alostpoetswriting · 8 days
A bit drunk in the bath. Feeling like I’m in a jacuzzi at the spa in that one fancy hotel I often dream of being in again.
I breathe deep.
I absorb my surroundings.
The way the lamp sits on the floor and the way the wine hits my veins at the exact same time makes everything look so real.
“That bathroom door is realer than ever” I think.
I don’t question my observation.
I imagine myself at a party. In a bath at a party. I notice that Imaging to myself whether it’s my party versus somebody else’s induces different levels of anxiety in me and I calm myself accordingly.
I stare at the door almost daring someone from the 80s to walk in. A perm on top of tight jeans and a muscle tee. Guy or girl I don’t care at this point just show me a good time!
My head turns slowly but this time I accept it. I welcome it.
The music twists and turns my insides, but not how they usually do- Like a rug being expunged.
This time it’s like a silky, quick flowing river.
The bubbles on my chest along with the ones found in between my fingers glisten like subtle sparklers while my hands whisk through the foam that sits above my wanting but never needing body.
Tonight, in this moment, I realize that I don’t need saving from my own mind.
Tonight, as I sit alone with my thoughts, I happen to find a new love for them.
Here, in this bubble oasis, I discover a new found love for a part of me I had never truly seen before.
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alostpoetswriting · 1 month
A love poem
A Pure Moment:
The feeling that once was rushed back to me the moment we held each other again.
For the first time in forever.
Your lips made me remember.
Salted, smiling eyes.
Nostalgic of a time that is too recent to be nostalgic over. But I am.
Because it's you. Because every moment with you is a moment worth remembering.
Sweaty palms.
The touch of a thousand bolts.
To sense you in space means for me what it could only mean for a tree to have found the perfect bit of dirt to surge its roots into.
Bliss upon sanctity all wound up in an almost overbearing, explosive sense of peace.
To sense you in space means for my body to have familiarized itself with the pulse of your very own vibrations.
I can do this trick within inches.
Across planes.
Feelings coexisting in an unearthly realm created within the existence of the love that subsides between the two of us is to make it known that we are not merely two humans who happened upon each other.
But rather we are two bits of stardust separated and bound to find each other again.
 To be so alien with another being is to be so free.
And when we touch back down to Earth and soak in the nature that surrounds us, I can’t ever help but think how everything around us is so right and how even the hum of your voice can dance around my ears so beautifully.
As we sat, hovering above the clovers and dirt that always happened to find cozy homes between our toes, your limbs coiled around me, holding on to me so tight, I felt protected.
There; a pure moment defined us.
Guard went down.
My soul was safe.
I knew then what I know now; for a shadow too dark or too big cannot not touch me while I am held in your bright, warm embrace.
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