you win....lORE AND MERMAIDS WOAH AOAH.(i'm lazy)
These is 2 of the 6 so....yeah!
Gather around my sweet guppies as i tell you about something you may or not way to hear about. So in the world of sbr there is "tribes" which refers to different mer.
Due to the amount of history ,specially around travels and economy this ocean has it makes sense this poblation has interacted more than humans than any other.
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i KNOW you have seen those north sea vids on tiktok. do not even lie to me, also one of the most variated in flora and fauna oceans due to it's large extension. This is the home of the apex predator, a type of merfolk that mainly hunts and is known to drown sailors more than once the 'siren' genotype mermaids whom have almost hypnotic signing!
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amphiriteaquarium · 14 days
I've been busy trying to survive estacional allergies and my drivers license but this week I think I'll manage to drop some more juicy lore
On the meantime what would YOU like to know
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amphiriteaquarium · 1 month
Sbr mention on my main blog! also other stuff i am tryin to pull out.
Character charts for all my projects!(and to prove i have no consistent stlye-)
SBR(Seabird's Requiem) a modern fantasy idea for a comic involving the staff of a mermaid aquarium.(this image is suubject to some changes that will be possibly be made in the future)
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Ciph3r(horror dating sim about a bunch of collegue kids who new extra credit to save the semster but find out why people keep dissapearing)
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Solitaire(alice in wonderland tiktok series that im too scared to make )
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and finally
How to be a (good) cult leader. (practice comic to see if i can even withstand making sbr-)
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
August 17! Today we celebrate Afrocostarican culture!
i always confuse black history month because for us it's in August and for the United States is on February(?) correct me if wrong!
So today i wanted to celebrate it by sharing some data with you, note the information i'm about to display is from when i was a history student in 2022. Information may vary,have changed or anything else! Also i'm kinda bad with dates,im really sorry so im just putting like general time lapses.
Afrocostarican poblation started in Limon,the UFCO(United Fruit Company) was looking for people who could work on the heat and complicated conditions of Limon(today is very modern but back then think of it like an amazingly hot and humind jungle with tons of snakes) many were brought to work from people from the capital to immigrants from italy and China but those who stayed were the Jamaican people.
The workers were free which meant they were no longer slaves this by no means their stay here was made easy, racism and discrimation were and still are rampant angaist this poblation. It came to the point that Limon's citizen weren't recognizes as such until late 1900.Their ID starts with a 7 to signify the 7'nth province to join the republic of Costa Rica.
They have their own set of dialects Patua(Criolle Patois) is what they are most known for but if i rememeber well , english is actually the most common.
Cuisine is also greatly influenced by jamaican heritage instead of "rice and peas" we have rice and beans, which is delish is made with coconut milk,ginger,thyme and panama pepper and served normally with meat(It used to be turtle meat!). Pan bon also with ginger , Pati a savory spicy Pastry and my favorite Plantinta(abreviattion of Platain Tart) which is a sweet plantain pastry.
Music wise there is a own variation of Calypso, Limons Calypso. I'm not a music student and can not dissect this topic well but i do know reggae and jamaican ska were great inspirations for this genre of music. If you are looking to, you can listen to Walter Ferguson the emblem of Costa Rican Calypso.
And lastly a bittersweet data, from our understanding the plan wasn't to stay and make roots here, it was always was the plan to eventually return to Jamaica or for some Africa.
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To which the Black Star Line was created but it never fullfield it's prooupose. It was burned in 2016 but has been rebuild to sme degree. It's closed too so sadly,no museum.
This were snippets of afrocostarican history ,this was what i learned in class and thefore not the best approach to it since im myself i'm not afrocostarican but i still tougth important and interesting to share.
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
Semi Canon-
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
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here for the ocean,here for the future
An oceanography based on Costa Rica(this is very self indulgent) Ecomarine has opperated for years and it's proposal it's one of balance and harmony. Before the instititute mermaids were barely studied but thanks to the effort of their work there is now multiple aquariums where you can see real life mermaids!
They also control the Coralium mining,seafolk "safety" and products. what products you ask? Well everything! building submarines,skincare and if you are very lucky maybe even Melusine Therapy(for stress or entreitanment uses! we don't judge)
It's also the main corporation on Bahia Arrecife,providing much of the jobs and social programs to the country.
Branch Aquariums or Marine life centers are(briefly because i prolly will make more ajfgdfg) :
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Amphirite Aquarium
Modern Atlantis
Most prominent one for obvious reasons, it's supposed to be a rehabitation center for marine life. It's on Bahia Arrecife(central america)
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Coral Coast Marine Park
Underwater Fantasy
Calling this an aquarium is mostly a joke, think of it like the disneyland of sbr it's more alusive towards entretainment. It's based on Asia but i have yet to think where.
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Blue Horizon
Oceanography Institute
the quote on quote more "serious" Blue Horizon is a prestigious of all of them having their own mini branches across the globe. They are top of the top,smartest humans yadda yadda. Their research is purely on coralium and mermaids. They make the rules on how mermaids are treated,feed and just have control on the whole process.
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
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Nudibranchs are such an unique species so just doing humanoids felt wrong. This is my proporsal for nudibranch merfolk aka slugfolk.
All the slugs are under Rox's care in the touch zone. They are all hermaphrodite(both female and male) but some of them are referred to in a specific gender for an instanc in which they were involved with.
Pochi is obsessed with seamoss and world domination, her name comes from "Pochoton" with is slang for chubby. Pochi often leaves her exhibit.
Waffles gained his name after being cared for in medbay and when the caretaker accidentaly feel asleep Waffles took a bit out the snack(ice cream waffles) and got a tummy ache.
Poseidon is territorial and thanks to his diet,very poisonous.He doesn't really like to be touched by humans or other merfolk.
Margarita or Mita, is a clown nudibranch , refered to as they as a staff once said "all clowns are a little fruity" Mita has a pebble(shaped like a ball) which they cary around, they are a very sweet slime ball.
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
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(man i wished i remembered more of my chem classes while making this-)
Coralio or Coralium is the super element , it's a viscous substance,but when processed correctly, it reveals extraordinary properties,including the ability to function as a superconductor and transforminto a highly conductive metal. Its glow in the dark makes it easily identifiable,and its properties enable cutting-edge technological andmedical application
However this is extemerly hard to get, as it mostly growns in underwater caves with limited access. Marine minery and illegal diving are often performed only to get ahold of this precious material but Ecomarine has the most extensive reserve of the material at hand. it's extraction damagese the ecosystem and seafloor greatly as it "burns it"
In the story it's also important for merfolk as it allows "magic" to happen in a certain way, this out of the world substace fills some of the doubts like how can some mermaids shapeshift? or maybe exist?
truth is even if being studied for a long time the the very existence of it creates more questions than answers. Of course ,if you're wondering mermaids do have this subtance in their blood. it helps them have out of this world abilities and....well much more!
It's gooey,like oil but it doesn't stick to the skin! the smell is semi tolerable it's like burnt and tangy.
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
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Just look at her.LOOK AT HER-(working on the second batch of the mercrew,this is Roxanne's slug i was too lazy to finish)
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
the urge to swim, to collect pretty seashells and hide them, to sing and purr underwater, to hide in coral reefs, to hunt tasty fish, to occasionally swim up to the surface to bathe in the sun and listen to the waves
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
English is not my frist language so please bully me(JJJJJ) if i write anything too dumb
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
Mermaid Mantaince Specialist
So for such complex beings,like any other fish in the aquarium there is a whole team that dedicates themselves to their care. In sbr world this is a prestiguious and most wanted work as well...mermaids i guess-
If you were interested into the work there is 4 roles you could apply to:
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The mere existence of mere intrigues you , there is not a book ,movie or anything you haven't read about them. What mostly intrigues you is how this mythical beings can even survive.
If studying them all day long is something you see doing for all your life,then investigator, is the role for you. As the name alludes this goes from basic mer biology to adaptability and even how other organism interact with them.
Sharing a stage with merfolk is a life experience few can actually brag about. I mean, the limeligths,the songs and scene are just too magical to be true. As a performer you are the public face of the aquarium,so keep smiling!
Most of what you will do is train merfolk for their on-stage shows alongside containers(Ecomarine cares about your safety!) and celebrations.
A tad bit less glamourous than being a performer but you have an important job,make sure nobody gets hurts. Patience, strength and valor are most essentials to be a good container and not everyone is up for the job.
That's why it's one of the best payed ones!(not because there is any danger-never! merfolk are known to be the most tame of beings.)
The big brother,the leader and the eyes. You are tasked with the most important of all jobs,being a leader. making sure those wonderful underwater beings are taken care of and that your team is operating safely. There migth be a lot of performers or investigators but there is only 1 overseer!
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(there is a lot of satire in this post )
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
Mermaintaince Crew(Part 1)
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I struggle a lot with continuity-
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Frist part of the Mermaintance crew and their merfolk partners,whom they work with /for in the Aquarium.
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
Ocean themed dividers? ❤️🥺
Hi anon! Here’s some that I put together that felt like they had an ocean or beach-y theme - I hope you like them! 🏖️💖
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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amphiriteaquarium · 2 months
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Half what i submitted for a contest and the other something related to the story!
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amphiriteaquarium · 3 months
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But what is a story of mermaids WITHOUT the mermaids?
(im working on coming up with some cool and cute desings for the merfolk of the story. Khione is a particlar humany mer)
Khione is the most popular mermaid in Amphirite Aquarium. She's known as a sweet and tranquil individual but since an incident a month ago or so Khione hates going out in public! Oh no!
and the wrost part? the Eclipse Jellyfish(did i steal that from sdv?maybe-) is just around the corner!
Kiki is a opalescent mermaid(actually more related to the siren subpecies, as far is there is data she's about he last one too)
Kiki is young, one of the particular grown mermaid that actually y was born in the aquarium!
She used to perform in her younger days.
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amphiriteaquarium · 3 months
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so an aquarium needs a full on staff,go figure-
Some of this people are VERY vaguely inspired by people i know. From scientific engerineering to Marketing specialist the (human) staff of Amphirite Aquarium sure is an interesting bunch of guppies.
**Colombo is a slang for someone from Colombia. Paco is a nicname for someone named Francisco
Hanna is inspired by Costa Rican boxer,Hannah Gabriels
"UV" is another word play. she's the handy mechachinc so everyone call her "Ultra" Violeta as a joke
Yuan is inspired by a nice dude i met in uni ,we did projects together when i was in my communal work thingy.
the blonde and black haired dude are called Matthias and Anton
Casper was named after the goofy ghost,Casper.
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