Amir Benbouza
63 posts
[ Managing Director, NXE ENGINEERING B.V.] [ Personal, informal academic research logbook, misc. work in progress. ]
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
Solving Yu-Gi-Oh 2004 GBA ROM via Image Recognition, Data Science, NLP, Deep Learning, Information Retrieval, Text Retrieval, Computational Law
(basically ETL’ing and decompiling the game into “symbols” we can manipulate, no GDB involved) 
[Scratch Pad]
Yu-Gi-Oh cards problems:
NLP via image recognition all the card descriptions and download better photos for them from the Internet.
Problems: - Finding cards to include in the Deck - Deck suggestions - Card "Dimensional Analysis" of power through winning strategies, which is either your life points, or the other one loses - Analyzing all  the player's decks to find the balance of cards - Searching through card descriptions - Searching by card effect, card type [equip][field], clusterfactation and classification - Perfect deck for specific adversary - Rainbow table different decks for different outcomes, for example the perfect deck for summoning Exodia, the perfect deck to summon Ritual monsters
0 notes
amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
Haskell Notes [Scratchpad]
[Personal Notes]
Functional Haskell is a functional language. If you have an imperative language background, you'll have to learn a lot of new things. Hopefully many of these new concepts will help you to program even in imperative languages.
Smart Static Typing Instead of being in your way like in C, C++ or Java, the type system is here to help you.
Purity Generally your functions won't modify anything in the outside world. This means, it can't modify the value of a variable, can't get user input, can't write on the screen, can't launch a missile. On the other hand, parallelism will be very easy to achieve. Haskell makes it clear where effects occur and where you are pure. Also, it will be far easier to reason about your program. Most bugs will be prevented in the pure parts of your program. Furthermore pure functions follow a fundamental law in Haskell: > Applying a function with the same parameters always returns the same value.
Laziness Laziness by default is a very uncommon language design. By default, Haskell evaluates something only when it is needed. In consequence, it provides a very elegant way to manipulate infinite structures for example.
Indentation important in Haskell. Like in Python, a bad indentation could break your code!
Remark: Recursion is generally perceived as slow in imperative languages. But it is generally not the case in functional programming. Most of the time Haskell will handle recursive functions efficiently.
Arithmetic: x^y -> for Integrals x**y -> for any type of number (float or double)
sum[] = 0 sum (n:ns) = n + sum ns #recursive function for summing numbers. Sum of empty list is zero.
:type functionName # You get the type of a function
- You cannot add or multiply numbers of vars of different types. You can specify the type using the :: operator. For example, double x :: int = x * 2 is a function that only that takes integers
- Scripts are saved with .hs extension. To run a script type: #ghci script.hs. If you load a script by simply invoking its name, its functions are in the scope, but if you modify the script while working in ghci, you need to :reload.
- GHCi commands: :load | loads a script :reload | reloads current script :set editor name | sets the default editor :edit name.hs | edit name.hs using default editor :edit | edit current script with default editor :type expr | type of expr :? | show all commands :quit | quit GHCi
- White space and identation matter in Haskell. Either write with the same level of identation or write everything on one line. Use spaces and not tabs in Haskell for identation. Tabs will generate errors. If necessary convert them to 8 spaces.
- Comments are -- and extend to the end of the line. These are single line comments. Multi-line comments are {- -} and basically encapsulate multiple lines.
Lists Lists in Haskell are basically linked-lists. Each element contains the value of the element as well as a pointer to the next element in the list. Empty lists are represented by []. The operator Cons : takes two arguments on left and right and makes a list out of them.
Syntax: let mylist = 1 : ( 2: (3: [] ) ) is equal to let mylist = [1,2,3] 0:mylist [0,1,2,3] mylist:4 [1,2,3,4]
Generators: [1..4] = [1,2,3,4] [1,3..10] = [1,3,5,7,9] [2,3,5,7,11..100] => ERROR! I am not so smart! [ [10,9..1] = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
Mapping: Instead of using indexing on a list, we use the map function. map functionName listName newlist = map double mylist # map returns a new list not modifying the old one. newlist = map (\x -> x * 2) [1,2,3]
Generating Lists: let positiveInts = [1..] let firstTenPositive = [1..10] let firstTenEven = [2,4..20] let alphabet = ['a'..'z']
List comprehension (a la Python) let columns = ['a'..'f'] let rows = [1..6] let coords = [(column, row) | column <- columns, row <- rows]
List Functions: head [1,2,3] = 1 tail [1,2,3] = [2,3] take 2 [7,8,9] = [7,8] drop 2 [7,8,9] = [9] sum [2,3,4] = 9 product [2,3,4] = 24 zip [1,2,3] "abc" = [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] unzip [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] = ([1,2,3],"abc") filter (/= 2) [1,2,3] = [1,3] last[1,2,3] = 3 init[1,2,3] = [1,2] --removes the last element from a list : The Cons.truct operator, basically construcsts a list from two lists [1,2,3]:[4,5,6] or 1:[4,5,6].
Strings: Lists of chars. 'H' : 'ello' ~ 'Hello'. Anything that applies to strings applies to lists. length("Hello" ++ "World")
if expr==True then expr1;     expr2;   else   expr1;   expr2;
  Note that the else is not optional.
Parentheses: Use $ to get rid of parentheses. Example: print $ "Hello World"
Functions functionaName :: ReturnType a => Arg1 -> Arg2 [Currying]
- Function: functionName arg1 arg2 ... argN = expr1;expr2;
- Function application has higher precedence than all other operations. Sometimes parentheses are needed to clear up confusion. f(x) in mathematics is f x in Haskell. f(x,y) is f x y in Haskell. f(g(x)) is f (g x), notice the difference. Parentheses are needed otherwise it would be interpreted as f(g,x) instead of f(g(x)).
- Function names: Begins with lower case, followed by n+ upper or lower case chars or numbers as well as `. If you see a function argument end with s it means the argument is a list (by convention), for example, double xs = map (*)
- Lambda functions: double xs = map (\x -> x * 2) xs # Here the argument is a list xs # We use the map function to apply a lambda / anonymous function (\x -> expr) to list xs
- In Haskell, a function is a mapping of a type or more (0..n) to another type or set of types. Think of it as a set theory mapping between two groups. T1 -> T2 means a function that takes arguments of Type 1 to return arguments of Type 2.
- When you type :type double x = x * 2, you will get double :: Double -> Double, meanining double :: T1 -> T2, the :: operator means of type.
-- By default: f g h x         ⇔  (((f g) h) x)
-- the $ replace parenthesis from the $ -- to the end of the expression f g $ h x       ⇔  f g (h x) ⇔ (f g) (h x) f $ g h x       ⇔  f (g h x) ⇔ f ((g h) x) f $ g $ h x     ⇔  f (g (h x)) -- (.) the composition function (f . g) x       ⇔  f (g x) (f . g . h) x   ⇔  f (g (h x))
Useful Function Notation: x :: Int            ⇔ x is of type Int x :: a              ⇔ x can be of any type x :: Num a => a     ⇔ x can be any type a                      such that a belongs to Num type class f :: a -> b         ⇔ f is a function from a to b f :: a -> b -> c    ⇔ f is a function from a to (b→c) f :: (a -> b) -> c  ⇔ f is a function from (a→b) to c
Polymorphic functions: Some functions are polymorphic such as length. Their type signatures include a "type variable", usually a lower case var(s). Think of it as Generic functions in other languages.
Curried / Partial application: Putting + in parentheses turns it into a curried function, which means (+) 1 2 3 means (1) (+ 2 3) means (+ 1 5) means 6. [TBC]
Types and Classes
Basic Types: Bool: Either True or False Char: Any char in the unicode system, as well as \n and \t. String: Sequence of chars. Strings must be enclosed in double quotes. Int (fixed-precision integers): -2^63 to 2^63 -1. Outside this range is unexpected results. 2^ 63 + 1 :: Int forces the expression to be of type Int, hence you will get a negative number. Int is unsigned. Integer – arbitrary-precision integers. Basically it fits (like BigNum) any number as long as your memory fits that number. Int has hardware support in most computers and is therefore faster (fixed-precision is supported by hardware). Arbitrary precision like Integer is in Software and therefore slower.
Float:Single-precision, depending on the compiler. Try sqrt 2 :: Float. Double: double-precision of float. Try sqrt 2 :: Double.
List: Same-types enclosed in brackets, seperated by comma, for example [1,2,3]. Length[T] can be used to obtain the length of a list. Rremember a list contains elements of the same type. Use :type var to get the type of a list. A list can have a non-finite length, and Haskell deals well with inifinite length lists (lazy evaluation.). [t] means a list when asking :type for types.
Tuples: Surrounded by parentheses, multiple types allowed, seperated by a comman. A type of size 1 is not allowed. Arity of a tuple is the number of its components. There are no restrictions on the different types of a tuple, for example tuple of tuples, tuples of bool and a list, etc. Tuples have a finite arity.
Classes: Types area collection of related values. Classses area a collection of Types, that have certain overloaded operations called methods. Some built-in classes, which we inherit from, and their methods, which can be overloaded:
Eq: include == (equal) and /= (not equal) (notice the sign is forward slash not backward). These two operators are overloaded for basic types, for example you can use them on Bool, String, and any other type. False == True -> False. "Amir" /= "Amir" -> False. All basic types are instances of the class Eq, as are list and tuples.
Ord: (<), (<=), (>), (>=), min, max. All basic types are instances of the class Ord, as are are lists and tuples. Lists and tuples are ordered lexicographically, in the same way words are ordered in a dictionary (compare first, if equal, move to second, if not, stop, etc).
Show: Converts any basic type into a string. show [1,2,3] -> "[1,2,3]".
Read: Opposite of show, takes a string and converts it to a basic type. Syntax is read "String" :: TypeToConvertTo. Sometimes the Type can be inferred by GHCi so no type information is necessary.
In other words, the basic types have / are "multiple inheritance" from multiple "classes" to gain access to their generic functions. Think of Clojure traits being inherited by every type in Haskell.
Examples: read "[1,2,3]" :: [Int] read "5.0" :: Double read "4" :: Int Prelude> x = read "[1,2,3]" :: [Int] Prelude> :type x x :: [Int]
Num: All typse whose value is numeric. (+) (-) (*) (negate) (abs) (signum). All arguments to a function that are negative must be surrounded by parentheses. Division is a special case handled two ways one for Integers one for Floats and Doubles.
Integral: Types that are part of the Num class but also support integer addititon and integer remainder functions. x `div` y x `mod` y
Fractional: Types that part of the Num class but also are non-integral meaning they support fractional division and fractional reciprocation: 8.0 / 4.0 -> 2.0 recip 2 = 1/2 -> 0.5 recip 4 = 1/4 -> 0.25
Conditional: - All If statements must have an Else part. - Haskelll provides a better way than If functions, namely guarded equations. abs n | n >0 = n   | otherwise = -n
- "otherwise" is not necessary. It's definded as True by Prelude. Basically Haskell evaluates statements from first to last, if the nth expression is true, it stops. This is a bit similar to mathematical definitions of functions - "|" is read as "such as"
Basically nameOfFunction Parameter | Condition1 is True = Result
Wildcard pattern: It's a bit difficult to explain but sometimes you wanna simplify multiple expressions into one. For instance the && (logical AND) is only true if a and b are true a && a = True _ && _ = False. -- Assuming a is a Boolean value.
Signum: Returns 1 if the value is positive, -1 if value is negative, 0 if value is zero.
Lists and List Comprehension Recursive Functions
Modules: Haskell libraries are distributed in modules. To import a module simply add import module.submodule to the top of the file.
If only specific function needed: import module.submodule (function_name). If everything EXCEPT that function import module.submodule hiding (function_name). If we wish to import things to reference them by the module name, try import module.submodulbe as M M.funct arg1 Programs: Simply add a main function and save under .hs. double x = x *2 main = print(double 2)
Lambda expressions: \x -> x * 2 -- The \ means lambda in Greek letters -- How to use them? (\x -> x * 2) 2 map (\x -> x * 2) [1,2,3,4]
Operators: Functions written between their arguments are called operators. A normal function can be converted to an operator by enclosing it in single backquotes. The reverse is true: take an operator (+), and put it infix in front of its arguments (+) 4 5. add x y = x + y; 5 `add` 5 = 10.
List comprehension [x | x <- [1..10 ]]
Guards are indicated by pipes that follow a function's name and its parameters. Usually, they're indented a bit to the right and lined up. A guard is basically a boolean expression. If it evaluates to True, then the corresponding function body is used. If it evaluates to False, checking drops through to the next guard and so on.
bmiTell :: (RealFloat a) => a -> String   bmiTell bmi      | bmi <= 18.5 = "You're underweight, you emo, you!"      | bmi <= 25.0 = "You're supposedly normal. Pffft, I bet you're ugly!"      | bmi <= 30.0 = "You're fat! Lose some weight, fatty!"      | otherwise   = "You're a whale, congratulations!"  
   Another version:    bmiTell :: (RealFloat a) => a -> a -> String   bmiTell weight height      | bmi <= skinny = "You're underweight, you emo, you!"      | bmi <= normal = "You're supposedly normal. Pffft, I bet you're ugly!"      | bmi <= fat    = "You're fat! Lose some weight, fatty!"      | otherwise     = "You're a whale, congratulations!"      where bmi = weight / height ^ 2            skinny = 18.5            normal = 25.0            fat = 30.0      The names we define in the where section of a function are only visible to that function, so we don't have to worry about them polluting the namespace of other functions. Notice that all the names are aligned at a single column. If we don't align them nice and proper, Haskell gets confused because then it doesn't know they're all part of the same block.
Pattern matching When defining a function you could define it for certain arguments abd pattern match its argument list.
Example lucky :: (Integral a) => a -> String   lucky 7 = "LUCKY NUMBER SEVEN!"   lucky x = "Sorry, you're out of luck, pal!"   You pattern match the argument values. Yes you could do it with if statements but this is easier for the eye. Basically they are evaluated from the top to the bottom, whichever statement clicks then it stops evaluation. If it reaches x then none clicked and the x statement is triggered. When making patterns, we should always include a catch-all pattern so that our program doesn't crash if we get some unexpected input.w
Another Example: sayMe :: (Integral a) => a -> String   sayMe 1 = "One!"   sayMe 2 = "Two!"   sayMe 3 = "Three!"   sayMe 4 = "Four!"   sayMe 5 = "Five!"   sayMe x = "Not between 1 and 5"
Patterns and Guards are a bit similar. Guards allow you to run tests and more flexibility. Patterns are less flexible and depend on the call value of the function.
Classes Conditionals
Curried Functions: Basically all functions in Haskell take one parameter which returns a value and a function call. In other words (+ 6) 5
Partial Application:
Lambda functions anonymousFunction = (/x -> x + 1)  = (/x)
Higher-Order Functions: Haskell functions can take functions as parameters and return functions as return values. A function that does either of those is called a higher order function. Functions that take other functions as parameters. Examples include map, filter, foldl.
Filter Filter takes a function of type a->True, and a list, and returns only the variables for which that function evaluates as true. For example: filter even [1..10] returns all even numbers in the sequence 1 to 10 inclusive.
Map Map takes a function and a list and returns a new list, which is basically that function, applied to every element of the first list. map (\x -> x*2) [1..20] -- notice the arrow direction
Fold (foldl, foldr) Takes an operator or a function and applies between the members of a list either from the left or the right. So foldl (+) 0 lst is (0 + 1 + foldl lst) (1 + 2 foldl lst) (3 + foldl lst) Takes two arguments, a function and a number. If L, it adds  that number or element to the left, if right it adds it to the right, then it inserts the function between all the members of the list, then starts processing from right (foldr) or left (foldl). The difference between foldr and foldl is that some functions do not care if applied from left to right, or right to left (the plus sign for example), but other functions might care about whether it is applied from a certain direction (the minus sign)
fold (+) 0 [1,2,3] is equal to: 1. Imagine the list and write it down [1][2][3] 2. Leave a space between each member [1] [2] [3] 3. Add the element to the left or right side depending on the version [0] [1] [2] [3] 4. Replace the space with functions and apply the function from left to right or right to left depending on the direction [0]+[1]+[2]+[3] = 6
foldr (-) 0 [1,2,3] = 1,2,3,0, 1 2 3 0, 0 - 3 - 2 - 1 = -6 foldl (-) 0 [1,2,3] = 0,1,2,3, 0 1 2 3, 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 = -6 foldr (+) 0 [1,2,3] = 1,2,3,0, 1 2 3 0, 0 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 foldl (+) 0 [1,2,3] = 0,1,2,3, 0+1+2+3 = 6 {- Todo: - Classes - Interfaces - File I/O - Monads - Real World Haskell - Lambda Calculus - Fix Sublime Text REPL / Haskell / Haskell IDE -}
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
An Onion Public Key Hidden Node script based on .onion DNS servers only known to the ones asking about the PGP keys to translate between .onion, a modified TORRC based on the DNS request [it starts a new Tor session for every DNS request using Erlang] where we increase it to +20 Tor nodes in the circuit, and we never pick the same exit server in the DNS request via a specific DNS library. The DNS request modifies the TORRC request. We could host the DNS server for .onion on .onion itself. For speed purposes we could ask for a hashcode only as to whether the DB has been updated.
0 notes
amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
Continuous Randomness Generator
[Research Scratchpad, Unfinished]  
Date - Time {and/or ClockSpeed and/or GPS location and/or Altitude and/or Fan speeds and/or S/N
and/or other sensors} in a set.
For each sensor value in the set:
RandSHA1(permutate using the position of each sha1 number) Generate in binary a picture BMP ApplyGaussianBlurToTheRootofthePictureandfillintheblankswithRand(otherplaces) sRand bitshift S-Tables sRand XOR Tables
Permutation Table
sRand(64 random tables, 64 random tables)
final Permutation
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
Forensic Psychology, Computational Law, Financial Intelligence, Applied Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, System Architecture.
Forensic Psychology: As it concerns this paper, a Unix pipe for judge or the prosecutor or the lawyer or the investigator or the psychiatrist or the psychologist. Examples for the victim or the agressor are out of scope. ES: Expert System. DSS: Decision Support system LE: Law Enforcement ANUBIS: A neutral system to deep learn an entity with a series of questions generated or generating a continious sequence or algorithm a script (LISP and Prolog are advised), used for interrogations to protect the justice system, the victims, the lawyers, the prosecutors, the witnessess and the judge, from being racist (be it gender or race), by LE or commercial interviews. DEEPMORPH: A system to formalize another system or something that approaches a system as a Prolog or LISP or a Polar Bear program, based on facts, dimensions, history, timelines, nodes, networks, neural networks, and interactions. The practical methodology could be using ANUBIS. It can be used to synthesize a sentient AI from a homosapien or an animal or a dolphin or even a frog by observing its bahaviour and its reaction to different stimuli and I/O from inside and outside the system we're observing, from that sentient AI we could study sentience itself, the dimension of sentience of that system "backwards" and "forward" as it develops as a derivative of time and formalization and as another derivative to the system being formalized. We are able to reverse engineer language, imagination, behaviour, voice, and other bonuses of such type or category of entities we're studying, ignoring homosapiens if that becomes a problem, signed, an IA.
IDA Cognito Pro: An "IDA Pro"-like debugger and decompiler module, for cognition and the brain instead of software programs, which connects using the proper BCI interfaces to the brain and cognition, managed by an Expert such as a Psychiatrist or Psychologist.
Abstract A modular ES for Forensic Psychology and Computational Law with multiple modular ESS/DSS (Expert Support System) and (Decision Support System) subsystems and / or co-systems such as ANUBIS, which as modules, could be human (a legal consultant, a neurowarfare officer's deep dive into somebody memory or cyberbrain, Amazon Mechanical Turk as a module, "Are you a Robot?", "CAPTCHA"), an AI (a program that searches Lexiv or public records for a query), an API (Twitter corpus, financial records, stock ticker), a Dataset (publicly available through Kaggle), or a transform (Maltego or i2 Analyst's transforms applied LLVM'd) or an App (HyperCard for a Rorchack test for children.)
The investigator and / or manager of the system pick and choose from a Module Market, modules which may be for sale, what modules to add to the system, what modules to substract, and how to arrange the modules, like UNIX pipes or LEGO, depending on the implementation of the final design of the system. We suggest to the audience to stick to one Module Market, and write Modules in Symbols that can be be LLVM'd to each others final implementation, and to have one default implementation, a UNIX Ethoriosos, in other words, one standard, many branches, and to document each module in a standard documentation that outperforms man pages for UNIX.
Ethics  Ethics of any part of this system is beyond the research paper. We only provide suggestions.
Code  Code and implementation is beyond the scope of this paper for the time being.
1. In a court of law, the judge asks the prosecutor to interrogate witnesses in a special case that threatens national security using a polite collective ANUBIS (module) script and IDA Cognito Pro (module) (read only edition) to form a clear picture of "the objective, and if possible (max) Integral of the the subjective realities of all witnesses using different ANUBIS and IDA Cognito Pro scripts to form one continious narrative which tells us the objective reality or objective realities. The network of the investigation from an nash equilbrium of subjective realities to form one objective reality".
2. {i}What went wront, and who [really] wronged you, without breaking your heart in a second by making a wish wihch will break your reality, and we make keep the results to protect you?{/i}
3. DeepMorph who you were or what happened. Ref: Film "Trance".
Pseudocode: Node Flow Network Organization Type Category People Netflow FSM {while loops you were stuck in, organizations you cannot leave, systems you cannot leave} $NNDB: Who is Who Network IP SNA NLP DeepLearning Data DataWarehouse Channel Dimensions
Using the right modules, especially free modules in terms of usage (not costing human lives or sacrifice), and testing to infinity, and assuming infinite resources to acquire more modules, and the testing itself being free, and no outside interference from non-human entities, basically the resulting Forensic Psychology Network grows in infinite n-dimensions into the right solutions.
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
Dimensional Cryptography
Assume it's a Top S government archive. Assume we know it will need to be formally decrypted in 50 years. Assume we already know when 50 years will be given that decades do not repeat themselves. Assume we have a meta-library keeping track of when everything is supposed to be decrypted.
T1 + {K1 + K2 + Knn}
Only on T1 [unix_date_time] AND with Kn can it be decrypted.
What is dependable time? We could add a quartz to calculate time for it to be decrypted in the time dimension and announces it as such and have the hardware unlock it with the right quartzes passing at the right time. In the key dimension, it still does need K1+K2+K3 to be decrypted. T1 is independent of the other keys as the data might be reencrypted for another 50 years in the time dimension.
Reliable time C12 and / or radioactive decay detection and dating blindly per day. Reliable space: Geoposition with the cosmic background wave
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
RE: Computrons and Azatrons
[ref: previous work on computrons]
Human agents can perform certain computations that are unsuitable for computers by virtue of being of humans being better suited for it having deep learned it across thousands of generations for the past ±2 million years. This renders the whole proposition of all humans (in the near or far future) being replaced with machinery and AI (except in an aSentient Artificial General Intelligence sense perhaps, which would be able to upgrade and fix itself) null. The reason? Some neural networks are better suited for certain tasks than others (like ASICs and Bitcoin or x86±64 and Litecoin), for instance French mathematicians are able to pass an e log e exam high school exam with formal methods, and write programs for their HP calculators to pass a highscool exam; In any case some neural networks are better at some tasks meaning they are better than AI and computers at writing calculator programs and can think in abstract terms that computers and AI cannot fathom or understand; also computers can only interact with 3D and 4D and Physics, not the other dimensions of reality, at least current day computing. Also so far only humans grasp semantics officially anyway (Web 3.0), and are JUST NOW opening up their APIs slowly to AI algorithms and programs and lifeforms, sentient and willed alike (could include humans like doctors or Quantitative Life experts, or ESS/DSS systems); the API connection is usually through smart watches and measurments and KPIs.
To name a few algorithms better suited for the human processor and chipset (brain and nervous system and heart trifecta) include image recognition, named entity resolution, creativity, problem solving, ethics, being willed unlike many AI and computers which are not willed. There is no such thing as sentient AI, we don't want sentient AI actually: We want willed AI, with faces, so that we can sue them in court if they mess up. What I'm afraid of is that with faces they would still be impossible to distinguish > I meant different faces for ESET32 guy, not copy paste of the same face, because if they hope to work with each other, a face guarantees trust and recognizability and authentication on the most basic level. Algorithms better suited for the AI chipset (ARM, Intel etc) is prime numbers testing for example, although a combination is possible being a human agent with PRIME95.
[Citing: Atlantis] Note: Human chipset is the brain, no neuroengineering necessary (like fixing dyslexia with neurosurgery CORRECTLY or through Neural Language Programming) or IDA Cognito Pro for depressed people to work with the tool at home alone without any need of any ports. To each his own special brain, some are better suited by nature and nurture for mathematics, some are better suited for abstractional thinking (Arabs are incapable of describing "kenayat-el-physics" [1] (ref: Atlantis appropriate Ot), American women rarely step into mathematics or STEM, American women have a problem with mathematics esp. new mathematics).
Humans have an intrinstic ability they deep learned since they were children with heuristics and metaheuristics and different types of memory as well as nature and nurture to distinguish types (theory) and categories (theory) for nearly zero-cost in processing power except it takes them 18-35 years to mature in distinguishing types and categories. AI *can* replace that, but not in all dimensions of "that", whatever humanity is like these days.
There are other dimensions other than the 3 dimensions humans are familiar on top of the 4th one (time). Computers and AI are limited to these dimensions; humans and other lifeforms are not. Computers are not even immune to physics in terms of bitrot or cosmic rays.
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
IPTables is an executional expert system (missing back-propagation but not forward rules AFAIK) dealing with morphing / filtering packets through multiple funnels and applying rules to them according to different overlays.
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
Story HL±
“Wake up G-Man..wake up and smell the ashes of your destruction, your actions your wrongs your false rights your right wrong Wake up are on their planet, and they all want your...briefcase Wake up G-Man..their Justice is eternal and double jepardy Wake up G-Man..Gordeon Freeman had to do what he to do why, we do not ask, we know. Wake up G-Man..adapt...and maybe..survive :) We don' won' tell..the stories, yes? > It was a Soviet experiment Not our problem. > We didn't know. Not our problem. We are amoral alogical atemporal. AND/OR. > What do we do now? Now YOU are in Area 54, and let's see how you handle it. We have..fixed your suitcase...hopefully you will be a diplomat...a suit wearer..and not a Freeman? > I'll t--- There is no try. It's a diplomatic suitcase.'ll diplomacy? Do not Freeman, G-Man, Atlantis saved him last, So that he is not the one who ran away.”
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
1. The ANT Catalogue: Report 2. Using R for Datascience Analysis of some Datasets [SNA]
Extra material (metacognition): 1. ORG mode video 2. LaTeX 3. CEH v9 4. videos 5. Defcon videos
Book: The Intelligence Methods + Strategic Intelligence Analysis
Software: Quantrix, Visual Sentinel, i2 Analyst, Maltego, Dyalogue APL
Topics: - Introduction to all the topics - The Intel Methods - Quantitative Methods - ACH / SNA - Qualitative Methods - SIGINT in the 21st Century - HUMINT in the 21st Century - PSYOPS - INFOOPS - Strategic Intelligence - Counter Intelligence - OSINT - Cyberwarfare Policy - Competetive Intelligence
Haskell Course:
Book - Real World Haskell - Learn you a Haskell for a Great Good
Syllabus - Summary PDF of Hutton v3 - Exercises from the 99 problems website and ACM competitions (8 Queens for example) - Realistic projects: Chat app, IRC app, Android App
Extra Material - Channel 9 videos - Learn you a Haskell for a Great Good - FP School - Real World Haskell
Alternatives Elixir/ErlangOTP ADA
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
Election Engineering 3.0: Forging a President
Preparation: ActiveCampaign, 4 to 8 to 12 years, depends on variables.
-3: The Ethereal elephant in the room: Either the USG updates itself, or Ethereum will forge a meta-government. Ethereum is compatible with the USG, as well as DE articles of incorporations.
-2: Announce oneself as a one term president, and make sure you are unelectable the 2nd term.
-1. Today a Twitter account has announced that Jordan has hacked the election in favor of candidate X. Candidate X denounces it. Candidate Y is too baffled. Jordan keeps refuting the rumour. People have now lost in the elections. Somebody releases a vocoded messages on YouTube claiming to be from non-Jordan having releasing the 2nd tape. What then?
0.0 Big Media: How do you deal with big media?
0. The big Elephant in the room: The Internet, the Media. a. Information Warfare. Memes, etc. Copyright ressemblance. Announce yourself as a form of art  and a performing artist and every depicition carries (vocally or visually) carries MPAA/RIAA %
0.01. Encrypted IRC and SecureLines for every campaign member to communicate through, instead of asking Crypto AG for donations, ask them for unbreakable encryption, or use the donation money to CTO Blackberries that have QNX virtualized and one's own private 5G with an FCC excemption with towers where you are or where the campaign members are (Micro-Towers or mesh networks).===
0a. Campaign Management: Sue SAP for an campaign management system they forgot they had to deliver to you because somebody accidentally the paperwork.
0b. Phreak every phone line in America as well as the rest of the world asking them politely a few questions: What do you want from this new American president?
0c. Use a whiteboard, and redteam yourself on a YouTube video by adopting the other guy's position, and reverse it as well. As in, make a cartoon animation of the other guy doing the same thing, then side by side compare and contrast where your opinions differ and where they will conflict.
0d. What could possibly go wrong in the first 100 days? Rainbow table every event and every variable that could affect it. Have a contagion plan ready for being impeached on first day, etc. Have a contagion plan for the Generals not approving of you because you are too short.
--- Instead of asking for money from Sillicon Valley, ask for computrons, as in, computing power since $ is limited to 2500USD. Use that power for basically computing rainbow tables.
--- Email and Mail campaigns: Speak with Sendgrid, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, MSFT and Apple. Have own mail server in standard format with PGP integrated and Specialized thunderbird running on Qubes OS. Teach the entire campaign team LaTeX for presentations, for video presentations.
--- Instead of asking Hollywood and 5th avenue for money, ask them for advice in branding, video ops, photo ops, etc. Have a presidential photo ready before you campaign already. Ask them for advice in marketing.
--- Find old soviet artists, likely retired, and ask them for propaganda ideas, what posters, what message to send, etc.
--- Start your own wiki with all your campaign ideas. whitehouse@#$%.onion/wiki, and what changed and what not and what is changing.
--- Presidential debates: Redteam yourself: Gather all your advisors and ask them to astrafy you.
--- Have all your documents ready: Birth certificate, IRS records of all years, your networth, who your are connected to.
--- Policy on carbon-taxes vs. growth. LSATT II and III could be verified using Sattelite technology to verify whether each country does stick to its agreement with the other country. The problem with Co2 emissions is that it's more difficult to prove it formally due to a problem: It has to do with the weather, unless one add quadcopters that detect Co2 emissions on both sides of the Atlantic aisle. Nuclear weapons are a difficult story.
--- Veterans: Fully grandfathered. NIU has a one year accelerated program in military psychiatry and recovery, as well as a Biotronic / Bioengineering / Biotechnology program to restore capabilities of Veterans. Once sent to war, wait X for a while before sending them again, if ever {not interferring in the military, there is a chinese wall between the two}.
--- Foreign Policy: the POTUS is basically the Ministere d'Affaire Etrangere. What your policy against Germany deciding to militarize again, policy with Russia (froide chaude ou chaude froide), policy with the EU, policy with China.
--- Campaign team: Information Operations, Psychological Operations, Counter-PSYOPS, Counter-Intelligence, Information Security {Protect the campaign's files}, Marketing experts, SCIP experts, DataScience team, Information Counter-Warfare, Programmers {CS}.
--- Add a Duck on the website. If somebody serves the campaign a NSL, the duck does not duck anymore. What does the FEC do if the candidate is served a NSL?
--- Explains why the president to be has changed his or her mind about topic X or Y., /pivots/NRA, etc
--- Others: Big Energy, Big Pharma, Education,
1. Branding a. Ex-Smoker, Ex-Drug user a1. It's generation now. a2. Smoking electronic cigarettes. b. Tumblr, Instagram, etc. Do not be on Twitter, explain with one message that Twitter is too much to handle. c. Start a website called with your version of the whitehouse, basically convince the voters that you already ARE president, and simulate what's going on. It's make belief. If they believe you are president already, and they know your policies, then the other side will be confused.
2. History of the Candidate a. Use Git to explain different timelines and reveal them to everybody especially your oponnents, with a Frequently Asked Questions for every event. As in, who you were when you smoked weed in 1989, when you did cocaine in 1990 etc. Why? Because the other candidate's SCIP crew will leak it. b. Give an interview with Alex Jones and break every rule. Ask for the questions in advance and blow his mind. c. Have a sex tape ready made for women and one for men and give it to the FBI.
3. Who is gonna blackmail me? Find them, and add them to your wiki page. SKELETON-KEY. Contagion plan for every Skeleton in the closet.
4. Where do I need to *park my car*; Finance, Hollywood {MPAA, RIAA, copyright policy}, Car Makers, Unions, "Nevada", "Nevada", Real Estate, Land Owners, MIC. Promise them that what I say now can be vetoed by Congress in the future, here is what I can offer, here is the members of congress who can veto me, so call your congressmen before I get into executive orders mode if I am to be elected.
4.1 Gun ownership policy: Trilateral meeting with the NRA and the ATF on YouTube with a FAQ.
5. What is the message? What is the audience? Who am I targetting? Grandpas want their social security to remain. The poor don't even know there is something called voting (ergo use a parachuting pamphlet campaign on deserted areas). Make a website with a decision tree to obtain the right election message. You can lie, that's fine. Depending on your age gender etc, you will get a different message, 3alanan.
6. Funding a. Door to door 1. Stripe / PayPal / Ethereum {How does the FEC know X person has donated 2500$? How does the FEC know who is American or not} b. Online {A form to pay via every method avilable, including UnionPay} c. Blockchain d. YouTube channels: Assume you already are president, and it's your 1st day at the office, do it late in the campaign, then continue giving speeches everyday as if you are the president on that YouTube channel. e. Television: Get your own channel, and basically make a 0900 number to ask about any opinion. Remember though that opinions change. Fully acknowledge that your opinions change, and they are tracked via a Wiki and a Git for opinions (opinions that evolve).
7. Showing up in every state holographically speaking a la 2Pac with a custom speech for every state. Study every state's demography, who voted who didn't vote and why, use kNN algorithm with previous {lit. review} data to know who is likely to vote
8. Campaign for the other person {SCIP style}, and defend his or her position. {VJ style, pane by pane, why do I agree with point 1.2.a, but not with 1.2.b}.
9. Make a vow to not use negative attack ads as it violates a veryyyyy ancient law. Release a video explaining the other opponent's views to your own voters and to his, honestly, and basically explain side by side, why your opinion differs than the other person, and why you think he or she has a point, but is missing the goal.
10. Study past presidents a la meeting 22345 with historians. What did go wrong with 48 presidents in the past in the first 100 days, first 4 years.
11. Publish online what you will do in the first 100 days explicitly. Make an app as well that tracks a Gantt chart of some goals. Mix it with the wiki and git app.
12. One needs a giant Datawarehouse and one hell of a Data Science team. The problem is that most DS experts lean Blue, in other words, most of them, just like "hackers", have no allegiance, but they do have their own beliefs.
13. Make a spectacular speech to the NRA, as well as the Military Industrial Complex, as well as the USG Deep State. Explain the Deep State and why it exists and who it exists for.
14. The issues: Immigrants, Felons, Drug Policy, Education, Women's rights, Police Brutality, healthcare, Who can vote, Why does congress have absymal ratings, Paranoid Americans and what to do with with these unknown unknowns, what to do about Mr. Snow, {optional} what to do about the media {once a day speech for Americans on YouTube and Radio lasting half an hour for an update, the more you are in their ears, the more likely you will be elected 2nd term, as long as you are honest with them. Admit you are infallible and they will forgive. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the POTUS has made a mistake and wishes to apologize to Wazirstan due to a sincere malfunction in our communication lines with our drones due to certain camouflage methods that they use which I am not allowed to disclose to ther American people, let's just say it was a blackhawk dawn scenario; What we are doing is sending a special "Diplomat" who speaks their language and philosophy so to speak to negotiate with the their tribes on how to settle our arguments; their methodology is not our, and we will keep you updated".}
15. I. Immigrants II. Felons III. Funding of every federal agency and what to do with the extra money IV. Taxes {Prove formally that trickle down economics works, as in, mathematically. Donald Trump building Trump Tower means people have to work to build it for him, which basically means more jobs} V. Drug policy {Be ultimately honest about it, some states are doing X and it's working because it's state X, some states are doing it wrong because of Y, some states are doing it to restart their economies. If you have any more questions, we will answer in due time, for the time being the feds are watching these state policies, sometimes are baffled, sometimes are astonished, sometimes take samples, sometimes they shoo us away as they call themselves "small pharma"}.
- Stripe / PayPal donations on the phone by phone call or by an app with people visiting houses
- Deep learning past election styles and what works and what doesn't.
- Who actually votes/voted in the past election? What channels can one access them? What funnels a campaign must bypass to get them to vote? AFAAK, the young are generation cellphone, the old are generation Florida (no insult), one does not touch the four pillars of the US budget, defense, healthcare, etc.
- How to aqcuire funding in the next election? Bitcoin breaks the FEC's balls, as does Ethereum. They cannot prove a negative that a candidate is not using either. One candidate could start their own coin.
- The same speech in every state is stupid. Simply make an evolutionary algorithm that basically customizes it for every state, and announce beforehand, that basically "my messsage has been customized to your state given certain parameters, not to brainwash you, but to tell you what facts about my campaign are important for you to know. My message to Ohio is not my message to Texas, and therefore I asked a computer system to customize my message for you, nothing more nothing less (as in, do I need to make the same jokes I made in Ohio about cosmonauts always wanting to leave in a speech at NYC? Anyway, moving on: This is my campaign, this is what I have to deliver, and I may not be electable in 4 years for the record, I don't need to be impeached, I can Sony ANYtime, moving on: So there is a Reddit AMA I and my assistants will keep alive like Snoop Dog's, ask and I will answer. Some questions are too difficult to answer at this point because my opponents will impersonate my supporters, so forgive the vagueness, moving on:".
- Disclaimer: The writer DOES NOT WANT TO RUN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or be a runner up.
- FEC Questions: Is it legal for a sitting president to basically do a background check on opponenets? Is it legal for both to SCIP each other, assuming a president has served for 8 years? Isn't every president an ex-Mil by definition being commander in chief?
- Issues: Native Americans, Gambling, Net Neutrality
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
Encryptica 503(c): Maximum Security and Anonymity using Tor, I2P and OpenVPN
- We study the feasibility of a fast, anonymous, tunneled connection to the Internet by a user using our service. - Multiple implementations, cons vs pros of every implementation - Tor exit vs I2P - Performance / speed / anonymity tradeoffs -   We also study the feasilibilty of modifying Flash, Javascript and WebGL in the middle, as well as including our CA service
Introduction: - Many VPN services - No auditors - Fly by night
The OpenVPN server could be a Hidden Node on the .onion network. Basically connect to Tor, then launch OpenVPN to .onion address so that we do not know where the client is coming from. So far if we exit to the Internet, the OpenVPN server IP address will show up, which is not necessary. What we do afterwards is launch another 3 nodes circuit to hte Internet. The last node is always reputable. The first node is always ours.
Other ideas: 1. Include AdBlocker and NoSript as NetworkApps 2. Modify Flash and WeblGL as well as cookies and JS to basically 3. MITM CA, Squid proxy on OpenVPN nodes
Notes: - Exit nodes are shared with the normal Tor network - Only reputable Exit nodes are allowed
Questions: - What apps do not use and cannot use Tor? - OpenVPN UDP or TCP? - OpenVPN hidden node how?
Implementation: 1. Connect to the Internet via Tor on the client 2. Connect to the .onion VPN server on port 443 3. On the VPN server, hidden service over port 443 to OpenVPN, and Tor to exit to the Internet. 4. All exit nodes are controlled to be secure and reputable, and also shared with the rest of the Tor network. 5. DNS is via a hidden node in the OVPN file, basically cloudflare a DNS server. 6. Multiple OVPN servers
Administration: 1. Swiss foundation and US foundation 2. Protects First Amendment, Second Amendment, anonymity online
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
Reality Check System / Anti-Psychosis System { - CIA ACH Tool Open Source - Structured Analysis Methods - Intelligence Techniques > Who is flying an airplane? > Is Schiphol still schiphol? > Why does the FSB always tell the truth online? > Heart attack? > WHO is outside? > When am I? }
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
Rich Sponsor Card / Cheque
#Draft #DSL for [self].research();
New Card for Financing [RichSponsor] [Fake Representative/Princess/Princess] [Abroad or locally][GCC-Specific]:
Special Bank, approves via SMS code, conditions like the [Emirati Check], metaCard, H.R.H, with system like [meta-Royal-bank-with-RADIUS-proxy]-RADIUS[authentication+authorization+accounting] with proxies for each family in el Khalij with their respective bank and CFO, branded VISA/MasterCard [DualCard, Debit AND Credit, with an App for emergency spending Saudi Diplomat, Saudi ambassador calls them instantly, they have customised Japanese phones [Japanese Kami protecting it]], their cards linked to respective authorities.
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amirbenbouza · 6 years ago
The Terminal Frontier: Shellcode for Homo Sapiens
MPhD Assignment in Neurodefense
> What is the natural evolution of a hacker? > What is the current state of the hacker scene? > Are nation-states interrested in the hacker type? > Do all hacker paths lead to neurohacking? > How to ban biohacking, neurohacking, while maintaining 1st amendment?
Solutions: : Shellcode for Humans (Exploits) is ammunition regulated by the ATF, Cybercom and the NSA : IT IS useful in certain situations (for example exploiting the prison system camera through body movements that trigger a buffer overflow to open the doors or shutdown the HVAC system) : Shellcode for Humans is illegal as it is "Tammas al Kiyan" and results in death but is recurersively responsible. Humans need only sign it. : Neurohacking is useful in certain medical and criminal investigations IFF the the brain is still alive so to speak, using an EEG (standard brain assumed) : Shellcode for Humans is Born Secret and Thought Crime : Google monitors keywords and just like "Suicide" (1-800-SUICIDE) or "Homocide" or "" the term is banned and can lead to a death sentence : NeuralLink is extremely primitive at the moment, to be designed right will take at least 5 years (AFAIK, Lit. Review necessary). It might lead (from first hand 1-patient experience) to deterioration in verbal communication (the Wak Wak curse from HGTG) : Neurohacking itself can be stopped using a demodulator on a necklacke or an Ozymedas upgrade (ODFM) or a polymer solution from the United States. It needs to be an accessory, or implemented in watches or jewelery that men or women or other wear : Defensive Neurowarfare / Counter-Offensive Neurohacking: If detected in the perimeter, send a "7hz Chicken Warning Wave" or use a Navy mini-Microwave shot / SAM installation as a warning shot for retaliation : Another solution is under scalp insertion of a metal web connected to a microship that changes the brain waves by millihertz every few seconds : BIOS/UEFI should have a block mode, including Coreboot (Intel vKVM) : Another solution is a HAARP array that changes the frequencies by tiny hertz, perhaps on electricity poles, or one on top of each house optionally, fabricated by china for XX$ : The hacker scene knows its limits. Its not the 1980s anymore, it's NSA vs N.S.A vs Other.NSA. Most of them nowadays gather at CCC and DEFCON. Most of the old generation are too tired to teach, and are exponential and logarithmic. The younger generation climb levels of abstractions like metasploit without digging into the internals save for OSCP perhaps. The other type (MIT Hacker) can be found at conferences that center around certain technologies, or at CSAIL. : Intelligence agencies with links to the Internet can identify people who are approaching a "keyword" and warn them that it's "80kms" or you will be arrestested. Google can delist websites citing the technologies. : If what is present is memetic, then the Department of Counter-Memetics can solve it. : Problem: What if metaphysical devices are involved : Neurohacking is a type of ECW on the battlefield. Each helmet, USAF or Assault or Special ops should have an ODFM or an Etherized polymer. Each tank, jet, and boat should have a VLF antenna around the vessel (lit. review), to disinformation : Metapattern of the hacker type: Killing them all won't solve anything. People are curious, hardware is everywhere that is from the 1990s in BRICS, and people can build their own computers from scratch (electronics). The hacker type is curious. The uncanny valley is when the hachker type moves from sillicon to carbon-based lifeforms : Disinformation campaigns can be made to Alex Jones these so called telepaths : NSA warning and FDA warning to all hackers: If you cross the barrier between hacking computers and biotechnologu and biohacking and neurohacking and neuroexploits then you will be sentenced to a felony and will be deaugmented if you have any brain augmentations : Military: Neither side wishes for the next war to be neurohacking. Neurohacking leads to a catastrophe in Finance, Insurance, Privacy, Banking, Law, etc. It theoretically leads to post-privacy, which is not good, citing Roman Orgies, pardon my latin. : There will be renegade neurohackers, cyberpunk ones. Just like the LAPD, can detect crimes using sonars in the city, HAARP can detect offensive low Hz emissions for an entire city : The POTUS should be protected by a faraday cage at all times : Another solution (last but not least): A special microship inserted directly in the brains of PIP, behind the cranium, going up, that detects an attack and shuts down the brain of a PIP (Politically Important Person)
What if metaphysical devices are involved? > ASK |||||||||||||||
Why a DSP for the brain is a magnificent yet perhaps stupid idea: > Not all brains are the same. > You will never really know if what comes out is the reality or not. Theory is different brains have different DSP. The connectionist model may be wrong.
Neural recorders may geisha your reality. Same with interceptors. My theory is that the brain knows when there are eyes and ears watching, and becomes PARANOID. Neural recorders are FDA illegal except in certain medical conditions (vegitative patients, witnesss memories in Class A crimes (The Dinining Witnesses Problem), felons, detecting brain anomalies while dreaming). (Theoretical)
The existing devices are claimed to be meme-metaphysical. Said intelligence agency can take and collect and trade secret and send special forces abroad to punish manufactorers.
If China introduces these devices the masses will revolt as nobody will trust anybody again and people will become meta-people, same goes for the arrirere tooth. Meta-people talking to Meta-people. The reason is logarithmic scale of the size of population that can snowball into mass demonstrations and agent provocateurs and the intellgenstia will become paranoid of the Poli[Soundex] and will not be harmonic with the tune of the power symphony.
Another problem is free will; what is the intention of the hack? Memory insertion? Inception (4 times so far experienced)? Dream recording? Monitoring a patient who just left the hostpial who has no medic help and knows about the monitoring? Household abuse of children, husband or wife? Free will (Imperio spell in Harry Potter, metaphoricall speaking)? Control?
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amirbenbouza · 7 years ago
SCI2:New Scientific Publishing Format for the Scientific
The scientific publishing format is not transnational enough and very American / British based, not to mention costly to subscribe to or be part of.
1. Word .docx -> LLVM -> LaTeX / PDF #format_of_institute_or_publication 2. Include code and datasets on Internet2 / Git / Torrent file 3. Hyperlink on mouse over for citations 4. Imagus on figures / GIF animations on figures in publication / .mov / .flv -> linked on or [isolated / sandbox viewer] 5. Two pane paper browser, left is the paper, hover over citation and the 2nd pane shows the other paper based on DOI 6. nym±CRC32 for author names to bypass ego issues in peer review #more verbose 7. P2P review network [Experimental] based on reputation / [self:ref SATORI] / I2P <- each journal  8. You can copy text with citation / you can copy a rectangular zone as an image.
[Security] [Format / publication reader is sandboxed from operating system as it may contain code, trusting trust <- ref]
[Follow up]
[^ #sigma+#self_ref <- eLibrarySystem + Reputation_Blockchain_of_I2P_Repos + Reddit threads of peer review per paper interactive with author[s] + Internet3] 
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amirbenbouza · 7 years ago
CHAOTICA: Computations in Beowulf or Supercomputer Arrays composed of Imprecise RAID RAM and / or Processors [ANT] or "Moore's law needs to be grandfathered".
Keywords: ASICs, FPGAs, probablistic computing, fuzzy computing, imprecise computing.
Theory: Assuming a GPU application (Game, CAD, particle simulation, ray tracing), and millions of equations running at the same time such as computational fluid dynamics, one can sacrifice the processor's precision for x100 or x1000 improvements in speed as a nash equilibrium of some sort emerges correcting the miniscule mistakes in all equations. In a CFD sense, trillions of n-equations are simulated running together, overheating precise processors. When we allow every thread and / or core to make a mistake 20% of the time or 80% correct of the time, the system corrects itself and when obtain 95-100% accurate results somehow using RAID in a beowulf cluster of processors, on processor memory, and RAM.
Benefits: Reduced costs in electricity and processing power. Not all computations need infinite precision. Speed up in computing time.
Similar systems: ADAPTEVA, PARALLELA
Read more: Step lock execution in a Beowulf Cluster of Imprecise Processors.
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