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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
Hello all to Tuesday Tools
Need to be Needed!
Need is the most used term in context of any expression... As per dictionary need is defined as, requiring (something) because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable... This is where our consciousness plays an important role... Desiring and needing are two separate entities...
To need is, to survive and to desire is, to wish for something to happen... Survive and wishing have extremely different charge attach to it... It's really provocative when needs are not met but with our desires not being met it's in our tolerance level...
Need to be needed is one such desire that we have prioritized as a need... As a result it's threatening our social survival... How we would behave, if to be needed is a strong desire and not a need? We have to ask this pressing question, if we have the desire to evolve into an enlightened beings...
Don't Hype, to survive...
- Today observe your behavior when you need something and when you desire something
- Notice what makes you feel lighter
- Make a choice
Don't Feed the Need...
Have Fun
Amanpreet Nagpal
(Counselling Psychologist and Motivational Coach)
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
Hello all to Tuesday Tools
Life Force!
We all are aware about the importance of life force in an object or any subject... Today let's touch upon this vital aspect of our life, starting with few questions- What is Life force? Where does is comes from? Where does it Go?
Life Force is a place between beginning and ending... That's why it doesn't have an end or a beginning and that's why it's called, 'life force- No beginning, No end'
Life Force is the energy present in all but absent in it's presence... This is the space, infinite zone we are all aiming at through various channels... This state of life is the Shunya- Zero, we are trying to reach...
Zero is represented with a circle in a symbolic form with no beginning or ending... It is of great importance, and reaching at Zero state, is the highest form of universal connection... When we are connected to everything, we are connected to nothing and that has been the constant teaching of Life...
At one time we are enjoying riches of life and at another time we are down in drains... That's the reason wise ones always quoted, “What goes around, comes around” Life is not a straight line, it's a circle, the sooner we accept this reality, sooner we will be able to relish it's enrichment... And enjoy Life force in all the forms...
Give, what you wish to receive...
- Today take a comfortable position
- Breathe and Relax
- Imagine Zero
- Focus on the circle
- Connect your experience with the circle
- Release what you wish to receive
- Absorb what you wish to give
- Feel the Force of life flowing throughout
Beware! Life is a circle...
Have Fun
Amanpreet Nagpal
(Counselling Psychologist and Motivational Coach)
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
Hello all to Tuesday Tools
“Imitation is the beginning of all our problems” Quoted the wise one... Since the time, humans have developed interest in understanding behavior, Imitation has always been the fascinating one... We have always been inspired to imitate others, sometimes out of inspiration and mostly because we feel someone else is better than us... Imitation in order to be better, is the way to kill your existence in physical, mental and emotional outlook... Even while being grateful, Imitation is restrictive in numerous ways... For eg. Imitating our parents, teachers, friends or the person we deeply regard, In any way imitation is disregarding yourself...
The reason we want to imitate someone is that we don't want to take the trouble of understanding ourselves... Understanding begins when we cease to imitate others... It's a choice we have to make... Being ourselves is the only way to live a grandiose life... We are here for nothing less than being great...
“Greatness is not achieved by doing same things, it is achieved by doing same things differently”
-Today ask yourself the following questions
- How can I be the better version of myself Today?
- How can I be better than yesterday?
- What will contribute towards my growth today?
- Liberate self
Imitation is a commodious Limitation...
Have Fun
Amanpreet Nagpal
(Counselling Psychologist and Motivational Coach)
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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amanpreetnagpal · 6 years ago
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