alleynetheelf · 8 years
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*That awkward moment when your team dies before your ult is charged*
“Welp, I’m fucked...”
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
Holy shit! I just noticed that @setzeri liked my Crossbreed Priscilla post! That’s big for me because I’m a pretty big fan. Thanks, Setz! That made my day!
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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A Doge truck?  Or someone screwing up on lettering?  I’m thinking the former...
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
I was thinking about changing my avatar pic but when I looked back on the original date I started using it (back in Aug/Sept 2013), I decided against it. It's hard to believe that I took that shot that long ago and am still using it to this day. I still remember when I took it, too; I was just messing around with a new ENB setup and a new Altmer mod. I never intended it to last for so long. But then again, that seems to be for everything, huh? I'm still proud of this shot and while I lost the others in a hard drive crash, I'm glad I still have the good one left on DA. I really should fire up Skyrim again; I think it's been years. That's right, years.
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
I was sitting in my car the other day and looking over my renders the past few months and thinking to myself about how I can make them better as I feel like I hit a big plateau. Outside of stylistic lighting and maybe mat tweaks, I feel like it’s about as good as it’ll get. Then I thought to myself; post work. I never really sat down and learned post work because I dedicated my energy to getting good at the raw render. So the past couple of days here I was toying around in PS. Looking at some of my favourite renders from other artists, most of them have a lot of post applied so I'm beginning to shift my focus towards getting better at post so don’t be too surprised if I start releasing old renders with post applied. There will undoubtedly be many times where I just want to practice post and not make a new render.
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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Day 17: Elin from TERA Online
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
Sorry for my lack of activity the past two days. Life kind of got in the way and I felt really under the weather and chose to sleep early instead of churn out a render. I should have something up today or tomorrow at the latest. See you then!
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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Day 15: Paddra Nsu-Yeul from Final Fantasy XIII-2
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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Day 14: Alice from Alice: Madness Returns
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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Day 13: Annie from Dead Rising 3
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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Day 12: Max and Chloe giving Kate some love.  And of course, Chloe never lets an opportunity to flip the bird go to waste.  xD
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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Day 11: Tieve from Vindictus/Mabinogi Heroes
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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Day 10: Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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Day 09: Lili from Tekken
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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Day 08: Alex Wesker from Resident Evil: Revelations 2
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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Misc Render: Kate Marsh from my Day 07 render re-made at a (slightly overdone) Dutch Angle and lighting and certain quality settings slightly tweaked.  I just wanted a reason to show off the pose I made.  It’s nothing special; I just liked it for some reason.
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alleynetheelf · 9 years
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Day 07: Cinnamon Roll Kate Marsh from Life is Strange
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