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Hi, I'm Will or Willow. I write about my interests.
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lazyyymoons · 4 years ago
you know how royal courts used to sponsor talented composers? like how musicians would receive patronage from the fabulously wealthy & powerful?
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lazyyymoons · 4 years ago
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lazyyymoons · 4 years ago
How To Name Your Chinese Characters: 
I’ve pasted the Top 100 common last names in alphabetical order, and bolded the ones that appear in CQL:   
B: 白 Bai C: 蔡 Cai ; 曹 Cao ;  常 Chang ; 曾 Ceng ;  陈 Chen ;  程 Cheng ;  崔 Cui ; D: 戴 Dai ; 邓 Deng ; 丁 Ding ; 董 Dong ; 杜 Du ; F: 范 Fan ; 方 Fang ; 冯 Feng ; 付 Fu ; G: 高 Gao ;  葛 Ge  ; 龚 Gong ; 顾 Gu ; 郭 Guo ; H: 韩 Han ; 何 He ; 贺 He 洪 Hong ; 侯 Hou ; 黄 Hua ; 胡 Hu ; J: 贾 Jia ; 蒋 Jiang ; 姜 Jiang ; 江 Jiang ; 金 Jin ; K: 康 Kang ; L:  赖 Lai ; 李 Li ;  黎 Li ; 廖 Liao ; 梁 Liang ; 林 Lin ; 刘 Liu ; 陆 Lu ; 卢 Lu ; 路 Lu ; 吕 Lü ; 罗 Luo ; M: 马 Ma ; 麦 Mai ; 毛 Mao ; 孟 Meng ; N:  倪 Ni  ;  牛 Niu ; P: 潘 Pan ; 彭 Peng ; Q: 钱 Qian ; 秦 Qin ; 邱 Qiu ; R:任 Ren ; S: 邵 Shao ; 沈 Sheng ; 史 Shi ; 石 Shi ; 施 Shi ; 宋 Song ; 苏 Su ; 孙 Sun ; T: 陶 Tao ; 谭 Tan ; 唐 Tang ; 田 Tian ; W: 万 Wan ; 王 Wang ;  汪 Wang ; 魏 Wei ; 吴 Wu ; X: 邢 Xing ; 夏 Xia ;  蕭 Xiao ; 谢 Xie ; 徐 Xu ; 许 Xu ; 薛 Xue ; Y: 阎 Yan ; 严 Yan ; 杨 Yang ; 姚 Yao ; 叶 Ye ;  余 Yu ; 于 Yu ; 袁 Yuan ; Z: 张 Zhang ;  赵 Zhao ; 郑 Zheng ; 钟 Zhong ; 周 Zhou ;  朱 Zhu ;  庄 Zhuang ;  邹 Zou ;
Above are all single character last names, but there are some double character Chinese last names, seen below (list not exhaustive): 
独孤 Du’Gu ;  公孙 Gong’Sun ; 南宫 Nan’Gong    欧阳 Ou’Yang ;  司马 Si’Ma ; 上官 Shang’Guan ; 宇文 Yu’Wen ; 长孙 Zhang’Sun ; 诸葛 Zhu’GE ; 
Light*: 光 (guāng) - light,  亮 liàng - bright / shine, 明 (míng) - bright, 曦 (xī) - early dawn, 昀 (yún) - daylight, 昭 (zhāo) - light, clear,照 (zhào) - to shine upon,
Fire: 焰 (yàn) - flames, 烟 (yān) - smoke,炎 (yán) - heat/burn, 烨 (yè) - dazzling light,  
Water: also see “weather” OR “bodies of water” under nature; note the words below while are related to water have meanings that mean some kind of virtue: 清 (qīng) - clarity / purity, 澄 (chéng) - clarity/quiet, 澈 (chè) - clear/penetrating, 涟 (lián) - ripple, 漪 (yī) - ripple, 泓 (hóng) - vast water, 湛 (zhàn) - clear/crystal, 露 (lù) - dew, 泠 (líng) - cool, cold, 涛 (tāo) - big wave,泽 (zé),浩 hào - grand/vast (water),涵 (han) - deep submergence / tolerance / educated
Weather: 雨 (yǔ) - rain, 霖 (lín) - downpouring rain, 冰 (bīng) - ice, 雪 (xuě) - snow,  霜 (shuāng) - frost 
Wind: 风 (f��ng) - wind
* some “Light” words overlap in meaning with words that mean “sun/day”
Season: 春 (chūn) - spring, 夏 (xià) - summer, 秋 (qíu) - aumtum, 冬 (dōng) - winter
Time of Day: 朝 (zhāo) - early morning / toward, 晨 (chén) - morning / dawn, 晓 (xiǎo) - morning, 旭 (xù) - dawn/rising sun,昼 (zhòu) - day,皖 (wǎn) - late evening,夜 (yè) - night 
Star/Sky/Space: 云 (yún) - cloud,天 (tiān) - sky/ heaven,霞 (xiá) - afterglow of a rising or setting sun,月 (yuè) - moon,日 (ri) - day / sun,阳 (yáng) - sun,宇 (yǔ) - space,星 (xīng) - star
Birds: 燕 (yàn) - sparrow, 雁 (yàn) - loon, 莺 (yīng) - oriole, 鸢 (yuān) - kite bird (family Accipitridae),羽 (yǔ) - feather
Creatures: 龙 (lóng) - dragon/imperial
Plants/Flowers:* 兰 (lán) - orchids,  竹 (zhú) - bamboo, 筠 (yún) - tough exterior of bamboos, 萱 (xuān) - day-lily, 松 (sōng) - pine, 叶 (yè) - leaf, 枫 (fēng) - maple, 柏 bó/bǎi - cedar/cypress, 梅 (méi) - plum, 丹 (dān) - peony
Mountains: 山 (shān), 峰 (fēng) - summit, 峥 (zhēng),
Bodies of water: 江 (jiāng) - large river/straits, 河 (hé) - river, 湖 (hú) - lake, 海 (hǎi) - sea, 溪 (xī) - stream, 池 (chí) - pond, 潭 (tán) - larger pond, 洋 (yáng) - ocean
* I didn’t include a lot of flower names because it’s very easy to name a character with flowers that heavily implies she’s a prostitute. 
Astuteness: 睿 ruì - astute / foresight, 智 (zhi), 慧 (hui), 哲 (zhé) - wise/philosophy, 
Educated:  博 (bó) - extensively educated, 墨 (mo) - ink, 诗 (shi) - poetry / literature, 文 (wén) - language / gentle / literary, 学 (xue) - study, 彦 (yàn) - accomplished / knowledgeable, 知 (zhi) - to know, 斌 (bīn) - refined, 赋 (fù) - to be endowed with knowledge
Loyalty: 忠 (zhōng) - loyal, 真 (zhēn) - true 
Bravery: 勇 (yǒng) - brave, 杰 (jié) - outstanding, hero
Determination/Perseverance: 毅 (yì) - resolute / brave, 恒 (héng) - everlasting, 衡 (héng) - across, to judge/evaluate,成 (chéng) - to succeed, 志 (zhì) - aspiration / the will
Goodness/Kindness: 嘉 (jiā) - excellent / auspicious,磊 (l��i) - rock / open & honest, 正 (zhèng) - straight / upright / principle,
Elegance: 雅 (yǎ) - elegant, 庄 (zhuāng) - respectful/formal/solemn, 彬 (bīn) - refined / polite, 
Handsome: 俊 jùn - handsome/talented 
Peace: 宁 (níng) - quietness/to pacify, 安 (ān) - peace, safety
Grandness/Excellence:宏 (hóng) - grand,豪 (háo) - grand, heroic,昊 (hào) - limitless / the vast sky,华 (huá) - magnificent, 赫 (hè) - red/famous/great, 隆 (lóng) - magnificent, 伟 (wěi) - greatness / large,轩 (xuān) - pavilion with a view/high,卓 (zhuó) - outstanding
Female Descriptor/Virtues/Beauty: 婉 (wǎn),惠 (huì), 妮 (nī), 娇 (jiāo), 娥 (é), 婵 (chán) (I didn’t include specific translations for these because they’re all adjectives for women meaning beauty or virtue) 
Adverbs: 如 (rú) - as,若 (ruò) - as, alike,宛 (wǎn) - like / as though,
Verbs: 飞 (fēi) - to fly,  顾 (gù) - to think/consider, 怀 (huái) - to miss, to possess, 落(luò) - to fall, to leave behind,梦 (mèng) - to dream, 思 (sī) - to consider / to miss (someone),忆 (yì) - memory, 希 (xī) - yearn / admire
Colours: 红 (hóng) - red, 赤 (chì) - crimson, 黄 (huàng) - yellow, 碧 (bì) - green,青(qīng) - azure,蓝 (lán) - blue, 紫 (zǐ) - violet ,玄 (xuán) - black, 白 (baí) - white
Number:一 (yī), 二 (er) - two, 三 (san) - three,  四 (si) - four,  五 (wu) - five, 六 (liu) - six, 七(qi) - seven, 八 (ba) - eight,  九 (jiu) - nine, 十 (shi) - ten
Direction: 东 (dōng) - east, 西 (xi) - west, 南 (nan) - south, 北 (bei) - north,
Other: 子 (zǐ) - child, 然 (rán) - correct / thusly
《Jade》: *there are SO MANY words that generally mean some kind of jade, bc when ppl put jade in their children’s name they don’t literally mean the rock, it’s used to symbolize purity, goodness, kindness, beauty, virtue etc*  琛 (chen), 瑶 (yao),  玥 (yue),  琪 (qi),  琳 (lin)
凡 (fan) - mortality 
色 (se) - colour, beauty. In buddhism, “se” symbolizes everything secular
了 (liao) - finished, done, letting go 
尘 (chen) - dust, I’m not… versed in buddhism enough to explain “chen”, it’s similar to “se”
悟 (wu) - knowing? Cognition? To understand a higher meaning
无 (wu) - nothing, the void, also part of like “letting go” 
戒 (jie) - to “quit”, but not in a bad way. In buddhism, monks are supposed to “quit” their earthly desires.
极 (ji) - greatness, also related to the state of nirvana (? I think?) 
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lazyyymoons · 5 years ago
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lazyyymoons · 5 years ago
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do you love fics where wei wuxian and lan wangji parent the crap out of lan sizhui? do you want to read accidental baby acquisition fics until your eyes bleed? would you die as your heart slowly turns to mush from the softness of this family? bitch the fuck, me too. here are some of my personal favourite fics of wangxian ft their turnip son a-yuan. its a range of canon divergence, post canon, thirteen years of inquiry, raising a-yuan at the burial mounds au etc - there’ll be something for literally everyone. enjoy!
Keep reading
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lazyyymoons · 5 years ago
haw yee
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lazyyymoons · 5 years ago
Myths, Creatures, and Folklore
Want to create a religion for your fictional world? Here are some references and resources!
General Folklore
Various Folktales
Weather Folklore
Trees in Mythology
Animals in Mythology
Birds in Mythology
Flowers in Mythology
Fruit in Mythology
Plants in Mythology
Folktales from Around the World
Egyptian Mythology
African Mythology
More African Mythology
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
The Gods of Africa
Even More African Mythology
West African Mythology
All About African Mythology
African Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
The Americas:
Aztec Mythology
Haitian Mythology
Inca Mythology
Maya Mythology
Native American Mythology
More Inca Mythology
More Native American Mythology
South American Mythical Creatures
North American Mythical Creatures
Aztec Gods and Goddesses
Chinese Mythology
Hindu Mythology
Japanese Mythology
Korean Mythology
More Japanese Mythology
Chinese and Japanese Mythical Creatures
Indian Mythical Creatures
Chinese Gods and Goddesses
Hindu Gods and Goddesses
Korean Gods and Goddesses
Basque Mythology
Celtic Mythology
Etruscan Mythology
Greek Mythology
Latvian Mythology
Norse Mythology
Roman Mythology
Arthurian Legends
Celtic Gods and Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses of the Celtic Lands
Finnish Mythology
Celtic Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
Middle East:
Islamic Mythology
Judaic Mythology
Mesopotamian Mythology
Persian Mythology
Middle Eastern Mythical Creatures
Aboriginal Mythology
Polynesian Mythology
More Polynesian Mythology
Mythology of the Polynesian Islands
Melanesian Mythology
Massive Polynesian Mythology Post
Maori Mythical Creatures
Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses
Hawaiian Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses
Creating a Fantasy Religion:
Creating Part 1
Creating Part 2
Creating Part 3
Creating Part 4
Fantasy Religion Design Guide
Using Religion in Fantasy
Religion in Fantasy
Creating Fantasy Worlds
Beliefs in Fantasy
Some superstitions:
Read More
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lazyyymoons · 6 years ago
Tips for fight scenes
If you get punched in the nose your eyes will water, a lot, even if it didn’t really hurt
Your body follows your head, your head gets pushed one way and your body will want to go that way
Getting hit in the stomach isn’t good, it hurts, getting hit in the diaphragm is worse. Causes your lungs to kinda spasm and make it hard to breathe (diaphragm is between stomach and chest)
When fighting a larger person they will have an easier time forcing you back
The jaw is the knockout button. Hit it hard enough and down for the count
Back of the head is very vulnerable, can cause serious damage if hit there
Kidney punches. They hurt. A lot.
People with experience will try to be where they are comfortable. A wrestler will try to get their opponent on the ground, a boxer will stay on their feet, etc.
Easiest counter to a kick is to get closer to whoever is throwing it, then they won’t have enough room for it to be effective
If you want realism, avoid fancy, flashy moves. They’re less practical and easier to counter.
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lazyyymoons · 6 years ago
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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lazyyymoons · 6 years ago
Bruce sat up in bed so quickly he almost hit the ceiling.
“Alfred! Alfred!” he called to the hallway. “What day is it?”
“I think you know, Master Bruce,” came the soft, fearful reply. 
In the distance, he heard a booming explosion. Dick was screaming. Timothy was laughing manically. Stephanie was cursing profusely as Damian shrieked. Jason was silent…and that in itself was perhaps the most concerning of all…
A Complete List of the Batkids’ Pranks, April 2019
Itching Powder in clothing. 
Everyone’s clothing. 
But Especially Tim’s.
Stephanie replaced every light bulb in the house with black lights.
Because Babs and Cass painted everything with glow-in-the-dark paint.
And I do mean everything. 
It took Alfred and Bruce three hours to re-replace the bulbs, but it was a glorious three hours. 
Especially when the boys brought in the laser tag guns.
Damian purchased no less than seven (7) plastic owls and hid them all over the house. 
(Bruce hates owls. And so does Dick)
Cue frantic screaming whenever they stumbled upon one.
Bruce almost wrecked the Batmobile when he saw one in the rear-view mirror.
Cass put glitter on all the ceiling fans. 
Stephanie–her partner in crime–complained about feeling overheated until some poor fool flipped the switch. 
There is a photograph circulating on social media of a Very P.O.’d Bruce Wayne covered in enough pink and purple glitter to make him resemble something from the set of a Lady Gaga music video. 
Jason hid lemons all over the manor. 
In beds. In random appliances. In the vents. In the dishwasher. In the bathtub. Inside shoes. Everywhere.
For months, the manor will smell like rotting lemons until all of them have been found. 
No one knows how many there actually are. 
(But its 847. Let’s just say that Roy knows a guy.)
He also put a packet of red paint in every shower head in the house. 
Tim came out looking like a tomato. 
Damian caught on faster, and got out in time. 
But he still came out looking like he’d survived a bloody battle. 
“D-Damian? Son? W-what…happened?”
“It was a blood bath, Father.”
“Whose blood is–?”
Damian looked disinterestedly down at his stained arm. “Todd’s, most likely.”
“Most likely?” 
Bruce fainted. He was out for a few hours. 
Jason also put hair dye in the shampoo. 
So, at least for the foreseeable future, Tim Drake is now a blond. 
Stephanie escaped relatively unscathed–for obvious reasons.
Dick replaced all the glue in the house with candy. 
No one really caught on for a few weeks.
But Damian had a school project due the next morning, and couldn’t for the life of him understand why the oddly-colored glue stick wasn’t working on his Civil War poster. 
Tim hacked the Batcomputer, and changed the language to ‘Pig Latin’. 
Proceeded to change the text font on everyone’s phones to Comic Sans.
With Barbara’s help, the others hacked into the League’s databases and changed everything to regular Latin. 
Diana and a few others were unfazed. 
Barry, who was on monitor duty, started crying took it like a champ.
On patrol, everyone spoke in a different language. 
Except for Dick, who ‘pretended’ to lose his voice.
Jason: “ Y el inconveniente es…?” (And the downside is?)
Damian: “Δεν υπάρχει κανένα μειονέκτημα.” (There is no disadvantage.)
Dick: “Hey!”
Steph: “Ha! Je savais qu'il n'aurait pas durer!” (Ha! I knew he wouldn’t last!)
Bruce:  “As crianças, deixar seu irmão sozinho, todos sabíamos que ele não iria durar.” (Kids, leave your brother alone, we all knew he wouldn’t last.)
Tim:  “어이, 이봐, 진행 중인 사건이 여기 있다. 누구나 관심을 갖고 있다면…” (Hey, guys, there’s a robbery in progress down here. If anyone cares…)
They got bored, eventually, and started singing Bohemian Rhapsody.
In their different languages–
–giving everyone they encountered a small heart attack.
Tim rigged the microwave with spring-loaded Diethylzinc. 
Jason went to cook a microwave breakfast burrito and set the kitchen on fire. 
No one was harmed–except for Jason’s eyebrows. 
And Bruce’s blood pressure (this was the explosion he woke up to.)
In retaliation, Jason booby-trapped the Red Robin suit with a mixture of  hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodide, soap, and food coloring. 
Ever hear of Elephant Toothpaste?
Tim was luckily not in the suit when the explosion went off. (The reaction gives off a lot of heat.)
Bruce sat everyone down at the end of the day. 
“Kids. I want to thank you all for a very entertaining day. No one was injured–”
Dick cleared his throat meaningfully.
“–No one was seriously injured, and no one was killed–right? Is everyone here and accounted for? Barbara…?”
[Over the comms] “I’m alive, but heaven help the poor soul who decided to put those TNT poppers in my chair’s tire treads…”
Stephanie pursed her lips, eyes widening. 
“What about Duke? Has anyone seen Duke?”
“He, uh, he may or may not be on a plane to Morocco at the moment…”
“He’ll be fine.”
[Deep sigh] “But there was no lasting property damage done this year. At least, nothing a few hundred dollars can’t solve.”
Jason leaned over to the others and stage-whispered. “Nobody better say anything about the BatSub.”
“The what?”
“Hearing voices again, old man? Might need to get your hearing checked.”
“Hn. Well, all in all, this was a very mild April Fool’s Day, by our standards. So I’d like to thank everyone for dialing things back this year. Meeting adjourned.”
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lazyyymoons · 6 years ago
When Your Number Is Called
My name is Courtney, and I was born at 5:15 AM on October 26th, 1988.  When I was born my parents didn’t ask the doctor if I was a boy or a girl, or if I was healthy. Instead they asked, “what’s the number?”
The room braced for the doctor’s answer.  My parents held each other close, both openly crying as they prayed for good news.  “Her number is…” started the doctor, flipping my right wrist over and reading the black numbers that spread across it.  “152310232048.”
My parents cried in relief.  
I would live a good life.  
I had a good number.
You see, in my world, everyone is born with a 12-digit number on their right wrist.  What does the number mean exactly?  Well—the number gives us the day we die.  We don’t know how we will die, but we will—at that exact time.  Think of it like the expiration date you see on a jug of milk.  After the expiration date, you throw away the milk, right?  Well, that is what the marks on our wrists mean.  We obviously don’t get thrown away in the trash, but we cease to exist after that date.  And just like that jug of milk buried in some landfill, we too will be buried in the ground.
My number is 152310232048.
Which means that at 3:23 PM on October 23rd, 2048—I will die.  
I will live to be 59 years old.  
I have a good number.  It isn’t the best number.  My brother is going to live to be 88. My parents, couldn’t believe it when the doctor read his number out loud.  He will live 29 years longer than me.  He will see so much more than me, experience so much more than me.  He might even live to see his great-great grandchildren—I’ll be lucky to see my grandchildren.    
I sometimes get jealous when I see his number.  
But this is my life.  
I can’t change my number.  
It is permanent.  
Medicine, money, and miracles do not change your number. You can certainly die earlier then your number, but to die before your number is rare.  People just tend to be more careful.  After all, when you are constantly walking around with a literal reminder of your time left on earth on your wrist, you tend appreciate the life you have a little more.
I have a good number.  
I’m reminded of this when I see other people’s number.  
The first time this happened was when I was 5 years old.
On my first day of school, I was in kindergarten and I’ve never really interacted with any other kids besides my older cousins. I was nervous, so when recess was called, I decided to go to the swings.  Anyone who liked swings as much as me—well, they were cool in my book.    
On my way to an open swing a wild boy with a dinosaur shirt, and brown eyes full of mischief, performed a back flip off the swings and nearly knocked me over in his crash landing.  He jumped up, dusted off his pants and smiled at me and said, “My names Devon, and I am going to live to be 57.”
It was such a typical kid way of introducing themselves.  Adults tended to be more secretive of their numbers.  Wearing watches, or long-sleeved shirts to cover up their numbers, but five year olds—we didn’t understand the concept of subtlety. 
Another body quickly landed next to him, this one thankfully on their feet.  It was a red-haired girl, with two perfectly braided pig tails.  “My names Fiona, and I’m going to live to be 62.” 
Another body landed next to her.  He stumbled a bit on his landing, and his glasses fell down the bridge of his nose as he found his balance.  “Hi, I’m Oscar,” he smiled, shaking his long brown hair out of his eyes as he pushed his glasses up his nose.  “I’m going to live to be 17.”
Mind you—we were in kindergarten.  We were literally learning our ABC’s, learning how to tie our shoes, and zip up our coats, but the concept of numbers—that we didn’t need to learn.  Our parents made sure we knew what our number was, and what their number was, and what grandma’s number was—numbers were literally ingrained into our minds, much like the literal numbers that adorned our wrists.  
Which meant even at 5 years old, I knew that Oscar—well Oscar, had a bad number.  
It must have showed on my face because the boy—a boy who I didn’t even know, hugged me.  And as he squeezed me, he said, “It’s okay,” before pulling back and smiling.  “My dad’s say that seventeen is plenty of time. They said it is isn’t about how high your number is—but it’s about what you do with the number you get.”
Looking back now, as an adult thinking about having my own child—I’d probably say the same thing to my child if they were born with a bad number.  What else can you do?  You can’t change your child’s number.  You can’t give your child more time, no matter how much you wish you could take the numbers off your wrist and place them on your child’s—you just can’t. Your job as a parent is to protect your children, but you can’t protect them from the inevitable, so instead, you give them something else.
Oscar’s dads gave him hope.  
His dads were great people.  I grew close to them as we progressed through school because obviously, Oscar, Fiona and Devon and me—we became best friends after the day on the swings.  We called our group “The Swingers,” much to the embarrassment of our parents.  We didn’t understand why they didn’t like our group nickname when we were young, but we finally understood when we were 15—and thanks to the internet, we learned exactly what “swingers” were. But even after learning the sexual nature of our group nickname, we still kept it, because honestly, what teenagers didn’t like tormenting their parents?
“Courtney where are you going?  It’s late!”
“Dad said I can go to Oscar’s house!”
“And what will you be doing at Oscar’s house?”
“God mom—we are just having a swinger party, can I go now?”
The look of embarrassment on my parent’s face was always perfect—especially in public.
Speaking of Oscar’s house.  His house became the “hang out” spot for us four.  Mostly because his dads had an awesome basement, and his dad Jerry was professional Chef, which meant we ate good there.  But back to Oscar’s dads—they were awesome.  They adopted Oscar when he was just an infant.  His mother gave him up when she saw his number.  It was an epidemic in our world.  Foster homes were full of children with bad numbers.  
But Oscar’s dads, they didn’t see his number.  They just saw Oscar.  This happy, intelligent, beautiful blue-eyed child who just so happened to be destined to die young.  They didn’t see his number—instead they just saw Oscar.
Devon, Fiona, and I—we only saw Oscar too.  
Most of the kids in our class didn’t really attempt to get to know Oscar, because honestly, what was the point?  He wouldn’t be around for long.  So, it was the four of us—for as long as we had the four of us.
We laughed.
We cried.
We fought.
We experienced our first kisses.
We loved.
We had our hearts broken.
We got drunk once—never again.
We got high—more than once.
We just lived.
“The Swingers” lived every day to the fullest—until the day came when four was about to become three.  Oscar’s day would land just a few weeks before our Senior graduation. We always knew his number, but it never seemed real until it came so close to the actual date on our calendar.
Oscar took accelerated courses so that he could graduate before—his number came up.  The school planned a graduation ceremony just for him the day before his number.  His dad’s and his extended family fills the stands, the rest of his class sit in the chairs, the very same chairs they will soon fill in a couple of weeks when the class of 2007 would all walk together.  The principal called out Oscar’s name, and he stepped up to the microphone.  
Oscar was the schools valedictorian.  He stayed late after school, he studied well into the night, he worked hard—so hard, that his dedication to his studies really got in the way of “swinger” time.  One day, after another late night of not seeing Oscar because he was studying for a Chemistry test, I yelled at him. “It is just a Chemistry test Oscar! If you get a B, it won’t be the end of the world!”
Oscar barely blinked an eye at my outburst, instead, much like that day in front of the swings—he pulled me into a hug. “Look, this is the only time I have to be great,” he said.  “I don’t get anything after this.  So, if this is all I get—I’m going to be the best.”
And he did.  
He became the best.
A 4.0 grade point average
An SAT score of 1560.
And he never filled out a single college application.
Oscar cleared his throat in front of the microphone, garnering everyone’s attention.  “Thank you for everyone who came today.  It means a lot, to me. Very much like my life, I’m going to keep this speech short.”
Gasps echoed through the gym and Oscar smiled.
“That was not meant to be a joke.  Please don’t think that I am making light of the fact that tomorrow is my number.  Instead, I say that I will keep this speech short—because I think the world tends to greatly underestimate the power of something short.”
“My mother gave me up for adoption when I was only 1 minute old.  As soon as the doctor read my number, she signed over custody of me to the state.   I always wondered, how can I be judged of my quality of life, before I’ve even taken my first shit.”
Laughter echoed from the students, gasps echoed from the parents, and grumbles of disapproval echoed from the teacher’s and administration. But Oscar just smiled, as he looked back at the principal.  “Feel free to give me a detention this weekend for cussing,” he joked, earning another chuckle from the students.  
“She was wrong—by the way,” continued Oscar, his gaze going back out to the gym.  “Anyone who ever stared at my number, and looked at me with sadness—you were wrong. I have lived—not as long as our parents and not as long as you all will live—but make no mistake, I have lived.  My life may have been short, but it doesn’t mean it has been any less significant as someone who lived well into their 80’s.”
Taking in a breath, he gave his parents and then the swingers a shaky smile. “Every second of every single day for the past seventeen years—have been lived to the fullest because simply, I didn’t have the time to waste.  Every moment of my life has counted, cherished and loved—can you say the same thing about yours?”
Oscar died on 2:13 PM on March 16th, 2007.
Like his number said, he lived to be 17.
He had a bad number
But he didn’t let his number define him.
Instead he lived every day, until his number was called.
This story was adapted and turned into a 50 page short story, and is now available for purchase through Amazon!
The Kindle format can be purchased here for $2.99
The Paperback format can be purchased here for $5.99
It is also free with Kindle Unlimited!
Thank you for reading this story, and for your support if your purchased the book!  
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lazyyymoons · 6 years ago
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Continuation for this :D
I’m also posting something for this picture on AO3 but I’m still figuring stuff out so - please be patient! :D
Okay, so, I did manage to upload a fic on AO3 :D I don’t know what I’m doing here but I’m tired and I need a nap so, sorry for the mess, I’ll clean up tomorrow and stuff :D
Here is the link :D
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lazyyymoons · 7 years ago
Drarry fic recs
I have been reading drarry fic after drarry fic for ages and have compiled a list of my favorites so far into this list.
(this took me ages to put together so please appreciate it)
The Standard You Walk Past by bafflinghaze (46K) - On returning to Hogwarts for their Eighth Year, Headmistress McGonagall decided to room Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter together. She may have hoped for a leading example of house unity; the other students fully expected insults and fights. But nothing happened.That was, until Harry sleepwalked into Draco’s bed.
It’s been a while since I’ve read this fic but omg I still love it. Draco and Harry are still pissy towards each other a lot but manage to be rather civil as well. I also love fics where Harry and Draco are roomies in eighth year so akjfhlsakhf Harry sleepwalks into Draco’s bed a few times, and Draco doesn’t mention it, but, eventually, things kick off.
Right Hand Red by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) (73K) - Harry felt Malfoy’s breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory. Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy. Malfoy felt inevitable. 
This fic was one of the first drarry fics I read and you should absolutely give it a read because who doesn’t like eighth year game nights where SPIN THE BOTTLE AND TWISTER COME TO PLAY??? and not only that but snape’s portrait teaching DADA?! YES!!! ugh i lovelovelove this fic every time I read it. smut!!!
The Full Four Seasons by ravenclawsquill (49K) -  Draco Malfoy just wants a quiet life. He has a successful business, a lovely wife, and a delightfully horrible circle of friends. He’s fine. Or, he was fine until Harry Potter thundered into his life with all the subtlety of a blast-ended skrewt and turned everything on its head. Now he’s beginning to wonder if ‘fine’ is enough, after all.
The whole idea of making the timing of this fic as winter into spring, spring into summer, etc. is brilliant. This fic is one of those ones that you read with a happy tear rolling down your cheek the whole time. It’s got that kinda peaceful vibe about it (most of the time) and is very satisfying to my need for drarry.
Unexpected Consequences by deirdre_aithne (3.9K) -  Harry Potter has been missing for three days under questionable circumstances. When his Auror partner Draco Malfoy comes to find out why, he discovers something most…unexpected.
Okay I love the trope where Draco and Harry are auror partners and this fic takes it to the next level. Basically, Harry goes stops showing up to work and starts worrying everyone, including Draco, who shows up at Harry’s house with questions. Even though it’s short, it is worth the read. 
Running on Air by eleventy7 (74.8K) -  Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
This one gets me EVERY TIME. Harry is like an investigative auror and is assigned Draco’s case, who has been missing for ages without a trace. All he has is old memories of Draco and somehow he manages to find the lil fucker despite where he is (WHICH IS CREATIVE AF). If you only read one fic on this list, make it this one. The author is bloody brilliant and made me fall in love with Draco from just his memories just like Harry does. I seriously love this fic guys. 
If I was the Sun, He Was the Moon by endless_grey (34K) - Harry is in his eighth year at Hogwarts, everyone is still feeling the fallout from the war and since all the eighth years now share a common room and dorms, Hermione had the brilliant idea that they should get to know each other better. In amongst bad party games, copious amounts of firewhisky, and a lot of confusion and mixed signals, Harry realises he likes Draco. Not everyone is happy about that, though.In summary: Draco and Harry kiss during spin the bottle, realise their feelings, are stubborn and oblivious, and can’t seem to communicate like normal people, but it works out in the end.
The author’s summary basically covers everything about this fic. It’s another eighth year game night, but it doesn’t initially go as smooth as people expected. Harry drinks a wee bit too drunk and gets peeved before storming out of the common room (multiple times). Also contains the whole kisses-for-a-bit-too-long-during-spin-the-bottle trope.
Talk to Me by Saras_Girl (15.6K) - When the usual channels of communication are shut down, the most surprising people can find a way in. A strange little love story.
OMFG habdkfhabdfbdb Harry is accidentally hit by a spell that renders him blind and deaf and DRACO FINDS HIM AND TAKES CARE OF HIM AND THIS FIC JUST GIVES ME SO MANY FEELS. I love it so so so much. Please give it a read.
Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain by Faith Wood (faithwood) (21K) -  It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally. Ever since he had accidentally Conjured a cloud. A cloud that’s ever so cross.
I was kinda hesitant to read this for some reason but I came to love it. Like the summary says, Draco conjures a cloud that dumps rain on him all day, but whenever Harry is around it amazingly stops raining on him. I wonder why?
Animus Nexus by MystyVander (96.8K) -  It’s Eighth Year at Hogwarts and it seems Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy hate each other more than ever before. Everybody is sick of it. Somebody was tired of the two enough to curse them, binding them together. What at first appears to be a death sentence to both Harry and Draco turns out to be the thing the both of them needed the most.
Bonding fics are probably my favorite to read and this one tops all of the others. My actual favorite bonding fic I have ever read. Not joking one bit. An unexpected person is done with Harry and Draco’s constant bickering, so they bond the boys together, figuring that they’ll either kill each other or make amends. And I’m sure you can guess what comes out of it;)
Eternally Consistent by kitsunealyc (44.5K) -  Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter assumed they would never be anything but civil enemies, until Potter lands on Malfoy’s doorstep, bleeding, covered in curses, and acting very strangely indeed.
Okay the timeline of this fic is kinda confusing bc it’s a time travelling one but it is absolutely amazing. So Draco’s an Unspeakable and Harry is an Auror and the two are partnered together for a very top secret project that takes them from civil enemies to friends that act like lovers and then lovers. It’s so so so so good. Some great ass smut and some nice curry too.
Lift Your Open Hand by firethesound (18.7K) -  With Draco Malfoy as his assigned partner for the next six weeks of Auror training, Harry had been prepared for things to go poorly. But getting themselves accidentally bonded to each other in the first twenty minutes of their very first assignment seemed going above and beyond, even for them. 
Another bonding fic!!! The beginning cracks me up because it’s so utterly Harry-like. The two are Aurors in training and are partnered to do some evidence sorting and Harry manages to bond them together with a bloody scarf in the first twenty minutes. This is probably my second fav bonding fic because it’s so satisfying. Honestly I love it.
Tug-O-Want by dysonrules (16.6K) -  Harry is back at Hogwarts minding his own business when he finds himself magically drawn to Draco Malfoy. Over and over again.
Another bonding fic!!! It’s not like a physical bond really, though. Harry and Draco just have to touch each other every hour or so or they get sick. I’m sure you can see where this is leading;)
House Proud by astolat (23K) -  His house liked Draco Malfoy more than him.
Okay this one kills me. When I read the title and the summary, I thought it meant Gryffindor liked Draco more than Harry but NO. Grimmauld Place likes Draco better and holy hell it’s hilarious. I’m literally tearing up as I write this because of how much this made me laugh. Grimmauld Place literally LOCKS HARRY AND DRACO IN because Draco is all nice and wants it to be clean but Harry couldn’t care less what it looks like. So it refuses to let them go until Draco shows Harry how to treat his house, and along the way theres some.. exploration… if you will.
Strange Bedfellows by hurt_mod, ravenclawsquill (30.6K) - When Harry encounters a frail and fidgety Draco Malfoy at the Ministry, he just knows something is wrong and he’s determined to get to the bottom of it. A story about Deadly Nightshade, crippling insomnia, excellent wine … and finding what you need in the strangest of circumstances.
Addict!Draco has a problem with sleeping potions and can’t sleep without them, so when Harry see’s him for the first time in ages and Draco is acting all odd, naturally Harry has to figure out what is going on. He get’s dragged into Draco’s life when Harry finds Draco after a close call with an overdose. I was hesitant to read this but I love it so much. Draco and Harry become friends bc Draco has to go to Harry’s every night to take a medication to help his addiction and Harry starts making him dinner and ugh I just love this one alright?
Broken Dreams by Queenie_Mab (30K) -  When Healer Malfoy answers an Auror field emergency summons, being stuck experiencing Harry Potter’s memories while he sleeps is not at all what he wants to be doing, but it seems that the curse that joins them is only the tip of the crime about to be unravelled.
This one is amazing omg. Auror!Harry gets hurt in the field and Healer!Draco is called to help him, but Draco gets hurt too. The two of them are then stuck in a sort of parallel universe while their bodies heal and holy hell does it get hot in there. Not only does this fic have absolutely a great drarry plot but the sub plot is SO CREATIVE and kept me on my toes the whole time. Serious kudos to the author.
The Lip-Lock Jinx by cassisluna (20.4K) -  It’s a jinx that renders the victim mute, unless he/she serves the purpose of the jinx and kisses the person that they desire. It’s just Harry’s luck that he’s in love with Draco. HPDM, one-shot, eighth year.
I’m not sure what to say about this fic because it’s all explained in the summary and it’s just left me that speechless. It’s the sort of slowburn fic where they do but don’t know that they like each other. The one that makes you go ‘OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!!!’ Obviously it’s a great fic.
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by lettered (54K) -  Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It’s all right here, folks.
Smut! Amazing plot! Pining! Magic! This fic has it all! It’s hard to give a review without spoiling anything bc I want you to read this for yourself without knowing what happens. It might take you a bit to get into bc of the slower beginning, but keep reading! Absolutely worth it!!!! 1000/10 would recommend
Salt on the Western Wind by Saras_Girl (60.5K) -  When the war isn’t quite as over as it first appears, a guilt-ridden Harry is sent to a mysterious safe-house. Among sandwiches, insomnia, and Mills & Boon, he discovers something quite unexpected. [Smoochfest 2012]
This fic starts up right as DH ends (excluding the epilogue ofc). Basically, the Order demands that Harry goes into hiding for a while so that the remaining Death Eaters don’t come after him, and obviously Hermione and Ron have to go with him. But, Narcissa asks Harry to take Draco with him since he is now a traitor to both sides and the Death Eaters will be after him too. Harry owes his life to Narcissa, so, naturally, he agrees to take Draco with him to the safe house.This fic is one of my absolute favorites. I couldn’t put it down bc I just had to know what was going to happen. I seriously recommend you read this one.
Domestic by FrostyWonder (54.8K) -  Harry finds a stray and decides to take him home.
Along with basically every other fic on this list, this work is one of my absolute favorites, and I read it in literally less than a day because of how much I loved it. Auror!Harry and finds Homeless!Draco and lets Draco move in with him until he gets back up on his feet. It turns out that Draco is an amazing cook. Fluff! Smut! Slow burn! Softie Draco! Protective Harry! Def recommend this one.
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lazyyymoons · 7 years ago
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So, let me guess— you just started a new book, right? And you’re stumped. You have no idea how much an AK47 goes for nowadays. I get ya, cousin. Tough world we live in. A writer’s gotta know, but them NSA hounds are after ya 24/7. I know, cousin, I know. If there was only a way to find out all of this rather edgy information without getting yourself in trouble…
You’re in luck, cousin. I have just the thing for ya.
It’s called Havocscope. It’s got information and prices for all sorts of edgy information. Ever wondered how much cocaine costs by the gram, or how much a kidney sells for, or (worst of all) how much it costs to hire an assassin?
I got your back, cousin. Just head over to Havocscope.
((PS: In case you’re wondering, Havocscope is a database full of information regarding the criminal underworld. The information you will find there has been taken from newspapers and police reports. It’s perfectly legal, no need to worry about the NSA hounds, cousin ;p))
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lazyyymoons · 7 years ago
Out of curiosity, do you know (m)any Hidden Talent!Drarry fics? Like one/both of them have a hidden talent and the other finds out about it? Thanks anyway! (Also you should know I really appreciate you and I'm in love with your blog have a good day)
Thank you! I tried my best to go from the talents trope, but to be honest some of these aren’t very “hidden”, but here you go;Solder by Oakstone730 (34k)Seven years ago, Harry disappeared out of Draco and Scorpius’s life without a trace after Harry’s addictions destroyed his and Draco’s marriage. Now, Harry’s back, and Draco wants to believe he’s changed. But Harry isn’t the only one haunted by the past. [Art]Twist of Fate by Oakstone730 (302k)Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness. [Art]The Boy and the Sleeping Prince by phoenixacid and Writcraft (26k)Harry is miserable and tired of being an Auror, coasting through life until he’s forced to make some changes. Spurred on by his passion for drawing and working with best-selling author Draco Malfoy, Harry develops a charm which gives children a magical, interactive reading experience. But when it’s time to test the spell, the two men find themselves trapped in a nightmarish fairy tale world. Can they escape unscathed, or is Draco right in his assertions that there is no such thing as a happily ever after? [Art + Writing]The Art Thief by Nia_Kantorka (21k)When an art thief steals one of Harry Potter’s paintings the Minister of Magic requests one of his best Aurors on that case. Draco Malfoy is not amused. [Art]Choices that are best made in the moonlight by Teatrolley (4k)“Harry never imagined that he’d someday know the feeling of Draco’s smiling lips against his own, or be able to replicate the exact tone of his during-sex laughter in his mind. Even then, he especially never imagined that, were he to ever know those things, he were also to be without them again.Or, in other words: Harry and Draco break up.” [Art]The Art of Perfection by create_serenity (19k)Harry cursed the day he’d ever made the stupid bet with Ron because that bet was what had led to him being naked in front of a Muggle art class. Of course Draco Malfoy had to be taking the class, because that’s just how Harry’s life worked. [Art]Home Improvement by cassie_black (10k)When he hired Maison d'Etre to bring Grimmauld Place back to life, Harry never expected Draco Malfoy would end up doing the same for him. [Interior Designing]Whitfield Throp by JosephineStone (4k)Draco likes to watch people buying his books; Harry likes to watch Draco. [Writing]ab epistulis by cornmouse (83k)A future fic that takes place when Draco is 30, living in Edinburgh, Scotland. Draco owns a bookstore and ends up developing a correspondence with the author of his favorite novel. [Writing]The Critiquer by dysonrules (24k)When Harry submits his cock photo to a renowned Cock Critiquer and gets a terrible review, he decides to take a photography class to hopefully improve his skills. [Photography]Aural Gratification by birdsofshore (10k)Harry’s not gay – he just likes listening to exciting stories about Aurors. It’s not his fault that the narrator’s voice is so smooth, so expressive… and really rather hot. [Narration]A Future Unknown by Omi_Ohmy (25k)Draco had always thought that the ability to see the future would have saved him a lot of grief. The choices are no easier, however, when he is cursed to see an endless set of futures featuring Harry Potter. [Seer Draco]Silververse by Fearlessdiva (120k)Tissue of Silver A love story concerning possessed furniture, black silk pyjamas, courtroom drama, premonitions of doom, assassination attempts, Death Eater yoga, absinthe, bare feet and a sensible werewolf. [Seer Draco]Magic Tricks by talithan (5k)When Draco agreed to accompany his flatmate to a Muggle magic show, he did not expect Harry Potter to be the magician onstage. Since then, nothing has gone according to plan. [Muggle Magician]Misdirection and Wonder: Magic For Beginners by Omi_Ohmy (7k)Harry Potter may be the one who dabbles in Muggle Magic, but it’s Draco who leaves him mystified. [Muggle Magician]The Deeper Symbolism Behind Golden Apples by oldenuf2nb (26k)When the Wizengamot insists Chief Auror Harry Potter pose for a statue for the Ministry Atrium, why are his friends reluctant to tell him who the sculptor is? [Sculptory]Draco Malfoy, Animal Whisperer by icicle33 (22k)Draco needs to find a job, any job, to avoid joining his father in Azkaban. As a last resort, he works at a Muggle veterinary clinic. [Photography]Fractured Light by MissSnakeyBoots (74k)Twenty year-old Harry finds himself in a good job with a new-found smoking habit, a Labrador that likes breakfast and a work friend with an unsavoury fascination with women. Harry’s friends worry about his emotional stability and on times - sexuality. Enter Draco Malfoy in Muggle clothes with his camera and Harry’s life is thrown into disarray. What HAS his old nemesis been up to? [Photography]Typewriters, Oscar Wilde, and Other Unexpected Things by secretsalex (6k)Harry’s not a very good Auror, but Draco is a very good queer. Draco doesn’t finish his novel, and Harry doesn’t catch the bad guys. But maybe it doesn’t matter, anyway. [Writing]A Good Book by wook77 (7k)Harry reads the end of the book before he buys it. When it comes time to write his own, it’s only natural he writes the ending first. Sometimes, endings are meant to change. [Writing]Picking Up Pieces series by TessaCrowley (22k + 21k)The Unbearable Burden of Caring: Fifteen years after the War, Draco is a social recluse and award winning author. Harry is an auror who works too hard, ensuring his old war wounds never heal. They meet at a masque ball, unaware of each other’s identities. In another situation, it would have been love at first sight. But for them, it would never be so simple. Sins and Scars and Shattered Things:  Fifteen years have passed since the War, but the wizarding world isn’t quite ready to forgive Draco Malfoy for his past sins, or for being in love with Harry Potter. For a former Death Eater who escaped conviction, it is a trial by fire. [Writing]The Snitch-Maker by Omi_Ohmy (21k)Draco is content with his Snitches, with the tap tap tap of his hammer, and the tiny gears and sharp scent of metal in his workshop - until one day Harry Potter appears, asking for help to solve a rash of Snitch-tampering in the Quidditch world. [Snitch making]In Fire and Blood by @theboywholivcd (15k) They’re wizards living in Muggle London, and it is the summer after the Battle of Hogwarts. One held out his hand, and the other grabbed on. They’re just boys, really, trying to find their way out of the rubble.A story in which Draco and Harry are lost after the war. A story in which they find life in love. [Art]Paint Me Better Off by tryslora (10k)Draco and Harry healed their differences five years ago, when Snape’s will forced them to work together for the good of Hogwarts. Now, when the Ministry requests that a magic portrait be painted of the Boy Who Ended the War, Draco is the only artist that Harry will trust to create it. But the process of having his portrait painted brings out the talkative side of Harry, and soon he is spilling secrets to his friend without any thought to the consequences. [Art]
Merlin, Give Me Strength by Aelys_Althea(86k)Draco retreated after the war. Despite the Wizarding world turning a smiling, forgiving face to any and all with a black name and stained reputation, he wanted none of it. All Draco wanted was to be left alone.Unfortunately for him, Harry Potter doesn’t want to leave him alone. And more than that, he finds himself with the most unlikely of house guests that he just can’t seem to rid himself of.Why is life never simple?  [Animagus]He Was He and I Was Bunny by bryoneybrynn (37k) The war is over and “eighth year” is about to begin at Hogwarts. But for Harry and Draco, nothing is quite the same. Harry’s looking for an escape, Draco’s looking for a friend. Does a little black bunny hold the answers for both of our boys?  [Animagus]My Life As A Butterfly by digthewriter (22k)At the age of seventeen, Harry finds himself falling in love with a detached Draco Malfoy. Through a series of unfortunate miscommunications and gossip, he had a bad falling out (of love), too. Now, years later, can Harry make amends about a misunderstanding? Would Draco forgive him?  [Animagus + Writing]Incandescence by Lomonaaeren (47k)Draco has become a successful writer by novelizing the lives of heroes from the war with Voldemort. He’s managed to charm the most difficult and reticent into talking to him. Now he thinks he’s ready for the ultimate challenge: persuading Harry Potter, who’s notoriously close-mouthed, to give him both the material and the permission for a novel based on him. [Writing]Tear out the Pages by alphinski (74k)Draco didn’t do things by halves. Instead of just walking out on Harry, he left the country. He’s back now with a book and half the Wizarding World fawning over him. Harry refuses to join that number. [Writing]The Printed Press by Soupy_George (119k)Draco Malfoy was still slightly amazed that he was standing on the doorstep of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. He never would have thought that Harry Potter’s very public and very … sweary, emotional explosion would have led to him offering Draco, of all people, a job. [Writing]
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lazyyymoons · 7 years ago
Resources For Writing Deaf, Mute, or Blind Characters
Despite the fact that I am not deaf, mute, or blind myself, one of the most common questions I receive is how to portray characters with these disabilities in fiction.
As such, I’ve compiled the resources I’ve accumulated (from real life deaf, mute, or blind people) into a handy masterlist.
Deaf Characters:
Deaf characters masterpost
Deaf dialogue thread
Dialogue with signing characters (also applies to mute characters.)
A deaf author’s advice on deaf characters
Dialogue between deaf characters
Life as a Mute
My Silent Summer:  Life as a Mute
What It’s Like Being Mute
21 People Reveal What It’s Really Like To Be Mute
I am a 20 year old Mute, ask me anything at all!
Blind Characters:
The 33 Worst Mistakes Writers Make About Blind Characters.
@referenceforwriters masterpost of resources for writing/playing blind characters.
The youtube channel of the wonderful Tommy Edison, a man blind from birth with great insight into the depiction of blind people and their lives.
An Absolute Write thread on the depiction of blind characters, with lots of different viewpoints and some great tips.
And finally, this short, handy masterpost of resources for writing blind characters.
If you have any more resources to add, let me know!  I’ll be adding to this post as I find more resources.
I hope this helps, and happy writing!  <3
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lazyyymoons · 7 years ago
It’s Ya Girl’s College Scholarship Masterpost
Hello internet civilians! As some of you may or may not know, my name is Dana and I am a high school senior that is ALWAYS on the prowl for trying to get to college for as cheap as possible. I’ve come across 1000′s of scholarships that I simply don’t qualify for, so I thought “hey, why not share these with random people on the internet that don’t know where to start?” You asked the question and only answers you shall receive.
Please remember to credit me for this masterpost because I spent a lot of time and energy on it :)
Scholarship Databases:
“Big” Scholarships That Cover: Tuition, Room Board, Books, or Full Scholarships
Gates Millenium
Posse Foundation
Coca-Cola Scholarship
AXA Scholarship
Dell Scholars Application
Ron Brown Scholarship Program
Burger King Scholars 
Horatio Alger Scholarship
Voice of Democracy Scholarship
Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship
Hertz Foundation Graduate Scholarship
+ 111 Full Tuition Scholarships to Universities!
(**Some May “Prefer” Minorities, But That Does Not Mean You Should Still Not Try For It**)
May/June 2015 Scholarships
Scholarships for Minorities: White House Edition
LGBT Scholarships
Buick Achievers Scholarships
Cultural Diversity Scholarships
50 LGBT Scholarships - 1 Application
50 Top Scholarships for 2014/2015
National Association of Black Journalists
7 Prestigious Undergrad Scholarships
The Jackie Robinson Foundation
500+ Scholarship List
Masterlist of College Minority Scholarships
4 Scholarships That Are Easy To Apply For
Do Something Campaigns
Need help on Scholarship Motivation?
12 Tips on Winning Scholarships
Skip these 6 Scholarship Errors
Students with Average Grades Can Win Scholarships!
4 Ways To Make Your Scholarship Essay Stand Out
Get Rid of Student Loans!
How I Got Rid of 60k Student Loans in 3 years By Living in a Hotel
10 Steps To Minimize Loans
Minimize Student Loans
Know How Much Student Loans To Take 
Paying For College
Miscellaneous Articles That Are Good Reads
Out-of-State Colleges That Offer In-State Tuition
5 Myths About Financial Aid
How To Negotiate A Better Financial Aid Package
How To Read A Financial Aid Letter
How To Deal With A Low SAT Score
Great Schools That Accept Low SAT Scores
How To Demonstrate Interest in a College
I Told Harvard I Was An Undocumented Immigrant. They Gave Me A Full Scholarship.
Credit: @jesussbabymomma
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