Dont Forget To Come Back
919 posts
"When you're always told you're half of a person, always remember to think no. We are two wholes, each unique, and each special. Remember that, we may need one anther, but we can also be our own persons too." -some guy in Australia
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
Text | mason
Rachel: I think the world wanted you here first
Rachel: its not your fault your sister likes to snoop around your stuff
Rachel: she kind of is, but it's no one's fault. How she chooses to behave isn't your responsibility and personally, I don't blame her. I know she's like this because she's looking out for you so its really no one's fault
Rachel: yeeah, me too. The oddest part is that some people seem to think we're having a full on affair when we just talk. No you didn't, I was wrong to do that.
Mason: Oh yeah and why do you think that?
Mason: I give her a reason to want to snoop around my stuff
Mason: I am to blame if she is only that way to look out for me.
Mason: They act like a guy and girl can't be just friends. It's quite ridiculous. I spoke my mind and that's what started it but it doesn't matter it's in the past.
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
Text | mason
Rachel: oooh you're the older twin??
Rachel: i know she does. But still, it's not cool to go through your stuff
Rachel: yeah, but contrary to popular belief, I'm a big girl, I can handle it
Rachel: I guess that's as good a reason as any, yeah. Sorry about those slaps, by the way. I was a major douche for those.
Mason: Yeah she claims she kicked me out
Mason: It's fine. Probably my fault anyway.
Mason: I know that but she's a major bitch to you. I feel like it's my fault.
Mason: That's the only thing I can think of. Don't worry about them I deserved them.
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
Text | mason
Rachel: no one should be used to that, that's awful.
Rachel: meh, not the first time she's pulled something like that. I can handle it, don't worry
Rachel: hahaha i have no idea. I'm glad you do, and I guess so. At different points but we have.
Mason: Well she's my little sister plus it's worse because we're twins..she wants what is best for me.
Mason: Yeah I know but It's okay.
Mason: She's harsh on me so I know she's got to be super harsh towards you.
Mason: Maybe because of the way we are with each other? Yeah. Well..
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
Text | mason
Rachel: damn who even does that?
Rachel: she told me the same thing. She decorated the statement with lots of colorful names and insults but she told me the same.
Rachel: apparently a lot of people think we're more than just friends. But you do know messing with your head has never been my intention, right? And I'm sorry if I've actually done it
Mason:I should be used to it by now.
Mason: I'M SORRY.
Mason: What ever gave them that idea? I know that and if we're being honest we've both played games.
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
Text | mason
Rachel: oooh. I'm sorry. And let me guess...
Rachel: *sends a meme of Josh from Drake & Josh saying 'Megan!'*
Mason: Yeah. She was looking n my phone while I was in the shower.
Mason: Thinks we are more than just friends and that you're just messing with my head.
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
Text | mason
Rachel: are you ready to officially graduate, graduate?
Mason: Ask me later. I've had some drama going on.
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
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"Do what you want,Meaghan. Then why are you in my room looking through my things?"
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
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"I never said you had it easy but in a way we both do. We've never really had to work for anything in our life. And why's that?"
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
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"So really you want a free pass because you were drunk and don't really remember that conversation? I have to listen to myself sometimes too you know?"
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
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"Jesus Christ Meaghan. Why do I have to listen to anyone? You act like I never have to try at anything and then blame it on me."
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
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"Whatever. Oh yeah and where do you think I get that from?"
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
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"Because everyone else doesn't want to see what I see. They only see the rumours that are spread. Which is why everyone always thinks we're something more."
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
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"I like to learn for myself. Haven't you figured that out yet? Besides if she had any sort of feelings for me she would have listened and not fucking slapped. I just want you to realize she's more than what you think hell she's more than what anyone thinks."
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
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"And how exactly am I a fucking idiot?"
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
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"No,I believe in a thing called benefit of the doubt. I've seen her at her worse and it's a beautiful thing."
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
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"It doesn't even matter if I do. Because I won't get a say in it at all."
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alwaysamason-blog · 9 years ago
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"I'm being ridiculous? I'm not wrapped around her finger and I'm not making the wrong choices."
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