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alzaeemadel · 1 year ago
حين اخبرتك بأني اريد الابتعاد ، كان كل مافي داخلي يتمسك بك ، كنت انتظر ان تمنعني ، ان تأخذ بيدي ، او تقبلني مثلا ، لكنك في تلك اللحضه افلت يدي قبل ان افلتها انا من الاساس. ‏‎لقد أفلت من بين يديك شخص مستعد ليخوض معك أشدحروبك في الحياةمهما كانت الصعوبات التي ستواج��ك كان مستعد ليتخطى معك كل هذا في سبيل أن تحقق كل أحلامك وأهدافك،لقد أفلت من بين يديك شخص كان على أتم استعداد ليدافع عنك أمام الجميع،بكل ما فيك من سوءكان يثق بك ويقاتل لأجلك مهما كانت الصعوبات
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alzaeemadel · 1 year ago
‏"يا الله، أنت تعلم ما بقلبي من دعاء، تعلم الكمَّ الهائل من الكلمات الغير مرتبة قبل أن أدعوك… يا رب فقدت بوصلتي، ولم أعد أعرف إلى أين أتجه، ومتى أخطو خطوتي القادمة دون تعجلٍ أو تأخير، أخشى أن تفوتني الحياة عند نقطة ظننتها النهاية، ولم ��كن سوى إشارة توقف مؤقتة يمتد من بعضها الطريق، دُلني على الطريق الصحيح يا الله وارزقني البصيرة لأرى أين أضع قدمي قبل أن أغرزها في وحلٍ لا أستطيع التخلص منه أبدًا، وألهمني الصبر على سيري الطويل هذا والرضا في نهايته بما ينتظرني هناك، وباعد بيني وبين خيبة الأمل وفوات الأوان ووحشة الرحلة دون الرفيق. لا إلهَ إلا أنتَ دُلني، مالي سواك"
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alzaeemadel · 1 year ago
Du’a after ‘Isha prayer
O Allah! 
Surely, I have no knowledge of the main source of my subsistence
And I seek it only through the passing thoughts that come to my heart
And I wander about in cities searching for it
And I am perplexed in regard to what I search for
I do not know whether it is in a valley or in the mountains
In the earth or in the heavens
In the continent or in the sea
And in whose hands it is
And from whom it is. 
And surely I know that Thou hast its Knowledge
And its sources are in Thy hand
And Thou alone distributes it by Thy kindness
And creates opportunities through Thy mercy
Oh Allah! 
Therefore, bless Muhammad and his progeny
And Oh Lord!
Increase my sustenance, apportioned by Thee
And make the search easy and the source near
And do not make me strive in search of what Thou hast not decreed for my sustenance
For, surely, Thou art indifferent to chastise me and I in need of Thy mercy.
Bless Muhammad and his progeny
And by Thy grace show generosity to Thy slave
Surely Thou art the most generous.
اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّهُ لَيْسَ لِي عِلْمٌ بِمَوْضِعِ رِزْقِي، وَ إِنَّمَا أَطْلُبُهُ بِخَطَرَاتٍ تَخْطُرُ عَلَى قَلْبِي، فَأَجُولُ فِي طَلَبِهِ الْبُلْدَانَ، فَأَنَا فِيمَا أَنَا طَالِبٌ كَالْحَيْرَانِ، لا أَدْرِي أَ فِي سَهْلٍ هُوَ أَمْ فِي جَبَلٍ، أَمْ فِي أَرْضٍ أَمْ فِي سَمَاءٍ، أَمْ فِي بَرٍّ أَمْ فِي بَحْرٍ، وَ عَلَى يَدَيْ مَنْ، وَ مِنْ قِبَلِ مَنْ، وَ قَدْ عَلِمْتُ أَنَّ عِلْمَهُ عِنْدَكَ وَ أَسْبَابَهُ بِيَدِكَ، وَ أَنْتَ الَّذِي تَقْسِمُهُ بِلُطْفِكَ وَ تُسَبِّبُهُ بِرَحْمَتِكَ، اللَّهُمَّ فَصَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِهِ، وَ اجْعَلْ يَا رَبِّ رِزْقَكَ لِي وَاسِعاً، وَ مَطْلَبَهُ سَهْلاً، وَ مَأْخَذَهُ قَرِيباً، وَ لا تُعَنِّنِي بِطَلَبِ مَا لَمْ تُقَدِّرْ لِي فِيهِ رِزْقاً، فَإِنَّكَ غَنِيٌّ عَنْ عَذَابِي [عَنَائِي ] ، وَ أَنَا فَقِيرٌ إِلَى رَحْمَتِكَ، فَصَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِهِ، وَ جُدْ عَلَى عَبْدِكَ بِفَضْلِكَ، إِنَّكَ ذُو فَضْلٍ عَظِيمٍ
خدايا من نمي دانم روزي ام در كجاست، و آن را تنها بر پايه گمان هايي كه بر خاطرم مي گذرد مي جويم، و ازاين رو در جستجوي آن شهرها را زير پا مي گذارم، پس در آنچه كه خواهان آنم همچون حيرت زدگانم، نمي دانم آيا در دشت است يا در كوه؟ در زمين است يا در آسمان؟ در خشكي است يا در دريا؟ نمي دانم به دست كيست؟ و از جانب چه كسي است؟ ولي به يقين مي دانم كه دانش آن نزد تو، و اسباب آن به دست توست، و تويي كه آن را با لطف خويش تقسيم مي كني، و با رحمت خود براي آن سبب فراهم مي سازي، خدايا، پس بر محمد و خاندان او درود فرست و بارپروردگارا، روزي خود را بر من گسترده ساز، و به دست آوردنش را برايم آسان نما، و جاي دريافتش را نزديك قرار ده، و با طلب آنچه برايم در آن روزي مقدر نكرده اي به زحمتم ميفكن، چه تو از آزردن من بي نيازي، و من به رحمتت نيازمندم، پس بر محمد و خاندان او درود فرست، و با لطف و فضل خويش بر بنده ات كرم نما، تو صاحب بخشش بزرگ هستي 
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
لا بأس عليك، دعِ الحُزنَ يسكُنُ فيك ما شاء اللهُ له أن يسكن، ولا تنطفيء ما دامت فيك روحُك، لا تحسَبْ أنّ كُلّ هذا سيضيع هباءً، بل إنّ لِكُلٍّ آهٍ وأنّة أجرًا عظيمًا، ولِكُلٍّ نَهنَهةٍ وعَبرة جزاءً جليلًا.. فلا تبتئس.
لا تحسبَنّ اللهَ يغفل عن وجعٍ تأوّهتَه، أو ليلةٍ بِتَّها باكيًا، أو لا يرى أنّك تصبِرُ وتتصبّرُ وتعيشُ بمرارةِ الصبر بين أشواكِ الحُزن، لا تتوهّم أنّ الحُزنَ ساكنٌ فيك أبدًا، إيّاك أن يستحوذ الشيطانُ على قلبِك فيُنسيكَ لا حول ولا قُوّة إلّا بالله، أو يستأثِرَ على فؤادِك فيشغلَك عن عظيمِ الجبرِ، إيّاك أن يقهرَ الشيطانُ يقينَك أو يسلِبَ مِنك أملَك، أو يحولَ بينك وبين حُسنِ ظنِّك!
لا تحزَنْ، إنّ اللهَ معنا🤍
- محمد علام.
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
‏الصدمات التي تعيشها الآن لم تكن بسبب الآخرين، سببها الأساسي تصوّراتك المثاليه، تخيلاتك الجميلة ومعتقداتك أن الجميع يشبهك، بالتالي أنت من زرع بذرة الصدمة من الأساس وجعلتها تنمو أمامك حتى صُدمت بالواقع، لا ترفع سقف توقعاتك وكن منفتح للاحتمالات.. توقع كل شيء لكي لا تكسر قلبك بيدك..
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
ما بيني وبينك أمرٌ عُجاب. طال على قِصره، وبعُدَ على قُربه.
كالذي بين مَن في القبر وزائره، يرى أنْ ليس بينهما إلا أن يمد يده، وبينهما بعد الحياة من الموت.
فعلمت أن القريب هو المباح الذي لم تُضرب عليه الحجب، فمتى وقف بالباب أُذن له، كقرب المزن من الثرى. وأن البعيد هو المحظور الذي حيل بينك وبينه، كبعد كفك من حبل الوريد.
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
اللهم كَكُلّ ليلة، بذاتِ القَلب المُمتَلئ، والرُّوح التَّوّاقة، بذات التَّعَب والرّاحة، أناديكَ بكلّ شعورٍ لا يَبرَح، خَفِّف عنّي كُلّ تَعَلُّقٍ لا يليق، وكُلّ مسافةٍ تَضيق، وعَلّمني أنّها «دُنيا» واجعلها بيَدي لا بقلبي، أقِم وجهي حيث رضاك، وأزِل عنّي تَرَدُّد الفكرة، وشتات المعرفة، وخوفَ الخطوة، وعَثرة المسير!
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
"يا ربّ تُب علينَّا من إضاعة الوَقت، ونِسيان المُهِمة، وترك الغاية والهدف"..
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
اللهمَّ هذِّب طبعي، وأدِّب خُلُقي، واجمع بينَ ظاهري والخفاء فلا أكون بوجهٍ مختلف، ولا قلبٍ متقلِّب، ولا ناصحٍ غير مُتَّبع.. اللهمَّ هذا قلبي طهِّره حتَّى يلقاك، وأنظر لي برحمتك حتَّى أراك
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
كنتُ أمنحُ كُل من حولي شيئًا من الطُمأنينة، تلك التي افتقدتُها -أنا- طول عُمري.
~محمود حجازي
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
عليك أحيانًا أن تتخلى عن الاستماتة في المُحاولة، لترى من الذي يبقى حين لا تحاول.
~أمل السهلاوي
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
بسم الله. .........In the name of Allah
لا اله الا الله..........none is worthy of worship Except allah
إن شاء الله. .........If Allah wills
توكلت على الله. ........I put my trust in Allah
الحمد لله.........Praise be to allah
ما شاء الله. ........Allah has willed I
حسبي الله. .......Allah is sufficient for me
سبحان الله. .........glory be to Allah
نعوذ بالله. ..........We seek refuge in Allah
استغفر الله. ........I ask for forgiveness from Allah
معاذ الله. ....... ..Allah forbid
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله. ..........There is no power not might except by Allah
في أمان الله. ........In protection of Allah
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون. ..........Surely we belong to Allah and to him shall we return
️صلى الله عليه وسلم 👈 peace be upon him
️بارك الله فيك 👈 May Allah bless you
️جزاك الله خيراً 👈 May Allah reward you well
️سبحان الله 👈 Glory be to Allah
️إن شاء الله 👈 If Allah wills
️بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
️In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
️لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله.
️There is no power nor might save in Allah.
️حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل.
️Allah is enough for us and an excellent guardian.
️إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون
To Allah we belong and to him we will return.
بارك الله فيك ................... May Allah bless you
رحمه الله ......... May Allah be merciful to him
رضي الله عنه .........May Allah be pleased with him
‏حفظه الله‏ ......................May Allah protect him
تقبل الله منك ....... May Allah accept from you
‏تقبل الله حجه ......May Allah accept the Hajj of him
سامحك الله ................... May Allah forgive you
يرحمك الله............... May Allah have mercy on you
نفعنا الله بعلمك ........May Allah benefit us with your knowledge
وفقك الله .........May Allah grant you success
طيب الله ثراه ..... May Allah lighten his stay in earth
جعل الله مثواه الجنة........May Allah make abode in paradise
حياك الله.............May Allah preserve your life
جزاك الله خيرا..........May Allah reward you
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
ابكتني ..
شاب توفيت أمه قبل ان يتوظف (معلم)
وكانت أمه تعمل بالخياطة وتعطيه النقود
وتمنعه من العمل وتحثه
على اكمال الدراسة
ففعل ما أرادت ووفقه الله وتوظف
وكانت نيته أن يعطي
من راتبه لأمه
ليسد بعض من جمائلها عليه..
لكن شاء الله وتوفيت رحمها الله
فحزن قلبه وبكى عليها كثيراً
ونذر لله تعالىٰ أن يدفع ربع راتبه للفقراء
ناوياً الأجر لأمه
ويحلف بأنه من ثلاثين سنه
من وفاة أمه لم تفته سجدة إلا وقد دعا لهـا ويتصدق بالماء ويحفر الآبار لها
ووضع في عدد من المساجد برّادات للماء وقفا لها
وفي يوم خرج للصلاة فرأى مجموعة من الرجال
يضعون برّادة ماء في مسجد حيّهم .!
فضاق صدره وقال وضعت في الشرق والغرب
ونسيت ان أضع برّادة في مسجد حيّنا
وبينما هو يفكر وإذا بإمام المسجد يلحق بـه
يا أبا محمد جزاك الله خيراً على برّادة الماء
لا والله إنها ليست منّي
فقال الامام:
بلى إنها منك
اليوم أحضرها ابنك وقال انها منك
فإذا بابنه محمد يقبل ويقبّل يده ويقول:
يا أبي انها منّي ونويت أجرها لك
فتقبّلها سقاك الله من أجرها بسلسبيل الجنة
فسأله أبو محمد:
وكيف أحضرت ثمنها ياولدي
وأنت في الأول الثانوي ولاتعمل ؟!!
فقال له :
من خمس سنوات أجمع مصروفي
وعيدياتي وجميع ما أملك من نقود لأبرّ بك
كما بررت بجدتي رحمها الله وأضع لك وقفا
سبحان الله
صدق من قال قديما: (البِّرُ دَيْن)
وسيعود لك في أولادك ..
والعقوق كذلك سيرجع لك يوما ..
أتمنى أن يقرأها الجميع ويستفيد لأن الدنيا
كما تدين تدان حتّى
و ان طال الزمان
اللهم ارزقنا برّ والدينا
في حياتهم وفي قبورهم
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
*Every Parent must make Dua to Allah SW everyday for their children*
Ya Allah Please forgive us all our sins,
*Oh Allah, I submit myself to you. I realise that parenting a child is a very difficult task and I turn to You in humility for Your help. I implore you for Your wisdom and guidance*
*Oh Allah, I know that our children are an amanaat from You, to care for and raise. Help me do that in the best way. Allow me to be a God fearing role model with all the communication, teaching and nurturing skills that I may need*
*Oh Allah, you know what our children need. Help and guide us in praying for our children*
*Oh Allah, put a hedge of safety around our children. Protect their bodies, minds and emotions from any kind of evil and harm*
*Oh Allah, I pray that You protect them from accidents, diseases, injuries and any other physical, mental or emotional afflictions and abuse*
*Oh Allah, I pray that you keep our children free from any addictions and vices. Draw them close to You for protection from every ill and evil influence of our society, whether it’s apparent to us or not*
*Oh Allah, grant our children hidayaah and a heart that loves to obey You. Shine Your light on any secret or unseen rebellion in their hearts and destroy it before it takes root*
*Oh Allah, guide them away from any pride, selfishness, jealousy, hypocrisy, malice and greed and make them uncomfortable with sins. Penetrate their hearts with Your love today and always*
*Oh Allah make apparent to them the truth in any situation and let them not be misled by falsehood*
*Oh Allah, grant our children the ability to make clear decisions and let them always be attracted to good things that are pure, noble, true and just*
*Oh Allah, guide them in making choices that please You*
*Oh Allah, help them to taste the sweetness of walking with a humble spirit in obedience and submission to You*
*Oh Allah grant them the wisdom to choose their words carefully and bless them with a generous and caring spirit*
*Oh Allah, I pray that they never stray from the path of deen and that You give them a future filled with Your best promises*.
*Oh Allah, always keep our children cleansed and pure from evil and shaytaan.*
*Oh Allah, keep them steadfast in establishing Salaah and help them revere the Glorious Quran as Your Word and Law and to read it with understanding daily. Let it be their source of light and guidance*.
*Oh Allah, let our children love wearing the dress of a humble Muslim. Let their dress be a representation of their Imaan and of their love and respect for Your commands. Lead them to a position where they rely truly on Your power alone and fear You in the open and in secret*
*Oh Allah, make them so strong in their deen that they never encounter doubt.*
*Oh Allah, do not allow any negative attitudes in the place of our children’s lives*
*Oh Allah, guide our children in honouring and obeying You, Your Rasool SAW and us as parents. Make them the coolness of our eyes*
*Oh Allah, fill our children with compassion and caring that will overflow to each member of our family*
*Oh Allah, grant them piety. Help them love, value and appreciate and respect one another with good communication between them always*
*Oh Allah, drive out any division between our children and bring them healing. I pray there be no strain, breach, misunderstanding, arguing, fighting or severing of ties*
*Oh Allah, I pray for a close, loving, happy and fulfilling relationship with them for all the days of our lives* -
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
O Allah, make him in Your guarantee, safety and benevolence, Oh God, grant him a stable life, and provide him with a home, and righteous deeds, O Allah, grant him Paradise and what brings him closer to it in word and deed, and separate between him and the Fire and what brings him closer to it in terms of word and deed, O Allah, make him among those who remember You, thank You, obedient ones Yours. Oh God, and make him provision the widest when they are old and their life is cut off. ​Oh Allah, make easy for my brother the hearts of your righteous creation as you made the sea easy for our master Musa, peace be upon him. Soften their hearts to him as you wrought iron for David, peace be upon him, for they do not speak without your permission, their forelocks are in your grip, and their hearts are in your hands, you can dispose of them as you wish, O turner of hearts, make my brother’s heart firm on your religion.Oh Allah, do not want us disappointed, and give us the best of what is given to your righteous servants, ​Oh Allah, do not turn us away from the sea of ​​your generosity as losers, nor lost, nor misguided, and forgive us until the Day of Judgment, with your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
O Allah, bless us with contentment, and make beloved to us prayer in congregation, and help us to remember death, Our Lord, in every moment (of our lives).O Allah… Resurrect us, Our Lord, with the Prophet ﷺ, the Chosen (al-Mustafa), the one to whom you have granted the right of intercession.
O Allah, we seek refuge in You from knowledge that does not benefit; and from a heart that is not humbled in devotion to You; and from an eye that does not weep (out of love and awe of You); from an eye that does not weep; from an eye that does not weep; and from an ego that is never satisfied; and from a supplication that is not heard.
O Allah, we seek refuge in You from knowledge that does not benefit; and from a heart that is not humbled in devotion to You; and from an eye that does not weep (out of love and awe of You); and from an ego that is never satisfied; and from a supplication that is not heard.
O Allah, we seek refuge in You from knowledge that does not benefit; and from action that is not elevated (to the heavens and accepted); and from an eye that does not weep (out of love and awe of You); and from an ego that is never satisfied; and from a supplication that is not heard.O Allah, we ask you for knowledge that benefits; and for a heart that is humbled in devotion to You; and for a tongue busy with remembering You and expressing gratitude to You; and for actions that are righteous and accepted by You; and for a certainty (in You) that is genuine and true.O Allah, we seek refuge in You from death and its agonies; and the grave and its distress; and the Sirat and its perils; and the Day of Rising and its terrors. [Repeated three times]
O Allah, make us fearful and conscious of You as if we see You; and grant us happiness through reverence of You (taqwa); and grant us the pleasure of seeing You (in Paradise); and gather us in the company of Your Prophet and Chosen One ﷺ (al-Mustafa).
O Allah, grant victory to Islam and honor the Muslims. O Allah raise high, with Your Grace, the two words of truth and religion. O Allah, destroy the disbelievers who show hostile enmity to You and Your religion.O Allah, bring the Muslims back to Your religion in a beautiful return (in repentance).
O Allah, grant success and victory to those striving in Your cause, wherever they may be. [Repeated three times]O Allah, grant us success and victory over (the weaknesses of) of our own selves.
O Allah, respond to our du`a’, and heal our sick, and have mercy on our dead, and defeat our enemies. Do not disappoint us in our hope (in You); and let the last of our deeds be the best of them.O Allah, fulfill from our hopes whichever please You; grant authority over our affairs to those who are the best of us, and not to those who are the worst of us.
O Allah, lift Your displeasure and anger from us. O Allah, lift Your displeasure and anger from us. O Allah, lift Your displeasure and anger from us, and do not call us to account for what we have done; and do not hold us accountable for what the foolish among us do; and do not place upon us, due to our sins, an authority who does not fear or revere You and who will not have mercy on us.O Allah, purify our hearts; divest us of our faults; relieve our worries and troubles; protect us in the best way; and gather for us the best of the hereafter and the best of this life.O Allah, rectify our condition.
O Allah, join together and unite our hearts.O Allah, allow our end to be concluded with righteous deeds.O Allah, encompass us in the vastness of Your mercy.O Allah, avert the harms and evils that concern and trouble us.O Allah, allow us to pass away with sound faith, (faithful to) the Book and the Sunnah, and in a state in which You are pleased with us, O You Who is the Most Generous (al-Kareem).
O Allah, allow the Qur’an to be our close companion in this life; and in our graves a comforting friend; and a light on the Sirat; and an intercession at the time of resurrection; and our companion in Paradise; and make it a protection and barricade between us and the Hellfire; and a guide and leader to all good works, by Your Grace, O Most Generous of those who show generosity.O Allah, distance us from our mistakes as You have distanced the East from the West.
O Allah, purge our sins from us the way a white cloth is purified from filth; O Allah cleanse us from our sins with the (purity of) water, snow, and hail.O Allah, You are the Forgiving (al-`Affuw), and You love to forgive, so please forgive us. O Allah, You are the Forgiving (al-`Affuw), and You love to forgive, so please forgive us. O Allah, You are the Forgiving (al-`Affuw), the Generous (al-Kareem), the Forbearing (al-Haleem), the Great (al-`Adheem), and You love to forgive, so please forgive us.O Allah, grant us well being and safety; pardon us; accept our deeds; accept us; accept our repentance, and excuse us, by Your loving Grace,
O Most Merciful of those who show mercy.Our Lord, accept from us (our deeds), You are the All-Hearing (as-Sami`), the All-Knowing (al-`Aleem). Accept our repentance, Our Lord, You are the Oft-relenting (at-Tawwab), The Merciful (ar-Raheem). Forgive us and have mercy upon us, Our Lord, You are the Forgiving (al-Ghafur), the Merciful (ar-Raheem). Save us from sorrow and worry and the greatest distress (of punishment in the Hereafter). Save us from sorrow and worry and the greatest distress (of punishment in the Hereafter).O Allah, bestow on us the gift of seeing Your Noble Countenance.
O Allah, make us from among those who have running beneath them the rivers of Paradise… “Their prayer therein will be, “Glory be to You, O Allah”; and their greeting (to one another) therein is, “Peace.” And the conclusion of their prayer will be, “Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.” (Qur’an, 10:10)“Our Lord, condemn us not if we forget or fall into error. Our Lord, lay not on us a burden like that which you laid on those before us. Our Lord, lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us, and grant us forgiveness, and have mercy on us. You are our Protector. Help us against those who stand against faith.” (Qur’an, 2:286)“Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You; for You art the Grantor of bounties without measure.
Our Lord, surely it is You Who will gather mankind together on the Day about which there is no doubt, for verily, Allah never fails in His promise.” (Qur’an, 3:8-9)“Our Lord, forgive us our sins and anything we may have done that transgressed our duty. Establish our feet firmly, and help us against those that resist Faith.” (Qur’an, 3:147)“Our Lord, indeed whoever You admit to the Fire – You have disgraced him, and for the unjust wrongdoers there are no helpers. Our Lord, indeed we have heard a caller calling to faith, [saying], ‘Believe in your Lord,’ and we have believed. Our Lord, so forgive us our sins and remove from us our misdeeds and cause us to die with the righteous.
Our Lord, and grant us what You promised us through Your messengers and do not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, You do not fail in [Your] promise.” (Qur’an, 3:192-194)“In Allah do we put out trust. Our Lord, make us not a trial for those who practice oppression; and save us, by Your mercy, from those who reject You.” (Qur’an, 10:8-9)“Our Lord, In You (Alone) we put our trust, and to You (Alone) we turn in repentance, and to You (Alone) is (our) final return. Our Lord, make us not a test and a trial for the disbelievers, but forgive us, our Lord, for You are the Exalted in might, the Wise.” (Qur’an, 60:4-5)“Our Lord, forgive us and our brethren who came before us into the faith, and leave not, in our hearts, ill feeling against those who have believed. Our Lord, You are indeed full of kindness, most merciful.” (Qur’an, 59:10)
O Allah, to You we lovingly submit; and in You we believe; and upon You do we rely. To You we turn (in repentance), and by You we argue (and advocate). Forgive us for what we have sent forth (in deeds) and for what we have held back; for what we have made known, and for what we have hidden; and for (our deeds) which You have more knowledge of than we ourselves.O Allah, be compassionate with us, for You are the One who shows us mercy. Do not punish us for our sins, for You are the Powerful over us. Be gracious and kind to us, Our Lord, for what has come to pass in our time and place; and (we ask You, O Allah) to conclude our lives for us with a beautiful and joyful ending. “Exalted is Your Lord, the Lord of Might and Honor, above what they describe; and peace be on the messengers (of God); and all praise is due to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the worlds.” (Qur’an, 37:180-182)
Send peace and blessings, O Allah, on our master Muhammad, and upon his blessed family and noble companions. Ameen..
Ameen Ya Rabbil Alameen.
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alzaeemadel · 2 years ago
In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the In the Name of Allah, the Light. In the Name of Allah, the Light of the Light. In the Name of Allah; Light on Light. In the Name of Allah Who is the Manager of all affairs. In the Name of Allah Who has created the Light from the Light. All praise be to Allah Who has created the Light from the Light and has revealed the Light on the Mount, in a Scripture inscribed, on fine parchment unrolled, in measure that is pre-appointed, on a Reverent Prophet. All praise be to Allah Who is always mentioned with honor, known for pride, and thanked in joy and grief. May Allah bless Muhammad and his Household, the pure. O Allah, I call upon Allah, and I call upon You, Ar-Rahman (the Most Gracious), and I call upon You, Al-Barr Ar-Rahim (The Most Kind, the Most Merciful), and I call upon You by all Your beautiful Names, those that I know and those that I do not know, O Allah The listener of voice, The preceder of missed opportunities! The clother of bones with flesh after death! We ask You invoking Your beautiful names and high attributes answer my prayers that I pray for my brother.. O Allah, set right for him his religion which is the safeguard of his affairs. And set right for him the affairs of his world wherein is his living. And set right for him his Hereafter on which depends his after-life. And make the life for him (a source) of abundance for every good and make his death a source of comfort for him protecting him against every evil.
O Allah, Replace his Sadness With Happiness. O Allah, Replace his Depression With Hope. O Allah, Replace his Anxiety With Reassurance. O Allah, Replace his Dependence on This Dunya With Tawakkul. Ya Allah, Replace Darkness of his Life With Your Light..O Allah purify and beautify for him his heart, his adab, his akhlaq, his nafs, his rooh, his intentions, his thoughts, his mind, his sight, his hearing, and his speech and fill them with noor. Oh Allah surround him with noor - to the right of him noor, to the left of him noor, above him noor, below him noor, in front of him noor and behind him noor. Oh Allah make him among your righteous slaves, humble slaves, soft-hearted slaves, kind slaves, grateful slaves, oft-repentant slaves and allow him to embody all of the good characterics that please you and allow to do the good deeds that please you. Oh Allah I seek refuge in you from shirk, riyaa, pridefulness, arrogance, ungratefulness and a hard heart. I seek form my brother refuge in you, Oh Allah, from all of the characteristics and deeds that displease you ,Ya Allah protect my brother and light his heart, and have mercy upon him ,Help him to purify himselve, and amend what is displeasing to you within them. Allow him to embody his traits that please you and help to stay away from the which displeases you. Oh Allah I ask you to grant my brother firduas without account, to give his a good death, a death while in the state of worship and submission to you. Ya Rabb, protect him from the torment of the grave and grant him in his graves noor, comfort, and spaciousness, and allow him to pass the Siraat, over hellfire within a blink of an eye. Allow he to be raised among the righteous under your shade, allow he to live on the straight path and die on the straight path..
O Allah, Be merciful on him by making him obedient to thee and not to be disobedient till his life time. Be merciful on he by not commanding him what is beyond his capacity. Grant his such virtuous conduct which makes Thee Pleased with him. Make his heart to preserve thy book (Quran) as thou has taught him. Grant him so that he recite it in the manner which makes Thee pleased with him. O Allah, Brighten his eyes: and expend for his breast with it; and open his mind with it and free with his tongue: and devote his body to it; and strengthen him over it and help him over it because certainly there is no helper in this matter save thee. O Allah, safeguard him with Islam whilst he is standing. Safeguard him with Islam whilst he is sitting. Safeguard me with Islam whilst he is sleeping, and do not let an enemy or envier gloat over his misery. O Allah, I beg You for all good, the treasures of which are in Your Hand. I seek Your protection from all evil, the treasures of which are in Your Hand.. O Allah, Make he grateful to You, mindful of You,and make he full of fear toward You, devoted to obedience of You, humble before You, earnest in supplication, My Lord, accept his repentance, wash away his sins, answer my supplication for him, establish his veracity, guide his heart, make his tongue truthful, and remove all ill-feeling from his heart. guide him and make the following of Your Commands easy for him.
O Allah, Inspire him with good conduct and save him from the evil of his selfishness. O Allah, I ask You to make his thankful for Your favour, to be good service to You, and to grant his a sound heart and a truthful tongue, O Allah, I ask You to guide him to the doing of good deeds and abstaining from bad deeds, and love those who are humble, and to forgive him and show mercy to him. And if You wish a trail for Your servants, take him to You before falling into it..O Allah, take his soul at a time that you are happy with him, in a state of ibadah or in a state of helping someone, while he are striving. O Allah, make the coming of death easy for him, allow his grave to be spacious, and allow the coming of Munkar and Nakir easy for him. Allow him to have the answers to their questions and allow them to accept his responses. Lighten the questioning for him. Let his last words in this word be the shahadah. ( I bear witness that there is no god but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger).. May Lord O Guide of the waylaid, O Rescuer of those who appeal, O Helper of those who call, O Aider of those who call, O Shelter of the fearful, O Succourer of the faithful, O Merciful to the indigent, O Refuge for the disobedient, O Forgiver of the sinner, O Responder to the supplicant. Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, Protect us from the Fire, O Lord. O Master of liberality and beneficence, O Most gracious and obliging, O Master of peace and security, O Most holy and above all defects, O Master of wisdom and manifestation, O Master of mercy and satisfaction, O Master of argument and proof, O Master of gradeur and sovereignty, O Master of kindness and succour, O Master of pardon and forgiveness. Praise be to Thee, there is no god but Thee, The Granter of all Succour, protect us from the Fire, O Lord. O Allah I beg of you and I beg you to answer my prayers, O Most Merciful of the Most Merciful..
O Allah, grant me on this day an invitation that is not rejected, and open for my brother a door in Paradise that is not blocked, and gather him in the group of our master Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Oh God, endear the best of Your creation to my brother, and from the Basin of Your Prophet I will water him with a blissful drink, after which he will never radiate, and in Your Paradise he will shelter him, and by your mercy I contain him, and his wish I give him, and by your grace I enrich him, and for your obedience I guide him, and from the torment of the fire, protect him. Oh God, you have given me the best brother in this world, so do not deprive me of knowing him in the hereafter and in heaven. And make heaven his home and his decision, and cure him of every disease, Lord, and gather me with him in the gardens of bliss. O Allah, do not deprive my brother of your goodness by lacking his thanks to You, and do not desert him with his lack of patience, and do not punish him for his lack of seeking forgiveness. You are the Most Generous, whose mercy encompasses all things. ..O Allah By the most particular attributes. By thy powerful glory. By thy Great names, by infallibility of thy prophets, by the light of thy friends, by the blood of thy Martyrs, by the ink of Thy learned personalities, by the supplications of Thy pious persons. And by the invocation of Thy need persons, I ask you for my brother the increase health of the body, increase in the life tenure, for Thy obedience, abundance in the sustenance, repentance before death, ease at the time of death, forgiveness after death, the light in the grave, redemption from the hell fire, admission in the paradise and rescue from all calamities of the world and punishment of the next world. O Allah, but he can not be faithful to his repentance without Your preservation, O Allah forgive him all his sins, his lapses, past and recent, his sins, great and small, O Allah, make him repent to You form all sins and all mistake. O Allah forgive him those sins which hold back supplication.
O Allah forgive him those sins which cut down hope. O Allah forgive him those sins which draw down tribulation. O Allah forgive him every sin I have committed and every mistake he had made. O Allah, Forgive him all his sins, great and small, the first and the last, those that are apparent and those that are hidden, O Allah, make firm him intention to obey You, strengthen his insight in worshiping You, O Allah, make him firm in Thy religion, as long as Thou keepest him alive, make not his heart swerve, after Thou hast guided him, and give him mercy from Thee, surely Thou art the Giver. O Allah, direct him to the right path and make him adhere to the straight path
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