alliealert202 · 2 years
lol i hate today’s era of absolutely zero nuance takes. a friend didn’t behave exactly as you’d wanted them to? cut them off. a guy didn’t text you back instantly bc he has his own life? he’s just giving you breadcrumbs. doing something makes you uncomfortable? don’t do it anymore. someone isn’t instantly available for you? disinterest. just absolutist statements that often don’t apply to the multilayer situations of everyday life. like. stop. literally just stop it
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alliealert202 · 2 years
Christmas with... Tamaki Amajiki! [Headcanons]
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Keep reading
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alliealert202 · 2 years
I want Potya to get pregnant, and Yurio to freak out because she’s acting all strange. He goes to Yuuri and Victor for help, they drive him to the vet, and Yurio is overjoyed when he finds out that he’s going to have kittens. He dotes on her the entire time, making her a perfect little cozy nest and watching her like a hawk, and Yuuri and Victor have to occasionally intervene to make sure that he’s getting enough sleep and taking care of himself. Even when he’s sick he feverishly looks after her until he’s forced to rest. When the kittens are born, Yurio is ecstatic to be a kitten grandfather and takes the best care of them. When they’re old enough he makes sure that they find the best homes possible. He keeps one kitten, the runt of the litter that looks like a carbon copy of her mother. Her name is Potya Junior.
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alliealert202 · 2 years
I want Potya to get pregnant, and Yurio to freak out because she’s acting all strange. He goes to Yuuri and Victor for help, they drive him to the vet, and Yurio is overjoyed when he finds out that he’s going to have kittens. He dotes on her the entire time, making her a perfect little cozy nest and watching her like a hawk, and Yuuri and Victor have to occasionally intervene to make sure that he’s getting enough sleep and taking care of himself. Even when he’s sick he feverishly looks after her until he’s forced to rest. When the kittens are born, Yurio is ecstatic to be a kitten grandfather and takes the best care of them. When they’re old enough he makes sure that they find the best homes possible. He keeps one kitten, the runt of the litter that looks like a carbon copy of her mother. Her name is Potya Junior.
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alliealert202 · 3 years
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Hear me out: What if Amajiki ate sushi and became a human-fish hybrid?
Sharing this beautiful piece of art inspired by the final scene from The Shape Of Water, because it’s my birthday and I can 🎉😜
Thank you @fael_artgallery on twitter for doing this piece for me back in December and bringing my OC Taylor to life. It’s stunning. The Shape of Water is a movie that some hate and others love - but it’s always been a comfort film to me in the sense that it shows that no matter what you look like or your abilities, you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
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alliealert202 · 3 years
we’ve all heard of the NSFW alphabet, but what about a SOULMATE AU ALPHABET??
a...ging stops at 18 until you find your soulmate so the two of you can grow old together.
b...ody art (doodles that a person draws on themselves appear on their soulmate’s skin).
c...olors (aka the standard soulmate au where the world is black and white until you meet your soulmate and see colors).
d...amage done to a person also translates into their soulmate’s body (cuts, bruises and all).
e...sp (soulmates can sense one another’s presence and feel each other’s exact emotions even when miles away).
f...irst words/thoughts your soulmate says/thinks when seeing you are written on your skin.
g...uardian (it is said that the person who saves you from a near-death experience is your soulmate—drowning, car crash, etc.)
h...eartbeats (the soulmates share the same heartbeat—when one feels panicked, shocked, etc, the other can feel it too).
i...dentifier (a word or symbol which is imputed to your soulmate is somewhere on your body).
j...uxtaposition (your soulmate is the exact opposite of you, yet you find yourselves complementing one another).
k...eys and locks are randomly dispersed to soulmates on chains when they are born. when in proximity, the lock and key will act as magnets and bring the two soulmates closer together until the key is placed in the lock and a gratifying click is heard, unlocking the chain.
l...ast words your soulmate says are written on your skin, so you do not know it is them until they are gone.
m...arks or stains of the color black are somewhere on your body (palm of your hand, knuckles, knee) until you and your soulmate finally make physical contact. once the mark is touched, it fades to be consistent with the person’s skin color.
n...urse (the touch of a soulmate can heal you from affliction and vice versa).
o...pportune outfit (soulmates will eternally color coordinate, even if they have not met one another yet, and often times have similar patterns in their clothing).
p...assionflower (a type of flower soulmates have planted somewhere beneath their skin. Upon meeting their soulmate it will sprout through the skinand fully blossom as they reach the furthest point of their relationship. when a soulmate passes, the flower blooming from the other person does also).
q...uizzes revolving around one’s personal aspects, skills and ambitions are given to every person once they turn 18, and the results read who your soulmate is based off of your collective answers.
r...ed string bonds two soulmates together for a lifetime and all come in varying lengths—imagine the trouble of only being able to walk certain distances or having to sleep on the edge of your bed.
s...ongbird (any songs a person sings will get stuck in their soulmate’s head for the duration they decide to sing it).
t...imers are set on the wrist of every person once they are a certain age, slowly counting down until the day they meet their soulmate.
u...ndying (you and your soulmate must meet in order to end life—die—together. as long as you have not met them, you will continue aging yet remain immortal).
v...eiled (you and your soulmate must walk through life blind until running into one another by fate and finally gaining sight—those with no soulmate act as guides and help those in search of theirs).
w...riter’s choice (author can pick any au from the list to write).
x...FREE SPACE, the person who sent the prompt has the choice to make up an au or choose one from the list!
y...ellow fellow (colors of your vision changes depending on your soulmates mood. yellow is optimistic, green is envious, blue is upset, etc. and natural colors become present once the soulmates meet).
z...zz (in which soulmates first meet each other and share memories in their dreams before meeting each other in person—sometimes difficult to accomplish as dreams are hard to remember).
any writers on tumblr feel free to reblog so followers can send a certain letter to your inbox :) or just for ideas!
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alliealert202 · 3 years
Ojiro Mashirao x Reader: A Helping Hand
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Rating: Teen
Words: 3.4k
Pairing: Ojiro x Reader
Tags: First Meetings, Fluff, Rescue, Comfort.
Happy Valentines, my lovelies. Here's a piece I did for a zine that fell through. Mister Wonderful Tailhusband, in all his shining glory 💛🦁
This wasn’t how your grand new life was meant to go. At the very least, you had wanted to unpack your belongings before something went belly-up. It was only your second day in Musutafu and yet here you were, running from thugs with your groceries abandoned somewhere behind you in your bid for freedom.
You had no clue where you were. The shops were long gone and the outer city streets seemed less than welcoming. You needed somewhere to lie low, but you weren’t prepared to knock on someone’s door for sanctuary if they ended up being far more terrifying than your pursuers.
Just as you started to lose your breath, you noticed a hand-written sign that pointed down an alleyway.
‘Classes from ¥1000 per session. All ages welcome.’
A dojo. Sweet humanity, it was a dojo. Fighters; men of mercy; men of conviction. If no one else could help you, they would.
You ran across the road then headed down the alleyway. Stone walls turned to hedgerows. Tarmac turned to grass and dirt, then there at the end was the dojo. It was small and well-kept – the only building in the area with no signs of vandalism.
Reaching the front door, you bowed in a hurry then wrenched the door open, unable to pause out of courtesy when the thugs were hot on your trail.
“Please help me!” you begged, expecting to run into a room full of burly fighters. To your dismay, instead of an army of confused but helpful men, there was only a single person inside. He was a young, blonde man with a long tail. If not for his martial art uniform, you would have believed him to be the janitor. He was cleaning down the training equipment with a cloth and soap. His uniform looked baggy on him, like he couldn’t possibly fill it out with what puny muscles he possessed.
Hearing your cry, he dropped his cloth in surprise.
With the thugs behind you, you didn’t take the time to remove your shoes, and instead dashed across the floor to your only chance at help – no matter how little help he would be. The surprise on his face slipped into concern when he saw the fear in your eyes.
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
“Please, I’m being chased. We need to hide.”
You weren’t going to force him into a confrontation he couldn’t win, but he stood his ground when you tried to pull him by the sleeve towards a door at the back of the room. You had no time to warn him that he was in trouble and needed to move. Your pursuers burst through the door the next moment.
However, in the time it took you to regret coming here to be cornered like a rat, the young man stepped in front of you, shielding you with an arm.
“Can I help you, gentlemen?” he asked in a firm voice. His courage was impressive. Even as the men approached like bulls, he did not flinch.
“Get lost, tailboy. You’re in the way.”
They came closer, all glares and snarls and clenched fists. You fought the urge to run. You weren’t going to blame him if he wanted to abandon you here, either.
“Thank you, but I’m not moving.”
He snaked his tail around your waist, making you flinch in surprise. With a firm grip, he shoved you behind the closest piece of equipment – a sturdy pommel horse that blocked the thugs’ path to you.
“If you aren’t here for a class, I must ask you to leave.”
They didn’t like the sound of that. You almost couldn’t watch.
But before any irreversible damage could be done to your brave protector, he released you from his tail then jackhammered it down against the pommel horse. The sheer force of his movement split the unsuspecting piece of equipment in half.
The thugs froze, deafened by the cracking wood. Your protector's expression remained calm.
“I suggest you leave.”
He didn’t need to repeat himself. The men fled from the dojo, shoving each other towards the door in terror. You bowed the deepest bow you could manage once they were gone.
“Thank you. Truly. I’m so sorry for barging in like that.” You raised your head, hoping to catch his expression like you expected him to be ready to lecture you. “I didn’t know what else to do.”
But rather than seeming angry, your saviour’s expression turned so gentle once he looked at you.
“Are you alright? They didn’t hurt you, did they?”
You weren’t prepared to see the kindness in his eyes.
“Y-yes. No. I’m fine. But. Well. I’m glad I found you when I did. A few more minutes and…” You tapered off, feeling sick at the thought. “But I’m sorry for causing trouble. I can pay for the damage, too. I’m sorry.”
You both looked towards the splintered pommel horse. The man smiled, running his hand up the back of his neck and through his hair.
“Don’t worry. I can get it from the budget. We needed a new one anyway, and besides,” he absentmindedly swept some of the splinters into a pile with his tail. “I’d destroy all the equipment here if it stopped someone getting hurt.”
You liked that answer. It was hard to believe he had just destroyed 300 pounds of wood and metal without flinching when he seemed so sweet.
Though you enjoyed his company, now that the immediate danger was gone you thought it best to leave your saviour alone. You had taken up enough of his time, as it was.
Only, his words cut across you before you could move.
“Let me get you something to drink. You might be in shock.”
You wanted to tell him that it wasn’t necessary, that you didn’t want to give him any more bother, but stopped yourself when you saw the concern in his eyes.
“Thank you,” was all you could muster in a small voice.
He bowed with a smile then left you alone as he disappeared into a back room, then reappeared minutes later with a cup of tea in hand and a chair pulled along by the tail. He gave both to you then addressed you as you got comfortable.
“I’m Ojiro, by the way. Sorry, in all the chaos, I forgot to introduce myself.”
He hardly needed to apologise. You were the stranger who had forced yourself upon him, after all.
You took a sip of tea then told him your name, and couldn’t help but notice how his tail wagged when you did. A comfortable silence followed, but then his tail suddenly stilled.
“You don’t have to explain,” he began, sounding hesitant, “but can I ask why those men were chasing you? You… aren’t in any trouble, are you?”
It was hard not to notice the worry slipping onto his features. You smiled, appreciating the concern.
“No, no. It’s nothing like that. Actually, it’s pretty silly. I’m new here. Got lost while I was shopping and my phone died, and I asked the wrong guys for directions.”
Ojiro made an ‘ah’ sound. His relief was palpable – his whole body relaxed at once.
“I’m glad it wasn’t something more serious.”
“Well. I don’t know about that. I lost my groceries when I was running.” You laughed it off. “I’d do another shop but I think I’ve had enough of the city centre for one day.” You checked your watch. “I should probably head home, actually. You don’t happen to know where I can catch the bus to Mygeto, do you?”
That really caught his attention.
“Mygeto? You don’t live there, do you?” His tail wagged when you nodded. “I live there. Hey, if you'd like, I can give you a lift home once I’m done here? Should only take me half an hour to finish cleaning.”
His eagerness was rather sweet. It seemed like your luck was picking up.
“I mean, I'm already in your debt, but absolutely. Please. But only as long as you’re sure.”
He nodded.
“I’d rest easier knowing you were home safe after what just happened.”
His sincerity made your cheeks prickle with heat.
Having unknowingly stolen your voice for a moment, Ojiro smiled.
“I’ll be as quick as I can. Please, make yourself comfortable. And let me know if you’d like any more tea.”
You had almost forgotten about your drink, being far too engrossed by his kindness. You took a sip to show your appreciation then watched him busy himself with the cleaning.
He was so nice, you thought. Too nice. You weren’t sure you could act the same way if someone brought violent thugs to your doorstep. And instead of scolding you, he had gone out of his way to help you.
You wondered if people ever took advantage of a kind heart like that.
Setting your cup down, you rolled up your sleeves then got out of your chair. You had a debt to repay and you were going to start by cleaning up your own mess.
“Can I have that?” you asked, squatting down beside Ojiro as he swept the splintered wood up with a dustpan and brush. He clearly didn’t expect you to be so close when he turned to look at you.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. Please. You’re a guest here.”
Holding your hands out as if to tell him to stop being so gentlemanly, you tutted.
“Come on. We can get this done in half the time together.”
With a slight hint of pink in his cheeks, he considered your words. There was clearly an internal struggle going on in his head of whether or not he should forfeit the dustpan to you, like it was sacrilege to have you assist him in any way while he was hosting you, but in the end he gave up and handed you the equipment.
“Thank you,” he said, smiling so genuinely at you that your heart went into a tizzy and you had to busy yourself cleaning to calm down.
“D-don’t mention it.”
“If you need anything, just tell me,” he added, then set about wiping down the last of the equipment. He took to his work diligently.
Sneaking glances at him as you swept up the splinters, you could see how much care he gave the equipment – the attention to detail he had when making sure everything was spotless. This dojo was clearly very precious to him. It motivated you to do a good job to say thank you to him.
You swept up your mess in record time, then tried to lift one half of the broken pommel horse on your own – all 150lbs.
Luckily for your back, knees and arms, you barely managed to heave it an inch off the ground before Ojiro spotted what you were up to. He was like a gust of wind. One moment he was on the other side of the room, then he was beside you.
“Here, I’ve got it. Please don’t push yourself too hard. I’d hate for you to get injured on my account.”
His eyes were wide as his tail curled around the equipment to take the strain off you. You tried to hold on but he eased it from your grip, lifting it high with his tail like it weighed nothing. You could only stare.
“I’m… not being very useful, am I?”
Hearing the doubt in your voice, Ojiro shook his head with a reassuring smile.
“That’s not true. You’ve already cleaned up the worst of it. Besides, just offering to help is more than enough. I appreciate your company.”
His gentle heart was like a blinding ray of sunshine, and it only made you feel guiltier that you weren’t doing more to help him.
Seeming to sense your unease, Ojiro lifted the pommel horse out of reach then pointed to a door at the back of the room.
“This might be presumptuous of me but if you’re up for it, there’s a broom in the cupboard. The floors need sweeping, and I can follow behind with a wet cloth, if you’d like to help?”
“I might slow you down.”
Ojiro smiled wider.
“Then I’ll have longer to enjoy your company.”
Cleaning the dojo was surprisingly fun. You ran up and down the hall with your broom, and Ojiro chased you on all fours, washing the floor with a cloth as he went. You were shocked that he could keep up in that position, although his tail seemed to be keeping him balanced. It was more surprising that he kept catching up to you.
After catching up for the umpteenth time, Ojiro turned it into a game to keep you in high spirits. You loved the idea, and so you ran ahead as fast as you could, broom in hand, while he waited patiently. Once you were far enough ahead, he chased you. It was a game of cat and mouse: cleaning edition. You couldn’t help but squeal giddily as he chased you, fighting to stay ahead.
It took a little less than twenty minutes to clean the whole dojo. By the end, you were tired and out of breath, and were almost certain Ojiro had gone easy on you during the chase because he had not caught up to you once, though you felt accomplished all the same.
After putting the cleaning equipment away, Ojiro disappeared into another room to change out of his uniform, and you drank the leftover tea to cool off. You guzzled it down then wiped your brow, looking around the hall at your handiwork.
Perhaps not everything had gone well today, but this certainly made up for the thugs. It was a day you would not forget.
Once Ojiro was ready, he met you by the front door in his casual clothes with his car-keys in hand.
“Ready to go?” he asked, smiling pleasantly at you. You had to look at him twice once you were next to him. He was so different without that baggy uniform on. You couldn't ignore his chiselled arms and shoulders when he wore such a short-sleeved t-shirt.
You looked away, refusing to let the heat jump up to your cheeks.
Kind, strong, hot bod, and lived in your area. If this was the world’s way of apologising for the thug incident, you accepted.
Leaving the dojo, the two of you bowed to pay your respects then Ojiro held the door open for you, making your heart flutter. You thanked him as you passed by, then caught a delightful hint of vanilla and oranges in his cologne. Then you realised just how close you were to him.
With your knees threatening to give way, you sped out onto the dirt track and only hoped Ojiro couldn’t tell you were acting like a schoolkid crushing on their favourite senpai. You had hardly known him an hour, but it was so hard not to feel relaxed around him when he gave off such a non-threatening, welcoming aura. And the smiles. And the kindness. Of course your heart was doing giddy backflips.
You didn’t make it too far before Ojiro called to you, telling you his car was in the opposite direction with a gentle chuckle and a happy swish of his tail.
The car journey home was delightfully energetic. Ojiro’s taste in music was just as bright and fun as he was, and you enjoyed how he quietly sang along to every song when he wasn’t engaging you in conversation. The time went by in a flash, then before you knew it he had pulled up outside your house and the music was gone. You were happy to see your home after such a hectic day, but a part of you wished it wasn’t about to end.
“Thank you again,” you said once you were on the sidewalk, giving Ojiro a deep bow. “You were my knight in shining armour today. If I can ever repay you, please just say the word.”
He waved off your concern, strumming his fingers casually over the steering wheel.
“You helped clean up. I’d say we’re even.” Then he nodded towards your front door. “You’ve definitely got your keys?”
You tapped your pocket and heard them jingle, amused that Ojiro already had you pegged as a scatterbrain.
“Got ‘em.”
He nodded, then put the car into gear. You wanted to say more, but couldn’t find the words. You wanted to invite him in for coffee. You wanted to say see you soon. You wanted to get his number. But instead you stayed quiet, unable to be so bold as you watched his tail wag through the purpose-built hole in the back of the driver’s seat.
Finally, Ojiro broke the silence. Perhaps it was a trick of the light or an image concocted by your own hope, but he seemed full of his own hesitations to leave.
“Take care of yourself. It was really good meeting you today.”
“You too,” you agreed wholeheartedly. He waved to you, and you waved back, then with a final smile he pulled out and drove away.
You waved until he was out of sight, then sighed and berated yourself for your lack of confidence, wondering if you would see him again. Then your stomach growled, telling you to go inside to look for food.
With boxes of belongings strewn everywhere, you waded through to the kitchen to check the cupboards, but found only teabags, coffee, and wine.
A second night of takeaways it was, then.
Before settling down to order your food, you jumped through the shower to wash off the grime and sweat from today’s crazy events. You had hoped to spend your shower time deciding where to eat, but instead your thoughts seemed completely transfixed on Ojiro. As the water washed over you, you played through the memories of your time together, then left the shower feeling refreshed but saddened that you had not asked to see him again.
Another half hour later, your hair was dry and you were in your comfiest clothes, flicking through the different restaurants and takeaways around Mygeto on your phone. You didn’t want to spend too much money, as you needed to buy another round of groceries tomorrow, but everything within your budget was also greasy, vegetable-less and screamed ‘I can’t make it on my own’.
You sighed and tapped the phone against your forehead, listening to your stomach growling in protest.
You were all but ready to cave in and get a kebab when suddenly someone knocked at the front door. The noise startled you. For just a brief second, you thought hard about whether you had already ordered a takeaway whilst blinded by hunger, but when you were certain you hadn’t, you had to wonder who that could be. Only a handful of friends knew your new address.
Stopping by the entrance-hall mirror on the way, you fixed your hair then apologised to yourself for allowing anyone to see your unflattering comfy clothes, then opened the door.
No one was there.
Instead, sat on the top of the porch were three bags of shopping – and not the flimsy, single-use carriers either. Three heavy-duty shopping bags, full to bursting with groceries. You didn’t stop to look inside before leaning over them, peering into the street to see the deliverer. No one caught your eye, but a smile broke onto your lips all the same.
Picking the bags up, you brought them inside before the evening midges took their share, then set them down on the only available kitchen counter not covered in boxes.
Aside from the mounds of fresh fruit, vegetables, and assortments of tasty looking ingredients, you found your gaze pulled towards a note attached to one of the bags. You dared to let yourself get giddy before you read it:
‘Hope this makes up for the food you lost. I’m a phone call away if you’re ever in trouble. Ojiro x’
Below that was his number.
You couldn’t contain your excited squeal as you punched the air in delight.
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alliealert202 · 3 years
Soft Viktor Headcanons
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𝓗𝓲𝓼 𝓮𝔂𝓮𝓼
Viktor has the most perfect, luminous, golden eyes. They are like honey, pools of sweetness.
His gaze is always sincere, with curious intent. He loves to watch every move you make and takes mental notes of your cute expressions.
His eyes capture you in an instant. You’re unable to break eye contact and he simply won’t look away either. 
He closes his eyes when he kisses you. (The only downside to kissing him - not being able to stare into those eyes for a time.)
𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓫𝓮𝓭 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓱𝓲𝓶
Providing that Viktor doesn’t sleep in the lab, his favorite place is next to you in your bed.
He is a relatively cold person (think cold fingers and toes 24/7) so he likes to have lots of blankets.
He’s either a side or a stomach sleeper, and absolutely has to be covered with blankets. No exposed limbs or feet - ever.    
If you’re a light sleeper and he gets back late from the lab, you’ll wake up the second he walks in the door - much to his dismay because he would do his absolute best not to wake you.
However, he would do his best to quickly soothe you back to sleep with soft kisses to your nose and forehead.
If sleep was still eluding you at this point, Viktor would wrap you in his arms and pull you close to cuddle you until the two of you quickly fall asleep together.
If you’re a heavy sleeper he would want to gently wake you, but not too much, with soft pecks of his lips on your face. Not enough to wake you, just enough so you know he is there.
You spooning him would just make him feel so at peace. He would drift off to sleep quickly and rest so soundly for the entire night. (You cannot tell me this man doesn’t love being spooned. He is touch starved just like all of us.)
If he was spooning you though, he would trail his hand over your exposed skin on your neck, moving down your arm and your side, eventually finding your thigh to give you a squeeze. 
He loves when you play with his hair. Running your fingers through it, gentle scratches on his scalp, he instantly melts. He lets out soft little sounds of content.
He likes to hug his pillow when you’re not there - although even the softest of pillows could never replace you.
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alliealert202 · 3 years
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special delivery
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alliealert202 · 3 years
This is an appreciation post for the fanfic authors who aren’t included on rec lists
For the fanfic authors who don’t get art of their fics
For the fanfic authors who can’t get to 1000/500/100 hits
For the fanfic authors who don’t get comments/reviews
For the fanfic authors who write for small fandoms
For the fanfic authors who write rarepairs or gen fics
For the fanfic authors who get hate for the ships/characters/fandoms they write
For the fanfic authors who write in English despite it not being their first language
For the fanfic authors who don’t write in English
For the fanfic authors who don’t think anyone reads or likes their work
For the fanfic authors who aren’t big name fans
For the fanfic authors who don’t get requests in their inboxes
For the fanfic authors who can’t write stories that are more than a thousand words
For the fanfic authors who only write one ship
For the fanfic authors who are just starting
For the fanfic authors who have been writing fic for years
For the fanfic authors who use fanfic to practice writing
For the fanfic authors who write self-insert fics
For the fanfic authors who write about their OCs
For the fanfic authors who write to vent or cope
For the fanfic authors who are just waiting for their big break
Keep creating, I love you ❤️
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alliealert202 · 3 years
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alliealert202 · 3 years
Thank you for giving us more maze runner content the fandom is starved and your gally headcanons are so shucking cute. Ignore this if you it's not your thing but can you do headcanons for gally and a female glader on her time of the month? I love your stuff so much
How Gally Reacts to Fem!Reader Glader Suffering From Period Cramps:
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Awww!!! Okay I know I said my requests are closed but apparently I can't so no to my comfort characters and soft prompts. I AM ABSOLUTELY DOING IT. AH.
Word Count: 880
Gally is king at dealing with your period cramps.
Well, maybe not on the first go.
That first time is horrifying and disastrous for everyone involved, and is never spoken of again.
But Gally is a quick learner.
He soon figures out there's only one thing that can stop you turning up for work.
And he knows where to find you when it happens.
So when he finishes the brunt of the day's work, he takes a break to seek you out.
He finds you, as always, curled up in your hammock with a cold sweat and creased brow, whimpering over your stomach pains.
He doesn't speak to you.
All that comforting, sappy klunk isn't his thing.
He climbs into your hammock then drags you against him with your head nestled against his shoulder and your back flat to the hammock.
He makes you stretch your body out, no matter how much you protest, because he's trying to help.
Carefully, he lifts up your shirt until it bunches at your naval.
You whimper from the cramps so he waits, telling you to breathe through it.
He undoes your belt and the top button of your trousers, then shimmies them slightly down past your hips.
Should anyone walk by, this position looks compromising as shuck.
But you trust Gally enough to let him do it.
He rests his hand in the gap made by your loosened clothes, gently pressing down on your lower stomach to help ease the pain.
He's a notoriously warm-bodied Glader. His big hand is like a giant heating-pack. It's instant relief.
Gally doesn't understand why he starts smiling when you groan and snuggle your face into his neck to say thank you.
He also doesn't understand why his stomach flips when you grab his wrist, silently begging for him to stroke your stomach.
Despite his confusion at his own reactions, he does as you ask.
He's very gentle with you, massaging your stomach in small circles.
His hand is precise, using just enough pressure in his palm to keep you comfortable while his fingers tickle the skin of your inner hip.
Having the adept hands of a builder sure has its advantages.
He stays quiet to help you rest, only breaking the silence when you whimper from an especially painful cramp.
"You're okay," he says, willing his gruff voice to sound even the slightest bit soothing as he smoothes the clammy hair from your face with his free hand. "Breathe."
Hm. Maybe he's better at this comforting klunk than he thought. You're smiling, anyway.
He manages a whole ten minutes stroking your stomach and only has to fend off agonising hand-cramp once.
But he's the Keeper of the Builders and can't abandon the rest of the team all afternoon while they're still working.
He decides to leave you be. You haven't whimpered in a while so that's a good sign, right?
Only, when he tells you that he's going, he realises you've fallen asleep.
You're still smiling.
Your hand is still holding his wrist.
Shuck. There's literally no way to remove himself from the hammock without waking you.
Just... shuck. He's got to go back to work, one way or the other.
This isn't going to be pretty.
An hour later, Dan arrives at the Homestead in search of Gally, only to find him in exactly the same position, his hand still stroking your stomach while you sleep peacefully against his side.
And the glare on Gally's face promises Dan a world of pain should he accidentally wake you up.
Gally tells himself as Dan scarpers out of sight, tomorrow he's going to work twice as hard.
Tomorrow, he will make it up to the other builders.
Tomorrow, he will absolutely give them some of his special drink.
But for now, he is committed to keeping you comfortable.
Gally isn't the type to quit something part way through.
okay apart from today's building jobs it's a one off he swears
He figures being the only female Glader comes with enough problems.
And since you trust him enough to A) let him touch you, and B) fall asleep on him, he's going to do what he can to help you out.
He likes the feeling of someone depending on him, anyway.
Especially when it's intimate, like this.
Sure as shuck, Gally is the last person anyone else will come to for support, so having you snuggling against him is a welcomed change.
Plus, everyone else's jealousy strokes his ego like nothing else.
Every month he gets to have a pretty girl snuggling into his side and the other guys can't hide their envy.
He loves it.
But more than anything, he loves the peace on your face as you sleep soundly next to him.
There's no fear of being trapped in the Glade. No pain. No exhaustion. Just a gentle face, so relaxed and comfortable.
Just don't expect Gally to ever admit that he likes having you cuddled up to him once you're feeling better.
Oh, you want that last bit of food? Tough klunk. You owe him for looking after you.
There's only one blanket left and it's getting cold at night? True shame. It's his.
...fine. You can share with him.
Funny how that's worked out.
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alliealert202 · 3 years
BNHA Relationship Headcanons: Hitoshi Shinsō
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Back at it again with the music: Listen to Tears of Joy from the Inside Out score while reading this. 
When you first started going out with Hitoshi, everything was slow. He didn’t know too much about relationships - the thought of one never really crossed his mind until he met you. 
He low-key froze the first time you asked to cuddle. When you needed physical affection at the start of your relationship, Hitoshi worked his way around it by using what worked on his cats at home. For this reason, your default cuddle position is one lying on top of the other on their stomach with your head on their chest. When you’re the little spoon, Hitoshi will often find himself gently stroking your face or back, periodically planting lazy kisses to the top of your head. 
He’ll never admit it, but he loves it when you play with his hair. He also really likes to be the little spoon when he’s had a hard day, but he immediately falls asleep. 
Another guilty pleasure that Hitoshi will never admit to is his secret love for Disney movies. But not the fantasy, princess and fairytale movies - he enjoys Pixar movies like Up, WALL-E, Soul and Inside Out. As stoic as he is, he gets a lot of comfort out of those films and he finds the lessons that they teach important. 
Side note: The only time you ever saw Hitoshi cry was when you watched Inside Out together in his dorm. Even though you both saw the scene coming, neither of you could hold back the tears.
If you can’t sleep, he’s always prepared to take care of you. What he does will depend on the severity of your case - if you simply can’t sleep, he will put on a movie or just hang out with you until you feel tired enough. If you had a nightmare, however, he will hold you in his arms for as long as you need and he will get you to do various calming exercises without having to use his Quirk. It took him some time to cave and stay in bed with you instead of sleeping on the floor whenever that happened - but to him, your state is paramount. 
Hitoshi always finds himself going to you for reassurance and advice when he feels insecure about his Quirk or if he gets too caught up in his thoughts, especially after he transferred to Class 1-A. It took a while for him to become comfortable enough to be vulnerable with you - but once he does, you’re his safety net and he tries his best to be that person for you.
His love languages are quality time and physical touch, but receiving quality time and words of affirmation.
His favourite date with you is going to the cinema to see a really obscure, niche film. 90% of the time there’s no one else in the theatre, which gives both of you the chance to be able to become completely absorbed in the film - with lots of cuddles as a bonus. A very close second is going to a cat café.
When you’re not going out on dates, you tend to hang out in his dorm either watching movies or playing video games with purple LEDs on. 
Your first kiss with Hitoshi was under a lamppost in the snow on the way back from a cinema date. You were actually the one to initiate it with a soft peck to the corner of his mouth. After asking you if you were sure, he lifted your face with a gentle brush of his hand and returned your action with a chaste, yet lingering kiss to your lips.
Although he was awkward at the start, you could not imagine a better partner in crime than Hitoshi. All it took was breaking through his tough exterior to reveal a soft centre - and you can’t believe you ever lived a life without him in it.
gAHHH this one got me in the feels. Quick reminder that I’m taking writing commissions now; check the pinned post on my profile for details!
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alliealert202 · 3 years
BNHA Relationship Headcanons: Hanta Sero
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Listen to I Bet My Life by Imagine Dragons or Let Me In by Grouplove while you read this. It makes it so much better, trust me.
You first met in your first year at UA, when Mina took you into the Bakusquad. 
What started as playful group hangouts soon turned into Sero gaining feelings for you as he began to notice small things about you that made him happy. 
So, he eventually recruited Kirishima as his wingman to ask you out on a date. It took a lot of reassurance from Kirishima and Kaminari, but he did it in his dorm room, when the two of you were on a break from studying for a test together. 
When you’re sad, he will listen to you and offer his advice where he can. But the thing that always cheers you up is right at the end, when he tackles you in a warm, comforting hug that causes you both to fall backwards onto the bed or couch. You always see it coming, and yet it never fails to make both of you burst out laughing, just because it’s silly.
When he’s giving you a pep talk, his hand will periodically find its way to your shoulder or thigh. There’s no ill intention in his actions, he just does it out of habit. The first time it happened, he was embarrassed because he didn’t notice what he had done - but he was relieved after you told him it was okay. 
He’s an absolute menace when it comes to getting your attention. If he can, he will shoot a line of tape to grab whatever you’re holding out of your hands and joke that you have to hang out with him to get it back. It’s always a pleasant surprise to him when you comply, which never fails to get him flustered. Please just tell him how much you love him.
He’s a surprisingly good kisser, but expect make out sessions with him to double as a tickle fight. He just loves hearing you laugh. 
Arcade dates. That’s all I’m going to say. He gets super competitive with games like air hockey and Dance Dance Revolution. 
On that note, Sero is such a good dancer and will have an impromptu dance party in his room when either of you needs to relieve some stress. 
He listens to upbeat songs from artists like Imagine Dragons, Ed Sheeran and Grouplove. 
Cuddling with Sero is a mess of limbs. But if you catch him in the right moment, he likes it when you lay your head in his lap. If you’ll let him, he will pet your face and play with your hair to help you and himself calm down after a hard day. 
He loves it when you wear his hoodies or T-shirts. They’re so big that you almost become swamped in the fabric - but in Sero’s eyes, it just makes you look even cuter. 
Being in love with Sero is relaxed and playful, yet genuine. Despite how much of a dork he is, you both know that he would go to the ends of the earth to protect you, and that as long as you’re together, you can destroy whatever obstacles lie ahead. 
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alliealert202 · 3 years
Being neighbours with them would include [Iida/Amajiki]:
These are for the lovely @buzzbee202​ who I hope feels better soon 💖 sending you lots of fluff and hugs~!
Keep reading
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alliealert202 · 3 years
Possible writing commissions?
Hello everybody, 
So, my account has been kind of blowing up the past few weeks. It absolutely flabbergasts me that so many people enjoy reading my fanfictions and headcanons, and my platform has got to a point where I have decided to trial doing commissions. Thank you so much to all of you for getting me this far *gives giant hug*
So here are my starting prices and conditions for one-shots :)
Fandoms and characters I write: 
Haikyū!! - All of Karasuno, Kuroo, Kenma, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Tendou, Bokuto & Akaashi 
Yuri!!! On ICE - Yuuri, Yurio, Viktor, Otabek, Mila
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Madoka, Sayaka, Mami, Homura
Boku No Hero Academia - All of Class 1A (except Mineta), Shinsou, Tetsutetsu, Kendo, Hatsume, Amajiki, Hado, Togata, Hawks, Eraserhead, Mirko, Fat Gum, Present Mic, Ingenium, Dabi, Toga, Overhaul
Genshin Impact  - Kaeya, Diluc, Amber, Lisa, Zhongli, Venti, Tartaglia, Xiao
Undertale (Human AU) - Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Alphys, Undyne
Prices for oneshots: 
400-600 words: £8 GBP 
750-1000 words: £11 GBP
1200+ words: Price determined on order
Genres I write:
Angst - fluff - mild lemons (18+ ONLY) - Comfort 
What I don’t do:
Graphic smut/non-con - strong violence - bloody gore - suicide/sh 
These are triggering topics for me and if I receive a request for any of them which I can not work around I will send a Papyrus dancing gif free of charge. This also goes for those of you under 18 who wish to request a lemon. 
If you would be interested, drop me an Ask and I will try to get back to as many of you as I can!
All the luvs,
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alliealert202 · 3 years
BNHA cuddling head canons because I’m *yearning*
This post doubles as what I think they would smell like. I also tried writing headcanons for Deku and Shoto for the first time, so enjoy :)
Tamaki Amajiki
I’ve said it once and I will say it again: Tamaki switches between being the big spoon and the little spoon. He especially likes it when you lay on his chest - any cuddle position that makes him feel like he’s protecting you always calms him down. However, when he’s had a hard day, his head is straight in your lap. Play with his hair, too. He will melt. 
I don’t think he would be a big cologne user. If anything, he would use aromatherapy to help with his anxiety, which would leave a lingering scent of vanilla, chamomile and lavender on his clothes and skin. This combined with the warmth and softness of his hold is always enough to send you into a peaceful slumber. 
Shoto Todoroki 
Todoroki is comfortable. He enjoys having your head in his lap while he listens to you talk about your day and plays with your hair - but on days where he wants nothing more than to feel you, he will be your big spoon and will not let go anytime soon. Often, you will find him absent-mindedly running his fingers up and down your spine, tracing patterns onto your back above your clothes or pyjamas. 
I don’t know why, but I feel like he would smell like a really specific combination of green tea and cedarwood. It’s just a very calming, warm scent that always makes you feel safe. 
Mirio Togata
Right off the bat, Mirio smells so good - His cologne has a much sweeter scent than most, causing you to become enveloped in amber and jasmine like a warm hug. 
On that note, he is an absolute teddy bear of a man and a god tier big spoon. If you need that extra little bit of comfort, he will give you one of his oversized hoodies, and his arms are wrapped around your neck and lower back while your head rests in the space between his shoulder and chest. If you would prefer not to be in his arms, he will play guitar and sing to you while your head rests on his shoulder and you hum along to the songs. 
Izuku Midoriya
Like Tamaki, Izuku enjoys any cuddle position that makes him feel like he is protecting you. But when things get to him, there’s something about being the little spoon that just hits differently. He loves the feeling of being wrapped up in your arms - to him, it’s equivalent to free-falling into a safety net. A very close second is sitting between your legs with his head on your chest while you play with his hair, but he immediately falls asleep. 
Out of his hero costume, Izuku smells like cinnamon and pine. It’s a similar smell to walking into a fire-lit living room at Christmas, and it never fails to make you feel at home. 
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