alossofsanity · 7 years
“I do know how much you love me” she said with a smile. “But the better question is do you know how much I love you?” She sat on the bed next to him, reaching over to stroke his hair back. 
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As she sat on the bed, he gave a shrug of his shoulders. Her fingers through his hair were always something that let him calm down, but he gave a bit of a chuckle anyways, “I dunno. This much?” he held up his hand with his first and thumb out, just enough to show ‘a little.’ He was being sassy. He knew how much Eve loved him, and he wouldn’t ever doubt that.
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alossofsanity · 7 years
Eve stood at the dresser, taking her earrings off, and putting them back delicately. “You’re such a charmer” she said, watching him from the mirror before her. “Did you enjoy the show? Dinner?” she said before turning to him and starting to relax. 
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“I mean, I guess I did,” the younger of the two said, a little bit of a silly smirk on his face. He propped his head up on the palm of his hand, elbow digging into the mattress to keep it supported, “I like spending time with you. You make me the happiest. And I know - you hear this all the time.”
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alossofsanity · 7 years
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“So... have I told you lately how much I love you?” Roland quipped as he spread himself out on the bed, wrinkling his nice suit. He gave Evelyn a cheeky grin. “Because I love you a lot.”
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alossofsanity · 8 years
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“I mean, if you want to think of yourself as sexy,” Flora retorted dryly, a smile tugged at her lips. She shifted as he spoke about getting high and playing his favorite game, and couldn’t help but stifle a giggle at the groans coming from the other room, “Oh, yes. Candyland. The game I’m not quite good at, but can somehow manage to not come in last. I’ll be up for doing all those things,” she pointed out. She moved to steal a kiss placed well on his chin and gave him a grin, “Which shall we do first? Get so fucking high we can’t think, or set up the game?”
The Princess and The Asshole
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“But a sexy potato,” he snickered. “I was thinking we stay in and get fuuuuuuuucking high. We could play candyland.” There was a collective groan from the other room. His cronies hated when Niven got over the top stoned. He always wanted to play Candyland, never Apples to Apples or Monopoly. Nope not for him he liked Candyland.  “OH SHUT UP”  He belted back at his cronies. “Bunch of losers don’t know a good game when they play one. But anyway, babe. I think we can definitely smoke up a storm and have a ball. We’ll sing and dance.”
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alossofsanity · 8 years
Leone shifted on his butt as Sev moved. The man was moving away, but it still made the young prince still feel anxious as all hell. He watched as the older man spoke, the way the facial features moved and the skin creased and uncreased. Stress was easy to spot on his face, and unconsciously, the prince buried himself up in the furs, “Sorry,” he finally announced, once Sevastian was done with his triad, “I didn’t... I didn’t mean any of that the way it came out. I was just...”
I was just curious. I’ve never had this before, he wanted to admit. Sure, the whole raping bit was new, and the whole experience of being kidnapped and turned a slave and all this was definitely out of his comfort zone. He twisted his fingers into the furs, enjoying the way the fabric was silky and smooth, and also thick and rough. He wondered if this was always cold outside of the comforting walls of the castle. He missed home. He felt the pit of homesickness settle in his stomach and he shifted on his butt again, “Sorry,” he repeated.
He hesitated before he moved, finally taking a piece of the meat between his fingers. He made a face. Up to this point, he had been lavished in luxury with forks and spoons (or the pre-dative ones of what they’d eventually be known as), and never would he eat with his fingers. It was out of his comfort zone. “So um...” try to make conversation, Leone, he told himself. Unfortunately, those conversations wouldn’t come quite easily.
The Flames’ Slave
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alossofsanity · 8 years
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“Yep, absolute potato,” Flora retorted, an obvious eye roll happening. She moved so she stretched out against his lap, coughing up little last puffs of the weed as she handed the joint back to him, “Besides you getting your ass kicked, and the obvious idea of ice cream for dinner, what are our plans today?” she gave a grin and moved to steal a quick kiss from his cheek before moving to get up. As much as Flora enjoyed sitting and baking with her asshole, she had all this energy right now. “We should definitely do something fun tonight.”
The Princess and The Asshole
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He watched her have another hit of the joint, so very proud that she has been getting better at it. She was just too cute sitting there on his lap, taking a hit of the joint they were sharing. God, he wanted to see her completely fucked up tonight. Hell, he wanted to be completely fucked up tonight, after that little mess from before he just wanted to happily drift into oblivion with his princess. “I’m glad you agree that my features are so stunning. Though you are far more attractive than myself. I’m a potato compared.” 
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alossofsanity · 8 years
Leone wearily watched Sevastian as the other man lowered the mug from his lips. Internally (and maybe just briefly), Leone pulled away as if he was going to get hit. He was always expecting a heavy hand to come down upon him and leave red, tingling areas all over his body. Even with Sevastian, no matter how many times this man had said he wouldn’t hurt him, the idea was still there, always lurking. Leone shifted, pulling his legs underneath the furs so he was sitting crossed legged and he quietly eyed Sev. Still, he didn’t move towards the food, but sat there, watching, waiting.
“Why not?” he questioned. He tilted his head, his blond locks falling into his face. Too long. He wanted to get his hair trimmed the other day, but with the impeding take over from the vikings, his father had suggested he stayed holed up. What a waste. The cambrion moved to twist one of his bangs between his fingers as he watched the viking, always and still weary about what or when or why, “But what is so interesting about me? Surely you’ve had better people to take care of. Your group of friends think so,” he had made this comment jarringly, a jab at the group of men and filthy animals outside. Then again, at this point in time, Leone didn’t feel like much more than an animal himself.
The Flames’ Slave
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alossofsanity · 8 years
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“You’re so egotistical,” the runaway mused as she settled against him. Now that he had scooped her up, it was easy for her to wrap her arms around his neck and play with the soft strands of hair at the back of his neck, “then again, you’re an asshole so it doesn’t surprise me.” She gave him a cheeky grin as he sat down on the couch, obviously settling her on his lap, and she shook her head, “But if you want to believe that it accents your other... stunning features, who am I to say no?” she teased. She leaned forwards and took a hit from the joint, still a little terrible at it, but much, much better than she was before.
The Princess and The Asshole
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“You’re getting better,” he smirked while he followed her movements, pushing himself up against her and reaching down to scoop her up into his arms. She was so tiny compared to himself, so of course he adored the fact that he could carry her around. With her in his arms he took them to his private lounge in the drug den. “I know it just helps accent my already stunning features,” Niven grinned cheekily as he sat down on the large sofa, having another hit of the joint before offering it Flora. 
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alossofsanity · 8 years
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“I’m glad you think I roll good joints?” the slighter framed girl moved to press herself up against him. despite the size difference. She moved to push up onto her tippy toes to wrap her arms around his neck (and she knew he’d scoop her up because god, she couldn’t make it); she wanted to tend to his bumps and bruises, “I think you should, but at the same time, I think you look hot all beaten up like this, too, asshole. It suits your face.”
The Princess and The Asshole
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“Good, I need a good joint right about now,” he hummed smoothly as he took the joint between his index finger and thumb. Niven was way to good at this, he pulled a long hit from the joint and held it in for a long few seconds before exhaling a cloud of white. “I’ll have to kick losers faces in more often then.”
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alossofsanity · 8 years
Leone gave a rather weary look to the other man as he settled against the furs. He watched as he went and came back, first with more furs that he casually draped over the naked blond. Leone couldn’t help but curl up deeper in the mesh of warmth. He hated this. He just wanted to leave and be by himself and somehow survive. He doubted it could happen. The other man had moved again, this time towards the edge of the little hut they were in, and warned Leone to stay and get warm. Not that the blond had any real idea of where he’d go, or how to survive on his own.
He watched the back of the man disappear and vaguely heard the taunts coming from the roudy bunch outside. He felt this little pang of sadness creep into his heart as he realized that this man who took him now was being teased for him. Was Leone really that worthless? As a spoil of war, given away by his father because he was a bastard child, the cambrion had really no choice about anything. And now, despite the fact that he was of royalty, he didn’t have any idea of what was going to happen. He felt worthless. He felt useless. He felt like he wasn’t really wanted.
Somewhere between those thoughts and the smell of food hitting his nose had made Leone realize that he had partially vegged out. Actually, he realized that he had dozed off. He was a lot warmer now, although still cold -- like the cold wouldn’t stop hitting his bones, and while he was hungry, he didn’t quite trust their food. He watched as Sevastian sat and downed a mug but Leone didn’t move.
“I don’t understand you,” the prince spoke slowly as he sat up a little. He gathered the furs around his slim body and winced as he sat up -- the pain in his lower regions was agonizing, but it was healing slowly. “Why are you being so nice to me? Why don’t you just kill me know and be done with it?”
After all, that’s what he was expecting this entire time: to be sexualized and then killed, without any second thoughts.
The Flames’ Slave
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alossofsanity · 8 years
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“We were definitely hitting the joint, asshole,” Flora replied gently, the words easily gliding off her tongue. She stepped over to him and offered the already lit joint from between her first and middle finger, a grin crossing her face, “and don’t apologize for kicking some loser’s face in. I find it quite hot.”
The Princess and The Asshole
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“Sorry you had to see that, Princess. But I don’t really like people cheating me out of my money.” He smirked as he brushed his hair back. “Where were we? Joint? Bong? What’s your poison for the evening?” 
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alossofsanity · 8 years
Things To Do For Your Daddy When He’s Sad:
-Sing to him
-Cuddle him
-Snuggle him
-Listen to music with him
-Read him a story
-Make him hot chocolate/hot cider
-Let him borrow your favorite stuffie
-Tell him how handsome he is
-Tell him how much he means to you
-Inform him of all the great and wonderful things he’s done recently
-Compliment him on things he’s been working hard on recently (No matter how small)
-Feed the EGO Beast!
-Hold his hand
-Rub the side of his face and stare into his eyes
-Hold his head to your chest so he can hear how your heart beats for him
-Let him use your lap as a pillow
-Don’t force him to do anything even standing up
-Brush his hair out of his face
-Kiss his tears away
-Hug him from behind and refuse to let go
-If he tries walking away hug his leg tightly
-Rub his back and his shoulders
-Bake him cookies or other sweets
-Don’t let him drink/smoke his sorrow away
-Shower with him
-Bathe with him
-Have him color something pretty with you
-Paint his nails if he’ll let you
-Take a nap with him and hold him close
-Cook his favorite meal
-Buy him a new book/video game/football/something he likes
-Make him a card
-Love him unconditionally
A Daddy can get sad too, they aren’t emotionless. It’s okay for a Daddy to cry, its okay for anybody to cry! Be there for your dom just as much as they are for you. Without a dom where are we littles? Nowhere without them, that’s where. A small gesture or the right action can mean the world to them <3 We littles hate being alone. No matter how tough or strong your dom is; Never leave them alone as well.
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alossofsanity · 8 years
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alossofsanity · 8 years
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alossofsanity · 8 years
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“And I thought I was the one with memory problems.” He chuckled, teasing him playfully. “It’s fine if you don’t remember." 
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alossofsanity · 8 years
{ancientwolves stumbled into the shadows}
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alossofsanity · 8 years
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