his scalp. 
"I want a kiss first" the other said, quickly moving his face to steal a kiss from the man still tight on his chest, the other laughing and trying to pull away from the attempted smooches. 
Once Dream got what he wanted, a few wet kisses that were more on George's nose than on his lips, he lifted his hand back up to the man's face, stroking gentle fingers over the soft skin, a slight blush appearing following the kisses. 
"I love you George, so much" Dream whispers as he closes his arms behind the man's back, pulling him even tighter into his embrace, petting over his back. 
"I said no stopping idiot" George replied, and Dream knew it was the man's way of saying "I love you too" so he laughed and went back to the silky curls on his chest to give the man what he wanted. 
The end
Thanks for reading!
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amwex · 3 years ago
"Summer sweats" - 4145 - dnf age Regression comfort fluff - Little Georgenotfound - Age Regression caregiver Dream
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