"It's a pleasure to meet you."
487 posts
Indie RP blog for Amuro Tooru aka Furuya Rei aka Bourbon from Detective Conan Please read rules before interacting. Tagging: amuroxtooru
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
@silverbulletofthefbi || from here
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Well, that was annoying. Especially since he didn’t particularly trust anyone in the Organization. He was a spy and spies tended to die if they got careless. Still, it was a relief, cool water instead of baking in the sun.
“Bourbon, I never took you for the playful sort.”
Raising one of his eyebrows slightly he couldn't keep the grin away form his face.
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"Don't interpret too much into this. Just thought you need to calm down a bit to come down from your attitude."
To be honest Scotch told him to be nicer to the other one. Well... this was his idea of being nice at this point. 
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
“I know that, Rei. Thank you.” He accepted the paper and slipped it into his pocket.
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“Anyway, since you’re here, would you like something to drink?” If Rei had been tailed for any reason, it would also look incredibly suspicious if he showed up for five minutes and left. 
“And if you’re feigning being a detective for your cover, you could also claim to look into a case for Subaru Okiya. As a way of maintaining your cover as the apprentice of a great detective, dealing with things more minor than what the other would deal with.”
He nodded slightly. There wasn't much else to say as he already said too much useless stuff to begin with.
"Something to drink sounds good." he replied in the end, hands buried in his pockets.
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"And while we spend some time inside... how about we're talking about that 'case' I'm looking into for you?"
The idea was good. And part of him was angry that he didn't had the idea himself. It still was strange to work with Akai like that but... things certainly had changed over the weeks and he had to make the best out of it as it seemed.
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
@silverbulletofthefbi || starter call
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"I can't come here too often, it might bring us into trouble too soon."
Well he was aware about that and he was rather sure that the other one was it as well.
And yet he ended up in front of the other ones door without being really sure why. For now he might be able to pretend it was because talking overt he phone or sending messages was too dangerous, but it wouldn't work forever.
Still he was here... a sigh left his lips while he gave a little piece of paper to the other one.
"Here. That's all I can give you for now."
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
@antagonixm​ || starter call
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Tilting his head to the side the blond mans eyes wandered back to the clock at the other side of the room. He really wasn’t happy about a situation like this. Since he lost his partner he always preferred to work alone. It wasn’t anything more than an annoyance to work together with others, because it demanded at least a little bit of trust in this work of field.
Not that this was his actual work, wasn’t it? These days Rei wasn’t so sure about it anymore.
But he forbid himself to think about it rather forceful. He had no time for this. Not at all. The mission of collecting some information was getting close and still he hadn’t met his supposed to be partner for this mission. A teenager. Rei really wasn’t what to expect from this. He was well aware about the fact that some of the members here were awful young. He couldn’t bring himself to care anymore so he just stopped about it.
So he probably was just hoping that this wouldn’t end in a disaster all too soon.
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
starter call. Like for an random starter
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
Okay I’m back. Kinda. Hopefully.
At least I want to try (since when do I have to log in via yahoo? @_@) Going to redo my theme and stuff. Start again.
If anyone wants to keep our threads send me an message with a link to it?
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
Okay I’m back. Kinda. Hopefully.
At least I want to try (since when do I have to log in via yahoo? @_@) Going to redo my theme and stuff. Start again.
If anyone wants to keep our threads send me an message with a link to it?
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
Haibara gave Amuro a side glance as she kept her face hidden from his line of sight and walked to Conan. “Let the police know if you find anything.” Haibara spoke and walked behind Conan as she exited the attic. She was concerned about his expression just a moment ago. She wasn’t sure if he saw her face, but that the least of her worries. 
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► “I will.” There probably wasn’t much to say to this after all. Still.. This situation really got him without being able to explain it. There was no way that girl was Sherry. No matter how much she looked like her, but still... why? Was it possible that she was a younger sister or something? Was it possible, that Elena had another daughter he didn’t knew about?
Part of him wanted to ask instantly, but it probably would not only blow his cover and... the look Conan was sending in to his direction was clearly a sign of the fact that the boy was already planning something to trick him again. So he probably shouldn’t make the same mistake again at all and think careful about his next steps.
But first... there still was a weapon to find.
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
She pulled out her phone as she dialed Conan’s number. She told him that he had to hurry and convince her that the person she was holding at gun point was a good guy. After she got done talking with him, she put her phone away and turned her head to face Amuro. “Edogawa-kun will be here in a few minutes.” 
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► In the end the girl didn’t gave that much information out to the other child, so Rei really didn’t doubt that Conan would hurry to come here. And he might would be able to see his reaction to this situation after all. So beside the situation itself he had nothing to complain about for now.
Still a soft sigh left his lips. “I’m rather sure he will.”
It really didn’t took Conan that  long to appear at the scene and Rei wondered how this situation was looking for him. Well he wouldn’t ask probably. Still there appeared a small smile on his face when he met the confused look of the boy.
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“Hey there. Maybe you could convince her that I’m not going to harm her?”
He still didn’t understand why she was thinking that way at all. Was she connected to Sherry? Was that the reason?
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
“Hmm… not really.” Shinara replied. “More like… I’ll take you to a café for a ‘thank you treat’ for saving my life. Or something like that?” She added with a smile on her face.
|What should I do about that? The car didn’t stop even though it’s a red light. It seems like… they waited for me to cross the street. Is this the “assassin” that the serial killer sent after me or… someone else?| She thought as she kept walking until they arrived at the cafe’s doorstep.
“So~, is there something that you like to eat or something that you want to ask me?” She inquired as she entered the cafe.
► Slowly tilting his head to the side, thinking. He wasn’t so sure if going to a café was the right reaction after what just had happened. She just was caught up in a accident and Rei wasn’t so sure if it really had been that or if someone was trying to kill her - again.
But still, he couldn’t just say ‘no’ right? He was just the polite waiter right now after all so...
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“Sure, why not?”
Putting his hands in his pockets, he followed her to the café where he sat down next to her.
“A normal coffee would be enough, thanks.”
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
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「    There’s a split moment of incertitude before the detective steps closer, tipping the visor of his black cap a little up with his hand, so that its shadow would shroud his face a little less. His brow furrows as he takes in the sight of Amuro, concern evident on his expression with a sliver of disbelief.
There’s no mistake with the signs pointed out so clearly –– the clothes of an adult that looks too baggy on the child’s figure, the similarity of their features, ‘rewinded�� into its soft, youthful sharp –– “ You, – what happened ? ” even with the question asked, Shinichi can almost already guess the ‘cause’ for the PSB agent’s sudden change of appearance, and it’s far enough for him to understand the graveness of the situation that has befallen them.
As someone who has experienced the same kind of mishap, he can only imagine something must have gone terribly wrong.
And if so, then time would especially become crucial.
The detective gives a slight nod of his head, determination set in his eyes. “ I agree. It’d be better to speak in a place that isn’t public. ” where anyone unwanted could get the chance to listen in. But where should they go ? To Hakase’s house ? Or would it be safer to bring them over to the apartment he currently resides in ?
“ Come with me, then. I got a place where we can talk. ”    」
► What happened? It probably was a question he still failed to find an answer for. He could tell that Gin knew who he was .And that he probably tried to kill him with that poison. Seemed like he wouldn’t die that easily, hu? But the other one was still waiting for an answer. Taking a deep breath he pushed all the confusion and the little bit of fear of the unknown aside, not allowing himself to feel anything at all right now, before he looked up again. “I don’t really know. They found out. It ended like this.” was all eh replied in the end.
Nodding again the boy agreed to follow the other one. For now Kudo probably was the only one he really could trust in this situation. Something he couldn’t really explain at all.
“Show me the way” he added after a while, pulling the baggy clothes a bit up, so that it would be a bit easier to walk. Hopefully wherever the detective wanted to go wasn’t too far away. And hopefully they wouldn’t meet anyone better not to meet on their way there. The problems he had right now already were way enough for him.
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
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{ :▻❀◅: }
     The PSB…? That was a valid point, but… she still didn’t know his motives. Still, if she called the aforementioned contact, she might be able to gain the upper hand by getting a no-can-do response… 
“ … All right, then. Let’s see what he says. “
     She released her hold on him entirely, but not without slapping on the pair of handcuffs in her pocket. In order to ensure he wouldn’t escape ( and that she’d have both hands free ), she attached the other cuff to the closed-off steel armrest of a nearby bench, keeping an eye on him as she took out her phone. She’d programmed most of the numbers into her contact list already, so it was only a matter of time before the number was selected. 
      The inspector pressed the phone to her ear, frowning as she continued to watch the other. 
( There better be no more funny business around here… )
► He wasn’t so sure what was going on  in her head after his words or if she was even considering that he was saying the truth. But she said she would see what Kazami would say, so she was at least considering the possibility.
“Good. Do that.” he replied, standing still when she let go of him. It wasn’t that surprising that he found himself chained to the bench. In her situation  he probably would have done the same.
Still he wasn’t happy with this situation. Not at all. It was the first time he made a grave mistake like that and he could only hope that it wouldn’t lead to his covers being blown completely.
It was already late so it probably took a while till Kazami answered the call. If he was confused about that late call from the police officer he perfectly hide the confusion from his voice when he asked about the reason of the call.
Rei slightly tilted his head to the side, wondering about the way his co-worker might would react. Well he couldn’t help it anymore, could he?
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“Just tel him you need some information about Furuya’s case then.”
He wasn’t interested in standing here the whole night. He already was in trouble, he clearly didn't need more. Not really.
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
Send me 🎵 and I'll put my music on shuffle, making a starter from my favourite line of the first song to play
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
munday picture under the read more
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rest of the pictures can be found here because I’m too lazy to ask if I’m allowed to upload them here as well x’D Photo’s taken by @greeneyedsleeper
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
cause it’s munday.. anyone interested in some pictures of our Whiskey Trio Shooting last week? Don’t want to spam with cosplay pics so I thought I ask x’D
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
A quick and dirty RP policy guide
Bold all that apply to you and your blog. Italics if you’re on the fence about something. Either reblog or repost. Feel free to add anything I may have missed in the appropriate category, or recategorize something that is in the wrong place!
My blog is _______
Open to all
Moderately Selective
Highly selective
Only going to RP with mutuals
Mostly going to RP with mutuals
Affiliated with a group
Spoiler free
Spoilers tagged
Spoilers mostly tagged
I will RP with ______
Any fandom
Most fandoms
Only fandoms I know
Only people in my fandom
OCs with no fandom ties
Only one version of any particular character
People who have the same muse as me
People who do not have a rules page
Multimuse blogs
People in RP groups
Indie RPers
When RPing, I like to use _______
Shorter forms of text
Gif icons
Formatted text
Whatever my partner is using
My own style regardless of my partner’s reply
I will ship with _______
No one
Select ships  
Others of my own muse
Crossovers with characters from different fandoms
Only one version of a particular character
One person in my main verse
Multiship, all ships independent of each other & main ship
One main/canon ship within my main verse
My blog WILL contain ______ in it’s content
Dark humor
I will follow ______ back
Only some people
Most people
Only people in my fandom
Every RP blog
Only people I actively wish to RP with
People who do not post a lot of OOC
People whose posts I am comfortable with on my dashboard
To RP with me, you should _______
Follow back
Answer an open
Message me OOC
Message me IC
Make a starter
Answer my starter
Send in a meme
Like a starter call
I practice reblog karma with memes
I expect reblog karma with memes
I expect my rules/about to be read
I always read the rules/about before following/interacting
If you follow me, I would like suicide and assault tagged
I expect all smut to be beneath a read-more
I expect smut to be tagged
I am a multiverse blog
I am multi-muse
I do not wish for my OOC posts to be reblogged
I do not wish for my threads to be reblogged by those not involved
I expect post length to be matched
I expect icons/gifs to be used in a reply if I have used them
I don’t expect post length to be matched, but I will try to match your own.
I am patient when waiting for replies and expect the same courtesy.
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amuroxtooru-blog · 8 years ago
Reblog if you value OOC communication.
With your RP partner(s), your guildmate(s), or even acquaintances in random RP/scenes you’ve never met before! You prefer to talk OOC to establish a dialogue, a conversation, and who knows? Maybe even friendship and adventures!
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