amarinthesdrafts · 4 months
Dearest Gentle Reader,
It is no surprise to the ton about the announcements of engagements left and right. After the beguiling spectacle of the Smythe's ball evening, (and the most successful one yet), it had, truly, smitten the ladies and urged the gentlemen to budge through the crowds and find a match.
Although, as you are aware, This author's match to oneself is not so vicarious, it is certain that the next one would be such the talk of the ton, matter of fact, the country.
His Highness, in all his robes and jewels, had been seen dancing with the diamond of the first waters in multiple balls, to be frank, the most recent being at the Smythe's musicale.
Despite pleasurable gossip spreading weeks earlier about the two's true relationship of rage and duelship, it was evident that in between these waters, both bask in each other's company. One cannot say what truly is the appropriate excuse for the two to reside in secret, as both are current in high standings, it is no laughing matter of their positions and any scandal could arise. But despite all this author has meddled in, the truth is that even I, find it a rather lovely pairing. So devious, like they had been putting off a secret towards each other.
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Surely, you understand, dearest patreon, that the most interesting match are those you least expect. A shame how Ms. Dealia was unable to convince the prince towards her direction nor Ms. Yalveil able to indulge her pleasure for listening to symphony.
Indeed, it seems that whatever how, and whatever why had been shared by the duo, had been theirs to keep. And so, dearest reader, it is with most joy that after your lengthy read on the column, it does not go pass by myself about the news of the debutant and the prince's relations.
Despite mamas having been requesting and enamoring the highness, he only had set his sights on her. The love one cannot suppress, waiting for the heart to burst and inch those words to her and find a way for them to come back, with a positive notion, to boot.
In the time, I shall have no choice but to accept that the great charades of society is soon to be over. Soon, I hope, we receive in high spirits a royal wedding engagement if this love blossoms into a great deal of a courtship.
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown
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amarinthesdrafts · 4 months
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Dearest Gentle Reader,
You are not looking at a Greek statue. As the ball circulated among the ton, the Queen has decided to raise the stakes further. Miss Amarinthe's presentation had exquisitely enamored society, so much so, that not even before the first hour, her dancing card had been full of names from Earls, Viscounts, and Barons. One, even, a Duke. Duke of Cornwell.
But, with many flocking her about, there is but one man who she was yet to know, His Royal Highness, Prince Regulus Mino Lynx of Great Britain, Duke of Cambridgeshire, Earl of Sussex, First Nobleman of the King George. His attendance at the ball turned about the splendor as misses of the ton did their best to enamor His Highness.
Of course, these are but the surface level of the events, This Author shall see to it that every and all events be written by the end of the ball.
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown
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amarinthesdrafts · 4 months
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Dearest Gentle Reader,
One does not capture a story of a lifetime in a column, the number of gasps and shock upon the ballroom was a number neither my fingers nor toes could count. The Queen has decided upon then and there, which ladies had swayed her to their favor.
Despite the eccentricity of lavish and the favorable color and jewels Ms. Twombley and Ms. Berikeley had brought into the palace, no one held a candle to the unforeseen Ms. Elyssa Avrielle Amarinthe. The moment the padded doors opened, Her Majesty had immediately gasped, everyone following after. Murmurs and tall tales had immediately spread like wildfire at the presentation even before it had ended.
Not a soul was prepared to have expectations soar into the heavens. Her beauty was incomporable, favorably so, one has not seen beauty such like hers. The Queen, exclusively invites and honors a ball immediately to her favor, the ton at once invited to celebrate the return and for the Diamond of the First Waters.
This Author was still at a shock, that not even one can describe her. Elegance, refined, and poised. That regardless of a title, one was lucky to be within her presence alone, what more of a marriage.
Today ends with exceptional favor for the Amarinthes as their daughter had received The Majesty's approval. The ball at the Queen's palace was set to invite esteemed guests from all over the countries and territory to find a match for the lustrous miss. Her smile alone had captured the gentlemen's sights, oh! I do say, dear reader, what would the mart look about with her raising the stakes?
How delightful to witness!
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown
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amarinthesdrafts · 4 months
Dearest Gentle Reader,
Today is the day London's marriage-minded ladies are to be presented to Her Majesty, Queen Charlotte, for their grand debut. Many are shaking in their tail feathers, and rightfully so.
The daughter of the Viscount, Lord Ruthford, had been a music prodigy at a tender age. It was no secret that Ms. Ruthford would sway the ton with her pianoforte and lute. The Baron and Baroness Westling was set to debut their twin daughters, Ms. and Ms. Westling for today's social season. One known to be a studious lass with exceptional wit, and the other known for gentle nature and love for flowers.
However, despite all press and talk about these ladies being out and about, there was but one whisper of a name that had yet been revealed. Despite her parents having a title lower than that of a Viscount, she was given the opportunity to present last, and quite fashionable so.
This Author would like to believe that the Queen was enamored by the talk (or lack thereof) of the mamas of the ton. Having been known that not a single soul outside of the family, had seen this precious miss. On the edge, spreading various rumours of whether she was a monster walking among folk or a goddess that rivaled the monarchy. She was unknown to the rest, but not for long.
As carriages filled the brim of the palace, ladies blooming in their dresses, no unfamiliar (or familiar) carriage from the Amarinthes had heeded. This Author would continue writing should a story anew rise. Until then.
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown
0 notes
amarinthesdrafts · 4 months
Dearest Gentle Reader,
Many matchmaking mamas have been at their wit's end after last year's social season once it had been found that the youngest of the Bridgertons was finally set to marry. Now, with one of the most popular families of Mayfair closed off and the Dowager Viscountess living a life of luxury under the scrutiny of her children's successful marriages, it is no wonder that the ton will yearn for the drama they murmur about in gatherings.
However, dearest reader, This Author would be damned if one says that the stories are finished. For what is the purpose of my return if not to indulge the ton upon the return of a (supposedly) dead man's name?
Now, do not misunderstand, for This Author does not wish to taunt the unknown forces, but unbeknownst to the society, a relative of the Bridgertons, the Amarinthes, has finally opened their doors to introduce the last and only hope of the family.
After the demise of the Late Baron, Lord Edward Winston Amarinthe, it seemed that the family line would be lost, and the title would be withheld, but the first cousin of the widowed baroness, Lady Amarinthe, has agreed to take the title and care for the soon-to-be dowager Baroness and her daughter until the time she, Miss Amarinthe, would be wed.
Conditions under the crown had been made to protect the sanctity of the Amarinthe family's title:
Should Miss Amarinthe wed a man of no title, the husband will inherit the title of Baron until they produce a male heir, who, will legitimately continue the title. Earl of Lacock and current Baron, Lord Benjamin Wilson dictates from the contract drawn.
Should Ms. Amarinthe enter the marriage mart and marry a man of either title, viscount or baron, the Earl shall hand the baronship to her husband and care for, separately, the dowager as the earl.
Should Ms. Amarinthe marry the likes of a man of higher title, an Earl, a Marquess, or a Duke, the couple will handle the titles of the Baron. Therefore, earning the second title of Baron and Baroness. This was added as the situation, in the family line of both Amarinthes and Bridgertons, it was not unlikely for it to occur. (Consider the Duchess of Hastings, Countess of Kilmartin, and the Earl of Lacock, himself)
Despite the little to no chances, the Earl has added a final column to the agreement,
If Ms. Amarinthe was to marry a man with a title higher than that of a duke, like a noble prince in line for the throne, then they will be granted with the decision of the baronship to be changed of a higher status and the dowager be given sustainability.
This Author is intrigued by the final point made. Now, it was not impossible as the incumbent Duchess of Hastings had also taken sights of Prince Friedrich during her debut, but, it was a rare possibility to occur. However, as the social season was about to roll upon society, and the Amarinthes being relatively close to the Bridgertons (not to mention having such their family achievements on their own) it was not impossible for the last and remaining hope of the family to be anticipated greatly.
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown
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