Pet Shop of Horrors
52 posts
Independent Count D Roleplayer
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amorxsomnia · 1 month ago
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"No matter where I am in the world, celebrating the Lunar New Year is always of the utmost importance and the Year of the Snake especially so." D hums appreciatively between mouthfuls of food. Currently he's elbows deep in a banquet of sweet treats and other assorted pastries, delicately picking his way through a batch of vividly-coloured mooncakes stylized with intricate designs of snakes. He picks one up, green in colour as he turns it round and round in his hand instead of biting into it right away. "It's good to be living in a time and place where people are beginning to appreciate these beautiful creatures as opposed to simply hating and fearing them. Snakes can indeed be dangerous but it's humans who pose more danger towards one another other than even the most venomous species could ever dream of." D contemplates softly, more to himself than to Q-chan currently perched on his shoulder nibbling away at his own mooncake or the pure white snake of unknown origin curled up on his lap.
The snake flickers it's tongue as the petshop owner trails a gentle finger over it's glossy scales. Just a snake enjoying the comforting warmth of a familiar lap.
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amorxsomnia · 1 month ago
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year oh the 🐍 ⁕ the symbol of personal transformation
‼️happy lunar new year 🌙
🤲🧧may the bag be bountiful🧧 for those reading this🧧🤲
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amorxsomnia · 2 months ago
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Never walk into a cage willingly. If you're already in one: break out.
Digital faux linocut.
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amorxsomnia · 3 months ago
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D is not a tall or well-built man. He stands about 5'5 at most and that is quite generous given his poor biological health as his grandfather's clone. Others assume him to be a mild-mannered asian male but D is quite capable of being vicious when need be, albeit as a last resort due to the energy it takes out of him.
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amorxsomnia · 3 months ago
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by ayumax666
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amorxsomnia · 3 months ago
Character Archetypes
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the Web-Weaving Spider.
Canny, strange, mischievous, someone who looks villainous without meaning real malice, someone who understands more than everyone else, someone who builds things unseen.
Tagged ByStolen from: @sanguine-salvation and @violetgleams (♡) Tagging: @heartsandwishes, @muppeteyes1001 and whoever else would like to do this??
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amorxsomnia · 3 months ago
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amorxsomnia · 3 months ago
25. what’s their LEAST favourite dessert? why?
🍥🍥🍰🍨 the SWEETS headcanon meme! 🍨🍰🍥🍥
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D has a HUGE sweet tooth, it's hard for him to dislike any sweet things but... if he had to be completely honest, things like Jell-O and certain puddings that contain animal products like suet are a travesty to him. Eggs and dairy are one thing since they don't necessarily require killing an animal to use (unlike gelatin and fat) but why would you ruin a perfectly good dessert by dumping animal parts into it??? Despite his point of view regarding these dishes, he's respectful of other cultures and their cuisine knowing they may not have had access to alternative products as is more commonplace now. He'll still adamantly refuse to eat them however, and he's not terribly keen on other 'heavy' puddings either like you'd commonly find in Britain. Sweet, light puddings are more his thing, especially if they have lots of fruit included. Christmas fruitcake is the exception though. That thick icing, the candied fruits and nuts all preserved in a thick, sickly glaze... oof.
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amorxsomnia · 3 months ago
🍥🍥🍰🍨the SWEETS headcanon meme!🍨🍰🍥🍥
i’ve not seen a desserts meme round here, so i made one!! send me ‘🍰’ + A NUMBER for a desserts headcanon!
what’s my character’s favourite dessert?
is my character a ‘sweet tooth?’ how bad is it? 
what’s my character’s favourite sweets flavour? ( ie strawberry, chocolate, lime, orange etc. )
do they have dessert after dinner every night, or is it for special occasions?
does my character bake? how good are they? how often do they do it?
does my character prefer handmade or store-bought desserts?
what dessert does my character have for their birthday?
chocolate or vanilla? why or why not?
white, dark, or milk chocolate? why or why not?
chocolate and vanilla, chocolate and peanut butter, chocolate and caramel or chocolate and mint? why or why not?
what’s their go-to plastic penny-candy / pick-and-mix / bulk candy bag?
strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate milkshakes? why or why not?
cookies or brownies? why or why not?
how often did my character have sugar growing up? why or why not? is it the same as an adult?
what was my character’s favourite dessert growing up? is it still the same now, or is it something else?
how does sugar affect them? do they ‘sugar-rush’ and then ‘crash’ after? 
pie or cake? why or why not?
italian ice / snow cones, ice cream, ice custard or frozen yoghurt? why or why not?
what’s my character’s fro-yo cup look like? what flavours and toppings?
what’s my character’s ice-cream shop order look like? how many scoops? what cone? what flavours and toppings?
what’s my character’s cafe / bakery order–what do they pick with their coffee or tea?
what’s their go-to sundae? ( chocolate-fudge brownie, banana split, cookie sundae etc. )
edge, centre or corner brownie?
soft or Cronchy cookies? 
what’s their LEAST favourite dessert? why?
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amorxsomnia · 3 months ago
Make Your Muse As A Dragon
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As a mysterious being with close ties to nature and spiritual forces, D would be an Imperial. It is commonly believed he is a long-lived man as opposed to resembling both his father and grandfather closely. Consumes only plants.
Stolen from: An old blog! Tagging: @violetgleams and whoever would like to do it?
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amorxsomnia · 3 months ago
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Vegan Jujube Red Date & Dark Chocolate Mooncakes
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amorxsomnia · 3 months ago
Count D is definitely horrified by the disgusting shit Leon eats
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amorxsomnia · 3 months ago
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"That is because white chocolate isn't technically chocolate as it only contains cocoa butter whereas milk and dark chocolate includes cocoa solids. It's poor quality white chocolate which has that unpleasant consistency you describe as the makers tend to cut down on productive costs by bulking up ingredients with vegetable fats and oils. Good white chocolate includes milk powder and soya lecithin, making for a creamier bar instead of a sticky mess."
Is it just me or does white chocolate have a gross texture? Kind of wet-chalky once you chew it up? And it sticks to your teeth and the roof of your mouth, it's like sugary wallpaper paste.
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amorxsomnia · 3 months ago
What is your morality alignment?
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True Neutral 84%
You view the world in an unbiased manner, acting mostly on either your own self interest or on the best objective course. This can mean you enjoy creating balance between all forces, meaning you may do actions that involve Good as well as Evil, respecting authority like Lawful with the skepticism of Chaotic; or, you may simply draw your line in the sand, and go your separate way. This develops you into the archetypal "on-the-fence" person.
Follow up alignments: Neutral Good (68%), Chaotic Good (59%)
Tagged by: @violetgleams (♡) Tagging: Whoever would like to do this?
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amorxsomnia · 4 months ago
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It wouldn't be the first time that D was mistaken for a vampire. He's a man shrouded in mystery, working in an equally strange shop that, if people were more observant, should not be so large inside compared to others in the area. For a building not much larger than a house, the back of the pet shop spreads out like a labyrinth, corridors of twisting passages leading this way and that to ornate doors perfumed by the aroma of sweet incense. Of course, he couldn't actually be a vampire... could he? D adores sweets, his sweet tooth rivalled only by that of small children and above all, the man is a vegetarian. It is strange, however, that his face has appeared in very old photographs long after the people pictured have passed on. It's his grandfather, he swears, and truthfully the two do look alike, the same as with D's father. Still, the allegations he's a vampire isn't helped with the one time he struck back at Officer Orcet. D has sworn that no animal flesh nor blood would ever touch his lips but humans aren't included in that catagory...
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amorxsomnia · 4 months ago
What Element Do You Bend?
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Earth is the element of substance. Earthbenders are stubborn, and can remain standing even after enduring great hardships. Earthbenders fight by keeping themselves rooted, and waiting for the most opportune moments to strike. As an earthbender, you're dependable and loyal. You might be hard to approach at first, but when you've come to trust someone they can be a friend for life. Your friends know that they can always approach you and get someone who will be honest with them, and that your care for them is always sincere. Your firm beliefs can sometimes result in being stubborn to a fault. Your belief in yourself and unyielding nature is admirable, but it's also good to keep an open mind to new ideas. Sometimes the most important lessons might come from a place where they're unexpected, or seem contrary to your own beliefs.
Tagged by: @violetgleams (♡) Tagging: Whoever would like to do it!
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amorxsomnia · 4 months ago
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Gilded Medallion with Dragon and Amethyst Spheres. China, Qing dynasty, 1736-1795 AD
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