escortingsecrets · 4 months
Starter for @xxofloveandlossxx
The usual night at the Honeybee Inn was filled with people. It was a constant stream of regulars, many familiar faces that only came every few months for certain people. Many bees were listed to be in their designated rooms or on the stage performing. But some of them, those who had less clientele or none for the night, were set to be out front, entertaining those who were waiting or finished.
Shivan was- thankfully- not busy that night. His regulars were done for the night, he was free to sit at the front of the inn or on the floor. He chose the front of the inn- the floor was packed with Andrea's performance and he still had a headache from the last performance he had been there for. The music could be hear faintly from the front, but it was better than hearing the song full blast in the room.
"Welcome to the Honeybee Inn." He cooed as a new person entered- they didn't look familiar with the inn, or anything going on. That wasn't totally uncommon. Not everyone who came in knew what to expect. The receptionist was still dealing with the last person to come in, scheduling a room for one of the other bees, and Shivan moved over, hips swaying with a practised ease to move the abdomen behind him. "Might I be so bold as to ask for your name, darling?"
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thesongbiird · 16 days
plotted starter with @autopsified
Hot, angry tears stung her eyes as she slammed her car door shut and approached the house. The emotions she was feeling were bubbling into a dangerous cocktail inside of her. Anger, betrayal, hurt. No one had ever hurt her like he had, and yet she couldn't just walk away. It would have been the smart thing to do, but when had Beth ever done the smart thing? She followed her heart, whatever the cost.
Letting her anger take over, she pounded on his front door, so hard she was sure it would bruise her hands. She pounded and pounded but heard nothing from the other side of the door.
"I know you're in there. Open the damn door and talk to me, you coward!"
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atimelesslullaby · 6 months
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Warmth was in the air.
It was a feeling she hadn't felt through natural cause in some time. The snow had melted, the grass was green. Trees were beginning to show leaves again, and flowers were beginning to bloom. The woman was in the fields today, sure, the environment could take care of the flowers out here. But wouldn't it be more fun to help things along a bit?
Zelda's watering can was the same shade of violet as her dress, regal. Where the water poured out, was in the shape of a heart.
It must have been strange, t see a princess out in the wilds like this with no guard. But with her incredible magical power, Zelda hardly needed any. There was a song in the air, her beautiful, operatic voice ringing through the fields as she watered a patch of flowers. Tulips, they were, having just opened this morning. Wasn't that exciting?
Upon hearing footsteps, her song comes to an end. Regaining proper posture, rather than bending down to water the flowers, Zelda turns to her guest.
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"Oh, good afternoon."
A bow of the head, as show of respect.
"I must confess, I have been keeping an eye on these tulips since they were only bulbs. Watching a seed grow into a beautiful flower feels like its own magic."
Holding her watering can in both hands in front of her, even Zelda's smile exhibited grace, as did the way her hair, and dress moved in the gentle wind.
"How could anyone stay inside on a day like this? The sky is so blue, and the clouds look like pillows."
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lostxtosunlight · 6 months
It was way past curfew, and Yuki knew he was in trouble.
He could already feel the sting of his foster father's hand across his face. Could hear the shrill yell of his foster mother telling him what an insufferable brat he was. It made Yuki walk slow, though his eyes were cast downward, and it was cold out. He hiked the bag higher on his shoulder and wouldn't admit that he was curling in on himself.
Yeah, they were horrible. But at least it was a roof over his head.
He'd accepted the fact that in sixteen years he'd stopped growing at a whopping five-foot-seven, that he was skinny and not at all threatening, despite his temper. But he knew that he was still no match for whatever was on the street...unless he absolutely had to be.
A strong gust of wind blew through the alley, pushing him into a man--a boy--that was tall and lanky, but just as skinny. Not bad looking, either. He had brown hair and brown eyes and Yuki hit a big brick wall when he extended out his power. When someone was dangerous, Yuki could usually feel it long before they ever opened their mouth. This guy was different--it just felt blank.
"Sorry," he said, but he didn't continue walking, curious despite himself. Strange...he smelled like earth and dirt and pennies.
Pennies...Yuki's gaze was drawn downward, and his eyes widened.
"You're bleeding!"
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magaprima · 9 months
Continued from here @vyrulent
Lilith's flash of a smile was tight as she looked at the hellspawn, barely containing what was an inevitable and undeniable displeasure. But she had hidden far worse and far more dangerous things from the Dark Lord himself; his offspring was little challenge in comparison.
"No," she said with a simple breathlessness. "I'm not."
She elaborated no further as she looked about the room, taking in not only Damien himself, but his environment, the...general aura of everything around him. Dropping herself into a nearby chair, she allowed her legs to drape over the arm, crossed at the ankle, as she looked at him with a lazy confidence.
"But my being here does involve him, yes," she agreed, deliberately revealing as little as possible. "And, more importantly, it involves you."
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therapardalis · 3 months
[Starter for @escortingsecrets ;) ]
Wall Market, Sector 6 ... late evening ...
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How the bloody hell did this become her job? Thera slowed to a stop at a traffic light, glancing at the GPS to check her directions. Given her own time to visit Wall Market she might have enjoyed the trip - who didn't like a bit of shopping and decent food, after all? But unfortunately tonight she was here with a task in mind.
She pulled the sleek, glossy-black car into a spot outside the Honeybee Inn and climbed out, taking a careful look around as she locked it up, old habits dying hard. The vehicle was Shinra-issue, but bore no marks to suggest so; for discretion, perhaps, or simply to lower the temptation for someone to trash the thing while she was inside.
Eyes followed her as she climbed the steps, a mix of locals not recognising her and Honeybee clients wondering if she was a new employee. That same question lit the gaze of the Bees gathered in the foyer, curiosity and suspicion, but they wouldn't need to worry for long.
"Hi," Thera fronted up to the reception desk with a wry sort of smile, "I'm here to collect Director Palmer? That is," Lips tugged a little more from the joke, "if he's able to walk again just yet?"
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shinrascomputer · 6 months
@emily-lotus sent / “The first thing you learn is that nothing is what it seems.”
{Sentence Starters} | Accepting
Lucas looked over, tilting his head a little. Emily... Perhaps it was because she worked so often with the SOLIDERs that he so admired that he didn't know what to say half the time, but he mulled over her words for a moment, pursing his lips.
"... Nothing is ever what you think it's going to be." He agreed, his words coming out slowly. "I... Know that was something I didn't learn right away, either. I had to learn that the hard way." About quite a few things, he noted silently, but he didn't say it out loud. "I wish someone would have told us all that when we were younger. But... Well, I know I wouldn't have listened to it." He admitted.
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spideystark · 24 days
❛ take me with you. ❜
((from K-Mart!))
“I don't - ” He didn't know if he could, honestly didn't know if he should. Traveling between universes was dangerous even when you prepared for it, which was evident by the fact that he was here when he had been trying to get to Peter 2's world. But she had helped him and now she was asking for his help, he couldn't just say no when someone asked him for help.
“I can't promise it'll be safe, it's not like I was trying to get here and I don't have a suit for you. I might be able to come up with one, but it'd take time and we would have to find the equipment for it.” That was the main issue, finding the materials. Maybe if they could get to Houston they could find what they needed at NASA's headquarters? He didn't know if Stark Industries even existed in this world.
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delxsive · 1 year
a knock reverberates through the pristine room, lined with bookshelves and dark wood furnishings. most have commented that they find the decor dark and discomfitting, though when it comes to aesthetics, it fits the doctor faultlessly. dark hues glance upward from the papers neatly scattered across a mahogany surface, the pen held between nimble digits discarded atop parchment. ❝ come in. ❞ she chimes, hands crossing atop the desk as her posture straightens. behind closed doors, exhaustion begins to settle into the scholar's limbs from accepting a multitude of responsibilities ( teaching happens to be just one, though when you are as sought out as ivory grimes seems to be in her field, being a people pleaser begins to take a toll. ) nevertheless, any fatigue is wiped away from porcelain features, and dark eyes narrow only slightly at the woman who emerges from behind the door.
a gentle sigh threatens to push past her lips, because ivory grimes already KNOWS why the rucker girl is here. she has made a habit already of challenging the assignment marks appointed to her ( many of which, in ivory's perspective, were lenient. ) one hand gestures to the seat in front of her, any loose papers quickly swept into a pile with a harsh tap atop the surface. ❝ have a seat, miss rucker. ❞ the scholar states dryly, though that eidetic memory prevails.
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it is always tricky for ivory grimes to prove her authority with mature students, especially given her age in comparison to the other educators ( though she often manages to do so under the guise of seeming threatening. ) the doctor licks her lips, full attention settling upon the rather irksome woman. the professor had, of course, noticed that icy glare upon handing back the most recent quiz ( the back of which had a rather lengthy essay question . . . though ivory had deemed it more than fair. ) ❝ and to what do i owe the pleasure ? ❞
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escortingsecrets · 1 month
@hoshinierabareshimono cont from here
He was good at spotting new people- and it was clear just who had stepped into the Honeybee judging by the soft whispers. There were very few benefits to being so entangled into the webs that were in Wall Market, and that meant he had first dibs on anyone that could being in the money- especially a SOLDIER coming in for the first time.
"Of course- I think many of us here would remember being around you." He hummed back, giving a wide, and very practiced smile. "My name is Shivan." The brunette introduced, putting a hand on his chest and leaning forward a little.
There was a slight benefit to not wearing the bee costume and being able to slide between the two, as he noticed a few other girls copy a similar movement, but pushing it a bit further to have the stinger pop out more. It might have been warmer in the suit pants, but it was still far more comfortable to wear. And, it helped to cover things.
"Did you come for the show? If I could be bold enough, I could escort you to a seat." Shivan offered, tilting his head a little. Part of him hoped that it was a yes- if anyone else came by, he could easily ignore them and not have to worry about word getting around. "Or did you come looking for anyone specific tonight?"
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dishonestlyhonest · 1 month
" your reputation precedes you . " // @poeticphoenix
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"It does?"
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That the question had unintentionally escaped the confines of his mind becomes obvious the moment that the mildly bewildered expression is quickly schooled away in favor of an air of self-assuredness.
"I mean that— of course it does. You are, after all, standing in the presence of the legendary Captain Jack Sparrow, mate."
Which he certainly doesn't add just to be certain that it is, indeed, his reputation that precedes him, rather than a case of mistaken identity.
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threebreaths · 1 month
When he was informed that an old friend had reappeared in LA, of course Isen had arranged a meeting. It was a useful position, to be on the good side of Katherine Pierce. Nearly fifteen years later, Isen intended to stay there.
That was, if Katherine still held him in her favor.
The restaurant had a steady flow of customers, not too busy, not too slow. It was unassuming, a rare gem with good food and a suitable atmosphere for negotiation. Isen had sent one of his men to give Katherine the invitation. The idea that she would refuse did not enter his mind. After all, their agreement hadn't been one-sided.
A small woman with brown hair sauntered into the restaurant. She hadn't aged a day since the last time Isen had seen her -- but he had a feeling that, though the exterior remained the same, this may not be the Katherine he knew before.
As she came toward him, Isen stood. To offer a hand to a vampire was unwise. So he settled for a slight inclination of his head, a polite, barely-there smile on his lips.
"It's nice to see you again, Katherine." He gestured to her seat before sitting down himself, a silent invitation. From his seat he studied her. The set to her shoulders was slightly different, though there was still a spark in her eyes. Her face had always been expressive. He had seen her poised, and he had witnessed her bloodlust. She'd stayed consistent, strong and intelligent. Such things had quickly earned Isen's respect.
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"I wasn't aware you were in the city." His voice remained cool and calm, but that didn't mean he was at ease. And evidently, he wasn't interested in beating around the bush. "Why come back?"
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lostxtosunlight · 3 months
It seemed that, since the plague ended, Yuki wasn't the only one who had turned to a life of crime. Kaz had made himself a prominent leader of a local gang, The Dregs, and spent much of his time at The Crow Club. Though that had been about as much information as Yuki could find out.
It was enough. The first few times he entered The Crow Club, Kaz had been nothing but irritated. Others had been incredulous at Yuki's gall, to enter the gambling house and immediately approach their gang's leader. Though the others eventually lost interest in Yuki, Kaz's irritation remained strong. But Yuki was nothing if not persistent.
Slowly, Yuki's constant presence created a new normal. And he felt that irritation ebb away, until it became something...not familiar, but neutral. Kaz's words now lacked the venom that could sometimes sting.
Even so, Yuki didn't think his three-day absence would be noticed. Not that he'd intended for it to happen at all.
On the first day, he'd stormed out of their apartment, making it to the street corner before Raito grabbed his shoulder and turned him back. Betrayal lanced through his body, a white-hot blade that brought tears to Yuki's eyes.
Tell me you didn't do this.
Raito's hands settled on his waist.
Come back inside, Yuki.
Yuki's stomach clenched so hard that he almost threw up, right then and there. Why? Raito had touched him, soothed him plenty of times. Only his touch now made Yuki's skin crawl, his words sounded like a lie. But most of all...
Most of all, Yuki couldn't deny the malicious intent he could feel radiating off Raito. The man who had saved him from death, nursed him back to health, who protected and loved him...wanted to hurt him.
Don't you realize? He's done it all along.
Yuki ran.
He had enough money for a cheap hotel, only for a day or two. And there he stayed. Barely sleeping, though he was exhausted. Barely eating, though he still threw up. But at this rate, it wouldn't end. No. He needed to hear Raito say it, and then...and then he'd do what he had to do.
On the third day, Yuki returned 'home.' And shortly after, with blackening bruises on his face, his arm, his stomach; with a split lip that flooded his mouth with the taste of pennies; with the sharp pain in his side each time he took in a breath, Yuki managed to escape.
He hid until the sun began to set, until his pounding heart slowed down. But the tears kept coming. The pain pulsed through his body. He wasn't safe here. Was he safe anywhere?
His mind was drawn back to one place, back to one person. Not even the shame he felt could bring color back to Yuki's face. But, if it was between admitting his weakness or taking his chances alone, there was an obvious answer.
Still, it didn't make the stares any less suffocating when he finally entered The Crow Club.
"Is he here?" he asked someone.
The man nodded. "In his office."
It was getting harder and harder to stay upright. So when he knocked on the office door, Yuki held onto its frame.
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magaprima · 22 days
@v011d sent: "You realise I'm still here, right?" (from Lupin)
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"Most things usually are," Lilith replied as she continued her work, unaffected by whatever tone he was trying to strike. She had lived long enough for very little to compel her interest when she didn't wish it to, not unless she suspected a very immediate threat to her present survival.
"The actual question...is why," she told him, her gaze finally turning to land on the warlock. "What, precisely, is it that you want?"
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therapardalis · 9 months
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[Winter Meme from @reverdies Vicar Hughes.]
♬ — [sender] sings a Christmas carol at [receiver]’s door. ------------
The White Swan, Ashworth, Northumbria ... early evening ...
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"Complimentary?" Thera smiled at the innkeeper as he stood by her table, notebook and pencil in hand, "To be honest I was tempted already, but that makes up my mind! What's the recipe for this one, brandy or rum ..."
The last word trailed away as if pulled off course, her gaze likewise turning toward the front windows and voices beginning up outside..
"O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant ..."
"Ah," The innkeeper grunted, not looking upset but perhaps not entirely pleased, "that'd be the Vicar and his flock. They're at it every other night or so. And," Back to the business at hand, "Tis rum, Miss."
"Oh, splendid!" She gave a nod, "I'll have a serve of that, then, please. And ..." A pause, and pulling a bit of a face as the singing seemed to hit its stride, "I suppose it's only polite to go give them a listen, hm?"
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compellingthought · 1 month
💐 [ OPEN ] open to all
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"You can't be serious. You do realise you're going to get yourself killed, right?"
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