allthethingsinmyhead · 3 months
Young lover what the heck did you do to make me fall in love with you...
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allthethingsinmyhead · 3 months
Stupid girl always getting lost to someone not even meant for her.
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allthethingsinmyhead · 10 months
And this time again, falling for someone who couldn't love me back and can never be mine :(
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Foolish little games where I am the loser.
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To be given a chance, to live a life you once wished for is the best feeling.
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“And my friends said, i know you love her but it’s over mate, it doesn’t matter put the phone away.”
— Dean Lewis
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And I am foolish, to be fooled by you, to believe in this temporary love.
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And I am torn and stuck at the same time. This love is painful, I wonder why I have to go through it.
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And when I didn't hear back, that's when I knew, that you are truly gone and I have to accept that that's how we ended all the things between us. A silent and sad goodbye, nevertheless as I expected ~mechumi
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To realize your foolishness is laughable and also it makes you want to vomit.
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It is a relief to wake up from a nightmare because finally you are in reality. You realize they aren't real.
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I am me and not me today. Lost.
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I am happy and blessed, just confused sometimes.
Now that I am in the moment I realized how blessed I am and I should be grateful.
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Things are getting clearer, I do not love you. Yes I do not.
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You cannot put two broken things together. I mean you can but they will be a mismatch. So accept that some things aren't meant to be.
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It's a process
It's a learning and it has its own phase, gradually I am going through it. Not easy but definitely doable.
Soon... we will set our self free.
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I just cannot love or believe in the love that I used to believe it is before because I found out that love is also pain and disappointments.
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