altarshine · 4 years
the entirety of other side of hollywood: happening  raven, half asleep at her table: 😐
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altarshine · 4 years
absolutely obsessed with the idea of falco selling not only his soul, but raven and sloane’s souls (without asking them first) to caleb bc hes rich and weird n thinks thinks his family would enjoy it . and then rae sort of toeing the line between life and death which isn’t as cool as her morbid ass thought it would be and growing so..... so disinterested w the entire hgc scene and all the fake glamor
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altarshine · 4 years
HOW did i forget raven can play electric guitar..... HOW.......
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altarshine · 4 years
jatp nation if u see what a mess this blog is please excuse my dust. the last time i was on here was like...... 2018
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altarshine · 4 years
if you see me here for zo and ellie and alix and only zo and ellie and alix mind ur business
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altarshine · 5 years
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“Yes, but only because I love you.” She grins, nudging Raven a little with her arm. “You have to let me live vicariously, now I’m destined to become a spinster. Besides, you know I’m happy you have someone you can go lots of places with.”
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       ‘  stop testing your jokes                    on  me.   i  refuse  to  believe  my  life  is  more  interesting  than  yours,  especially  romantically.  ”    raven  shoots  midge  a   knowing   side  eye,  hoping  it’ll  hide  her  darkening  blush.     “  -  you  may  be  happy  about  him,  but  my   PARENTS   definitely  won’t  be  if  they  find  out  i’m  hiding  him  behind  their  backs.  “
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altarshine · 5 years
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bat out of hell: director’s cut trailer • raven falco appreciation gifset
and i never really sleep anymore and i always get those dangerous dreams and i never get a minute of peace and i gotta wonder what it means
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altarshine · 5 years
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     michael didn’t mean to end up at raven’s house.  showing up without warning was risky enough during the day, let alone at 2 AM.  but he hadn’t been able to sleep and rather than sit in bed, scrolling aimlessly through twitter, he decided to go for a drive.  no destination in mind.  it isn’t surprising his subconscious led him here, though.
     after a few minutes of debate, he unlocks his phone.
( text to: rae! 👑 🖤 ).  are you awake? ( text to: rae! 👑 🖤 ).  i’m, uh… outside. in my car.
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          she’d lied about taking                   her  meds  for  the  fourth  night  in  a  row  earlier.   raven  believed  that  it  was  better  not  to  sleep  at  all  than  to  sleep  without  dreams.   still,  that  banishes  her  to  a  night  of  staring  at  the  ceiling,  waiting  for  something  to,  for  anything  to   -   the  ping  of  her  phone.   it  surprises  her,  but  not  as  much  as  the  message  she’s  received.
( TEXT TO: mm. ❤️ ).  only  for the fourth night in a row, ( TEXT TO: mm. ❤️ ).  but what do you mean you’re outside? ( TEXT TO: mm. ❤️ ).  is everything okay?
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altarshine · 5 years
can you die from lack of affection? Asking for myself
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altarshine · 5 years
He’s there by virtue of the brunette near the bar, and her uncanny ability not only to track him down, but also to read him for filth when it comes to the girl currently occupying the stage at the Gaslight Café.
James doesn’t move to sit down, but rather he lingers near the back of the room. The tables are fairly packed, and finding a seat at one would mean taking his eyes off her, which is something he’s really not willing to do. She’s luminous - she’s beautiful, and he’s completely entranced.
He gives her a moment with her friend once she’s finished her poem and left the stage to warm applause, and a wry comment from the club’s emcee about her being a rare example of why they keep doing these poetry nights - she’s talented, not like the self-indulgent poets who make up most of the rest of the bill. 
Midge notices him first, offering a quick grin before indicating that Raven should probably turn around. When she does, he finds his own smile becoming decidedly brighter.
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      she uses the breath she                   takes  before  she  begins  each  evening  to  do  a  lot  of  things.   the  audience  only  sees  the  surface   -   the  feet  planted  apart,  the  head  tilted  down  slightly,  the  eyes  fluttered  shut   -   but  they  can’t  hear  anything  but  a  quick  inhale.   that  inhale  holds  a  thanks  for  midge,  because  without  her,  raven  wouldn’t   BE   onstage  at  all.   it  also  holds  a  small  prayer  that  she  won’t  stumble  over  her  words,   and  a  quick  reset  of  her  body.   in  that  one,  fluid  moment   -   raven  sheds  the  insecurity  from  her  skin  so  that  she  can  occasionally  use  it  in  her  poetry.
    and when she begins,                    whether  it’s  with  a  smack  of  the  ground  as  she  hits  it  running  or  a  single,  steeled  statement   -   it’s  something  to  marvel  at.   from  there,  raven  spreads  her  wings  for  a  few  sacred  minutes.     afterwards,  she  opens  those  wings  to  midge,  pulling  her  into  a  tight  hug  as  she  squeals  about  the  emcee’s  compliment.   no  matter  the  praise  she  receives,  it  surprises  her,  and  raven  is  convinced  that  the  night  can’t  possibly  get  any  better.   not  until  she  turns  around  -
      ‘ james !  you’re  here  !  ’           she  exclaims  as  she  drinks  in  the  sight  of  him.   like  most  other  things,  this  has  to  be  midge’s  doing,  and  raven  swats  at  her  friend  behind  her  as  she  continues  to  laugh  in  shock.   knowing   HE   was  in  the  audience  prompts  her  to  rehash  her  entire  performance  in  her  head    -   content  especially.         “  -  i  couldn’t  see  you  in  the  audience  !    where  were  you  sitting  ?  “       
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altarshine · 5 years
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I love how he’s just…gazing at her
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altarshine · 5 years
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“I’m here to escort you to poetry night at the Gaslight. Unless,” She’s clearly teasing her now. “You’ve had a better offer from a certain boy…?”
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       ‘  you’re making fun of me.  ’                   raven  says  pointedly  as  if  midge  is  unaware  of  what  she’s  doing.   that  doesn’t  help  her  case  at  all.     “  -  we  don’t  go  everywhere  together,  y’know.   just  ...  lots  of  places.  “
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altarshine · 5 years
Me introducing myself like hi I romanticise everything, overthink way too much, live 85% of my life in my head and still can’t believe I’m a Real Person
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altarshine · 5 years
‘  one  day  i  will  take  a  really  good  selfie  and  you  will  be  sorry …  you  will  all  be  sorry .  ’ also demetrius. duality of man.
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       the foreboding tone in their           voice  makes  it  impossible  for  raven  to  take  them  seriously,  which  is  appropriate  considering  her  current  position.   she  is  practically  superglued  to  their  back,  chin  on  their  shoulder  so  she  has  the  means  of   ruining   every  single  selfie  they  try  to  take.   when  it  seems  like  they’ll  get  a  good  angle  regardless,  raven  attempts  to  hide  her  cheshire  grin  and  leisurely  lifts  her  arm  over  their  head,  pushing  their  phone  back  with  her  finger  just  as  the  photo  is  about  to  be  taken.   and  what  does  she  have  to  say  for  herself  ?            “  -   whoooooooops  !   “    
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altarshine · 5 years
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A few GIFs of Curtain Call in New York I made for friends
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altarshine · 5 years
‘  me ?  overreacting ?  probably .  ’
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         she can’t help but chuckle               a  little  as  she  watches  him  from  her  spot  on  the  counter.   normally,  raven  wouldn’t  dare  be  so  casual  at  the  mell  household,  but  she’s  grown  comfortable  there  upon  visiting  so  many  times.   yes,  she  feels  bad  for  michael,  who’s  currently  pacing  back  and  forth as  he  babbles  on  about  something  regarding  jeremy   -  but  his  desire  to  be  such  a  wonderful  best  friend  is  nothing  short  of  endearing.   to  bring  him  to  a  full  stop,  she  sticks  one  dainty  leg  out  before  him,  smiling  as  he  looks  up  at  her  with  confusion,         “   michael.   “     she  says  sweetly,  reaching  down  to  take  his  hands  so  she  can  hold  them  close  to  her  heart.     “  -   deep  breaths,  okay  ?    you  have  nothing  to  worry  about.  “
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altarshine · 5 years
‘  when  i  tell  you  i  love  you  it’s  never  out  of  habit .  ’ demetrius!! he’s annoying tell him to go away
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        young lady in white stands                   before  them  clutching  fistfuls  of  her  skirt,  drinking  in  a  sight  that  she’s  dreamed  of  for  a  long  time.   there  is  someone  in  front  of  her  saying  that  they  love  her.   there  is  someone  before  her  filling  in  a  part  of  her  heart,  replacing  fantasy  with  reality,  and  yet   -   a  dark  eyebrow  is  quirked  up  in  skepticism.  i  love  yous  don’t  scare  raven  falco.   she’s  been  betting  on  i  love  yous  since  bedtime  stories.   no,  i  love  yous   confuse   her,  especially  now.   she  doesn’t  have  the  best  role  models  when  it  comes  to  relationships.   her  parents  don’t  exchange  i  love  yous,  and  for  a  simple  reason,  one  that  she’s  aware  of:   her  parents  do  not  love  each  other.   and  she  doesn’t  know  what  it  looks  like,   the  romantic  kind  of  love  they’re  proposing.   if  they  were  not  themselves,   maybe  she  could  grasp  onto  those  three  words  a  bit  easier.   but  raven,  who  has  grown  considerably  just  through  knowing  them,  can’t  find  anything  tangible  to  cling  to.   not  yet.   not  while  they’re  still  stuck  on  the  idea  of  who  the  other  could  be  to  them. 
       ‘ so its been a habit of               yours  before  ?   ”      it’s  an  assumption   -   and  it  comes  out  a  bit  harsher  than  she  intended.   there  is  so  much  emotion  in  her,  shaking  her  fingers,  knocking  her  knees,  that  a  smidgen  slips  into  her  voice.   raven  doesn’t  want  to  confront  the  idea  that  her  confusion  could,  in  fact,  stem  from  fear.   fear  that  they  may  leave  her  if  the  charm  she  apparently  has  dwindles  the  more  time  they  spend  together.   raven  is  aware  that  she’s   SPECIAL,   but  that  coexists  with  her  thinking  she’s  an  amalgamation  of  bad  things  as  well.   and  if  demetrius  was  audience  to  too  much  of  that,  they  may  run.   is  that  how  he  got  to  her  in  the  first  place  ?    no,  it’s  not  the  i  love  yous  that  scare  her,  but  the  vicious  cycle  behind  them.         “  do  you  really  love  ME,  demetrius  ?    or,  do  you  love  a  little  dream  of  me  ?   “    
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