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Bi • Multishipper • current fandom is naruto but I’ve dipped my hands in most popular medias! • occasionally 18+ content
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
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early twenties obkk meet cute
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comms are open ^_^
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
My favorite obkk take, or not even obkk specifically really but in general Kakashi and Obito take, is that no matter how much Obito hates Kakashi or crazy he gets, he will NEVER regret or allow anyone to undermine his choice to give him his eye. That was HIS choice to make, HIS eye to give, and fuck Kakashi but he will keep Obitos gift to him— a literal part of himself, half of his own soul if you believe Uchiha myths on their souls being stored in their eyes —in him.
Fic where Kakashi for some reason loses Obito's eye (bloodline hunters / enemy nin / orochimaru(??)) And Obito descends upon the thief with an ungodly sort of fury then replants the eye into a still delusional w pain Kakashi's skull.
Maybe throw in some tight grip on his face, hissed threats of "don't you fucking dare lose this again you worthless dog"'s and threatening light presses of his thumb against his eyelid as Kalashi lays there and looks like he's having some sort of religious experience while still partially out of his mind from the drugs they gave him for the surgery
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
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this is them to me
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
Fallout AU BY @ferymary !!
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I just wanted to draw something quickly before studying. literally an hour-long sketch
drawing Obito until my hand falls off, day 16 (I'll post it in advance to get some rest today!)
Feel free to join my telegram channel! BOOP
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
Akatsuki Sukea doodles for funsies +Tobi
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
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post war obito pookie 💖🤲 damn its been a while w kakaobi over here. but i still love them sm, no worries.
my comms are open, u can check my info in my pinned post!!
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
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hokage obito u will always be precious to me
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
Sketches i made on tt feat. Team minato shi
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
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just a little doodle
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
Really stupid au where when they were younger, Kakashi and Obito shared an accidental kiss a lot like Sasuke and Naruto. (Kakashi commits to his mask shortly after but will never not insist it's unrelated)
Years later and Kakashi, trying to cheer up Naruto and Sasuke ab their own embaressing accidental first kiss, shares his own story
Then, years later when Obito reveals himself on the battlefield, instead of going "woah, another Uchiha!?" when he hears his name, Naruto can't help but point and shout OH MY GOD UR THE GUY WHO KISSED SENSEI!!!!!!!!
Instant dead silence. (Obito wants to die)
Sakura, who never heard the story ab how it was a one time accidental kiss: "omg... sensei's childhood boyfriend went evil on him... this is so fucked up"
Obito is VIOLENTLY thrown off by this turn of events (and also hasn't actually thought ab it in years oh my god that did happen didn't it)
Kakashi, seeing how badly it threw him off, and also the kind of person who plays hard into throwing people off and generally fucking w them to gain an edge, seeing Sakura mumbling ab lovers to enemies and just kinda goes "Yeah Obito I can't believe you'd do this to me I thought we had smthn special."
"Yeah a rivalry????"
"So I was only ever a way for u to get stronger,, figures u were using me,,,"
[Confused Obito car crash noises]
Sakura yells smthn ab him being a deadbeat and how Kakashi can do so much better and Naruto is instantly shouting in agreement as Sasuke stands there like "hn." Which is basically the same thing for him
Kakashi just starts straight up lying actually
"What about all those picnics we went on... watching the sun set over konoha..."
"Are you talking about when Minato said we weren't allowed to come back inside till we stopped arguing and ate on opposite ends of the roof bc we couldn't even look at eachother without yelling???"
"It was so romantic."
Obito, starting to actually doubt himself, "was that a date????"
(It was not.)
"You died in my arms..."
"I died under a rock"
"We literally got eye married" (not a thing, he just made this up 3 seconds ago)
"We got WHAT" (no one can prove him wrong tho bc no surviving Uchiha knows that much ab their clans marriage traditions)
"Oh my god sensei's husband is a deadbeat" - sakura, horrified (and maybe a little delighted)
"Figures." -Sasuke, who's been in proximity w Obito for some time now and absoloutley believes every word ab this topic Kakashi is saying
"Woah. This is almost as bad as the fact he murdered my parents when I was a baby dattebayo" - Naruto who's priorities are NOT what they should be
"Ok. I wouldn't go that far." - Sasuke, who's priorities are also fucked but not THAT fucked, oh my god Naruto
"No, no he's right. We should kill him even harder for this" - Sakura, who doesn't actually agree but wants an excuse for more juicy sensei love drama (and also wants to see Obito beaten to death anyways)
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
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dumbass sh it i made
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alwoobles · 8 hours ago
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alwoobles · 1 day ago
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My drafts tab is packed with these now
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alwoobles · 1 day ago
actually that herding dog x lamb x wolf post is so funny to me bc
1. that's bingliushen
2. that's songxuexiao
3. that's what jgy and nmj both THINK 3zun is but neither of them are correct. lxc is in the corner going lalalala as usual
jgy: i am a little lamb and da-ge is a wolf that's why i need so many murder schemes to protect me. er-ge is trying to herd us but he gets a little confused bless his heart
nmj: jgy is a dangerous sneaky wolf and im a big sheepdog BARKBARKBARKBARK xichen don't listen to him
lxc: my boyfriends get along so great as long as we all sit so still and don't make any sudden movements ☺️
like mxtx why does this keep happening and why is 3zun the funniest possible iteration
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alwoobles · 1 day ago
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+ chibi bonus from me, because LQG's life with two husbands is a funny thing
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alwoobles · 1 day ago
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bingliushen crate trapping send post
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alwoobles · 1 day ago
Bingliushen scenario. Was thinking about how funny it would be if one of the few times SQQ flagrantly utilized his sway over Luo Binghe, was in defense of Liu Qingge.
Like if some soap opera-esque series of contrived situations from the backstory arose and some god or something descended from the heavens like "actually I have a Plot Contrivance that says I can take Liu Qingge" (readers choice if that's in the sexual sense, the murderous sense, or the indentured servitude sense), and Shen Qingqiu upon hearing the matter through just snaps his fan shut and is like.
I see.
Unmake this fucker.
The emotional clusterfuck that would ensue. Luo Binghe does it immediately of course, like he's so incredibly into this but also it's only happening because of how much his shizun cares about Liu Qingge, which is infuriating but also he's kind of into it? But on a level he's struggling to define even to himself. Honestly it would be a lot simpler if he was just experiencing normal jealousy, but 0.2 seconds before Shizun told him to nuke that dude the idea had actually already occurred to him.
Then there's Liu Qingge's end of it. Furious. He's not a damsel in distress! Although actually despite his reputation as a war god, he probably wouldn't have been able to handle this alone. Which just grates even more. Except that it as Shen Qingqiu who so instantly and ruthlessly defended him. But he did so through Luo Binghe, who is currently dismantling the problem with the kind of sheer power and ruthless efficiency he rarely gets to show off, and Liu Qingge, despite everything, is not unaffected by the display. In fact he's so not unaffected by it that several things he's been trying to repress for a while now are becoming impossible to ignore.
In fact the only person who is being normal about this is Shen Qingqiu, who is just pissed. The non-pissed part of his brain is too busy thinking about the logistics of a war with the heavens to focus elsewhere. Yet.
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