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original content from the depths of my mind
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I want your hazel brown eyes to be the last thing I see tonight
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memory from two thousand ten
the tall leafy stalks split the skin on my fingers as I yanked them by the root
dad had told me not to mess with the plants in the yard but I couldn’t resist
one of my favorite things in the summertime was to pluck the plants and circle the house barefoot, waving the fluffy cream featherlike fronds round and round, singing Hannah Montana songs
some parts of the yard were wetter than others from the sprinklers and my feet were always green by the time i was ready to go back inside
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you stole the words from my mouth
to put them away
with lock and key
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you will never catch me more than once
for I will flea the second time
you must treasure me from the 1st moment
until the last
i will run for the hills
your name to never touch my lips again
keep me and I will keep you
but only if we’re meant to be kept
nurture me like my father didn’t
hold me like my mother couldn’t
set me free when my wings grow stronger than yours
catch me
hold me
keep me while you can
- lera 12.4.23
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I am messy, gross and juvenile
but you think I smell just fine
I am impulsive, irresponsible, and naive
but you love the choices I make
I hate my body, cheeks, and nose
but you tell me I’m the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen
my makeup always smeared
my shoes always untied
my hair always tangled
but you love the chaos I feed the world
and I love the chaos you feed mine
- Lera
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Buck naked in the kitchen
Nina Simone at max volume
Landlord tells me to turn her down
But I don’t listen
I’m a ladies man
Flash photography
Hides the imperfections, brightens the room
Blood trickling womanhood
Gotta find a sponge
To soak it up
Went to buy a Patti Smith novel
They only had Bret Easton Ellis
Bad for brain
Good for ego
It’s the little things
That drive madness
Dark corner of the studio apartment
Sacrifice clothes for art
Food for beat poetry
Love for lust
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do you ever just
dream about people and things from your past. how it crushes your soul. it turns to ash. how the places you once grazed, become no longer your taste. where your eyes once touched, now viewed in disgust. why the sky is less blue, when it looks down upon you. this is no dream, but a memory.
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Violence provides results
The anarchist girl said
Watching the world burn
Is easier than trying
To survive here
There is war
There is poverty
There is rape
There is abuse
There is pedophilia
There is homelessness
Why would we want to exist
In a place like this
Love does not over rule
These acts of
and Pain
and Destruction
the Media lies
We are blindfolded
told to believe
the government
wants us to succeed
Equality is not real
in a world like ours
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you and i, are in the heart of the cesspool. the american dream. the manifest destiny.
a buy one get one free, way of living. we light fireworks on the fourth of july. we buy cheap clothes and wear them til they fall apart. we eat meat with every meal. we drive til the gas tank runs dry. we drink warm milk. we buy what we cannot afford. we have kids at 18. we don’t understand democracy. we hate immigrants. we do not go to college. our husbands join the army. our husbands come back ptsd riddled. they beat us. we use one can of hairspray each week. we live in a trailer. we kill animals for fun. we yell at the television. we stop reading books after fifth grade. we hunt. we feed. we kill. we stand up for the pledge of allegiance. we hide our wallets when black people are around. we blame mexicans for stealing our jobs. we pay for every meal in food stamps. captain crunch for dinner, kids. my husband says the bombs are going off. he chews tobacco and spits it on the living room floor. i knock over ten empty beer bottles, looking for the bathroom in the dark. he hits me but says he doesn’t mean to. this is love, isn’t it?
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july seems like a good month to die
i could kill you with just my eyes
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The sky is blue, yet contains no sorrow
The grass is green, yet not with envy
Black is dark, yet not bad
White is light, yet not good
We think not what we feel, but what we see.
So how do we know its real?
We have beliefs, not facts
We have judgement, not truth
We have hate, not love.
So how do we know its real?
The sky, full of stars
The grass, drenched in dew
Reality is here, waiting for you.
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it is the rich who are poor
and the poor who are rich
one with money, yet lack of love
is forevermore inferior
to one with love, and lack of money
there is no competition between the two, love will always prevail
one can live off love, yet one with greed will perish alone.
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Some say they don't love
some say they don't cry
which known by all, are truthful lies.
in the end we come together
from crying to loving
fighting to hugging
we do it all.
so why lie?
to hide the truth
to hide from reality
for many, their biggest fear is reality
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