amc777 · 5 months
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...FOR ...
...The spiritual capture THE WORLDS COMBINE! ("A deeply miraculous & authentic spiritual to physical world clashing story ...")
...%20-30 Previews available before purchase! ...Even in the "National Nonfiction/Spiritual Book Warehouse," (On our website)!
This deal will ONLY BE ON FOR 40HOURS ...So don't miss out on getting your very own "KINDLE EDITION COPY" ...FOR ONLY $5.99 USD, (Original asking price $15.50 USD).
(Prices change three times after the 40Hour limit is up ...Adding $2.00 USD until finally reaching to the original asking price).
Be there or be square! ...
...SEARCH THE NOVEL VIA AMAZON ...OR get directed to "The spiritual capture" book page below! ...
"The spiritual capture THE WORLDS COMBINE"
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amc777 · 2 years
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Have you ever wondered how a regular story can fully interact with the supernatural world 24 7, 24 HOURS A DAY ... ...AND ... ...Begin at first from the supernatural more powerful world down to the physical world in clarity ...Premeditated from every human beings psychological choice of action to play out among all around for intense entertainable effect ...In a very miraculous joyful way ...OR very malefic horrific way? THIS is the new type of vast entertainment Physi-Tual Capital has mastered ... ...NOT CATEGORIZED in the supernatural ... ...Sci-Fi ...Or thriller genre ... ...BUT ... ...In the Physi-Tual genre. The exact reason for this distinct occurrence ...IS BECAUSE our authentic novels expresses the deep supernatural in interaction with the physical ...THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE STORY without interrupted puzzled understanding ...Simply from a supernatural perspective ... ...AND ... ...Without taking to directly script long phrases or even sentences from ancient holy text ...Which most supernatural stories use throughout their entire synchronized plots at great proportions, this gives our novels a very unique & distinct place to be in a separate category ...Simply because it provides such greater depth to reveal the limitless supernatural realm in interaction with the lower physical ...With flying colors for the entire world to see & feel in awe of the represented vast metaphoric terms to be distinguished in great peace ...AND in great spectrum of rooted horrific darkness ... Don't miss out on enjoying the deepest worked out supernatural to physical WORLD CLASHING ENTERTAINMENT ...20-30% Previews Available ...WITH Trailers On Each Novel ... Get Access today here: psentertainments.com/physical-spiritual-bookstore-catologue-warehouse Pick a copy today ...Unfold it ...AND witness a world of vast supernatural entertainment ...THEN take the 2nd step to discover further entertainment on every single page ...From where the "supernatural continually clashes with the flip-side physical on a greater revealing level ..." #physitual #bookstore #ebooks #readers #newgenre #bookwarehouse #bookshop #booktrailers #bookpreviews #spiritualbooks #supernaturalbook
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amc777 · 2 years
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Have you ever wondered how a regular story can fully interact with the supernatural world 24 7, 24 HOURS A DAY ... ...AND ... ...Begin at first from the supernatural more powerful world down to the physical world in clarity ...Premeditated from every human beings psychological choice of action to play out among all around for intense entertainable effect ...In a very miraculous joyful way ...OR very malefic horrific way? THIS is the new type of vast entertainment Physi-Tual Capital has mastered ... ...NOT CATEGORIZED in the supernatural ... ...Sci-Fi ...Or thriller genre ... ...BUT ... ...In the Physi-Tual genre. The exact reason for this distinct occurrence ...IS BECAUSE our authentic novels expresses the deep supernatural in interaction with the physical ...THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE STORY without interrupted puzzled understanding ...Simply from a supernatural perspective ... ...AND ... ...Without taking to directly script long phrases or even sentences from ancient holy text ...Which most supernatural stories use throughout their entire synchronized plots at great proportions, this gives our novels a very unique & distinct place to be in a separate category ...Simply because it provides such greater depth to reveal the limitless supernatural realm in interaction with the lower physical ...With flying colors for the entire world to see & feel in awe of the represented vast metaphoric terms to be distinguished in great peace ...AND in great spectrum of rooted horrific darkness ... Don't miss out on enjoying the deepest worked out supernatural to physical WORLD CLASHING ENTERTAINMENT ...20-30% Previews Available ...WITH Trailers On Each Novel ... Get Access today HERE Pick a copy today ...Unfold it ...AND witness a world of vast supernatural entertainment ...THEN take the 2nd step to discover further entertainment on every single page ...From where the "supernatural continually clashes with the flip-side physical on a greater revealing level ..." #physitual #bookstore #ebooks #readers #newgenre #bookwarehouse #bookshop #booktrailers #bookpreviews #spiritualbooks #supernaturalbook
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amc777 · 2 years
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Physi-Tual Capital ...Creating spiritual entertainment for the world (to not only) enjoy ...BUT UTILIZE FROM ...
...AS IN ...
...Use for deeper spiritual enlightenment ...Spiritual exercise ...Research in spiritual concepts ...
...AND ...
...Even entertainment ...
...Entertainment in the deepest spiritual world clashing art is where we distinctively aim to exhibit ...Providing better entertainment in our authentic more in depth analogy diction ...RATHER THAN utilizing mostly from "ancient holy text," that frankly mostly all other supernatural entertainment pieces contain, (AT UNREASONABLE RATES).
Take a look into each of our art pieces (books or art), so YOU MAY truly SEE THE BIGGER DIFFERENCE each piece can make in many lives to come ...EVEN YOURSELF ...
...Broad differences in "the great spiritual" subject manner to be "read or visually witnessed," compared to what's already out there in the world ("with simply not enough merit ...")
...So GET UTILIZING TODAY ...If you're longing to:
- Gain a better sense of the world today.
- Catch up to what "the great spiritual" can truly express to you from deeper & deeper outlined trademarked arts. 
- Learn spiritual concepts outlined to you in a more modern communicative way.
- Create YOUR very own supernatural entertainment piece ... 
Head over to The Physi-Tual Entertainments Of Arts Warehouse HERE ...AND connect with a Physi-Tual art piece for your “greater enjoyment” TODAY ...  
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amc777 · 2 years
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We welcome into The Physi-Tual Entertainments Of Arts Warehouse ...
...An Authentic Spiritual Arts Warehouse & Retail Catalogue Shop.
- Arts published by: AMC Publishers/Physi-Tual genre capital global group Ltd.
- Content exhibited by: Physi-Tual Capital (Brand of AMC Publishers).
Digest miraculous content on all our authentic products ...DEEP DESCRIPTIONS ...SUMMARIES ...PREVIEWS ...AND TRAILERS ...
...Find out WHERE TO GET THEM (wholesale & retail product pages displayed ...)
...AS WELL AS for the best price, (supplied 1st hand from us to our partnered retailers).
Find out more on what you may "discover & do" in the warehouse today ...
...Share your deep discovery on our "enlightening arts in the limelight today ..."
...WHEN YOU SEE a deeper spiritual world clashing art display of miraculous wonder ...#physitual
#bookwarehouse #artwarehouse #spiritualworld #spiritualentertainment #newgenre #spiritualbooks #luciddreamingbooks #spiritualarts #spiritualartshop #spiritualshop
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amc777 · 2 years
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When one chooses to preview our Physi-Tual genre books ...They get to observe in depth "supernatural/physical world colliding entertainment ..."
...Worked out in the deepest outlined manner to exhibit TO YOU a world of miraculous interactive wonder ...Spiritual & physical creations SMALL IN POWER ...
....LARGE ...
...AND even BEYOND the physical term colossal ...
...See what entertainment we have TO BE "SCOPED OUT" BEFORE YOUR SENSES today ...
...Look into what deep stories we have already in the Warehouse & available for your greater supernatural enjoyment, (20-30% Previews available shown on Google Books).
TO READ previews on Physi-Tual Capital's books ...
...AND ...
...Even see deep book trailers ON EACH OF THEM ...Please visit the Book Warehouse page in The Physi-Tual entertainments of arts warehouse today: psentertainments.com/physical-spiritual-book-warehouse/
#newgenre #physitual #entertainmentindustry #entertainment #entertaining #artwarehouse #artswarehouse #LearnMoreToday
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amc777 · 2 years
The 1st Physi Tual book chat
In the midst of life's future book chat. (1st Physi-Tual book chat) 
Deadline: Jan 13th at PM (ET) 
Sign up on The Physi-Tual Capital facebook page. 
"A novel mainly to spark new ideas in readers to not only help solve pollution issues in Indonesia. But to find their way more clearly in business, life, and so on ..." Julie Barkly. 
- A creative & natural business sense to generating wealth. 
- A different perspective in "unnatural world problems to natural ideal solutions." 
- Insights like none other towards one's dreams & goals ...AND much more ...
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amc777 · 2 years
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We welcome you into The Physi-Tual Entertainments Of Arts Warehouse ...
WHERE YOU MAY discover the starting art pieces ...Books ...AND services we provide in the new Physi-Tual genre; (PHYSICAL/SPIRITUAL WORLD CLASHING ENTERTAINMENT).
Learn More Today! ...
The Physi-Tual Entertainments Of Arts Warehouse
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amc777 · 2 years
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When you open Physi-Tual genre books ...
...YOU WILL ...
...Discover deeply entertainable supernatural to physical world clashing entertainment on every single page ...
...Eager to READ & enjoy this DEEP SAID entertainment ...
...Please visit The Physi-Tual Genre Bookshelf today! (20-30% PREVIEWS AVAILABLE) ...
The Physi-Tual Genre Bookshelf
#newgenre #physitual #spiritualbooks #luciddreamingbook #spiritualworld #enjoy #share
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amc777 · 2 years
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Enjoy our past & most recent novels in the new physical/spiritual genre of enlightenment ...
Learn more about Physi-Tual genre entertainments & help grow the era by simply enjoying a book to read after you purchase one, (20-30% PREVIEWS AVAILABLE)
(We publish & provide very high-quality arts) ...IN REPRESENTATION OF the deeply entertaining supernatural world clashing with the physical world ...In the best fitting physical scope of understanding for all physically perceivable viewers of the world to read or look upon ...AND be fulfilled by spiritual authentic entertainment far more modern than works that simply use mostly ancient text in their writting ...
...Intrigued to read Physi-Tual genre entertainment?
...Please visit The Physi-Tual Genre Bookshelf today!
Physi-Tual Genre Bookshelf
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amc777 · 2 years
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The Physi-Tual genre bookshelf offers "extensively researched physical/spiritual world clashing entertainment ...
...Providing research MAINLY ABOUT the supernatural world ...Spirituality ...Physical life ...Business ...Psychology
...AND ...
...Much more all relating to the broad concept of spirituality ...& THE DEEPLY ENTERTAINING SUPERNATURAL WORLD.
...To DIG DEEP into “Physi-Tual genre books” ...OR to Read the unique novel summaries ...WATCH official Book Trailers, (OLD & UPCOMING) ...Compare prices offered 1st hand from us to our retailers ...AND pick the copy you desire to read in comfort ...
...Please visit The Physi-Tual genre book store HERE: The Physi-Tual genre bookshelf
Physi-Tual Genre Trademark ® 2021 © AMC Publishers/Physi-Tual genre capital global group Ltd - All Rights Reserved
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amc777 · 2 years
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October 2022 Physi-Tual genre BOOK RELEASING!
The Physi-Tual genre, meaning the physical clashing with the spiritual or supernatural, was trademarked in February 2021 by AMC Publishers/Physi-Tual genre capital global group Ltd. (Brand: Physi-Tual Capital.)
...Eager to see another book release in the Physi-Tual genre?
Stay tuned until October 2022 for the novel: In the midst of life's future ...To be released, written by Julie Barkly.
If you have not yet dived into Physi-Tual genre books ...AND are intrigued to read some samples ...Please visit our homepage were we provide a FREE sample in the link for our main book of interest for our readers... 
...Or watch a preview HERE of our 1st Physi-Tual genre textbook: Insights to the spiritual world & interactions with the physical. 
COMING SOON... In the midst of life's future
- Out: October 2022
1) Read the summary ...
2) ...Get ready to watch the book trailer ...
3) ...AND stay tuned to read the next Physi-Tual genre book soon to be released in October 2022...
...Life in the cityside for Kemala feels like somethings missing to make her feel more a part of the earth, one that's having several pollution & clearcutting issues, especially on her side of the earth. Her job as a chemical engineer treated her financially stable. But things didn't feel right. Dreams she faced to reveal & life she hoped to have fulfillment. No one treated her right at work except for her two friends who were much older than her. Fairly quick in life Kemala was going, ahead of mostly everyone in her career, surely that's why it brought jealousy upon her from mostly everyone her age, she constantly thought. Soon later something happened in Kemala's life though, something that made a decision before her larger than ever in her life, one about her career & that missing piece in her life. What will she do when she decides to take action on her strong pre-meditated feelings, in her already set out life? What will be the missing piece in life that she finds? And through the unclear dreams that she may reveal about her future, will she piece the coincided clues together to see if she's on the right track in life?
(Book Trailer HERE)
Physi-Tual Genre Trademark ® 2021 © AMC Publishers / Physi-Tual genre capital global group Ltd - All Rights Reserved
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amc777 · 2 years
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Have you been in search of an authentic online art shop?
...Or a unique Home Decor shop with exclusive accessories? 
...AND share interest in ancient supernatural to physical world clashing art ...Grateful to glance over the tip of the iceberg to the ancient world wondrous era of arcane told art, (especially with the masterpieces that STILL bring "mystery" to THIS DAY?) 
...If YES ...
...Then I'm glad to welcome you into the Physi-Tual Cap art gallery ...Where YOU WILL be taken on a journey of excitement from the vastly exhibited physical/spiritual world clashing art.
(Physi-Tual genre trademark ® 2021; "Physi-Tual": meaning the physical clashing with the spiritual or supernatural).
We offer:- 10+ art print sizes: smallest: 8" x 6", largest: 60" x 45"- 15+ frame choices & colors- 43+ mat colors, 18+ mat widths, even add a 2nd mat Shop Physi-Tual genre art today ...on unique art printed products ...or Home Decor.
...Visit The Physi-Tual Cap art gallery today!
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amc777 · 2 years
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Eager to learn about the Physi-Tual genre & its entertainable content for you to enjoy ...
...Visit The Physi-Tual entertainments of arts warehouse today to find out more!
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amc777 · 2 years
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Ever wonder how an animal habitat can coincide with a man made natural habitat in perfect harmony? especially in a story tell the unique occurrence? 
...Well, the novel: In the midst of life's future ...Details exactly how a natural ecosystem can coincide with homes crafted from living trees entwined together ... 
...AND much more to be uncovered in THIS unique Physi-Tual genre novel to reveal the physical & spiritual benefits ...Of a better way of living on the earth we were made to live naturally within ... 
(THIS novel is the 2nd Physi-Tual genre novel)
...Soon to be released in October 2022 ...
...The exact day will be released randomly WITHIN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2022 ...Earlier OR right on the same day ...ALL to bring surprise & excitement for when the novel is finally released on Amazon ...Google Play ...AND on the global market for retailers to fill their possible Physi-Tual genre authorized shelf. 
In the midst of life's future will lead many towards their path to success, or path to spiritual balance, with in depth creativity expressed through analogy phrasing to spark ideas & excitement in the reader. The story outlines the hard times in the making of success, the great times, the times away from family that many may miss the absolute most, & the times in patience that feel uncontrolling to push through. This unique spiritual/physical novel will present to you a business journey of deep creativity. 
Stay tuned until Oct 2022 for: In the midst of life's future, to be finally released ...Watch the trailer HERE 
0 notes
amc777 · 2 years
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Life in the cityside for Kemala feels like somethings missing to make her feel more a part of the earth, one that was having several pollution & clearcutting issues especially on her side on her earth, her job in as a chemical engineer treated her financially stable, but things didn't feel right, dreams she faced to reveal & life she hoped to have fulfillment, no one treated her right at work except for her two friends who were much older than her, fairly quick in life Kemala was going, ahead of mostly everyone in her career, surely that's why it brought jealousy upon her from mostly everyone her age, she constantly thought, soon later something happened in Kemala's life though, something that made a decision before her larger than ever in her life, one about her career & that missing piece in her life. What will she do when she decides to take action on her strong pre-meditated feelings in her already set out life? what will be the missing piece in life that she finds? & through the unclear dreams that she may reveal about her future will she piece the coincided clues together to see if she's on the right track in life?
Coming out: October 2022
(A work of Physi-Tual, meaning the physical clashed with the spiritual or supernatural) - Physi-Tual trademark ® 2021® by AMC Publishers/Physi-Tual genre capital global group Ltd. - All rights reserved.
Trailer HERE
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amc777 · 2 years
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Have you ever wondered how a regular story can fully interact with the supernatural world 24/7 ...
...24 hours a day ...
...AND begin at first from the supernatural more powerful world down to the physical world in clarity ...Premeditated from every human beings psychological choice of action to play out among all around for intense entertainable effect ...
...In a very miraculous joyful way or very malefic horrific way?
Learn more about how Physi-Tual Capital has mastered this form of entertainment TODAY:
Visit The Physi-Tual entertainments warehouse HERE: psentertainments.com
  #newgenre #physitual #entertainable #entertainment #enjoy
______________________________________________________________Physi-Tual Genre Trademark ® 2021 © AMC Publishers / Physi-Tual genre capital global group Ltd - All Rights Reserved 
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