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indie multimuse feat. ocs from pokemon sun & moon penned by esti and under major construction
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
Richie is the loser that would text good morning and good night texts to his friends
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
jean is . . . honestly the handsomest muse i have
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
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space boy
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
Lips of honey, eyes of fire.
Meleager, tr. by Peter Whigham, from Greek Anthology; “Epigrams,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
@tuppit​ from here
EVEN WITH THE REASSURANCES OF HIS HOMIES : RICHIE STILL FELT TREPIDATION WEIGH HEAVY IN HIS HEART; especially hearing the way Tupp spoke - - - stabbing him in the chest like a rusty knife. It was HARD for him to not turn around and just beg for forgiveness, but Richie KNEW he had to be a lot more tactful in his approach. And be a bit more serious because as much as he wanted to apologize, the sort of dynamic was somewhat unhealthy, usually resulting in hurt feelings and fear. As soon as Tupp leaves, Richie slips out his phone from underneath his pillow and calls a number, pressing the device near his ear. ❛ What d’ya want. ❜ It’s the snide remark that has Richie smiling slightly, heart aching like a bitch. Jean was ALWAYS like a balm for everything.
❛ Jean, ❜ that probably catches the other’s attention - - - the weak way he says his name like a lifeline. Almost immediately, Richie can tell that Jean’s attention was on him, any further remarks swallowed back. ❛ I just - - - I think I fucked up. I wanted to talk t’you ‘cuz I know Marisol cares, but I dun think she can give me the same advice like you do. ❜ That makes Jean laugh, muttering out an of course before listening attentively to Richie’s story. The whole shitstorm where Richie tried to include Tupp in everything, an altercation that resulted in the latter going to the hospital, another fight, ending up with Tupp actually getting hurt. Then he explains about his plan about trying to get back into Tupp’s good graces with cake and candy hearts, as suggested by V and Rapp.
The moment Richie finishes, he takes a deep breath and sighs, ❛ So: that’s the sitch . . . What do I do? ❜
Jean was quiet for an extended period of time and Richie was tempted to ask if he was still alive, but he interrupts before he could tease, ❛ Seems like you have it all together, ❜ Neutral remark, ❛ do you want him to still be your room-mate? ❜
❛ I just - - - I love him and as much of an asshole as he is, I think he’s pretty great. I didn’t mean to go so far to make him feel like shit. I wish he knew that I literally would move heaven and earth for him, yanno? Just like Rapp, like everyone here. ❜ His voice shakes with the amount of emotion that weighs his body down like his own gravitational field. That was his gospel truth. He loved Rapp, he loved Team Skull and he Loved Tupp. ❛ I don’t want him to be sad. ❜
❛ But you DID make him feel sad. ❜ It’s not accusing or mean, it was just an observation made in typical Jean-fashion. Still, it makes Richie wince. ❛ That means you have to own up to your shit and apologize. No excuses, just a sorry and whatever. Maybe you should tell him what you told me. I think he’s the type of guy that needs a reminder that people care about him. ❜
Jean was smart in that way, even IF he had never met Tupp before, he understands people well. Marisol typically liked to punch things and then ask questions later, which was good in some scenarios - - - just not this one. Richie sighed, pulling the blankets over his head and allowing his pokemon to curl up around him. ❛ Do you think my idea with the cake was good? I think I’m gonna try making a cupcake and putting lil’ hearts on it. ❜
Richie can hear the smile in Jean’s voice, warm like honey and just as soothing. ❛ Follow what your heart says. ❜ If that was a raging encouragement, Richie was going to take it.
It takes him a few days: partially because of his nerves and partially because he wanted to give Tupp some time to himself, but mostly because he had to get everything ready. He sat on a sun-warmed rock, near the beach and watching the waves ebb and flow, the sun dipping closer and closer to the horizon. Until the sky burned red with dying fire. 
Beside him, he had a chocolate cupcake ( maybe the cake was a bit much ) with vanilla frosting and candy hearts specifically picked out. A few of them read: you rock! and you make me smile! and his personal favourite: love you. And the piece de resistance was the plain box wrapped messily with a red, red ribbon filled with shiny new tools for Tupp ( that was Marisol’s idea, after she found out about the call ).
Richie HAD texted Tupp to meet him at this area, with no response, and there was a brief worry that maybe the other wouldn’t see him again. But if worse comes to worse, he could try just leaving him the gift and cupcake outside of where he was staying.
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
how will you die?
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❛ You got that right, kiddies. ❜
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
Richie smiles and nods at Tupp before turning his back to the other and continues to read his book. “You’re funny.”
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      tupp  kept  his  emotions  in  check  and  his  voice  carefully  controlled.  richie  was  really  tryin’  him  today,  and  it  took  a  lot  willpower  to  keep  himself  from  lashing  out  and  doin’  something  he’d  regret…  again.
      yeah,  he  felt  pretty  shitty  for  slammin’  richie  into  the  wall  that  one  time.  he  spent  his  entire  stay  at  the  hospital  reflectin’  on  it,  raked  with  guilt  that  his  pride  would  sooner  endure  than  admit  his  wrongs  and  apologise.  besides,  it’s  not  like  richie  ever  made  it  any  easy  for  him  ——  not  with  the  way  he’s  been  actin’  lately.
      this  was  another  one  of  those  times.  if  there  was  one  thing  tupp  hated  the  most,  it  was  not  being  taken  seriously;  to  be  treated  like  a  joke.  richie  was  especially  good  at  makin’  him  feel  unworthy  of  respect.
      ❛     Tch.  Whatever,  man   ..     ❜      tupp  scoffed,  voice  low  and  uncharacteristically  forlorn.  it  wasn’t  worth  it.  richie  wasn’t  worth  it.  there  were  plenty  of  other  rooms  tupp  could  bunk  in.  rooms  with  grunts  who  were  a  helluva  lot  more  pleasant  to  be  around.   tupp  began  gathering  what  little  he  owned  before  heading  to  the  door.  he’d  find  a  new  tool-holder;  a  new  annoyin’,  singin’  canary  to  wake  him  up  every  mornin’  on  the  dot.
      ❛     Later,  Rich   ..     ❜
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
Sorry guys... we lost
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
end this feud once and for all
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
❛ Tupp keeps on trying to hog my room and wear my clothes, how do I stop him. ❜
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
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      ❛     Ya  LET  me   ?!   Y’don’t  want  me  ‘round  no  more    ?!     ❜
❛ What I want ya t’do is fuckin’ move to the single bed ‘cuz I’m TIRED and I want to sleep on the double bed. ❜ Well, he just steps over Tupp and collapses in the double bed and rolls around in the blankets.
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
❛ I had first dibs on it first, bro. I only LET you room wit’ me, so, shoo. ❜
      @alolansave   |   RE:
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      ❛     Y’CAN’T  DO  THIS   !!!   It’s  MY  room  too,  yanno   !!     ❜
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
he’s having a bi panic !!!
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
Tupp had taken advantage of Richie's absence and moved back into their shared room. He's snoozing; sprawled out on the old double bed, sporting ill-fitting pyjamas that clearly did not belong to him. ( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)
ANY HAPPINESS THAT WAS PRESENT : FADES AWAY QUICKLY AT THE SIGHT OF TUPP IN HIS ROOM; Richie sighs quietly, tossing his bag into the corner. Really, this guy was really trying his patience. ESPECIALLY since he stole Richie’s clothes, much to his embarrassment. Trust Richie when he says that he’s been venting to Marisol and Jean about Tupp.
He marches over, and pulls Tupp out of the bed, relishing in the muffled thud. Richie taps his foot on the floor, frowning, ❛ get out. ❜ Yikes, Richie was projecting his inner Jean, huh.
INBOX SHENANIGANS / @tuppit / always accepting
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
He comes back at the ass crack of dawn, his bag noticeably bulkier and Richie in higher spirits. That was a nice break
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
Marisol looked at her phone, seeing Richie’s I’m almost there! sent about five minutes ago before glancing at Jean who was far more pre-occupied with reading his book. ❛ He’s coming soon, ❜ she reminds him for the umpteenth time in a row and in response, Jean rolls his eyes, leafing through his book carelessly. She knows not to bother him while he’s reading his book, but Marisol can DEFINITELY tell he wasn’t even paying MUCH attention to the book. Probably because he was more irritated at Richie’s lateness and excited for what they were going to do today.
❛ He says that EVERY TIME we go out. I’ve stopped hoping for his punctuality. ❜ Jean says this snidely, turning his nose in the air. ❛ The day Richie is on time for something, is the day I dye my hair the same ungainly blue his is. ❜
She laughs, bag rubbing against her thigh with the motions and rolls her eyes playfully, ❛ Puh-lease, is that a bet? Cuz I WILL tell him that. ❜ Jean looks vaguely panicked before he re-composes himself with the same arrogance that told the battlegirl that he was willing to go through with ANY bet. 
❛ Fine, do what you will. I don’t care— Oh, he’s here. ❜ Despite his earlier waspishness, Jean’s face melts into a soft sort of fondness that was reserved for exactly two people, Richie and Marisol and he lifts a hand in greeting. ❛ Would it kill you to come early next time? ❜
Richie first hugs Marisol, barking out a laugh before waving at Jean in return ( only because he knows that the other shied away from physical affection ), ❛ shut up, I tried coming as early as I could. I had to change in the bushes. ❜ He was wearing normal clothes for once, wearing a tank top, shorts and shades that tucked his vibrant blue hair back. ❛ So, you guys up for some Mantine Surfing today? I LITERALLY been looking forward to this for weeks. ❜
Marisol slings an arm around his shoulders, although she did have to stand on the tips of her toes to reach, ❛ Me ‘nd Jean - - - ❜ jean and I ❛ Whatever, got a whole day planned out. D’ya wanna stay over for the night? It’ll be nice to hang out again. ❜
Jean looks at him hopefully and Richie can already feel himself nodding and grinning as bright as the sun, ❛ sure. Don’t got anything waiting for me back home. ❜
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alolansave-blog · 6 years ago
Marisol looked at her phone, seeing Richie’s I’m almost there! sent about five minutes ago before glancing at Jean who was far more pre-occupied with reading his book. ❛ He’s coming soon, ❜ she reminds him for the umpteenth time in a row and in response, Jean rolls his eyes, leafing through his book carelessly. She knows not to bother him while he’s reading his book, but Marisol can DEFINITELY tell he wasn’t even paying MUCH attention to the book. Probably because he was more irritated at Richie’s lateness and excited for what they were going to do today.
❛ He says that EVERY TIME we go out. I’ve stopped hoping for his punctuality. ❜ Jean says this snidely, turning his nose in the air. ❛ The day Richie is on time for something, is the day I dye my hair the same ungainly blue his is. ❜
She laughs, bag rubbing against her thigh with the motions and rolls her eyes playfully, ❛ Puh-lease, is that a bet? Cuz I WILL tell him that. ❜ Jean looks vaguely panicked before he re-composes himself with the same arrogance that told the battlegirl that he was willing to go through with ANY bet. 
❛ Fine, do what you will. I don’t care--- Oh, he’s here. ❜ Despite his earlier waspishness, Jean’s face melts into a soft sort of fondness that was reserved for exactly two people, Richie and Marisol and he lifts a hand in greeting. ❛ Would it kill you to come early next time? ❜
Richie first hugs Marisol, barking out a laugh before waving at Jean in return ( only because he knows that the other shied away from physical affection ), ❛ shut up, I tried coming as early as I could. I had to change in the bushes. ❜ He was wearing normal clothes for once, wearing a tank top, shorts and shades that tucked his vibrant blue hair back. ❛ So, you guys up for some Mantine Surfing today? I LITERALLY been looking forward to this for weeks. ❜
Marisol slings an arm around his shoulders, although she did have to stand on the tips of her toes to reach, ❛ Me ‘nd Jean - - - ❜ jean and I ❛ Whatever, got a whole day planned out. D’ya wanna stay over for the night? It’ll be nice to hang out again. ❜
Jean looks at him hopefully and Richie can already feel himself nodding and grinning as bright as the sun, ❛ sure. Don’t got anything waiting for me back home. ❜
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