You Were Amazing
164 posts
maya//pisces//infp-j//my tfc sideblog bc this series owns my ass more than any other// follow my main acct?
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allisonireynolds · 11 months ago
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didn't think we'd get there, but here's the next one!
if you want him to move his hands you know what to do!
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allisonireynolds · 4 years ago
Nora: Allison doesn’t go pro and instead reconnects with her parents
Me, clutching pro-sexy player Allison in a death grip:
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
we all missed the humor from seth hating kevin in the foxhole court. kevin shows up at the door in the middle of the night and seth rolls out of bed to fight him, no questions asked. seth doesn’t even like neil, he just hates kevin enough to wake up and throw down. mans isn’t even out of REM sleep yet and he’s gonna swing. kevin shows up again and seth just starts swearing. kevin breathes and seth is like “fuck you”. it’s fucking hilarious
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
Cute andreil facts from Nora’s posts that everybody forgets about
They actually do hold hands
When Robin moves to their dorm (during Neil’s fourth, Andrew’s fifth year) Andrew relinquishes his loft and shares with Neil the entire year
Renee was the first one to catch on Andrew’s attraction to Neil, but Kevin was the first one to catch on Neil’s attraction to Andrew
After Aaron outs Andrew and Neil’s relationship to Betsy (during The King’s Men), Betsy sends Andrew a message that says ‘’I’m happy for you’’
Andrew punches their pro team coach when he makes Neil play despite his injury 
They sit on each other’s laps 
Andrew is usually the big spoon
Andrew isn’t actually the top, they switch (by the time Neil becomes the Foxes’ captain, they are comfortable either way)
They go on dates, mostly long drives to nowhere, but also long walks on the beach or even a table for two
They stock coffee in their house in case one of them wakes up in the middle of the night because of nightmares
They don’t say ‘I love you’ because neither of them have ever heard anyone say these words directly to them, but there are times when Neil could’ve said them: during Aaron’s trial, when Betsy had a heart attack, during Nathan Wesninski’s trial, when they finally got their own apartment, when their team beats Kevin’s, when the US Court wins the gold medal
Their ‘I love you’ is in ‘Stay’, ‘Don’t go’, ‘Welcome home’
Neil likes forehead kisses, and Andrew is definitely tall enough to give them
Their first time was stressful for both of them, not only for Neil (we like to paint Andrew as this very experienced dude, and forget that Neil is actually his first too, which is sad)
Andrew discusses his and Neil’s relationship with Renee
Andrew buys Neil a camera when he noticed how much Neil loved the photos in the lounge
Andrew destroys the hems of every single pair of pants he owns because they are too long
One day they both stop asking
One day Andrew will learn to trust Neil with all of himself
Andrew is better with kids than Neil
When it’s nearly time for Aaron’s trial, Neil asks Betsy to be there for Andrew and says that he needs a mother right now
Neil practises picking locks, so he handcuffs himself to a bed
when Andrew finds him, he makes fun of his miserable attempts and leaves him handcuffed to the bed, stating that he did it to himself and now has to deal with the consequences 
The next day Neil handcuffs himself to Andrew, so he won’t leave him again
*So obvioulsy the statement ‘’everybody forgets about’’ is false, but I wanted to write down all of my favourites (even though I’ve probably forgotten about at least half of them)
This post also exists for writers who need some fanfic ideas, etc.
If you feel like adding anything I didn’t include, please go ahead, let this post be even longer it already is
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
Can you do Andrew and Neil just holding hands and looking cute? Btw your art is what keeps me sane.
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drawing Neil in that big jacket was fun
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
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Happy new year guys!! i hope you’re all well, and that you had a good time with your loved ones. If you didn’t, it’s okay, you’ll get through this year, i’m sure. You’re not alone, there’s a lot of people that love you uncondicionally. 
Give your best!  💪💖
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
The Rehab AU
On Tuesdays, FBI Agent Andrew goes to rehab for his blown-out shoulder.
Neil is living there, learning to walk again.
Andrew hates Neil on sight - he’s so fucking determined to walk again.
When asked, he says ‘I want to run.’ Like he still believes in fairytales.
That doesn’t mean Andrew doesn’t watch Neil when he’s there - the guy is hard not to look at, like an abstract painting where every time you look there’s something new.
“Rude to stare at a man’s scars,” Neil calls Andrew out.
“Staring at your ass, actually,” Andrew drawls.
They exchange barbs after that.
Neil can be sassy even when he’s sweating balls on his crutches, it seems.
Andrew’s shoulder is nearly there. Neil still struggles to walk 15m.
“But I couldn’t do 1m three months ago so 150% improvement, right?”
“Almost as much as I hate you,” he tells Neil and Neil laughs.
“And how much is that? I doubt you’ve hit abject loathing yet, haven’t tried to cut anything off me yet.” He waggles his hand that’s missing it’s pinky.
Andrew hates his positivity.
Hates how Neil can stay so focused even when the world has always worked against him.
Hates finding out that Neil isn’t an agent but an analyst who turned coat on his notorious criminal family.
Hates knowing that the FBI failed him, that the Wesninskis found him and did this.
But Andrew could never guess how much he’d hate to see that fiery determination squashed either.
When he comes for his last session, Neil is in a rage – he’s on the floor and screaming at his therapist. 
Andrew knows the scene – knows what must have happened – Neil failing one time more than he can take. Andrew’s been there too. He’s failed and failed and failed and fallen into exactly the same black rage.
But Neil doesn’t calm down.
He moves from rage to panic and suddenly he’s not breathing and Andrew is across the room, batting away the therapist and holding Neil’s neck, telling him to stop. Walking him through how to breathe.
“163%” Andrew tells him. “That’s how much I hate you.”
“Not abject loathing though?”
“Doesn’t mean you wouldn’t blow me, right?”
“171%” Andrew snaps but he’s fighting a simmer of a smirk and Neil is too.
Somehow the banter calms them both.
When the day comes that Andrew is told he no longer has to come to the unit at all (so long as you do your exercises), he stops by to see Neil.
Neil is happy for him, Andrew can see that. But there’s a flicker of frustration there too. And… something else.
“When I get out of here,” Neil says. “Will you go on a date with me?”
It’s the last thing Andrew was expecting. “When you walk out of here, I’ll go on a date with you.”
Neil grins.
Because he knows that Andrew isn’t being cruel, he’s saying that because he has faith in Neil.
And because sometimes fairytales are worth believing in.
It’s months later that Neil walks out, slow but steady, from the rehab facility.
Leaning against his car, smoking, Andrew sees Neil before Neil sees him.
He’s beautiful, even against the concrete.
When Neil finally spots him, he crosses on sure feet to stand in front of Andrew. Andrew flicks away his cigarette and trails his gaze from the tips of Neil’s toes to his stupidly blue eyes.
“Rude to stare at a man’s scars,” Neil teases.
“Staring at your mouth actually.” It’s the truth. “I’m going to kiss you now, yes or no?”
“Oh abso-fucking-lutely- yes.”
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
Andrew Minyard
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
For @nakasomethingkun for @aftgexchange. This was fun to write, so I hope you enjoy! I never would have thought of Andrew and Neil as farmer’s market stall owners on my own, but now I’m weirdly invested in this little universe. Happy holidays, and follow the read more!
Andrew wasn’t your typical farmer’s market stall owner, to say the least. While most of the carts were run by smiling farmers or thirty-something women trying to convince grad students that kale smoothies would solve their anxiety, Andrew was just there to get rid of the superfluous amount of sweets that were overtaking his apartment.
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
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My gift for @andreil-minyasten for @aftgexchange winter 2019 - Fae AU. I hope you like it!
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
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she could brawl with the best of them on the court
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
lying on the roof and thinking of you
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
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I need more twinyard action in my life okay
so, what if Aaron learns how to play the guitar and he keeps this a secret and tries to find a place where he won’t be bothered by anyone while playing -> the rooftop. Welp, we all know who likes to loiter every now and then on the roof top, don’t we.. And that certain someone kinda starts to enjoy the sound of fingers stroking over strings, yes I know its ooc but pls let me have this utopia, ok? I need this, they eventually will find a way to accept each other even tho there is still a lot to settle
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
Neil had been gone for just an hour. When he left home for his usual evening run everything was normal, the house was tidy, the cats were sleeping and Andrew was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his Twitter feed on his phone because he had nothing else to do. 
It was the last day of October, so Neil kept his run short, his lungs burning with every breath of cold air he took. He was greeted by the Halloween decorations in their front yard, not too much, just some skeletons and three little pumpkins sitting right by the front door that had been carved by Nicky and Erik’s kids when they were here to visit two days ago. There was the faint sound of music but Neil assumed it was coming from one of the neighboring houses. Maybe one of them was throwing a Halloween party. 
Until he opened the door and suddenly the music was loud and clear - and weirdly familiar. Suddenly Neil was ten years in the past, sitting on the passenger seat of Andrew’s old Maserati, windows down and Andrew’s favourite music turned up as loud as the car’s sound system would allow, rushing down the highway to nowhere in particular. The smell of smoke hung in Neil’s nostrils like a memory and he blinked a few times to make his mind return to the present. The smell was gone - Andrew still smoked, but not nearly as much as he used to and definitely not in the house - but the music was still there. And the state the house was in. Dear God, the state.
Neil’s first instinct was panic. Had they been robbed? Did Andrew open the door for trick or treaters when there were criminals waiting? He rushed inside, almost fell when he tripped over a mewling cat and immediately stopped and stumbled back before King could slip outside. The cat glared at him with condemnation in her eyes before accepting she missed her chance and turning to go back to the living room.
“Andrew?!” Neil called out, frantically looking through every room only to find them empty. Drawers were left open, there was a photo album on the living room table that Renee gave them as a present once, the kitchen was mostly untouched. “Andrew?!”
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
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moving together
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
sometimes i think about the fact that wymack thought neil’s clothes were so ugly he financed his new wardrobe with the school’s money like that shit’s hilarious what the fuck
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allisonireynolds · 5 years ago
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so,,,,perhaps I did a thing
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