"You don't progress by living in the past. In order to grow, you must move forward." [Tales of Symphonia OC blog]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
She caught that grin, and may have blushed lightly as the full implication of her words hit her. Giving him a light playful shove was all she had time for as they neared the path that would lead to her front door.
“The offer is always there.”
She sobered at his words, glancing about briefly.
“I don’t much like it myself, honestly, and I don’t like you going back out in it. Leaving can wait until morning.”
Cassie nodded her agreement to his offer. Not like she would turn it down at the best of times, but he made a good point about the soldiers. Something was definitely up. She didn’t relish the idea of heading home alone.
That said, she didn’t like the idea of him heading out on his own either.
“What about you? Do you want to stay over tonight? Not like I don’t have the space…”
To Alvin’s credit, all he did was loft an eyebrow and quirk a wicked grin. He quickly settled into a more serious expression.
“I won’t turn it down if you’re offering. Thanks. I don’t like the feel of the city tonight, and I didn’t live this long by not listening to that.”
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Cassie nodded her agreement to his offer. Not like she would turn it down at the best of times, but he made a good point about the soldiers. Something was definitely up. She didn’t relish the idea of heading home alone.
That said, she didn’t like the idea of him heading out on his own either.
“What about you? Do you want to stay over tonight? Not like I don’t have the space...”
“C’mon, let me walk you home. It’s late. I know you can take care of yourself, but I’d still feel better about it anyway. The whole city’s been crawling with Church soldiers today. I don’t know what they’re up to, but it’s not normal.”
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@broadswordandpistol OMG Yes! Totally a young Riza too!
@isaaccecilbryant I knew I remembered one, but I couldn’t remember what she was used for xD
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Was doing character designs for a modern AU project I was working on, and I think I accidentally made one of @isaaccecilbryant‘s characters (or was it one of the mun images? I don’t remember).

(also apparently Cassie was blond in high school. Who knew?)
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@isaaccecilbryant: ((I always wanna do a thing!! :D))
Then we should do a thing!
-poke poke-

((*grabs finger*))
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((*wiggles finger around*))
(You wanna do a thing?)
-poke poke-

((*grabs finger*))
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Cassie huffed out a breath that was half embarrassed and half exasperated.
“Trust me, if it was a proper kiss, there wouldn’t be a debate about it.”
“For the last time, it was not a kiss.” [Cassie]

“Oh? What’s the word you’d use for that, then? Peck? Smooch? Embrace?”
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Boss Battle
This is actually perfect for so many reasons.
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Get To Know Me
Rules: answer 20 questions then tag 20 (give or take) followers you wanna get to know better!
Tagged by Stolen from: @broadswordandpistol
Name: Ally
Nickname: Nope
Height: 5′ 5″?
Nationality: American
Favorite Fruit: Kiwi
Favorite Season: Early Fall.
Favorite Smell: Coffee, Fresh-baked Pastries (especially croissants).
Favorite Color(s): Sapphire/Emerald/Indigo
Favorite Animal: Tough to pick just one.
Tea, Coffee, Hot Cocoa: All of the above.
Average Hours of Sleep: Right now, around 5-7. I need to get better about being more consistently in the 7-9 category. My health depends on it, but where do the hours go..?
Dogs or Cats: Cats.
Dream Trip: Hard to choose just one. Maybe Venice.
When my blog was created: April 3, 2015. Just before my birthday!
# of Followers: 44
Random Fact: I have a big BB-8 plush “guarding” my bedroom door.
Favorite Food: Pretty much any dish that involves pasta, cheese, bread, or a combination of the three.
Favorite TV show: Star Wars Clone Wars/Rebels, Criminal Minds, GBBO
Favorite Movie: Star Wars
Favorite Vine: Not really my thing.
Sexuality: *shrugs* Probably Demi.
Gender: Female
Favorite Book Series: Maze Runner
Favorite Video Game(s): Grandia (1-3), Rogue Galaxy, Radiata Stories, SW KoTOR (1-2), Advent Rising, Jak & Daxter, and many, many more.
Favorite Subject: Etymology
Favorite Fandom(s): Tales of. It’s the only one I’ve really been involved in that has mostly stayed good. (Yes, there are bad apples, but they seem to be the minority, at least in my experience.)
Favorite Superhero: N/A
Guys or Girls: N/A
Celebrity crush: Uhhhh... Thomas Gibson.
Last time I cried: About a month and a half ago? Had a break down at work. (Not actually super related to work though.)
Hair Color: Brown.
Eye Color: Brown.
What Should I Be Doing: Probably getting ready for sleep.
Tagging- anyone who found this at the end of Munday (it’s not midnight yet - it still counts as Monday!)
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[ Stolen from @resonatingmuses ]
If I use her chosen name, this is what Cassie’s result is:
But if I use her birth name...
Either way, she is clearly adorable.
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We Need To Talk // SunsetWings
“Hey, you.”
Arms crossed. Back to the wall.
Cassie had been waiting under the arch for some time now. She’d seen Zelos go in about an hour earlier, and figured she’d wait for him. She hadn’t expected to be waiting quite so long.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
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“Well, why should something like a lost limb slow someone down,” Cassie joked, “Especially when it comes to something important?”
She sobered as she considered his words.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you anything more when I left.” I missed you more than you know. “I just couldn’t take the chance that they would come after you, too. Especially if I wasn’t there.” I couldn’t risk losing you.
She frowned as she thought about Tyler.
“Tyler hasn’t done anything of note in my absence. It’s almost as if...” As if he hadn’t tried to kill her. “As if he never found me at all.” Even now, she couldn’t bring herself to admit that she could’ve died in the mine.
“I’ve had someone keeping an eye on him, and it doesn’t seem that he’s concerned with my survival at the moment. I haven’t heard from Ian; perhaps he spread the word that I didn’t make it? I might need to send word and find out what’s happened in my absence.”
A small smile settled on her features as Alvin approached. Gods, she’d missed him. It’d been too long.
“As much as I can be, anyway,” ‘One piece’ was hard when a limb was missing, but with the work Ian had done, Cassie knew nothing looked amiss at first glance. It was, as most things in her life were, hidden beneath a surface that was meant to show strength.

“Glad to hear it. You nearly gave me a heart attack, y’know,” he teased gently. “I’ve been on edge ever since that letter disappeared. Had the locks changed and everything. Someone around here is pretty talented even minus a hand.”
He settled in next to her, the concern in his expression easing somewhat. “No sign of Tyler, then, I take it?”
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Using gifs, and without using titles, list your top ten favorite games of all time.
They don’t have to be in any particular order.
Tag however many people you like.
Repost! Do not reblog!
Not tagged, not tagging. Stolen from... I dunno, someone on my dash. Probably @broadswordandpistol
#meme stuff#Grandia 1#Grandia 2#Rogue Galaxy#Bayonetta#LoZ Windwaker#LoZ Ocarina of Time#Fallout#Stardew Valley#SW; Knights of The Old Republic#Elder Scrolls; Skyrim#[ honourable mention to Grandia 3 ]#[ which would be on the list if there were a gif for it ]
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Reblog if you want a terrible, 3 sentence fan fiction in your ask, based on your url
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just gonna stand there and watch me b u r n but, that’s all right, because I like the way it hurts just gonna stand there and hear me c r y but, that’s all right, because I love the way you lie ( I love the way you lie )
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A small smile settled on her features as Alvin approached. Gods, she’d missed him. It’d been too long.
“As much as I can be, anyway,” ‘One piece’ was hard when a limb was missing, but with the work Ian had done, Cassie knew nothing looked amiss at first glance. It was, as most things in her life were, hidden beneath a surface that was meant to show strength.
Cassie turned toward the door as she heard the lock, waited as the door slowly swung open. When no one was immediately forthcoming, she had to bite down on her anxious curiosity. Surely it was Alvin; aside from herself, who else had reason to be in his office but him?
For an instant, fear gripped her. What if someone from Archangel had followed her? What if it was Tyler out there?
Cassie took a deep breath and forced herself to calm. It was ridiculous to get I worked up over something that may not even be real. Archangel wasn’t standing outside the door. Alvin was.
She hoped.
She wasn’t one for playing the odds, but she’d take a chance now; “…Alvin..?”
Well, that was a relief. Alvin released his pistol back into its holster, and let himself into the doorway. The scene that met his eyes was one that was blessedly familiar.
“Hey, look what the cat dragged in,” he teased gently, tossing his coat on the rack near the door. “Still all in one piece?” Despite his smile, a small line formed between his eyebrows as he crossed over to meet her.
#broadswordandpistol#V; Back to Life#[ hey look who has an icon today! ]#[ I'm using internet at work so ]#[ also yes Cass has her prosthetic arm but its covered in a long sleeve and glove]
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be not ashamed of your scars, for they tell the stories of your survival.
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