alxdaddarios · 4 years
iMessage: George
George: I just might have to.
George: I can definitely do that. I know the lingo.
George: I mean you made it out alive, so I suppose it wasn't too bad, huh?
Alex: I'd like to see you try
Alex: Is that so?? You know about silhouettes and inseam and all that good fashiony stuff?
Alex: It was perfect, my health was not at risk at all
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
At least they’re breaking some kind of rule, I was surprised they were all sober. Oh, really? Well, I guess I could roll with that.
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Hey you never know, they could have just been pretending. You should, it’s a compliment you wholly deserve.
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
iMessage: George
George: Stop!!
George: Yeah? Seriously? I'd be a complete fool to say no to an offer like that!
George: I'm pretty good at acting and running, and that's about it.
George: That's not totally true, I've gotten really good at cooking, the past few months.
Alex: Make me
Alex: As long as you are an appropriate fashion show critique and comment exclusively on my looks only
Alex: I think you're a good cook!! I've enjoyed the meals we've had
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
iMessage: George
George: Yeah? Excuse my blushing on cue whenever you say such lovely things, then.
George: Eww, don't like that description. I thought it was great. I could watch you talk about random stuff whilst trying on outfits all day, I think. Especially if they have the Angelina Jolie leg slit.
George: I'm only good at a handful of things.
Alex: It will make you look even cuter
Alex: well that's what I think the color will look like. Well I'd be happy to try them on for you in person
Alex: I'm sure there's plenty that you're good at
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
I was on a video call with some college kids, all well-rounded individuals in their right mind and ready to start off the fall semester. A complete juxtaposition to the guy they were talking to, right? They say opposites attract, so it hurt when they only showed true excitement and a sparkle in their eyes when they saw my dog. I’m thirty-eight next week, okay? Two years until the end of my life, so I’m looking for advice on how to trick people into thinking I’m cool again before it’s too late.
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I heard about that! I saw some videos on tik tok that kids said they definitely weren’t supposed to take. But it looked like fun! I personally think you’re very well rounded, between writing and voice acting and the like. I think you’re secretly cool and just fooling the rest of us into thinking you’re not.
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
iMessage: George
George: Then I suppose you ought to.
George: What colour do you imagine flattered to be? On me, it's usually a reddish hue. But thank you, noted. I'll wear more green around you in future.
George: Yeah? Why not! I don't show off enough.
Alex: Well since you gave me permission I'm going to all the time
Alex: definitely sickly and yellow where it hurts to look at. You should. What did you think of the dress try on video I posted the other day??
Alex: I think you should, I bet you're really good at it
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
iMessage: George
George: Well, if you'd like to..
George: Colour me flattered.
George: Oooh, which one? The St Crispin's Day one or once more unto the breach? Or both? I can do both.
Alex: I really would like to
Alex: flattered is a garbage color, you look much more lovely in green
Alex: Definitely both. Show off a little bit
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
iMessage: George
George: Gasp, very. (Having that text framed, thanks.)
George: I mean... I've never read it, but I seem to remember there being mentions of one's "inner goddess" a lot, and I'm not sure I can channel that narrative as well as would be necessary.
George: Shakespeare, I think I'd be better at. I at least understand what I'm talking about a little more. Any particular favourites? Like a certain sonnet?
Alex: I mean I can tell you rather than have you frame a text message?
Alex: I think you'd pull it off rather well, actually
Alex: but if you'd rather do Shakespeare, the speech from Henry V
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
iMessage: George
George: Maybe? (Yes, you're cute.)
George: Really? Well, then, just let me know what I should say - any quotes or anything for me to read, and I'll see what I can do.
Alex: Gasp. Scandalous. (but you're cute too)
Alex: Read me 50 shades of gray
Alex: but actually don't. I would settle for Shakespeare
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
iMessage: George
George: He's your dog, right? He's very cute. I've seen pictures. Like mother like son.
George: I suppose it's time to leave you voice notes of me just reading random things to you, then.
Alex: Does that mean you're calling me cute?? gasp
Alex: I would be totally and completely fine with that
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
iMessage: George
George: Alright, I admit defeat. I'm waving my white flag.
George: Yeah? Anything? What about, like, typical British curse words?
Alex: I am finally victorious. Wait until Levon hears about this
Alex: Anything you want to say I will listen to. Curse words or a dictionary or anything
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
You know what really annoys me? Filters for cameras, yes like Snapchat filters. It’s just simply unnatural in most cases, and it puts the wrong message out there for young people. Cause it makes you feel like you have to look a certain way to be cool or accepted. So I’m not gonna use them anymore. Period. How about you? What annoys you the most recently? @hollywoodland-hqs​
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I tend not to use beauty filters for that specific reason. I like the ones that make me look ridiculous or like, the dog one. Personally right now I’m offended by crowds of people, but I can’t tell if I’ve always been that way or if it’s just recent.
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
iMessage: George
George: Maybe more a yes than a no.
George: I feel like I could say anything in my natural accent and you wouldn't mind.
Alex: just admit that I'd beat you and we'll call it a day
Alex: You could say anything in general and I wouldn't mind
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
It was kinda like watching baby you. I’ve been considering you my best friend for over a year now, I’m gonna talk about it out loud and proud, Alex. You should be pleased to hear that I’m always in London. Hard to get me away from this place.
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Well it was ten years ago, so it really was baby me. I was barely twenty five. You make me weepy sometimes. Seriously. Oh good! I’m here visiting a friend and I need you to see my weepy face in person.
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
Oh, man. This is going to be so much fun, I’m far more excited than I probably should be. No clue, no one would ever do that. Right?
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Hey, you’re allowed to be excited! It just means it’s something to look forward to. Certainly not us, that’s for sure.
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
You’re so nice to me, Alex. What did I ever do to deserve such a great friend like you, huh? I’ll go watch that one next, though. I should go rewatch Baywatch, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve seen it! I enjoyed both films you did with the guy, though San Andreas was the favorite out of the two.
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Nothing except be yourself. I mean re-watch it if only to see Dwayne absolutely kill it. When he’s in a movie, even if it’s a bad one, you know that he’s going to bring his all to it. I enjoyed San Andreas as well, mostly because people didn’t ask me about being a Baywatch Babe or about Zac’s abs every time I sat down for an interview.
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alxdaddarios · 4 years
iMessage: George
George: ...Maybe.
George: Uhh as if that even has to be asked!
Alex: Yes
Alex: I expect to have a full blown quote-off when we get there
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